
    TCP Client/Server Queuing Example
    Steve Falkenburg, MacDTS, Apple Computer
    this client/server sample uses MacTCP to implement a simple "greeting" server.  the server
    opens up several listeners on kGreetingPort (1235).  when a client connects, the data entered
    in the greeting dialog is sent to the remote connection, and the connection is closed.
    connection management is done through the use of Operating System queues to simplify tracking
    and usage.
#include <Processes.h>
#include <MacTCPCommonTypes.h>
#include <TCPPB.h>
#include "const.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "queues.h"
#include "network.h"
void StartListener(TCPiopb *pBlock);
void ListenerCompletion(MyQElemPtr iopb);
void SendData(TCPiopb *pBlock,StringPtr data);
/*  initialize TCP/IP driver and create our queues, putting them on the unused list
OSErr InitNetwork(void)
    OSErr err;
    TCPiopb *pBlock;
    short i;
    err = OpenDriver("\p.ipp",&gTcpDrvrRef);
    if (err!=noErr)
        return err;
    for (i=0; i<kNumConnections; i++) {
        pBlock = (TCPiopb *)GetUnusedPBlock();
        if (pBlock)
    return noErr;
/*  creates a connection end and assigns it to listen for an incoming connection on our
    network port.
void StartListener(TCPiopb *pBlock)
    Ptr rcvBuff;
    OSErr err;
    rcvBuff = NewPtr(kRcvBuffSize);
    if (MemError()!=noErr)
    /* create a network stream */
    pBlock->csCode = TCPCreate;
    pBlock->ioCRefNum = gTcpDrvrRef;
    pBlock->csParam.create.rcvBuff = rcvBuff;
    pBlock->csParam.create.rcvBuffLen = kRcvBuffSize;
    pBlock->csParam.create.notifyProc = nil;
    err = PBControl(pBlock,false);
    if (err!=noErr)
    /* create a listener */
    pBlock->csCode = TCPPassiveOpen;
#ifdef __SYSEQU__
    ((MyQElemPtr)pBlock)->savedA5 = *(long *)CurrentA5;
    ((MyQElemPtr)pBlock)->savedA5 = (long)CurrentA5;
    pBlock->ioCompletion = (ProcPtr)ListenerCompletion;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 1;
    pBlock-> = 0xC0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = kGreetingPort;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    pBlock-> = 0;
    gRunning++; // increment count of running parameter blocks
/*  called to release all network resources in response to a quit
void CloseNetwork(void)
    THz theZone;
    short drvrRefNum;
    OSErr err;
    TCPiopb tcpBlock;
    StreamPtr *curStream;
    long theStream;
    theZone = ApplicZone();
    tcpBlock.ioCRefNum = gTcpDrvrRef;
    tcpBlock.csCode = TCPGlobalInfo;
    err = PBControl((ParmBlkPtr)&tcpBlock,false);
    if (err!=noErr)
    curStream = *tcpBlock.csParam.globalInfo.tcpCDBTable;
    while (*curStream) {
        theStream = *curStream;
        if (PtrZone((Ptr)theStream)==theZone) {             // only release streams in our heap 
            tcpBlock.csCode = TCPStatus;
            tcpBlock.tcpStream = theStream;
            err = PBControl((ParmBlkPtr)&tcpBlock,false);
            // abort connection 
            tcpBlock.csCode = TCPAbort;
            tcpBlock.tcpStream = theStream;
            err = PBControl((ParmBlkPtr)&tcpBlock,false);
            // release stream
            tcpBlock.csCode = TCPRelease;
            tcpBlock.tcpStream = theStream;
            err = PBControl((ParmBlkPtr)&tcpBlock,false);
/*  this completion routine will be called when one of the listeners gets a connection from a
    remote machine.  since we're using OS queues dispatched from the main event loop, we just
    take the parameter block and put it on the completed queue.  if running seven, we call
    WakeUpProcess() to return control to the application
void ListenerCompletion(MyQElemPtr iopb)
    long saveA5;
    ProcessSerialNumber currentProc;
    saveA5 = SetA5(iopb->savedA5);
    if (gRunningSeven) {
/*  this routine is called from the event dispatcher of the event loop to continue processing
    of completed listens received at interrupt time from ListenerCompletion.  We send them
    some data, close the connection, and restart the listener, putting it back on MacTCP's queue
void ProcessConnection(MyQElemPtr iopb)
    iopb = GetUnusedPBlock();
    if (iopb)
/*  here, we send some data to the remote host over the opened connection and close the connection
    when done.  if we didn't use os queues, this code would be much more complicated, since it
    would have to be interrupt safe, and we would have to perform all driver calls async with
    linked completion routines (yuck)
void SendData(TCPiopb *pBlock,StringPtr data)
    OSErr err;
    wdsEntry wdsPtr[4];
    char crlf[] = "\015\012";
    wdsPtr[0].length = wdsPtr[2].length = 2;
    wdsPtr[0].ptr = wdsPtr[2].ptr = crlf;
    wdsPtr[1].length = data[0];
    wdsPtr[1].ptr = (void *)&data[1];
    wdsPtr[3].length = 0;
    wdsPtr[3].ptr = nil;
    pBlock->csCode = TCPSend;
    pBlock->ioCRefNum = gTcpDrvrRef;
    pBlock->csParam.send.ulpTimeoutValue = 0;
    pBlock->csParam.send.ulpTimeoutAction = 1;
    pBlock->csParam.send.validityFlags = 0xc0;
    pBlock->csParam.send.pushFlag = false;
    pBlock->csParam.send.urgentFlag = false;
    pBlock->csParam.send.wdsPtr = (Ptr)wdsPtr;
    err = PBControl(pBlock,false);
    if (err!=noErr)
    pBlock->csCode = TCPClose;
    pBlock->ioCRefNum = gTcpDrvrRef;
    pBlock->csParam.close.validityFlags = 0xC0;
    pBlock->csParam.close.ulpTimeoutValue = 20;
    pBlock->csParam.close.ulpTimeoutAction = 1;
    err = PBControl(pBlock,false);
    if (err!=noErr)
    pBlock->csCode = TCPRelease;
    pBlock->ioCRefNum = gTcpDrvrRef;
    err = PBControl(pBlock,false);
    if (err!=noErr)