Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
These are notes on how to behave like the 7.0 MDEF. |
Note that this applies only to color machines. |
There are 3 things you will want to do: |
1) Draw disabled items in Òtrue grayÓ |
2) Draw lines (dashes) in Òtrue grayÓ |
3) Support Balloon Help properly. |
************************************************************************************* |
DEFINITION: True Gray - the "average" of the foreground and background color. |
Black fgnd and White bkgnd yields a nice gray. |
Red fgnd and White bkgnd yields a nice pink. |
Q: How do I get this average correctly? |
A: There is a new trap _GetGray which does this for you! |
In the MPW interface file "Palettes.[acp]" is the prototype: |
FUNCTION GetGray(device: GDHandle;bkgnd: RGBColor;VAR fgnd: RGBColor): BOOLEAN; |
where: (note that menus never span monitors) |
device - is the device on which you are drawing |
bkgnd - is the RGB color of the background |
fgnd - is the RGB color of your ENABLED text |
returns: TRUE if there was an available color between the ones given |
and fgnd is replace with that "gray" RGB value. |
FALSE if the was no RGB color between the two given and |
you should bitclear the text the old way. |
************************************************************************************* |
#1 - Drawing disabled items in gray |
Call GetGray with the current foreground and background colors for the |
current item derived from the 'mctb' if any. If it returns false, use |
the B&W algorithm. Otherwise, set the foreground color and draw the item. |
Remember to use the correct entries in the 'mctb' for each part of the item. |
************************************************************************************* |
#2 - Drawing gray lines for the dash item |
;--------------------------------------- |
; Utility -- DrawDash |
;--------------------------------------- |
; handle the case of a dash item by drawing a line |
DrawDash |
TST.B onColorMachine(A6) ; Are we on a color machine? |
BEQ.S @ditherGrayLine ; If not, draw dithered line |
; FUNCTION GetGray(device: GDHandle; backGround: RGBColor; VAR foreGround: RGBColor): BOOLEAN; |
sub #12,sp ; put (back,fore) colors on stack |
pea (sp) |
_GetBackColor |
pea 6(sp) |
_GetForeColor |
subq #6,sp ; Make room for result & gdhandle |
move.l MMenuRect(a6),-(sp) ; Global menu rect |
_GetMaxDevice ; leave main device on stack |
lea 6(sp),a0 ; Get address of back color |
move.l a0,-(sp) ; Push back |
pea 6(a0) ; Push fore |
_GetGray ; Do we have a gray? |
move.b (sp)+,d0 |
bne.s @rgbGrayLine ; NE (TRUE) means we have the gray |
add #12,sp |
bra.s @ditherGrayLine |
@rgbGrayLine |
addq #6,sp ; Get rid of back color |
pea (sp) |
_RGBForeColor |
addq #6,sp ; Get rid of fore color |
bra @b |
@ditherGrayLine |
MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; get QuickDraw globals |
PEA Gray(A0) ; set pattern to gray |
_PenPat |
@b |
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; save y position |
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push x position |
MOVE.W MFHeight(A6),D0 ; center the dash |
LSR.W #1,D0 ; by backing up to top of cell |
SUB.W MAscent(A6),D0 ; and going halfway down |
ADD.W D0,D3 ; add to current position |
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; push new y position |
_MoveTo |
MOVE.W D6,-(SP) ; push right edge |
MOVE D3,-(SP) ; push y |
_LineTo ; draw the line |
MOVE.W (SP)+,D3 ; restore baseline |
_PenNormal ; This wonÕt create a new pixpat |
@oldMac2 |
BRA DoneDrawItem ; dive back into mainstream |
************************************************************************************* |
#3 - Balloon Help support |
;; Inside the CHOOSE message *after* inverting the chosen item... |
SUBQ #2,SP ; room for Boolean |
_HMGetBalloons ; what is the state of What Is? mode? (This is a FAST call) |
TST.B (SP)+ |
BEQ.S @FlashInProgress |
SUBQ #2,SP ; check status of button |
_StillDown |
TST.B (SP)+ ; if true then button is still down |
BEQ.S @FlashInProgress ; else the item is flashing so donÕt flash the balloon |
BSR.S ShowMenuBalloon ; show the balloon for the chosen item |
@FlashInProgress |
;; Other stuff to finish off CHOOSE message |
rts ; return to dispatcher |
;--------------------------------------- |
; Utility -- RemoveAnyBalloon |
;--------------------------------------- |
; |
; Insure no balloon is currently displayed. |
; Remove balloons should be called before scrolling or when changing from one item to another. |
; and when the mouse is over a dash. |
; |
; Note: The standard MBDF removes any balloon before saving bits for or |
; restoring bits from a menu (or hierarchical menu) since menu balloons save bits too. |
; |
RemoveAnyBalloon |
subq #2,sp ; room for Boolean |
_HMGetBalloons ; Show Balloons? |
tst.b (sp) ; EQ means off (leave result on stack for now) |
beq.s @helpIsOff |
_HMRemoveBalloon ; Remove any balloons before scrolling |
@helpIsOff |
addq #2,sp ; room for Boolean |
rts |
;--------------------------------------- |
; Utility -- ShowMenuBalloon |
;--------------------------------------- |
; |
; Show the balloon for this item. |
; |
ShowMenuBalloon |
MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; Save only the needed registers! |
MOVE.L (A3),A0 ; get menuPtr |
MOVE D4,D0 ; get item number |
BSR GETITEMRECORD ; look it up |
BSR IsDash ; Is it a dash? (other attrs?) |
BNE.S @needBalloon ; no, just return the item num |
MOVEQ #-1,D4 ; else make item num -1 for dash |
@needBalloon |
; FUNCTION HMShowMenuBalloon(itemNum,itemMenuID: INTEGER; |
; itemFlags,itemReserved: LONGINT; |
; tip: Point; alternateRect: RectPtr; tipProc: Ptr; |
; theProc,variant: INTEGER): OSErr; |
SUBQ #2,SP ; room for result |
MOVE.W D4,-(SP) ; item number |
MOVE.L (A3), A0 ; get menu ptr |
MOVE.W menuID(A0),-(SP) ; push menuID |
MOVE.L MENUENABLE(A0),D0 ; get menu flags in D0 |
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push menu flags |
MOVE.L #0,-(SP) ; push help string handle in itemReserved |
MOVE.L MBSaveLoc,A0 ; get MBSave handle |
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref |
MOVE.W mbItemRect+bottom(A0),D4 |
SUB.W mbItemRect+top(A0),D4 |
LSR.W #1,D4 ; find half way down from top of menu |
MOVE.L mbItemRect+botRight(A0),D0 ; use the right side of the menu rect |
SUBQ.W #BalloonTipOverlap,D0 ; tweak the horizontal part |
SUB.W D4,D0 ; put the tip in the middle of the right vert |
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push the tip |
PEA mbItemRect(A0) ; push the alternaterect |
CLR.L -(SP) ; NIL tipProc |
CLR.L -(SP) ; theProc & variant = 0 |
_HMShowMenuBalloon |
ADDQ #2,SP ; toss result |
MOVE.L (SP)+,D4 ; Restore saved registers. |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14