Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: StyleFlatteningSample.c |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
// This code will run on Mac OS X 10.2 (or later) ONLY!!! |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Constants |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
enum { |
kInfoStringBufferSize = 255, |
kInfoStringUnicodeBufferSize = 2 * kInfoStringBufferSize, |
kGlobalStyleArraySize = 5, |
kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize = 6, |
kGlobalXOffsetValue = 5, |
kGlobalYSpaceBetweenTests = 30 |
}; |
static UniChar gTestString[] = |
{ 0x0054, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x0073, 0x0020, // This<sp> |
0x0069, 0x0073, 0x0020, // is<sp> |
0x0061, 0x0020, 0x0073, 0x006D, 0x0061, 0x006C, 0x006C, 0x0020, // a<sp>small<sp> |
0x004C, 0x0069, 0x0074, 0x0074, 0x006C, 0x0065, 0x0020, // Little<sp> |
0x0054, 0x0045, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x002E, 0x0020, // Test. |
0x0046, 0x006C, 0x0075, 0x0066, 0x0066, 0x0079, 0x0020, // Fluffy<sp> |
0x0050, 0x0069, 0x006C, 0x006C, 0x006F, 0x0077, 0x0073 }; // Pillows |
static UniCharCount gTestStringLen = 43; |
static ATSUStyle gInfoStyle; |
static ATSUStyle gGlobalStyleArray[kGlobalStyleArraySize]; |
static ATSUStyleRunInfo gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize]; |
static char gStyle0Font[] = "American Typewriter Bold\0"; |
static Fixed gStyle0FontSize = (Fixed) (24 << 16); |
static RGBColor gStyle0FontColor = {0,0,0}; |
static char gStyle1Font[] = "Geneva\0"; |
static Fixed gStyle1FontSize = (Fixed) (24 << 16); |
static RGBColor gStyle1FontColor = {0xFFFF,0,0}; |
static char gStyle2Font[] = "Copperplate Bold\0"; |
static Fixed gStyle2FontSize = (Fixed) (10 << 16); |
static RGBColor gStyle2FontColor = {0,0xFFFF,0}; |
static char gStyle3Font[] = "Zapfino\0"; |
static Fixed gStyle3FontSize = (Fixed) (10 << 16); |
static RGBColor gStyle3FontColor = {0,0,0xFFFF}; |
static char gStyle4Font[] = "Helvetica Bold\0"; |
static Fixed gStyle4FontSize = (Fixed) (18 << 16); |
static RGBColor gStyle4FontColor = {0,0,0}; |
static char gInfoStyleFont[] = "Monaco\0"; |
static Fixed gInfoStyleFontSize = (Fixed) (10 << 16); |
static RGBColor gInfoStyleFontColor = {0xFFFF,0,0}; |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Function Prototypes |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus RunRoundTripFlatteningSample( WindowRef windowRef ); |
static |
OSStatus RoundTripFlatten( CGContextRef cgContext, Fixed currentXPos, |
Fixed *currentYPos, ATSUStyle styleArray[], ItemCount styleArraySize, |
ATSUStyleRunInfo styleRunArray[], ItemCount styleRunArraySize, |
UniChar *stringPtr, UniCharCount stringLen ); |
static |
OSStatus DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( ATSUStyle styleArray[], |
ItemCount styleArraySize, ATSUStyleRunInfo styleRunArray[], |
ItemCount styleRunArraySize, UniChar *stringPtr, UniCharCount stringLen, |
CGContextRef cgContext, Fixed currentXPos, Fixed *currentYPos ); |
static |
OSStatus SetYPositionForLineHeight( ATSUTextLayout currentLayout, |
Fixed *currentYPos ); |
static |
OSStatus InitializeGlobalStyles( void ); |
static |
OSStatus CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( char *fontName, Fixed *fontSize, |
RGBColor *fontColor, ATSUStyle *newStyle ); |
static |
OSStatus AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures( ATSUStyle styleToMangle ); |
static |
OSStatus AddTextLabel( const char *textString, |
CGContextRef cgContext, Fixed currentXPos, Fixed *currentYPos ); |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// main |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) |
{ |
IBNibRef nibRef; |
WindowRef window; |
OSStatus err; |
// Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension) |
// CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle. |
err = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &nibRef); |
require_noerr( err, CantGetNibRef ); |
// Once the nib reference is created, set the menu bar. "MainMenu" is the name of the menu bar |
// object. This name is set in InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created. |
err = SetMenuBarFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar")); |
require_noerr( err, CantSetMenuBar ); |
// Then create a window. "MainWindow" is the name of the window object. This name is set in |
// InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created. |
err = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MainWindow"), &window); |
require_noerr( err, CantCreateWindow ); |
// We don't need the nib reference anymore. |
DisposeNibReference(nibRef); |
// The window was created hidden so show it. |
ShowWindow( window ); |
// Run the sample code |
err = RunRoundTripFlatteningSample( window ); |
check_noerr( err ); |
// Call the event loop |
RunApplicationEventLoop(); |
CantCreateWindow: |
CantSetMenuBar: |
CantGetNibRef: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// RunRoundTripFlatteningSample [EXPORT] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus RunRoundTripFlatteningSample( |
WindowRef windowRef ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
CGrafPtr windowPort; |
CGContextRef cgContext; |
Rect windowRect; |
PixMapHandle pixMap; |
ATSUTextMeasurement xPosition; |
ATSUTextMeasurement yPosition; |
// initialize the global styles |
err = InitializeGlobalStyles(); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// get the port for the window |
windowPort = GetWindowPort( windowRef ); |
// get the port's pixMap. This will be used to find the viewable window area |
pixMap = GetPortPixMap( windowPort ); |
// get the bounds for the port |
GetPortBounds( windowPort, &windowRect ); |
// Offset the rect to obtain the window's viewable area |
OffsetRect( &windowRect, -(**pixMap).bounds.left, -(**pixMap) ); |
// calculate the x and y positions |
xPosition = Long2Fix( windowRect.left + kGlobalXOffsetValue ); |
yPosition = Long2Fix( windowRect.bottom - kGlobalYSpaceBetweenTests ); |
// start the cgContext for the port |
err = QDBeginCGContext( windowPort, &cgContext ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// add a label to the test |
err = AddTextLabel( "Reference Style\0", cgContext, xPosition, |
&yPosition ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// create the layout for the default run information |
err = DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( gGlobalStyleArray, kGlobalStyleArraySize, |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray, kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize, gTestString, |
gTestStringLen, cgContext, xPosition, &yPosition ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// add some space to separate the tests |
yPosition -= Long2Fix( kGlobalYSpaceBetweenTests ); |
// add a label to the test |
err = AddTextLabel( "Flattened And Unflattened Sample\0", cgContext, |
xPosition, &yPosition ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// run the default options for this test |
err = RoundTripFlatten( cgContext, xPosition, &yPosition, gGlobalStyleArray, |
kGlobalStyleArraySize, gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray, kGlobalStyleRunInfoArraySize, |
gTestString, gTestStringLen ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
// kill the cgContext for the port |
err = QDEndCGContext( windowPort, &cgContext ); |
require_noerr( err, RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err ); |
RunATSUIFlatteningTest_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// RoundTripFlatten [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// All this function illustrates is how to flatten style information and then re- |
// construct it from the flattened stream. |
static |
OSStatus RoundTripFlatten( |
CGContextRef cgContext, |
Fixed currentXPos, |
Fixed *currentYPos, |
ATSUStyle styleArray[], |
ItemCount styleArraySize, |
ATSUStyleRunInfo styleRunArray[], |
ItemCount styleRunArraySize, |
UniChar *stringPtr, |
UniCharCount stringLen ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ItemCount i; |
ByteCount suggestedStreamBufferSize; |
ItemCount suggestedNumberOfRunInfo; |
ItemCount suggestedNumberOfStyleObjects; |
ByteCount actualStreamBufferSize; |
ItemCount actualNumberOfRunInfo; |
ItemCount actualNumberOfStyleObjects; |
void *streamBuffer = NULL; |
ATSUStyle *unflattenedStyleArray = NULL; |
ATSUStyleRunInfo *unflattenedStyleRunArray = NULL; |
// get the size of the outgoing stream |
err = ATSUFlattenStyleRunsToStream( kATSUDataStreamUnicodeStyledText, |
kATSUFlattenOptionNoOptionsMask, styleRunArraySize, styleRunArray, |
styleArraySize, styleArray, 0, NULL, &suggestedStreamBufferSize ); |
require_noerr( err, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err ); |
// allocate a buffer big enough to hold the stream |
streamBuffer = (void *) malloc( suggestedStreamBufferSize ); |
require_action( streamBuffer != NULL, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err, |
err = memFullErr ); |
// now, flatten the stream |
err = ATSUFlattenStyleRunsToStream( kATSUDataStreamUnicodeStyledText, |
kATSUFlattenOptionNoOptionsMask, styleRunArraySize, styleRunArray, |
styleArraySize, styleArray, suggestedStreamBufferSize, |
streamBuffer, &actualStreamBufferSize ); |
require_noerr( err, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err ); |
// next, try to unflatten the stream that was just flattened. First, try |
// to get counts of the stuff in the stream, so that we can allocate |
// accordingly. |
err = ATSUUnflattenStyleRunsFromStream( kATSUDataStreamUnicodeStyledText, |
kATSUUnFlattenOptionNoOptionsMask, actualStreamBufferSize, streamBuffer, |
0, 0, NULL, NULL, &suggestedNumberOfRunInfo, |
&suggestedNumberOfStyleObjects ); |
require_noerr( err, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err ); |
// allocate some buffer space for the style |
unflattenedStyleArray = (ATSUStyle *) malloc( sizeof( ATSUStyle ) * |
suggestedNumberOfStyleObjects ); |
require_action( unflattenedStyleArray != NULL, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err, |
err = memFullErr ); |
// allocate some buffer space for the style runs |
unflattenedStyleRunArray = (ATSUStyleRunInfo *) malloc( |
sizeof( ATSUStyleRunInfo ) * suggestedNumberOfRunInfo ); |
require_action( unflattenedStyleRunArray != NULL, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err, |
err = memFullErr ); |
// try to unflatten the stream for real now. |
err = ATSUUnflattenStyleRunsFromStream( kATSUDataStreamUnicodeStyledText, |
kATSUUnFlattenOptionNoOptionsMask, actualStreamBufferSize, streamBuffer, |
suggestedNumberOfRunInfo, suggestedNumberOfStyleObjects, |
unflattenedStyleRunArray, unflattenedStyleArray, &actualNumberOfRunInfo, |
&actualNumberOfStyleObjects ); |
require_noerr( err, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err ); |
// try to draw the text with the unflattened stream |
err = DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( unflattenedStyleArray, |
actualNumberOfStyleObjects, unflattenedStyleRunArray, actualNumberOfRunInfo, |
stringPtr, stringLen, cgContext, currentXPos, currentYPos ); |
require_noerr( err, RoundTripFlatteningSample_err ); |
// now, we need to get rid of the text layouts that were produced by the |
// ATSUUnflattenStyleRunsFromStream |
for ( i = 0; i < actualNumberOfStyleObjects; i++ ) |
{ |
ATSUDisposeStyle( unflattenedStyleArray[i] ); |
} |
// finally, we can dispose of the buffers that we had allocated |
free( streamBuffer ); |
free( unflattenedStyleArray ); |
free( unflattenedStyleRunArray ); |
RoundTripFlatteningSample_err: |
// flush the context |
CGContextFlush( cgContext ); |
// return noErr so that our error and debugging messages printout |
return noErr; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Normally, this is not the most optimal way of using ATSUI. The reason being is that |
// a lot is wasted in the continual creation and destruction of the ATSUTextLayout |
// object. However, this is just a sample and it's execution speed is not that |
// critical - in fact, it's not all that critical that anything actually gets drawn |
// on the screen. |
static |
OSStatus DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( |
ATSUStyle styleArray[], |
ItemCount styleArraySize, |
ATSUStyleRunInfo styleRunArray[], |
ItemCount styleRunArraySize, |
UniChar *stringPtr, |
UniCharCount stringLen, |
CGContextRef cgContext, |
Fixed currentXPos, |
Fixed *currentYPos ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSUStyle *seperateStyles = NULL; |
UniCharCount *seperateRunLengths = NULL; |
ItemCount numberOfRuns = 0; |
ATSUAttributeTag attrTag; |
ByteCount attrSize; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr attrPtr; |
ATSUTextLayout newLayout; |
// check to see if we have a style array |
if ( styleArray != NULL ) |
{ |
// if the styleRunArray is NULL, then there is only one run |
if ( styleRunArray == NULL ) |
{ |
numberOfRuns = 1; |
seperateStyles = styleArray; |
seperateRunLengths = &stringLen; |
} |
else |
{ |
ItemCount i; |
// the number of runs is equal to the number of runs passed in |
numberOfRuns = styleRunArraySize; |
// allocate a seperateStyles and seperateRuns array |
seperateStyles = (ATSUStyle *) malloc( sizeof( ATSUStyle ) * |
numberOfRuns ); |
require_action( seperateStyles != NULL, |
CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo_err, err = memFullErr ); |
seperateRunLengths = (UniCharCount *) malloc( sizeof( UniCharCount ) * |
numberOfRuns ); |
require_action( seperateRunLengths != NULL, |
CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo_err, err = memFullErr ); |
// loop through and assign the runs to the seperate arrays. I'm not |
// sure that this is the best way to do this. Perhaps it's best to |
// simply create the layout and assign the style runs to it individually. |
for ( i = 0; i < numberOfRuns; i++ ) |
{ |
seperateStyles[i] = styleArray[styleRunArray[i].styleObjectIndex]; |
seperateRunLengths[i] = styleRunArray[i].runLength; |
} |
} |
} |
// first of all, create the layout with the text information passed in |
err = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr( stringPtr, kATSUFromTextBeginning, |
kATSUToTextEnd, stringLen, numberOfRuns, seperateRunLengths, seperateStyles, |
&newLayout ); |
require_noerr( err, CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo_err ); |
// if we've got a layout, then assign the CGContext to it |
attrTag = kATSUCGContextTag; |
attrSize = sizeof( CGContextRef ); |
attrPtr = &cgContext; |
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( newLayout, 1, &attrTag, &attrSize, &attrPtr ); |
require_noerr( err, CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfoLayout_err ); |
// set the Y position before we draw |
err = SetYPositionForLineHeight( newLayout, currentYPos ); |
require_noerr( err, CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfoLayout_err ); |
// do some drawin' |
err = ATSUDrawText( newLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, |
currentXPos, *currentYPos ); |
require_noerr( err, CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfoLayout_err ); |
CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfoLayout_err: |
ATSUDisposeTextLayout( newLayout ); |
CreateLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo_err: |
if ( ( styleRunArray != NULL ) && ( styleArray != NULL ) ) |
{ |
if ( seperateStyles != NULL ) |
{ |
free( seperateStyles ); |
} |
if ( seperateRunLengths != NULL ); |
{ |
free( seperateRunLengths ); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// SetYPositionForLineHeight [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus SetYPositionForLineHeight( |
ATSUTextLayout currentLayout, |
Fixed *currentYPos ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSTrapezoid glyphBounds; |
ItemCount numGlyphBounds; |
Fixed lineHeight; |
// we need to calculate where the line should start, so get the height of the |
// line. |
err = ATSUGetGlyphBounds( currentLayout, 0, 0, kATSUFromTextBeginning, |
kATSUToTextEnd, kATSUseCaretOrigins, 1, &glyphBounds, &numGlyphBounds ); |
require_noerr( err, SetYPositionForLineHeight_err ); |
lineHeight = glyphBounds.lowerRight.y - glyphBounds.upperRight.y; |
// reset the line position based on the line height |
*currentYPos -= lineHeight; |
SetYPositionForLineHeight_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InitializeGlobalStyles [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus InitializeGlobalStyles( void ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
// initialize the runs one-by-one, based on our test string |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[0].runLength = 5; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[1].runLength = 3; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[2].runLength = 8; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[3].runLength = 7; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[4].runLength = 6; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[5].runLength = 14; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[0].styleObjectIndex = 0; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[1].styleObjectIndex = 1; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[2].styleObjectIndex = 2; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[3].styleObjectIndex = 0; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[4].styleObjectIndex = 3; |
gGlobalStyleRunInfoArray[5].styleObjectIndex = 4; |
// setup the first style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gStyle0Font, &gStyle0FontSize, |
&gStyle0FontColor, &gGlobalStyleArray[0] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// setup the second style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gStyle1Font, &gStyle1FontSize, |
&gStyle1FontColor, &gGlobalStyleArray[1] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// setup the third style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gStyle2Font, &gStyle2FontSize, |
&gStyle2FontColor, &gGlobalStyleArray[2] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// setup the fourth style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gStyle3Font, &gStyle3FontSize, |
&gStyle3FontColor, &gGlobalStyleArray[3] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// add some variations to the third style object |
err = AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures( gGlobalStyleArray[3] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// setup the fifth style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gStyle4Font, &gStyle4FontSize, |
&gStyle4FontColor, &gGlobalStyleArray[4] ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
// setup the info string style object |
err = CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( gInfoStyleFont, &gInfoStyleFontSize, |
&gInfoStyleFontColor, &gInfoStyle ); |
require_noerr( err, InitializeGlobalStyles_err ); |
InitializeGlobalStyles_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// CreateStyleObjectWithFontName [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus CreateStyleObjectWithFontName( |
char *fontName, |
Fixed *fontSize, |
RGBColor *fontColor, |
ATSUStyle *newStyle ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ATSUFontID fontID; |
ATSUAttributeTag tags[3]; |
ByteCount tagValueSizes[3]; |
ATSUAttributeValuePtr tagValuePtrs[3]; |
// try to find the font based on the font name |
err = ATSUFindFontFromName( fontName, strlen( fontName ), kFontFullName, |
kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &fontID ); |
require_noerr( err, CreateStyleObjectWithFontName_err ); |
// first, create the new style object |
err = ATSUCreateStyle( newStyle ); |
// set up the three tags that we are setting in the style |
tags[0] = kATSUFontTag; |
tagValueSizes[0] = sizeof( ATSUFontID ); |
tagValuePtrs[0] = &fontID; |
tags[1] = kATSUSizeTag; |
tagValueSizes[1] = sizeof( Fixed ); |
tagValuePtrs[1] = fontSize; |
tags[2] = kATSUColorTag; |
tagValueSizes[2] = sizeof( RGBColor ); |
tagValuePtrs[2] = fontColor; |
// set the attributes in the style object |
err = ATSUSetAttributes( *newStyle, 3, tags, tagValueSizes, tagValuePtrs ); |
check_noerr( err ); |
// if there was an error, then dispose of the style |
if ( err != noErr ) { |
ATSUDisposeStyle( *newStyle ); |
} |
CreateStyleObjectWithFontName_err: |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures( |
ATSUStyle styleToMangle ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
ItemCount i; |
ATSUFontID fontID; |
ItemCount count; |
ItemCount selectorCount; |
ATSUFontVariationAxis variationAxis; |
ATSUFontVariationValue variationMinimum; |
ATSUFontVariationValue variationMaximum; |
ATSUFontVariationValue variationDefault; |
Boolean selectorMutex; |
ATSUFontFeatureType *typeBuffer = NULL; |
ATSUFontFeatureSelector *selectorBuffer = NULL; |
Boolean *defaultBuffer = NULL; |
ItemCount selectorBufferSize = 0; |
// get the fontID from the style |
err = ATSUGetAttribute( styleToMangle, kATSUFontTag, sizeof( ATSUStyle ), |
&fontID, NULL ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// get a count of all of the variations supported by the current font |
err = ATSUCountFontVariations( fontID, &count ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// loop through, setting all of the variations to the max! |
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) |
{ |
// get the settings for the variations |
err = ATSUGetIndFontVariation( fontID, i, &variationAxis, |
&variationMinimum, &variationMaximum, &variationDefault ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// set the variation for this font to the max! |
err = ATSUSetVariations( styleToMangle, 1, &variationAxis, |
&variationMaximum ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
} |
// get a count of all of the features |
err = ATSUCountFontFeatureTypes( fontID, &count ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// allocate a buffer for the feature types |
typeBuffer = (ATSUFontFeatureType *) malloc( sizeof( ATSUFontFeatureType ) |
* count ); |
require_action( typeBuffer != NULL, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err, |
err = paramErr ); |
// get all of the font features |
err = ATSUGetFontFeatureTypes( fontID, count, typeBuffer, &selectorCount ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// loop through, setting all of the features |
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) |
{ |
// get the selector count |
err = ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors( fontID, typeBuffer[i], |
&selectorCount ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// if the selector buffer size is greater than what we had before, |
// then allocate some new buffers. Just use realloc, as when |
// the buffers are pointing to NULL, it will simply act as malloc. |
if ( selectorBufferSize < count ) |
{ |
ItemCount newCount; |
// set the new size to be twice the old size |
newCount = 2 * count; |
// allocate the selectorBuffer |
selectorBuffer = (ATSUFontFeatureSelector *) realloc( |
selectorBuffer, newCount * sizeof( ATSUFontFeatureSelector ) ); |
require_action( selectorBuffer != NULL, |
AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err, err = memFullErr ); |
// allocate the defaultBuffer |
defaultBuffer = (Boolean *) realloc( defaultBuffer, |
newCount * sizeof( Boolean ) ); |
require_action( defaultBuffer != NULL, |
AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err, err = memFullErr ); |
selectorBufferSize = newCount; |
} |
// get the font feature selectors |
err = ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors( fontID, typeBuffer[i], |
selectorBufferSize, selectorBuffer, defaultBuffer, &selectorCount, |
&selectorMutex ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
// if the features are not mutually exclusive, then go ahead and |
// set them all. |
if ( selectorMutex == false ) |
{ |
ItemCount j; |
// loop through and set all of the features |
for ( j = 0; j < selectorCount; j++ ) |
{ |
if ( defaultBuffer[j] == false ) |
{ |
err = ATSUSetFontFeatures( styleToMangle, 1, &typeBuffer[i], |
&selectorBuffer[j] ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// just set the last option, then since we can't set them all |
err = ATSUSetFontFeatures( styleToMangle, 1, &typeBuffer[i], |
&selectorBuffer[selectorCount - 1] ); |
require_noerr( err, AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err ); |
} |
} |
// that should be enough style perversion for now! |
AddFunkyVariationsAndFeatures_err: |
if ( typeBuffer != NULL ) |
{ |
free( typeBuffer ); |
} |
if ( selectorBuffer != NULL ) |
{ |
free( selectorBuffer ); |
} |
if ( defaultBuffer != NULL ) |
{ |
free( defaultBuffer ); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// AddTextLabel [INTERNAL] |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
static |
OSStatus AddTextLabel( |
const char *textString, |
CGContextRef cgContext, |
Fixed currentXPos, |
Fixed *currentYPos ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
UniChar *textBuffer = NULL; |
ByteCount textBufferLen; |
ByteCount sourceRead; |
ByteCount convertedTextLen; |
TextToUnicodeInfo textToUnicodeInfo; |
TextEncoding macEncoding; |
// create an encoding for mac roman |
macEncoding = CreateTextEncoding( kTextEncodingMacRoman, |
kTextEncodingDefaultVariant, kTextEncodingDefaultFormat ); |
// create a text to unicode converter |
err = CreateTextToUnicodeInfoByEncoding( macEncoding, |
&textToUnicodeInfo ); |
require_noerr( err, AddTextLabel_err ); |
textBufferLen = strlen( textString ); |
// loop until we have a buffer big enough to hold the whole conversion |
do { |
// allocate a textBuffer. Twice the size of the text should be about right. |
textBufferLen = textBufferLen * 2; |
textBuffer = (UniChar *) realloc( textBuffer, |
sizeof( char ) * textBufferLen ); |
require_action( textBuffer != NULL, AddTextLabel_err, |
err = memFullErr ); |
// run the conversion. If we get a full error, then reallocate otherwise, |
// bail |
err = ConvertFromTextToUnicode( textToUnicodeInfo, strlen( textString ), |
textString, kUnicodeUseFallbacksMask | kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask, 0, |
NULL, NULL, NULL, textBufferLen, &sourceRead, &convertedTextLen, |
textBuffer ); |
} while ( err == kTECOutputBufferFullStatus ); |
// dispose of the converter |
DisposeTextToUnicodeInfo( &textToUnicodeInfo ); |
// fallback error is okay. Everything else is bad. |
if ( err != kTECUsedFallbacksStatus ) |
{ |
require_noerr( err, AddTextLabel_err ); |
} |
// finally, we can get to actual ATSUI stuff. Create the layout with |
// all of the default stuff for the test labels. |
err = DrawLayoutForStyleAndRunInfo( &gInfoStyle, 1, NULL, 0, |
textBuffer, (UniCharCount) (convertedTextLen / 2), cgContext, |
currentXPos, currentYPos ); |
require_noerr( err, AddTextLabel_err ); |
AddTextLabel_err: |
if ( textBuffer != NULL ) |
{ |
free( textBuffer ); |
} |
return err; |
} |
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