
#   Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
#   MultiFinder-Aware TextEdit Sample Application
#   TESample
#   TESample.h  -   Rez and C Include Source
#   Copyright ) 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
#   All rights reserved.
#   Versions:   
#               1.00                08/88
#               1.01                11/88
#               1.02                04/89
#               1.03                06/89
#   Components:
#               TESample.p          June 1, 1989
#               TESample.c          June 1, 1989
#               TESampleGlue.a      June 1, 1989    -MPW only-
#               TESample.r          June 1, 1989
#               TESample.h          June 1, 1989
#               PTESample.make      June 1, 1989    -MPW only-
#               CTESample.make      June 1, 1989    -MPW only-
#               TESampleGlue.s      June 1, 1989    -A/UX only-
#               TESampleAUX.r       June 1, 1989    -A/UX only-
#               Makefile            June 1, 1989    -A/UX only-
#   TESample is an example application that demonstrates how 
#   to initialize the commonly used toolbox managers, operate 
#   successfully under MultiFinder, handle desk accessories and 
#   create, grow, and zoom windows. The fundamental TextEdit 
#   toolbox calls and TextEdit autoscroll are demonstrated. It 
#   also shows how to create and maintain scrollbar controls.
#   It does not by any means demonstrate all the techniques you 
#   need for a large application. In particular, Sample does not 
#   cover exception handling, multiple windows/documents, 
#   sophisticated memory management, printing, or undo. All of 
#   these are vital parts of a normal full-sized application.
#   This application is an example of the form of a Macintosh 
#   application; it is NOT a template. It is NOT intended to be 
#   used as a foundation for the next world-class, best-selling, 
#   600K application. A stick figure drawing of the human body may 
#   be a good example of the form for a painting, but that does not 
#   mean it should be used as the basis for the next Mona Lisa.
#   We recommend that you review this program or Sample before 
#   beginning a new application. Sample is a simple app. which doesnUt 
#   use TextEdit or the Control Manager.
/* Function prototypes for all functions in this program. */
/* In MPW 3.0 we can use actual prototypes for parameter type checking. */
/* A/UX C does not grok prototypes, so eliminate them under A/UX */
#ifndef rez
#ifndef AUX
    void AlertUser( short error );
    void EventLoop( void );
    void DoEvent( EventRecord *event );
    void AdjustCursor( Point mouse, RgnHandle region );
    void GetGlobalMouse( Point *mouse );
    void DoGrowWindow( WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event );
    void DoZoomWindow( WindowPtr window, short part );
    void ResizeWindow( WindowPtr window );
    void GetLocalUpdateRgn( WindowPtr window, RgnHandle localRgn );
    void DoUpdate( WindowPtr window );
    void DoDeactivate( WindowPtr window );
    void DoActivate( WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive );
    void DoContentClick( WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event );
    void DoKeyDown( EventRecord *event );
    unsigned long GetSleep( void );
    void CommonAction( ControlHandle control, short *amount );
    pascal void VActionProc( ControlHandle control, short part );
    pascal void HActionProc( ControlHandle control, short part );
    void DoIdle( void );
    void DrawWindow( WindowPtr window );
    void AdjustMenus( void );
    void DoMenuCommand( long menuResult );
    void DoNew( void );
    Boolean DoCloseWindow( WindowPtr window );
    void Terminate( void );
    void Initialize( void );
    void BigBadError( short error );
    void GetTERect( WindowPtr window, Rect *teRect );
    void AdjustViewRect( TEHandle docTE );
    void AdjustTE( WindowPtr window );
    void AdjustHV( Boolean isVert, ControlHandle control, TEHandle docTE,
                    Boolean canRedraw );
    void AdjustScrollValues( WindowPtr window, Boolean canRedraw );
    void AdjustScrollSizes( WindowPtr window );
    void AdjustScrollbars( WindowPtr window, Boolean needsResize );
    pascal void PascalClickLoop();
    pascal TEClickLoopUPP GetOldClickLoop();
    Boolean IsAppWindow( WindowPtr window );
    Boolean IsDAWindow( WindowPtr window );
    Boolean TrapAvailable( short tNumber, TrapType tType );
    void AlertUser( );
    void EventLoop( );
    void DoEvent( );
    void AdjustCursor( );
    void GetGlobalMouse( );
    void DoGrowWindow( );
    void DoZoomWindow( );
    void ResizeWindow( );
    void GetLocalUpdateRgn( );
    void DoUpdate( );
    void DoDeactivate( );
    void DoActivate( );
    void DoContentClick( );
    void DoKeyDown( );
    unsigned long GetSleep( );
    void CommonAction( );
    void VActionProc( );
    void HActionProc( );
    void DoIdle( );
    void DrawWindow( );
    void AdjustMenus( );
    void DoMenuCommand( );
    void DoNew( );
    Boolean DoCloseWindow( );
    void Terminate( );
    void Initialize( );
    void BigBadError( ); 
    void GetTERect( );
    void AdjustViewRect( );
    void AdjustTE( );
    void AdjustHV( );
    void AdjustScrollValues( );
    void AdjustScrollSizes( );
    void AdjustScrollbars( );
    void PascalClickLoop();
    TEClickLoopUPP GetOldClickLoop();
    Boolean IsAppWindow( );
    Boolean IsDAWindow( );
    Boolean TrapAvailable( );
/*  These #defines correspond to values in the Pascal source code.
    TESample.c and TESample.r include this file. */
/*  Determining an application's minimum size to request from MultiFinder depends
    on many things, each of which can be unique to an application's function,
    the anticipated environment, the developer's attitude of what constitutes
    reasonable functionality and performance, etc. Here is a list of some things to
    consider when determining the minimum size (and preferred size) for your
    application. The list is pretty much in order of importance, but by no means
    1.  What is the minimum size needed to give almost 100 percent assurance
        that the application won't crash because it ran out of memory? This
        includes not only things that you do have direct control over such as
        checking for NIL handles and pointers, but also things that some
        feel are not so much under their control such as QuickDraw and the
        Segment Loader.
    2.  What kind of performance can a user expect from the application when
        it is running in the minimum memory configuration? Performance includes
        not only speed in handling data, but also things like how many documents
        can be opened, etc.
    3.  What are the typical sizes of scraps is [a boy dog] that a user might
        wish to work with when lauching or switching to your application? If
        the amount of memory is too small, the scrap may get lost [will have
        to be shot]. This can be quite frustrating to the user.
    4.  The previous items have concentrated on topics that tend to cause an
        increase in the minimum size to request from MultiFinder. On the flip
        side, however, should be the consideration of what environments the
        application may be running in. There may be a high probability that
        many users with relatively small memory configurations will want to
        avail themselves of your application. Or, many users might want to use it
        while several other, possibly related/complementary applications are
        running. If that is the case, it would be helpful to have a fairly
        small minimum size.
    What we did for TESample:
        We determined the smallest heap size that TESample could have and still
        run (22K). For the preferred size we added enough space to permit:
            a. a maximum size TextEdit text handle (32000 characters)
            b. a maximum usable TextEdit scrap (32000 characters)
            b. a maximum scrap as a result of Copy (32000 characters)
            d. a little performance cushion (see 2, above) (10K)
        Result: 122K for preferred size
        For the minimum size we took the 22K and then scaled down our requirements
        for a,b, and c above. We thought that providing 16K more would be lean
        and mean (see 4, above).
        Result: 38K for minimum size
#define kPrefSize               122
#define kMinSize                38
/* The following constants are used to identify menus and their items. The menu IDs
   have an "m" prefix and the item numbers within each menu have an "i" prefix. */
#define mApple                  128     /* Apple menu */
#define iAbout                  1
#define mFile                   129     /* File menu */
#define iNew                    1
#define iClose                  4
#define iQuit                   12
#define mEdit                   130     /* Edit menu */
#define iUndo                   1
#define iCut                    3
#define iCopy                   4
#define iPaste                  5
#define iClear                  6
/*  1.01 - kTopLeft - This is for positioning the Disk Initialization dialogs. */
#define kDITop                  0x0050
#define kDILeft                 0x0070
/* 1.01 - changed constants to begin with 'k' for consistency, except for resource IDs */
/*  kTextMargin is the number of pixels we leave blank at the edge of the window. */
#define kTextMargin             2
/* kMaxOpenDocuments is used to determine whether a new document can be opened
   or created. We keep track of the number of open documents, and disable the
   menu items that create a new document when the maximum is reached. If the
   number of documents falls below the maximum, the items are enabled again. */
#define kMaxOpenDocuments       1
/*  kMaxDocWidth is an arbitrary number used to specify the width of the TERec's
    destination rectangle so that word wrap and horizontal scrolling can be
    demonstrated. */
#define kMaxDocWidth            576
/* kMinDocDim is used to limit the minimum dimension of a window when GrowWindow
    is called. */
#define kMinDocDim              64
/*  kControlInvisible is used to 'turn off' controls (i.e., cause the control not
    to be redrawn as a result of some Control Manager call such as SetCtlValue)
    by being put into the contrlVis field of the record. kControlVisible is used
    the same way to 'turn on' the control. */
#define kControlInvisible       0
#define kControlVisible         0xFF
/*  kScrollbarAdjust and kScrollbarWidth are used in calculating
    values for control positioning and sizing. */
#define kScrollbarWidth         16
#define kScrollbarAdjust        (kScrollbarWidth - 1)
/*  kScrollTweek compensates for off-by-one requirements of the scrollbars
 to have borders coincide with the growbox. */
#define kScrollTweek            2
/*  kCrChar is used to match with a carriage return when calculating the
    number of lines in the TextEdit record. kDelChar is used to check for
    delete in keyDowns. */
#define kCrChar                 13
#define kDelChar                8
/*  kButtonScroll is how many pixels to scroll horizontally when the button part
    of the horizontal scrollbar is pressed. */
#define kButtonScroll           4
/*  kMaxTELength is an arbitrary number used to limit the length of text in the TERec
    so that various errors won't occur from too many characters in the text. */
#define kMaxTELength            32000
/* kSysEnvironsVersion is passed to SysEnvirons to tell it which version of the
   SysEnvRec we understand. */
#define kSysEnvironsVersion     1
/* kOSEvent is the event number of the suspend/resume and mouse-moved events sent
   by MultiFinder. Once we determine that an event is an OSEvent, we look at the
   high byte of the message sent to determine which kind it is. To differentiate
   suspend and resume events we check the resumeMask bit. */
#define kOSEvent                app4Evt /* event used by MultiFinder */
#define kSuspendResumeMessage   1       /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */
#define kResumeMask             1       /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */
#define kMouseMovedMessage      0xFA    /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */
#define kNoEvents               0       /* no events mask */
/* 1.01 - kMinHeap - This is the minimum result from the following
            ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone)
     for the application to run. It will insure that enough memory will
     be around for reasonable-sized scraps, FKEYs, etc. to exist with the
     application, and still give the application some 'breathing room'.
     To derive this number, we ran under a MultiFinder partition that was
     our requested minimum size, as given in the 'SIZE' resource. */
#define kMinHeap                 (29 * 1024)
/* 1.01 - kMinSpace - This is the minimum result from PurgeSpace, when called
     at initialization time, for the application to run. This number acts
     as a double-check to insure that there really is enough memory for the
     application to run, including what has been taken up already by
     pre-loaded resources, the scrap, code, and other sundry memory blocks. */
#define kMinSpace               (20 * 1024)
/*  kExtremeNeg and kExtremePos are used to set up wide open rectangles and regions. */
#define kExtremeNeg             -32768
#define kExtremePos             (32767 - 1) /* required to address an old region bug */
/* kTESlop provides some extra security when pre-flighting edit commands. */
#define kTESlop                 1024
/* The following are indicies into STR# resources. */
#define eWrongMachine           1
#define eSmallSize              2
#define eNoMemory               3
#define eNoSpaceCut             4
#define eNoCut                  5
#define eNoCopy                 6
#define eExceedPaste            7
#define eNoSpacePaste           8
#define eNoWindow               9
#define eExceedChar             10
#define eNoPaste                11
#define rMenuBar    128             /* application's menu bar */
#define rAboutAlert 128             /* about alert */
#define rUserAlert  129             /* user error alert */
#define rDocWindow  128             /* application's window */
#define rVScroll    128             /* vertical scrollbar control */
#define rHScroll    129             /* horizontal scrollbar control */
#define kErrStrings 128             /* error string list */