
    File:       MoreDesktopMgr.h
    Description:A collection of useful high-level Desktop Manager routines.
                If the Desktop Manager isn't available, use the Desktop file
                for 'read' operations.
                We do more because we can...
    Author:     JL & NG
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                6/25/99 Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1(KG)
#include <Types.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include "Optimization.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal  OSErr   DTOpen(ConstStr255Param volName,
                       short vRefNum,
                       short *dtRefNum,
                       Boolean *newDTDatabase);
/*  ¦ Open a volume's desktop database and return the desktop database refNum.
    The DTOpen function opens a volume's desktop database. It returns
    the reference number of the desktop database and indicates if the
    desktop database was created as a result of this call (if it was created,
    then it is empty).
    volName         input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                            or nil.
    vRefNum         input:  Volume specification.
    dtRefNum        output: The reference number of Desktop Manager's
                            desktop database on the specified volume.
    newDTDatabase   output: true if the desktop database was created as a
                            result of this call and thus empty.
                            false if the desktop database was already created,
                            or if it could not be determined if it was already
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
pascal  OSErr   DTXGetAPPL(ConstStr255Param volName,
                           short vRefNum,
                           OSType creator,
                           Boolean searchCatalog,
                           short *applVRefNum,
                           long *applParID,
                           Str255 applName);
/*  ¦ Find an application on a volume that can open a file with a given creator.
    The DTXGetAPPL function finds an application (file type 'APPL') with
    the specified creator on the specified volume. It first tries to get
    the application mapping from the desktop database. If that fails,
    then it tries to find an application in the Desktop file. If that
    fails and searchCatalog is true, then it tries to find an application
    with the specified creator using the File Manager's CatSearch routine. 
    volName         input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                            or nil.
    vRefNum         input:  Volume specification.
    creator         input:  The file's creator type.
    searchCatalog   input:  If true, search the catalog for the application
                            if it isn't found in the desktop database.
    applVRefNum     output: The volume reference number of the volume the
                            application is on.
    applParID       output: The parent directory ID of the application.
    applName        output: The name of the application.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     No default volume
        rfNumErr            -51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   FSpDTGetAPPL
pascal  OSErr   FSpDTXGetAPPL(ConstStr255Param volName,
                              short vRefNum,
                              OSType creator,
                              Boolean searchCatalog,
                              FSSpec *spec);
/*  ¦ Find an application on a volume that can open a file with a given creator.
    The FSpDTXGetAPPL function finds an application (file type 'APPL') with
    the specified creator on the specified volume. It first tries to get
    the application mapping from the desktop database. If that fails,
    then it tries to find an application in the Desktop file. If that
    fails and searchCatalog is true, then it tries to find an application
    with the specified creator using the File Manager's CatSearch routine. 
    volName         input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                            or nil.
    vRefNum         input:  Volume specification.
    creator         input:  The file's creator type.
    searchCatalog   input:  If true, search the catalog for the application
                            if it isn't found in the desktop database.
    spec            output: FSSpec record containing the application name and
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     No default volume
        rfNumErr            -51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   FSpDTGetAPPL
pascal  OSErr   DTGetAPPL(ConstStr255Param volName,
                          short vRefNum,
                          OSType creator,
                          short *applVRefNum,
                          long *applParID,
                          Str255 applName);
/*  ¦ Find an application on a volume that can open a file with a given creator.
    The DTGetAPPL function finds an application (file type 'APPL') with
    the specified creator on the specified volume. It first tries to get
    the application mapping from the desktop database. If that fails,
    then it tries to find an application in the Desktop file. If that
    fails, then it tries to find an application with the specified creator
    using the File Manager's CatSearch routine. 
    volName     input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                        or nil.
    vRefNum     input:  Volume specification.
    creator     input:  The file's creator type.
    applVRefNum output: The volume reference number of the volume the
                        application is on.
    applParID   output: The parent directory ID of the application.
    applName    output: The name of the application.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     No default volume
        rfNumErr            -51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   FSpDTGetAPPL
pascal  OSErr   FSpDTGetAPPL(ConstStr255Param volName,
                             short vRefNum,
                             OSType creator,
                             FSSpec *spec);
/*  ¦ Find an application on a volume that can open a file with a given creator.
    The FSpDTGetAPPL function finds an application (file type 'APPL') with
    the specified creator on the specified volume. It first tries to get
    the application mapping from the desktop database. If that fails,
    then it tries to find an application in the Desktop file. If that
    fails, then it tries to find an application with the specified creator
    using the File Manager's CatSearch routine. 
    volName     input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                        or nil.
    vRefNum     input:  Volume specification.
    creator     input:  The file's creator type.
    spec        output: FSSpec record containing the application name and
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     No default volume
        rfNumErr            -51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   DTGetAPPL
pascal  OSErr   DTGetIcon(ConstStr255Param volName,
                          short vRefNum,
                          short iconType,
                          OSType fileCreator,
                          OSType fileType,
                          Handle *iconHandle);
/*  ¦ Get an icon from the desktop database or Desktop file.
    The DTGetIcon function retrieves the specified icon and returns it in
    a newly created handle. The icon is retrieves from the Desktop Manager
    or if the Desktop Manager is not available, from the Finder's Desktop
    file. Your program is responsible for disposing of the handle when it is
    done using the icon.
    volName     input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                        or nil.
    vRefNum     input:  Volume specification.
    iconType    input:  The icon type as defined in Files.h. Valid values are:
    fileCreator input:  The icon's creator type.
    fileType    input:  The icon's file type.
    iconHandle  output: A Handle containing the newly created icon.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        rfNumErr            -51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call
        memFullErr          -108    iconHandle could not be allocated
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
pascal  OSErr   DTSetComment(short vRefNum,
                             long dirID,
                             ConstStr255Param name,
                             ConstStr255Param comment);
/*  ¦ Set a file or directory's Finder comment field.
    The DTSetComment function sets a file or directory's Finder comment
    field. The volume must support the Desktop Manager because you only
    have read access to the Desktop file.
    vRefNum input:  Volume specification.
    dirID   input:  Directory ID.
    name    input:  Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
                    specifies a directory that's the object.
    comment input:  The comment to add. Comments are limited to 200 characters;
                    longer comments are truncated.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              Ð43     File or directory doesnÕt exist
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        wPrErr              Ð44     Volume is locked through hardware
        vLckdErr            Ð46     Volume is locked through software
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
    Also see:   DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, FSpDTSetComment, DTGetComment,
pascal  OSErr   FSpDTSetComment(const FSSpec *spec,
                                ConstStr255Param comment);
/*  ¦ Set a file or directory's Finder comment field.
    The FSpDTSetComment function sets a file or directory's Finder comment
    field. The volume must support the Desktop Manager because you only
    have read access to the Desktop file.
    spec    input:  An FSSpec record specifying the file or directory.
    comment input:  The comment to add. Comments are limited to 200 characters;
                    longer comments are truncated.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              Ð43     File or directory doesnÕt exist
        wPrErr              Ð44     Volume is locked through hardware
        vLckdErr            Ð46     Volume is locked through software
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
    Also see:   DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, DTGetComment,
pascal  OSErr   DTGetComment(short vRefNum,
                             long dirID,
                             ConstStr255Param name,
                             Str255 comment);
/*  ¦ Get a file or directory's Finder comment field (if any).
    The DTGetComment function gets a file or directory's Finder comment
    field (if any) from the Desktop Manager or if the Desktop Manager is
    not available, from the Finder's Desktop file.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Inside Macintosh says that comments are up to
    200 characters. While that may be correct for the HFS file system's
    Desktop Manager, other file systems (such as Apple Photo Access) return
    up to 255 characters. Make sure the comment buffer is a Str255 or you'll
    regret it.
    vRefNum input:  Volume specification.
    dirID   input:  Directory ID.
    name    input:  Pointer to object name, or nil when dirID
                    specifies a directory that's the object.
    comment output: A Str255 where the comment is to be returned.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              -43     File not found
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment,
pascal  OSErr   FSpDTGetComment(const FSSpec *spec,
                                Str255 comment);
/*  ¦ Get a file or directory's Finder comment field (if any).
    The FSpDTGetComment function gets a file or directory's Finder comment
    field (if any) from the Desktop Manager or if the Desktop Manager is
    not available, from the Finder's Desktop file.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Inside Macintosh says that comments are up to
    200 characters. While that may be correct for the HFS file system's
    Desktop Manager, other file systems (such as Apple Photo Access) return
    up to 255 characters. Make sure the comment buffer is a Str255 or you'll
    regret it.
    spec    input:  An FSSpec record specifying the file or directory.
    comment output: A Str255 where the comment is to be returned.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              -43     File not found
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   DTCopyComment, FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment,
pascal  OSErr   DTCopyComment(short srcVRefNum,
                              long srcDirID,
                              ConstStr255Param srcName,
                              short dstVRefNum,
                              long dstDirID,
                              ConstStr255Param dstName);
/*  ¦ Copy the file or folder comment from the source to the destination object.
    The DTCopyComment function copies the file or folder comment from the
    source to the destination object.  The destination volume must support
    the Desktop Manager because you only have read access to the Desktop file.
    srcVRefNum  input:  Source volume specification.
    srcDirID    input:  Source directory ID.
    srcName     input:  Pointer to source object name, or nil when srcDirID
                        specifies a directory that's the object.
    dstVRefNum  input:  Destination volume specification.
    dstDirID    input:  Destination directory ID.
    dstName     input:  Pointer to destination object name, or nil when
                        dstDirID specifies a directory that's the object.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              Ð43     File or directory doesnÕt exist
        wPrErr              Ð44     Volume is locked through hardware
        vLckdErr            Ð46     Volume is locked through software
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   FSpDTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment, DTGetComment,
pascal  OSErr   FSpDTCopyComment(const FSSpec *srcSpec,
                                 const FSSpec *dstSpec);
/*  ¦ Copy the desktop database comment from the source to the destination object.
    The FSpDTCopyComment function copies the desktop database comment from
    the source to the destination object.  Both the source and the
    destination volumes must support the Desktop Manager.
    srcSpec     input:  An FSSpec record specifying the source object.
    dstSpec     input:  An FSSpec record specifying the destination object.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        fnfErr              Ð43     File or directory doesnÕt exist
        wPrErr              Ð44     Volume is locked through hardware
        vLckdErr            Ð46     Volume is locked through software
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        rfNumErr            Ð51     Reference number invalid
        paramErr            -50     Volume doesn't support this function
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        desktopDamagedErr   -1305   The desktop database has become corrupted - 
                                    the Finder will fix this, but if your
                                    application is not running with the
                                    Finder, use PBDTReset or PBDTDelete
        afpItemNotFound     -5012   Information not found
    Also see:   DTCopyComment, DTSetComment, FSpDTSetComment, DTGetComment,
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "OptimizationEnd.h"
#endif  /* __MOREDESKTOPMGR__ */