
    Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Represents a conversation backed by a TCPTransport.
import Foundation
/// This class represents a conversation that is backed by a TCPTransport, which
/// updates the conversation as events happen on the network.
class ConversationTransport : TCPTransportDelegate {
    /// Create an object, starting with a fresh conversation that’s then updated
    /// by the transport.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - localizedName: The name of the new conversation.
    ///   - transport: The transport that updates it.  At this point this object
    ///     effectively owns the transport, becoming its delegate.
    required init(localizedName: String, transport: TCPTransport) {
        self.transport = transport
        self.conversation = Conversation(
            localizedName: localizedName,
            messages: [],
            state: .offline(localizedStatus: transport.localizedTransportState)
        self.transport.delegate = self
    /// The value passed to the initialiser.
    let transport: TCPTransport
    /// The current state of the conversation; the object posts the
    /// `conversationDidChange` notification after updating this.
    private(set) var conversation: Conversation {
        didSet {
   ConversationTransport.conversationDidChange, object: self, userInfo: nil)
    /// Starts the transport.
    func start() {
    /// Stops the transport.
    func stop() {
    /// Sends a message over the transport.  It's only safe to call this when
    /// the conversation in online.
    /// - Parameter message: The message to send; this shouldn’t contain any
    ///   line breaks but the presence of line breaks won’t cause a failure.
    func send(message: String) {
        guard case .started = self.transport.transportState else { fatalError() }
            Message(text: message, date: Date(), direction: .outgoing)
        self.transport.send(message: message)
    /// Adds a message, either incoming or outgoing, to the conversation.
    private func add(message: Message) {
    func didStart(transport: TCPTransport) {
        self.conversation.state = .online
    func didReceive(message: String, transport: TCPTransport) {
            Message(text: message, date: Date(), direction: .incoming)
    func didStop(transport: TCPTransport) {
        self.conversation.state = .offline(localizedStatus: self.transport.localizedTransportState)
    /// Posted after the `conversation` property has been changed, including
    /// online/offline state changes and the addition of both incoming and
    /// outgoing messages.
    static let conversationDidChange = Notification.Name("ConversationTransport.conversationDidChange")
private extension TCPTransport {
    /// Returns a localised interpretation of the transport’s state.
    var localizedTransportState: String {
        switch self.transportState {
        case .initialised:  return NSLocalizedString("_not_started_", comment: "Connection status associated with the conversation.")
        case .starting:     return NSLocalizedString("_connecting_", comment: "Connection status associated with the conversation.")
        case .started:      return NSLocalizedString("_connected_", comment: "Connection status associated with the conversation.")
        case .stopped(nil): return NSLocalizedString("_stopped_", comment: "Connection status associated with the conversation.")
        case .stopped(_):   return NSLocalizedString("_failed_", comment: "Connection status associated with the conversation.")