
    File:       Snapshot.h
    Contains:   This application demonstrates how to quickly and        
                efficiently capture the main device's desktop into          
                a window.  The program basically reads the image            
                stored in the the main device's pixmap then copies          
                it to a custom pixmap.  The custom pixmap is de-            
                fined at the same depth of the main device and              
                contains an identical copy of that device's color-          
                table.  This is done to provide the fastest                 
                performance possible when copying from an offscreen         
                to onscreen pixmap.  By making sure the pixel values        
                map to the exact same colors in both colortables,           
                copybits will do a direct transfer of bits without          
                wasting time remapping the colors.  Also the ctSeed         
                field for each colortable should be the same.  Finally,     
                since the main device's bounding rect is different          
                than that of the offscreen's, the copying performance       
                for the device to the offscreen is slightly affected        
                because of the scaling required.  However, the copying      
                performance for the offscreen to the window is the          
                best possible since the bounding rects for each are         
                (Updated Description)
                While "carbonizing" this particular sample, I decided 
                to add a bunch of "bells and whistles" to the sample 
                which I had seen in other samples.  In addition, I decided 
                to do a near "full" carbonization of the sample.  I've 
                added some "conditional" logic so that the menus will 
                appear correctly for OS 9 and X (no File->Quit menu 
                under X). I also added support for the "Quit" AppleEvent, 
                so that under OS X selecting "Application Menu"->Quit would 
                exit the program.  In addition, dynamic resizing of windows, 
                setting the size of the windows, saving the screenshot to 
                a pict file, refreshing the snapshot, as well as multiple 
                windows were all added to the program.  Lastly, on OS 9, 
                a menu items will set the desktop picture using Apple 
                Events. While on OS X, a full screen mode display of a 
                snapshot will be displayed (since the method to set the 
                desktop picture on OS X was not available at the time 
                of this writing).                                   
    Written by: JM  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1991-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
#ifndef __SNAPSHOT__
#define __SNAPSHOT__
#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <QuickTime/Movies.h>
#include <Carbon.h>
#include <Movies.h>
/* Constant Declarations */
#define MENU_BAR_ID         128
#define MENU_BAR_IDX        129
#define ABOUT               1
#define ABOUTDLG            128
enum {
    ABOUT_MENU = 128,
//Note this constant does not include the "Quit" item
enum {
    FILE_NEW = 1,
enum {
enum {
// Prototypes
void initMac();
void destroyAllWindows();
void setUp();
Boolean onOSX();
void handleMenuSelection(long result);
void handleKeyPress(EventRecord *);
void saveToPICTFile();
WindowPtr createWindow();
void resizeWindow(WindowPtr theWindow);
void doDynamicResizing(WindowPtr theWindow);
void doConfusion();
void disposeWindow(WindowPtr);
void writePictToFile(FSSpec *fspec, PicHandle picHandle);
OSErr SetDesktopPict(AEDesc* pAEDesc,SInt32 pIndex);
OSErr MakePictureProperty(SInt32 pIndex, AEDesc* containerObjPtr, AEDesc* propertyObjPtr);
void calculateSystemBounds();
PixMapHandle createScreenPixMap();
void drawImage(WindowPtr);
void doNewSnapshot();
void adjustMenus();
pascal OSErr AEQuitHandler(const AppleEvent *messagein, AppleEvent *reply, long refIn);
void doEventLoop();
void doTrickEventLoop();
void processEvent(EventRecord *anEvent);
OSErr LaunchProcessBySignature(const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr);
OSErr Find_DTDB_APPL(const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr);
OSErr Search_Volumes(const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr);
OSErr Search_Volume(const SInt16 pVRefNum,const OSType pTargetType,const OSType pTargetCreator,FSSpec* pFSSpecPtr);
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeEventSignatureTarget( const OSType targetType,
                                                  const OSType targetCreator,
                                                  const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                                  const AEEventID eventID,
                                                        AppleEvent *theEventPtr );
pascal  OSErr   AEHSendEventNoReturnValue( const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP,
                                           const AppleEvent *theEvent );
pascal OSErr    AEHMakeEventProcessTarget( const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr,
                                           const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                           const AEEventID eventID,
                                                 AppleEvent *theEventPtr );
pascal  OSErr   AEHGetHandlerError( const AppleEvent *reply );
pascal  OSErr   FindProcessBySignature( const OSType targetType,
                                        const OSType targetCreator,
                                              ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr );
pascal  OSErr   OHMakeAliasDescFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                                  AEDesc *aliasDescPtr );
pascal  OSErr   OHMakeAliasDesc( const AliasHandle aliasHandle,
                                        AEDesc *aliasDescPtr );