
    Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Binds a conversation view controller to its transport.
import UIKit
/// Binds a conversation view controller to its transport.  This is a controller
/// that the app delegate creates to move the details of running a conversation
/// off into a separate entity.  The app controller managers a single instance
/// of this but you could imagine a more complex app, where multiple
/// conversations can be on screen at a time, having multiple instances.
class ActiveConversation : ConversationViewController.Delegate {
    /// Creates the object with the specified view controller and transport.
    /// The created object becomes the delegate for the view controller.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - viewController: The view controller being displayed.
    ///   - transport: The transport which updates that controller.
    init(viewController: ConversationViewController, transport: ConversationTransport) {
        self.viewController = viewController
        self.transport = transport
        self.viewController.delegate = self
    /// The value passed to the initialiser.
    let viewController: ConversationViewController
    /// The value passed to the initialiser.
    let transport: ConversationTransport
    typealias Delegate = ActiveConversationDelegate
    weak var delegate: Delegate? = nil
    /// The client calls this when everything is set up and it wants the object
    /// to start the transport and routing updates between it and the
    /// conversation view controller.
    func start() {
        self.viewController.conversation = self.transport.conversation
            selector: #selector(conversationDidChange(note:)),
            name: ConversationTransport.conversationDidChange,
            object: self.transport
    /// The client calls this when it wants the object to stop the transport and
    /// to stop routing updates between that and the conversation view
    /// controller.
    func stop() {
    func send(message: String, conversationViewController: ConversationViewController) {
        self.transport.send(message: message)
    func close(conversationViewController: ConversationViewController) {
        self.delegate?.close(activeConversation: self)
    /// Updates the conversation view controller with the latest conversatino
    /// from the transport; call in response to the
    /// `ConversationTransport.conversationDidChange` notification.
    private func conversationDidChange(note: Notification) {
        self.viewController.conversation = self.transport.conversation
/// Delegate protocol for `ActiveConversation`.
protocol ActiveConversationDelegate : AnyObject {
    /// Called when the user indicates that they want to close the conversation.
    /// - Parameter activeConversation: The sender.
    func close(activeConversation: ActiveConversation)