
** James "im" Beninghaus
#include    <QuickDraw.h>
#include    <Devices.h>
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <string.h>
#include    <MacTCPCommonTypes.h>
#include    <AddressXlation.h>
#include    <GetMyIPAddr.h>
#include    <TCPPB.h>
#include    <UDPPB.h>
#define     _STORAGE_   true
#include    <TCP.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    auto    OSErr           osErr           = noErr;
    auto    short           index;
    auto    char            *option;
    auto    char            *parameter;
    auto    char            *address;
    auto    char            *text;
    auto    TCPNotifyProc   asrProc         = nil;
    auto    TCPiopb         pb;
    auto    StreamPtr       stream;
    auto    char            streamBuf[4096];
    auto    long            streamBufLen    = sizeof(streamBuf);
    auto    Ptr             streamBufPtr;
    auto    ip_addr         localIP         = cAnyIP;
    auto    ip_port         localPort       = cAnyPort;
    auto    ip_addr         remoteIP        = cAnyIP;
    auto    ip_port         remotePort      = cReceivePort;
    auto    WDS(1)          wds;
    InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort);
    if (argc > 1) {
        index = 1;
        while (index < argc) {
            option = argv[index++];
            parameter = argv[index++];
            if ('-' != option[0] || (! strchr("atn", option[1])) || index > argc) {
                printf("TCPSend -a ipAddress -t text [-n]");
            } else {
                switch (option[1]) {
                    case 'a' :
                        address = parameter;
                    case 't' :
                        text = parameter;
                    case 'n' :
                        asrProc = ASR;
    osErr = _TCPInit();
    if (noErr == osErr) {
        osErr = _TCPCreate(&pb, &stream, streamBuf, streamBufLen, (TCPNotifyProc) asrProc, (Ptr) nil,  (TCPIOCompletionProc) nil, false);
        if (noErr == osErr) {
            osErr = TCPDotAddress(address, &remoteIP);
            if (noErr == osErr) {
                osErr = _TCPActiveOpen(&pb, stream, remoteIP, remotePort, &localIP, &localPort, (Ptr) nil, (TCPIOCompletionProc) nil, false);
                if (noErr == osErr) {
                    /* send data to the remote host */
                    wds.block[0].ptr    = text;
                    wds.block[0].length = strlen(text) + 1;
                      = nil;
                    osErr = _TCPSend(&pb, stream, (wdsEntry *) &wds, (Ptr) nil, (TCPIOCompletionProc) nil, false);
                    osErr = _TCPClose(&pb, stream, nil, (TCPIOCompletionProc) nil, false);
        osErr = _TCPRelease(&pb, stream, &streamBufPtr, &streamBufLen, (TCPIOCompletionProc) nil, false);
pascal void StrToAddrResultProc(aHostInfo, userdata)    /* utility routine for StrToAddr */
    struct hostInfo *aHostInfo;
    Ptr             userdata;
    /* simply watch the aHostInfo.rtnCode! */
OSErr TCPDotAddress(char *dotAddress, ip_addr *ipAddress) {
    auto    OSErr               osErr;
    auto    struct hostInfo     aHostInfo;          /* a data structure for the DNR function */
    osErr = OpenResolver((char *) 0);
    if (osErr) {
        return osErr;
    /* ask the DNR function to get the IP address */
    StrToAddr(dotAddress, &aHostInfo, (ResultProcPtr) StrToAddrResultProc, (Ptr) 0);
    /* wait for the address information or some error other than cacheFault to occur */
    while (cacheFault == aHostInfo.rtnCode)
    osErr = CloseResolver();
    if (osErr) {
        return osErr;
    /* if it was an error there isn't much more we can do here but let the caller know */
    if (noErr != aHostInfo.rtnCode) {
        osErr = aHostInfo.rtnCode;
        return osErr;
    /* use the first IP address for this host */
    *ipAddress = aHostInfo.addr[0];
    return osErr;