
    File:       AEvents.c
    Contains:   This file contains an assortment of functions to deal with
                the Apple Events needed to set the OS 9 desktop.  The majority of
                the functionality below came from MoreAppleEvents, but it was not
                yet carbonized (to my knowledge) when I created this sample, so I could
                not directly link with the library that comes with that example.
                Special thanks to GeoWar for help in this area.                 
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1991-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
#include "Snapshot.h"
static int gNumMonitors = 0;
OSErr SetDesktopPict(AEDesc* pAEDesc,SInt32 pIndex)
    OSErr anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil};  //  always init AEDescs
    ProcessSerialNumber tPSN;
    gNumMonitors = 0;   // zero monitor count
        GDHandle tGDHandle = DMGetFirstScreenDevice(true);
        while (tGDHandle)
            gNumMonitors++; // bump count
            tGDHandle = DMGetNextScreenDevice(tGDHandle,true);
    if (gNumMonitors == 0)
        gNumMonitors = 1;
    // Launch reciever if it's not already running.
    anErr = LaunchProcessBySignature('APPC', 'apcp',&tPSN);
    if (anErr != noErr)
        return anErr;
            //moreisbetter or AEHelpers
    anErr = AEHMakeEventSignatureTarget('APPC', 'apcp', kAECoreSuite, kAESetData, &theEvent);
    if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
        AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil};      // always init AEDescs
        AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil};    // always init AEDescs
        anErr = MakePictureProperty(pIndex,&containerObj, &propertyObject);
        if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
            anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject);
            AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject);     // Always dispose ASAP
            if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
                AEDesc tAEObject = {typeNull, nil}; // always init AEDescs
                anErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc,typeAlias,&tAEObject);    // coerce pAEDesc to type alias
                if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
                    anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyAEData, &tAEObject);
                    AEDisposeDesc(&tAEObject);  // Always dispose ASAP
                    if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
                        anErr = AEHSendEventNoReturnValue(nil, &theEvent);
        AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent);   // Always dispose ASAP
    if (anErr != noErr)
        DebugStr("\p|Set_DesktopPict-I-Error;error r30;");
    return anErr;
OSErr MakePictureProperty(SInt32 pIndex,
                              AEDesc* containerObjPtr,
                              AEDesc* propertyObjPtr)
    AEDesc longAEDesc = {typeNull, nil};    // always init AEDescs
    SInt32 index = ((pIndex - 1) % gNumMonitors) + 1;
    OSErr anErr = AECreateDesc(typeSInt32, &index, sizeof(long), &longAEDesc);
    if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
        AEDesc cmonAEDesc = {typeNull, nil};    // always init AEDescs
        // 'cmon' is nth (pIndex) color monitor object
        anErr = CreateObjSpecifier('cmon',containerObjPtr,formAbsolutePosition,&longAEDesc,false,&cmonAEDesc);
        AEDisposeDesc(&longAEDesc); // Always dispose ASAP
        if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
            AEDesc dpicDesc = {typeNull, nil};  // always init AEDescs
            OSType dpicOSType = 'dpic';         // Desktop Picture
            anErr = AECreateDesc('type', &dpicOSType, sizeof(OSType), &dpicDesc);
            if (anErr == noErr) // if it worked
                anErr = CreateObjSpecifier(typeProperty,&cmonAEDesc,formPropertyID,&dpicDesc,false,propertyObjPtr);
                AEDisposeDesc(&cmonAEDesc); // Always dispose ASAP
    return anErr;
pascal  OSErr   OHMakeAliasDescFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                                  AEDesc *aliasDescPtr )
    OSErr           anErr = noErr;
    AliasHandle     aliasHandle;
    anErr = NewAlias( nil, fssPtr, &aliasHandle);
    if ( anErr == noErr  &&  aliasHandle == nil )
        anErr = paramErr;
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        anErr = OHMakeAliasDesc( aliasHandle, aliasDescPtr );
        DisposeHandle( (Handle)aliasHandle );
    return anErr;
}//end MakeAliasObject
pascal  OSErr   OHMakeAliasDesc( const AliasHandle aliasHandle,
                                        AEDesc *aliasDescPtr )
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    char    handleState = HGetState( (Handle)aliasHandle );
    HLock( (Handle)aliasHandle );
    anErr = AECreateDesc( typeAlias, *aliasHandle, GetHandleSize( (Handle)aliasHandle ), aliasDescPtr );
    HSetState( (Handle)aliasHandle, handleState );
    return anErr;
}//end MakeAliasObject
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeEventSignatureTarget( const OSType targetType,
                                                  const OSType targetCreator,
                                                  const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                                  const AEEventID eventID,
                                                        AppleEvent *theEventPtr )
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    ProcessSerialNumber     psn = { kNoProcess, kNoProcess };
    anErr = FindProcessBySignature( targetType, targetCreator, &psn );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        anErr = AEHMakeEventProcessTarget( &psn, eventClass, eventID, theEventPtr );
    return anErr;
}//end AEHMakeEventSignatureTarget
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeEventProcessTarget( const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr,
                                           const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                           const AEEventID eventID,
                                                 AppleEvent *theEventPtr )
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    AEDesc  targetAppDesc = { typeNull, nil };
    anErr = AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber, psnPtr, sizeof( ProcessSerialNumber ), &targetAppDesc);
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        anErr = AECreateAppleEvent( eventClass, eventID, &targetAppDesc,
                                    kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, theEventPtr);
    AEDisposeDesc( &targetAppDesc );
    return anErr;
}//end AEHMakeEventProcessTarget
pascal  OSErr   AEHSendEventNoReturnValue( const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP,
                                           const AppleEvent *theEvent )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theReply = { typeNull, nil };
    AESendMode  sendMode;
    if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
        sendMode = kAENoReply;
        sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
    anErr = AESend( theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
    if ( anErr == noErr  &&  sendMode == kAEWaitReply )
        anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
    (void) AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
}//end AEHSendEventNoReturnValue
pascal  OSErr   AEHGetHandlerError( const AppleEvent *reply )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    OSErr       handlerErr;
    DescType    actualType;
    long        actualSize;
    if ( reply->descriptorType != typeNull )    // there's a reply, so there may be an error
        OSErr   getErrErr = noErr;
        getErrErr = AEGetParamPtr( reply, keyErrorNumber, typeShortInteger, &actualType,
                                    &handlerErr, sizeof( OSErr ), &actualSize );
        if ( getErrErr != errAEDescNotFound )   // found an errorNumber parameter
            anErr = handlerErr;                 // so return it's value
    return anErr;
}//end AEHGetHandlerError
pascal  OSErr   FindProcessBySignature( const OSType targetType,
                                        const OSType targetCreator,
                                              ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    Boolean     lookingForProcess = true;
    ProcessInfoRec  infoRec;
    infoRec.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
    infoRec.processName = nil;
    infoRec.processAppSpec = nil;
    psnPtr->lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
    psnPtr->highLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
    while ( lookingForProcess )
        anErr = GetNextProcess( psnPtr );
        if ( anErr != noErr )
            lookingForProcess = false;
            anErr = GetProcessInformation( psnPtr, &infoRec );
            if ( ( anErr == noErr )
                 && ( infoRec.processType == targetType )
                 && ( infoRec.processSignature == targetCreator ) )
                lookingForProcess = false;
    return anErr;
}//end FindProcessBySignature
OSErr LaunchProcessBySignature(
    const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr)
    FSSpec appFSSpec;
    OSErr anErr = FindProcessBySignature(pTargetType, pTargetCreator, psnPtr);
    if (anErr == noErr) // already running
        return anErr;
    // It's not already running, so look for it (as an APPL) in the desktop database
    if (pTargetType == 'APPL')
        anErr = Find_DTDB_APPL(pTargetCreator,&appFSSpec);
    // If we haven't found it yet, search all the volumes
    if (anErr != noErr)
        anErr = Search_Volumes(pTargetType,pTargetCreator,&appFSSpec);
    // we found it, so try to launch it
    if (anErr == noErr)
        LaunchParamBlockRec tLaunchPB;
        tLaunchPB.launchBlockID = extendedBlock;
        tLaunchPB.launchEPBLength = extendedBlockLen;
        tLaunchPB.launchFileFlags = nil;
        tLaunchPB.launchControlFlags = launchContinue + launchNoFileFlags + launchDontSwitch;
        tLaunchPB.launchAppSpec = &appFSSpec;
        anErr = LaunchApplication(&tLaunchPB);
        if (anErr == noErr)
            *psnPtr = tLaunchPB.launchProcessSN;
    return anErr;
OSErr Search_Volumes(const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr)
    SInt16  index;
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    for (index = 1;;index++)    // for each volume...
        XVolumeParam    tXVPV;
        tXVPV.ioCompletion = nil;
        tXVPV.ioNamePtr = nil;
        tXVPV.ioVolIndex = index;
        anErr = PBXGetVolInfoSync(&tXVPV);  // get its ioVRefNum
        if (anErr == nsvErr)            // if no such volume...
            anErr = afpItemNotFound;    // ...return application information not found
        if (anErr != noErr)             // on error...
            break;                      // ...break
        anErr = Search_Volume(tXVPV.ioVRefNum,pTargetType,pTargetCreator,pFSSpecPtr);
        if (anErr == noErr)             // if we found it...
            break;                      // ...break
    return anErr;
OSErr Search_Volume(const SInt16 pVRefNum,const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr)
    CSParamPtr tCSParamPtr;
    OSErr anErr;
    if (!pFSSpecPtr)
        return paramErr;
    tCSParamPtr = (CSParamPtr) NewPtrClear(sizeof(CSParam));
    if (tCSParamPtr == nil)
        return MemError();
    // initialize the parameter block
    tCSParamPtr->ioVRefNum = pVRefNum;
    tCSParamPtr->ioMatchPtr = pFSSpecPtr;
    tCSParamPtr->ioSearchBits = fsSBFlFndrInfo;
    tCSParamPtr->ioReqMatchCount = 1;   // only looking for 1
    tCSParamPtr->ioSearchTime = 0;      // no timeout
    tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1 = (CInfoPBPtr) NewPtrClear(sizeof(CInfoPBRec));
    tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2 = (CInfoPBPtr) NewPtrClear(sizeof(CInfoPBRec));
    if (tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1 && tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2)
        // Now see if we can create an 2K optimization buffer
        tCSParamPtr->ioOptBuffer = NewPtr(2048);
        if (tCSParamPtr->ioOptBuffer)
            tCSParamPtr->ioOptBufSize = 2048;
            tCSParamPtr->ioOptBufSize = 0;  // no buffer, sorry
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = nil;
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2->hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = nil;
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType = pTargetType;
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator = pTargetCreator;
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2->hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType = 0xFFFFFFFF;
        anErr = PBCatSearchSync(tCSParamPtr);       // search sync
//      if ((anErr != noErr) || (tCSParamPtr->ioActMatchCount == 0))
        anErr = MemError();
    // no matter what happened, kill all the memory we allocated
    if (tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo1)
    if (tCSParamPtr->ioSearchInfo2)
    if (tCSParamPtr->ioOptBuffer)
OSErr Find_DTDB_APPL(const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr)
    SInt16  index;
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    for (index = 1;;index++)    // for each volume...
        XVolumeParam    tXVPV;
        DTPBRec deskTopDBRec;
        tXVPV.ioCompletion = nil;
        tXVPV.ioNamePtr = nil;
        tXVPV.ioVolIndex = index;
        anErr = PBXGetVolInfoSync(&tXVPV);  // get its ioVRefNum
        if (anErr == nsvErr)            // if no such volume...
            anErr = afpItemNotFound;    // ...return application information not found
        if (anErr != noErr)             // on error...
            break;                      // ...break
        // now get the DTDB for this volume
        deskTopDBRec.ioNamePtr = nil;
        deskTopDBRec.ioVRefNum = tXVPV.ioVRefNum;
        anErr = PBDTGetPath( &deskTopDBRec );
        if (anErr != noErr)
        // look in this DTDB for the app with this creator
        deskTopDBRec.ioCompletion = nil;
        deskTopDBRec.ioNamePtr = pFSSpecPtr->name;
        deskTopDBRec.ioIndex = 0;
        deskTopDBRec.ioFileCreator = pTargetCreator;
        anErr = PBDTGetAPPLSync( &deskTopDBRec );
        if (anErr == noErr) // found it
        {   // stuff our FSSpec
            pFSSpecPtr->vRefNum = deskTopDBRec.ioVRefNum;
            pFSSpecPtr->parID = deskTopDBRec.ioAPPLParID;
    return anErr;