
ATTRIB  vPos    = vertex.position;
# Constants
PARAM   negOne      = {-1.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000, -1.000000000000000};
PARAM   one6        = {-0.166666666666767, -0.166666666666667, -0.166666666666667, -0.166666666666667};
PARAM   one120      = { 8.333333333330e-3,  8.333333333333e-3,  8.333333333330e-3,  8.333333333333e-3};
PARAM   one5040     = {-1.984126984130e-4, -1.984126984130e-4, -1.984126984130e-4, -1.984126984130e-4};
PARAM   one362880   = { 2.755731922400e-6,  2.755731922400e-6,  2.755731922400e-6,  2.755731922400e-6};
PARAM   one39916800     = {-2.505210838000e-8, -2.505210838000e-8, -2.505210838000e-8, -2.505210838000e-8};
PARAM   oneHoleLot  = { 1.60590438368e-10,  1.60590438368e-10,  1.60590438368e-10,  1.60590438368e-10};
# Tempory variables
TEMP    tPos;
TEMP    temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6;
# surface is described by
#   x = sin(u);
#       y = sin(v);
#       z = sin((dd - aa * u - bb * v) / cc);
# sin(x) = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5 - 1/5040 x^7 + 1/362880 * x^9......
MUL temp0,  vPos,  vPos;    # temp0 = xyz^2
# compute the power functions
MUL temp1,  vPos, temp0;    # temp1 = xyz^3     n=2
MUL temp2, temp1, temp0;    # temp2 = xyz^5     n=3
MUL temp3, temp2, temp0;    # temp3 = xyz^7     n=4
MUL temp4, temp3, temp0;    # temp4 = xyz^9     n=5
MUL temp5, temp4, temp0;    # temp4 = xyz^11    n=6
MUL temp6, temp5, temp0;    # temp4 = xyz^13    n=7
# compute the sine.....
MAD tPos, temp1,        one6, vPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3
MAD tPos, temp2,      one120, tPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5
MAD tPos, temp3,     one5040, tPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5 - 1/5040 * x^7
MAD tPos, temp4,   one362880, tPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5 - 1/5040 * x^7 + 1/362880 * x^9
MAD tPos, temp5, one39916800, tPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5 - 1/5040 * x^7 + 1/362880 * x^9....
MAD tPos, temp6,  oneHoleLot, tPos; # temp0 = x - 1/6 * x^3 + 1/120 * x^5 - 1/5040 * x^7 + 1/362880 * x^9....... = sin(x)
# Set the w to 1
SWZ temp0, tPos, x,y,z,1;
# Transform the vertex by the modelview/projection matrix
DP4    tPos.x, state.matrix.mvp.row[0], temp0;
DP4    tPos.y, state.matrix.mvp.row[1], temp0;
DP4    tPos.z, state.matrix.mvp.row[2], temp0;
DP4    tPos.w, state.matrix.mvp.row[3], temp0;
# Set Position
MOV     result.position, tPos;
MUL temp1, temp0, negOne;
MAX temp0, temp0, temp1;
# Set Color
MOV result.color, temp0;