
    File:       Search.h
    Description:IndexedSearch and the PBCatSearch compatibility function.
    Author:     JL
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1992-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                6/25/99 Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1(KG)
#ifndef __SEARCH__
#define __SEARCH__
#include <Types.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include "Optimization.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal  OSErr   IndexedSearch(CSParamPtr pb,
                              long dirID);
/*  ¦ Search in and below a directory.
    The IndexedSearch function performs an indexed search in and below the
    specified directory using the same parameters (in pb) as is passed to
    PBCatSearch. See Inside Macintosh: Files for a description of the
    parameter block.
    pb          input:  A CSParamPtr record specifying the volume to search
                        and the search criteria.
                output: Fields in the parameter block are returned indicating
                        the number of matches found, the matches, and if the
                        search ended with noErr, the CatPosition record that
                        lets you resume a search where the last search left
    dirID       input:  The directory to search. If fsRtDirID is passed,
                        the entire volume is searched.
    Note:   If you use a high-level debugger and use ioSearchTime to limit
            the length of time to run the search, you'll want to step over
            calls to IndexedSearch because it installs a Time Manager task.
            Most high-level debuggers don't deal gracefully with interrupt
            driven code.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        eofErr              -39     End of catalog found (this is normal!)
        paramErr            -50     Parameter block has invalid parameters
                                    (see source for VerifyUserPB) or
                                    invalid catPosition record was passed
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        memFullErr          -108    Memory could not be allocated in heap
        catChangedErr       -1304   Catalog has changed and catalog position
                                    record may be invalid
    See also:   PBCatSearch, PBCatSearchSyncCompat
pascal  OSErr   PBCatSearchSyncCompat(CSParamPtr paramBlock);
/*  ¦ Search a volume using PBCatSearch or IndexedSearch.
    The PBCatSearchSyncCompat function uses PBCatSearch (if available) or
    IndexedSearch (if PBCatSearch is not available) to search a volume
    using a set of search criteria that you specify. It builds a list of all
    files or directories that meet your specifications.
    pb          input:  A CSParamPtr record specifying the volume to search
                        and the search criteria.
                output: Fields in the parameter block are returned indicating
                        the number of matches found, the matches, and if the
                        search ended with noErr, the CatPosition record that
                        lets you resume a search where the last search left
    Note:   If you use a high-level debugger and use ioSearchTime to limit
            the length of time to run the search, you'll want to step over
            calls to PBCatSearchSyncCompat because it calls IndexedSearch
            which installs a Time Manager task. Most high-level debuggers
            don't deal gracefully with interrupt driven code.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        eofErr              -39     End of catalog found (this is normal!)
        paramErr            -50     Parameter block has invalid parameters
                                    (see source for VerifyUserPB) or
                                    invalid catPosition record was passed
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        memFullErr          -108    Memory could not be allocated in heap
        catChangedErr       -1304   Catalog has changed and catalog position
                                    record may be invalid
        afpCatalogChanged   -5037   Catalog has changed and search cannot
                                    be resumed
    See also:   PBCatSearch, IndexedSearch
pascal  OSErr   NameFileSearch(ConstStr255Param volName,
                               short vRefNum,
                               ConstStr255Param fileName,
                               FSSpecPtr matches,
                               long reqMatchCount,
                               long *actMatchCount,
                               Boolean newSearch,
                               Boolean partial);
/*  ¦ Search for files by file name with PBCatSearch.
    The NameFileSearch function searches for files with a specific file
    name on a volume that supports PBCatSearch.
    Note: A result of catChangedErr means the catalog has changed between
    searches, but the search can be continued with the possiblity that you
    may miss some matches or get duplicate matches.  For all other results
    (except for noErr), the search cannot be continued.
    volName         input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                            or nil.
    vRefNum         input:  Volume specification.
    fileName        input:  The name of the file to search for.
    matches         input:  Pointer to array of FSSpec where the match list is
    reqMatchCount   input:  Maximum number of matches to return (the number of
                            elements in the matches array).
    actMatchCount   output: The number of matches actually returned.
    newSearch       input:  If true, start a new search. If false and if
                            vRefNum is the same as the last call to
                            NameFileSearch, then start searching at the
                            position where the last search left off.
    partial         input:  If the partial parameter is false, then only files
                            that exactly match fileName will be found.  If the
                            partial parameter is true, then all file names that
                            contain fileName will be found.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        eofErr              -39     End of catalog found (this is normal!)
        paramErr            -50     Parameter block has invalid parameters
                                    (see source for VerifyUserPB) or
                                    invalid catPosition record was passed
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        memFullErr          -108    Memory could not be allocated in heap
        catChangedErr       -1304   Catalog has changed and catalog position
                                    record may be invalid
        afpCatalogChanged   -5037   Catalog has changed and search cannot
                                    be resumed
    Also see:   CreatorTypeFileSearch
pascal  OSErr   CreatorTypeFileSearch(ConstStr255Param volName,
                                      short vRefNum,
                                      OSType creator,
                                      OSType fileType,
                                      FSSpecPtr matches,
                                      long reqMatchCount,
                                      long *actMatchCount,
                                      Boolean newSearch);
/*  ¦ Search for files by creator/fileType with PBCatSearch.
    The CreatorTypeFileSearch function searches for files with a specific
    creator or fileType on a volume that supports PBCatSearch.
    Note: A result of catChangedErr means the catalog has changed between
    searches, but the search can be continued with the possiblity that you
    may miss some matches or get duplicate matches.  For all other results
    (except for noErr), the search cannot be continued.
    volName         input:  A pointer to the name of a mounted volume
                            or nil.
    vRefNum         input:  Volume specification.
    creator         input:  The creator type of the file to search for.
                            To ignore the creator type, pass 0x00000000 in
                            this field.
    fileType        input:  The file type of the file to search for.
                            To ignore the file type, pass 0x00000000 in
                            this field.
    matches         input:  Pointer to array of FSSpec where the match list is
    reqMatchCount   input:  Maximum number of matches to return (the number of
                            elements in the matches array).
    actMatchCount   output: The number of matches actually returned.
    newSearch       input:  If true, start a new search. If false and if
                            vRefNum is the same as the last call to
                            CreatorTypeFileSearch, then start searching at the
                            position where the last search left off.
    Result Codes
        noErr               0       No error
        nsvErr              -35     Volume not found
        ioErr               -36     I/O error
        eofErr              -39     End of catalog found (this is normal!)
        paramErr            -50     Parameter block has invalid parameters
                                    (see source for VerifyUserPB) or
                                    invalid catPosition record was passed
        extFSErr            -58     External file system error - no file
                                    system claimed this call.
        memFullErr          -108    Memory could not be allocated in heap
        catChangedErr       -1304   Catalog has changed and catalog position
                                    record may be invalid
        afpCatalogChanged   -5037   Catalog has changed and search cannot
                                    be resumed
    Also see:   NameFileSearch
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "OptimizationEnd.h"
#endif  /* __SEARCH__ */