Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: TPIFile.c |
Contains: TPI Module to access File Manager files. Technology |
demonstration only! |
Written by: Quinn "The Eskimo!" |
Copyright: © 1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
Change History (most recent first): |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
More assertions than an email meeting with Brian Bechtel! |
*/ |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The OT debugging macros in <OTDebug.h> require this variable to |
// be set. |
#ifndef qDebug |
#define qDebug 1 |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Determine whether this is going to be an instrumented build or not. |
#else |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Pick up all the standard OT module stuff. |
#include <OpenTptModule.h> |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// You've gotta wonder why noCacheMask is only declared in <FSM.h>! |
#include <FSM.h> |
#include <Files.h> |
#include <Devices.h> |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Pick up Instrumentation SDK stuff. We only do this if we're |
// actually instrumenting, so you don't even have to have the SDK |
// to compile the non-instumented version of the code. If we're |
// instrumenting, we compile a bunch of bogus macros that generally |
// compile to nothing. |
#include <InstrumentationMacros.h> |
#else |
#define TRACE_SETUP long __junk |
#define LOG_ENTRY(n) if (0) { __junk ; } |
#define LOG_EXIT if (0) { __junk ; } |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Pick up our module specific data structures, specifically |
// the AF_FILESPEC address format. |
#include "TPIFile.h" |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
extern pascal void OTDebugStr(const char *str) |
// OTDebugStr seems to be missing from the latest OpenTptMiscUtilsPPC.o, |
// so we implement our own dummy version here. |
{ |
debugstr(str); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// If we're instrumenting, do a special hack to allow us |
// to see calls to the File Manager. We declare stub |
// routines with a trailing "X" for each File Manager |
// routine we call, and then macro define the corresponding |
// identifiers to expand out to the "X" routine. |
// |
// In general you don't have to do this sort of rubbish |
// when instrumenting your code. The Instrumentation SDK |
// describes how you can use MrProf to do an equivalent |
// thing automagically. I tried that and TPIFile started |
// crashing unexpectedly. I would love to know why, but |
// alas I didn't have enough time to debug it. Instead, |
// I did this hack. *sigh* |
static pascal OSErr PBHOpenAsyncX(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:PBHOpenAsync" ); |
result = PBHOpenAsync(paramBlock); |
return (result); |
} |
static pascal OSErr PBReadAsyncX(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:PBReadAsync" ); |
result = PBReadAsync(paramBlock); |
return (result); |
} |
static pascal OSErr PBCloseAsyncX(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:PBCloseAsync" ); |
result = PBCloseAsync(paramBlock); |
return (result); |
} |
#define PBHOpenAsync PBHOpenAsyncX |
#define PBReadAsync PBReadAsyncX |
#define PBCloseAsync PBCloseAsyncX |
#endif |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static mblk_t* qmi_tpi_data_ind(mblk_t* trailer_mp, int flags, long type) |
// I found that mi_tpi_data_ind is not exported by the OT libraries, |
// so I simply include my own verison here. |
{ |
mblk_t* mp; |
mp = mi_tpi_data_req(trailer_mp, flags, type); |
if (mp) |
((struct T_data_ind *)mp->b_rptr)->PRIM_type = T_DATA_IND; |
return mp; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static Boolean IsReadQ(queue_t* q) |
// Returns true if q is the read queue of a queue pair. |
{ |
return ( (q->q_flag & QREADR) != 0 ); |
} |
static Boolean IsWriteQ(queue_t* q) |
// Returns true if q is the write queue of a queue pair. |
{ |
return ( (q->q_flag & QREADR) == 0 ); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// kDataBufferSize is the number of bytes we read of the file |
// at a time. If you have a file that's larger than kDataBufferSize, |
// it gets sent upstream in kDataBufferSize chunks. The number was |
// chosen because I know that OT doesn't like you asking for big |
// large individual memory buffers. Remember, OT's memory manager |
// is designed for networking, and optimised for buffers that are |
// the size of your typical network packet. |
enum { |
kDataBufferSize = 2048 |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Per-Stream information |
// This structure is used to hold the per-stream data for the module. |
// While module's can use normal global variables to store real globals, |
// they must maintain their own per-stream data structures. I use |
// mi_open_comm to allocate this data structure when the stream is |
// opened. mi_open_comm stores the address of this data structure in the |
// read and write queue's q_ptr field, so the rest of the code |
// can get to it by calling the GetPerStreamData function. |
// Due to an intensely annoying inability to distinguish three different |
// states in DoDisconnectRequestAck, I need to define a sub-state variable |
// that distinguishes between the possible ways to get to DoDisconnectRequestAck |
// when the stream is in state TS_WACK_DREQ6. |
typedef enum { |
WSS_OPEN = 0, // Got to DoDisconnectRequestAck by getting a T_DISCON_REQ while in TS_WCON_CREQ. |
WSS_ISSUE_MP // Got to DoDisconnectRequestAck by calling CloseFileAndPostMessage. |
} WackSubStateType; |
struct PerStreamData |
{ |
OSType magic; // kTPIFilePerStreamDataMagic = 'ESK0' for debugging |
long currentState; // State of the TPI module, TS_UNBND etc |
WackSubStateType wackSubstate; // Sub-state while in TS_WACK_DREQ6, WSS_OPEN etc |
queue_t *readQueue; // Read queue for this stream. Used by the |
// the ioCompletion routine to find the queue. |
mblk_t *currentMessage; // Current message pending ioCompletion. |
// When the CustomIOCompletion routine fires, |
// it puts this message on the above queue. |
HParamBlockRec fileParamBlock; // Current pending IOParamBlock |
FSSpec fileSpec; // The file we're connected to. |
short fileRefNum; // The fileRefNum if the file is open. |
Boolean detached; // Whether this stream has been detached. |
// Streams get detached when they are closed |
// but there is outstanding asynchronous I/O |
// which we have to wait to complete before |
// we can dispose of this data structure. |
}; |
typedef struct PerStreamData PerStreamData, *PerStreamDataPtr; |
static PerStreamDataPtr GetPerStreamData(queue_t* readOrWriteQ) |
// You can pass both the read or the write queue to this routine |
// because mi_open_comm sets up both q_ptr's to point to the |
// queue local data. |
// |
// Note that, in order to avoid the overhead of a function call, |
// you would normally use inline code (or a macro) |
// to get your per-stream data instead of using a separate function. |
// However I think the separate function makes things clearer. |
// I also acts as a central bottleneck for my debugging code. |
// |
// Environment: any standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
streamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) readOrWriteQ->q_ptr; |
OTAssert("GetPerStreamData: what streamData", streamData != nil); |
OTAssert("GetPerStreamData: Bad magic", streamData->magic == kTPIFilePerStreamDataMagic); |
return (streamData); |
} |
// mi_open_comm and mi_close_comm (and also mi_detach and mi_close_detached) |
// use this global to store the list of open streams to this module. |
static char* gModuleList = nil; |
// A UPP for CustomIOCompletion. |
static IOCompletionUPP gCustomIOCompletionUPP = nil; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void CloseFileAndPostMessage(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// This routine is called to close the open file associated |
// with the stream the given queue (which is the read-side |
// queue). mp is either nil, or the message that should be |
// posted to the read-side service routine when the close is |
// complete. |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
// Environment: Deferred Task (called by CleanUpPerStreamData) |
// Environment: close entry point |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:CloseFileAndPostMessage" ); |
OTAssert("CloseFileAndPostMessage: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("CloseFileAndPostMessage: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
OTAssert("CloseFileAndPostMessage: File isn't open", streamData->fileRefNum != 0); |
streamData->currentMessage = mp; |
// Set up the parameter block for the _Close. |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioRefNum = streamData->fileRefNum; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioCompletion = gCustomIOCompletionUPP; |
// This is critical. Set our copy of file reference number to 0 so |
// that DoDisconnectRequestAck knows that it's the second time it's been called. |
streamData->fileRefNum = 0; |
// Start the close operation. |
(void) PBCloseAsync( (ParmBlkPtr) &streamData->fileParamBlock); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... ( DoDisconnectRequestAck or DoDisconnectIndication)... |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static Boolean CleanUpPerStreamData(PerStreamDataPtr streamData) |
// This routine is called to clean up the per-stream data for this |
// stream. The routine returns true if the stream is clean (ie |
// the memory can be disposed of), or false if there is an |
// async close operation that means the stream must be left lying around. |
// If it returns false, the rest of the module organises to call |
// it repeatably until it returns true. |
// |
// Environment: Deferred Task (scheduled by CustomIOCompletion) |
// Environment: close entry point |
// Environment: TerminateStreamModule |
{ |
Boolean result; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:CleanUpPerStreamData" ); |
OTAssert("CleanUpPerStreamData: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
// Test to see whether the file is currently open. |
if ( (streamData->fileRefNum != 0) || (streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult > noErr) ) { |
// The file is open, or the close is still in progress. If the close isn't |
// in progress, start one. Regardless, return false to let the caller know |
// we can't be killed yet. |
if ( streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult <= noErr ) { |
// OTDebugBreak("CleanUpPerStreamData: Executing the especially hard case"); |
CloseFileAndPostMessage(streamData->readQueue, nil); |
} |
result = false; |
} else { |
// The file is closed. No other clean up required, but if streamData |
// contained pointers to other data structures, this is where we would |
// dispose them. |
result = true; |
} |
return (result); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static long gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID = 0; |
static pascal void CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams(void* junkArg) |
// Loop through all of the streams looking for detached ones. |
// When we find a detached stream, attempt to close it by |
// calling CleanUpPerStreamData. |
// |
// When the ioCompletion fires but finds it hasn't got a |
// message to work with (because the stream has closed) it |
// schedules this deferred task to run and actually kill |
// the stream. |
// |
// TerminateStreamModule also calls this routine |
// to kill any remaining streams before the module quits. |
// |
// Environment: Deferred Task (scheduled by CustomIOCompletion) |
// Environment: TerminateStreamModule |
{ |
#pragma unused(junkArg) |
PerStreamDataPtr thisStreamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams" ); |
// OTDebugBreak("CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams: Entering"); |
// Loop through each of the streams... |
thisStreamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) gModuleList; |
while (thisStreamData != nil) { |
if (thisStreamData->detached && CleanUpPerStreamData( thisStreamData ) ) { |
// Yes're allowed to kill this detached stream. |
mi_close_detached(&gModuleList, (char *) thisStreamData); |
// Resume the search at the beginning of the stream list because |
// a) I don't know the exact ordering that mi_open_comm uses to |
// create the stream list, so I'll just do the entire thing again. |
// b) There's a possibility that hardware interrupts are detaching |
// streams while we're working here, so we might as well pick |
// them up in this pass. |
thisStreamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) gModuleList; |
} else { |
// This stream is not detached or not eligible for closing, continue |
// on with the next one. |
thisStreamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) mi_next_ptr( (char *) thisStreamData ); |
} |
} |
// You might think that we can assert that we've mi_close_detached |
// at least one stream here, but that may not be true. Imagine this |
// scenario: |
// |
// 1. CustomIOCompletion fires, marks stream detached, schedules |
// CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams |
// 2. CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams runs, finds marked stream, |
// and calls mi_close_detached on it. It then resumes its |
// search at the beginning of the stream list. |
// 3. CustomIOCompletion fires again, for a different stream. |
// It marks the stream detached and schedules |
// CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams again. This works because |
// OTScheduleDeferredTask considers a running task (ie |
// CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams) to not be scheduled, so it |
// will schedule it again. |
// 4. The first instance of CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams continues |
// running and picks up the second marked stream, which it closes. |
// 5. The second instance of CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams runs, |
// and can't find a stream to close. |
// |
// The fact that OTScheduleDeferredTask will reschedule a running |
// task is *good* because, although it means there's a possibility |
// that we'll run CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams unnecessarily, it also |
// guarantees that we'll never leave a dangling detached stream. |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static pascal void CustomIOCompletion(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) |
// This function is the ioCompletion routine we use for all of |
// our File Manager operations. Because it operates at hardware |
// interrupt level, it is not synchronised with the rest of STREAMS |
// and so we have to be careful that we only call STREAMS routines |
// that are accessible from hardware interrupt level. This list |
// of routines is given in the "Open Tpt Module Dev. Note". |
// |
// The routine performs two different functions based on whether |
// currentMessage is nil or not. If currentMessage is not nil, |
// the routine simply puts that message on the stream's read-side |
// queue. This schedules the TPIFileReadService, which continues |
// the processing of the operation based on the type of the message. |
// The person who called the File Manager will have set currentMessage |
// up appropriately. |
// |
// If currentMessage is nil, the stream was closed before the |
// File Manager ioCompletion routine ran. We have to take special |
// care to clean up this stream correctly by scheduling the |
// CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams deferred task. |
// |
// In looking at trace logs it seems that PBCloseAsync pretty much |
// always operates synchronously, so this second case is most probably |
// not well tested. |
// |
// Environment: Hardware Interrupt (ioCompletion from File Manager) |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
mblk_t *mp; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:CustomIOCompletion" ); |
// Tell OT we're operating at hardware interrupt level. |
OTEnterInterrupt(); |
// Get the per-stream data associated with this File Manager |
// operation using the standard "offset from the ParamBlockRec" |
// technique. |
streamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) ( ((UInt8 *) paramBlock) - OTOffsetOf(PerStreamData, fileParamBlock) ); |
OTAssert("CustomIOCompletion: Bad magic", streamData->magic == kTPIFilePerStreamDataMagic); |
// OTAssert("CustomIOCompletion: This is not wrong, merely interesting", streamData->currentMessage != nil); |
mp = streamData->currentMessage; |
if (mp == nil) { |
// The stream was closed before the ioCompletion routine could fire. |
// Schedule our deferred task to clean up the wreckage. |
OTAssert("CustomIOCompletion: Clean up deferred task not created", gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID != 0); |
streamData->detached = true; |
OTScheduleDeferredTask(gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID); |
// ... continue in CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams... |
} else { |
streamData->currentMessage = nil; |
// The stream is still a going proposition. Put |
// the current message on our read-side queue, |
// which has the effect of scheduling our read-side |
// service routine TPIFileReadService which will |
// forward the message upstream. |
putq(streamData->readQueue, mp); |
// ... continue in TPIFileReadService ... |
} |
OTLeaveInterrupt(); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Open routine |
static SInt32 TPIFileOpen(queue_t* rdq, dev_t* dev, SInt32 flag, SInt32 sflag, cred_t* creds) |
// This routine is called by STREAMS when a new stream is connected to |
// our module. The bulk of the work here is done by the Mentat helper |
// routine mi_open_comm. |
// |
// Environment: standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
SInt32 err; |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:TPIFileOpen" ); |
OTAssert("TPIFileOpen: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(rdq) ); |
err = noErr; |
// If we already have per-stream data for this stream, the stream is being reopened. |
// In that case, we can just return. |
// Note that we can't call GetPerStreamData because it checks that streamData is not nil. |
if ( rdq->q_ptr != nil ) { |
goto done; |
} |
// Make sure we're being opened properly -- because we're a driver we |
// don't allow a "module" open. |
if ( err == noErr && sflag == MODOPEN ) { |
err = ENXIO; |
} |
// Use the mi_open_comm routine to allocate our per-stream data. Then |
// zero out the entire per-stream data record and fill out the fields |
// we're going to need. |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = mi_open_comm(&gModuleList, sizeof(PerStreamData), rdq, dev, flag, sflag, creds); |
if ( err == noErr ) { |
// Note that we can't call GetPerStreamData because the magic is not set up yet. |
streamData = (PerStreamDataPtr) rdq->q_ptr; |
OTMemzero(streamData, sizeof(PerStreamData)); |
streamData->magic = kTPIFilePerStreamDataMagic; |
streamData->currentState = TS_UNBND; |
streamData->readQueue = rdq; |
} |
} |
done: |
return (err); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Close routine |
static SInt32 TPIFileClose(queue_t* rdq, SInt32 flags, cred_t* credP) |
// This routine is called by STREAMS when a stream is being |
// disconnected from our driver (ie closed). The operation of this |
// routine is complicated by one important fact: because we |
// call File Manager asynchronously, there may be a File Manager |
// I/O operation in progress when the stream is closed. If this |
// is the case, must use a special technique (mi_detach) to |
// detach our per-stream data from the actual stream, and |
// then organise to clean up this data at some later stage. |
// |
// Environment: standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
#pragma unused(flags) |
#pragma unused(credP) |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
mblk_t *oldCurrentMessage; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:TPIFileClose" ); |
OTAssert("TPIFileClose: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(rdq) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(rdq); |
// Be very careful here. streamData->currentMessage is also modified by |
// the CustomIOCompletion routine, which (unlike the rest of our |
// module) is not synchronised with this routine. So we must use |
// atomic operations to do this change streamData->currentMessage |
// to make sure that either we close the stream or we detach the |
// stream and CustomIOCompletion uses a deferred task to close it. |
// |
// Note that CustomIOCompletion does not have to use an atomic |
// operation to modify streamData->currentMessage because it can |
// interrupt us but we can't interrupt it. |
do { |
oldCurrentMessage = streamData->currentMessage; |
} while ( ! OTCompareAndSwapPtr(oldCurrentMessage, nil, &streamData->currentMessage) ); |
if ( oldCurrentMessage != nil ) { |
// The ioCompletion routine hasn't fired yet, and if it does |
// we've atomically guaranteed that it will know that this |
// queue has been detached. So we detach the queue and |
// wait for the completion routine to schedule our deferred |
// task. |
// OTDebugBreak("TPIFileClose: Executing the hard case"); |
freemsg(oldCurrentMessage); |
mi_detach(rdq, (char *) streamData); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... |
} else { |
if ( CleanUpPerStreamData( streamData ) ) { |
// The easy case. There is no outstanding ioCompletion routine, |
// and the file is closed, so we can just shut down this stream. |
(void) mi_close_comm(&gModuleList, rdq); |
} else { |
// CleanUpPerStreamData has scheduled an async _Close, |
// detach the stream and wait for it. |
mi_detach(rdq, (char *) streamData); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... |
} |
} |
return (0); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
enum { |
kNoPrimitive = -1 |
}; |
static long GetPrimitive(mblk_t* mp) |
// GetPrimitive gets the TPI primitive out of a message block. |
// It returns kNoPrimitive if the message block is of the wrong |
// type or there is no TPI primitive. |
// |
// Environment: any standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
if ((mp->b_datap->db_type == M_PROTO || mp->b_datap->db_type == M_PCPROTO) && MBLK_SIZE(mp) >= sizeof(long) ) { |
return ( ( (union T_primitives*) mp->b_rptr)->type ); |
} else { |
return ( kNoPrimitive ); |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoInfoRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle a T_INFO_REQ TPI message by responding with |
// a T_INFO_ACK message. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
T_info_ack *infoAck; |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoInfoRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoInfoRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
// Allocate the T_INFO_ACK message, reusing mp if possible. |
mp = mi_tpi_ack_alloc(mp, sizeof(T_info_ack), T_INFO_ACK); |
OTAssert("mi_tpi_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
infoAck = (T_info_ack *) mp->b_rptr; |
// Fill out infoAck. Note that we do not say we support |
// orderly release! |
infoAck->TSDU_size = 0; |
infoAck->ETSDU_size = T_INVALID; |
infoAck->CDATA_size = T_INVALID; |
infoAck->DDATA_size = T_INVALID; |
infoAck->ADDR_size = T_INFINITE; |
infoAck->OPT_size = T_INVALID; |
infoAck->TIDU_size = T_INFINITE; |
infoAck->SERV_type = T_COTS; |
infoAck->CURRENT_state = streamData->currentState; |
infoAck->PROVIDER_flag = 0; |
(void) qreply(q, mp); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void ReplyWithErrorAck(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp, long tpiError, long unixError) |
// A simple routine which replies to a TPI message with a T_ERROR_ACK |
// message containing the error codes tpiError and unixError. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:ReplyWithErrorAck" ); |
OTAssert("ReplyWithErrorAck: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
mp = mi_tpi_err_ack_alloc(mp, tpiError, unixError); |
OTAssert("mi_tpi_err_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
(void) qreply(q, mp); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoBindRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle a T_BIND_REQ message by changing to the bound state |
// and replying with a T_BIND_ACK message. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
T_bind_req *bindReq; |
T_bind_ack *bindAck; |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoBindRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoBindRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
// Check whether we're in the right state. |
if (streamData->currentState != TS_UNBND) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TOUTSTATE, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
// Check the bind parameters. |
bindReq = (T_bind_req *) mp->b_rptr; |
if (bindReq->CONIND_number != 0 || bindReq->ADDR_length != 0) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TNOADDR, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
// All is cool, lets say we're bound. |
mp = mi_tpi_ack_alloc(mp, sizeof(T_bind_ack), T_BIND_ACK); |
OTAssert("mi_tpi_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
bindAck = (T_bind_ack *) mp->b_rptr; |
bindAck->ADDR_length = 0; |
bindAck->ADDR_offset = sizeof(T_bind_ack); |
bindAck->CONIND_number = 0; |
// Switch to the bound state. |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
qreply(q, mp); |
done: |
return; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoConnectRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle a T_CONN_REQ message in two stages. If the connect |
// request contains bogus information, we immediately NAK |
// it with a T_ERROR_ACK. If the information in the connect |
// request looks OK, we start the connection process (ie by |
// calling PBHOpenAsync) and send up a T_OK_ACK to say that |
// the connection is in progress. When the async operation |
// completes, the ioCompletion fires, calling CustomIOCompletion |
// which in turn puts streamData->currentMessage on the read-side |
// queue, which schedule TPIFileReadService, which calls |
// DoConnectConfirm which finally creates the T_CONN_CON message. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
T_conn_req *connReq; |
FileSpecAddressPtr connAddr; |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoConnectRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoConnectRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
// Check whether we're in the right state. |
if (streamData->currentState != TS_IDLE) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TOUTSTATE, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
// Check the connect parameters. |
connReq = (T_conn_req *) mp->b_rptr; |
if (connReq->OPT_length != 0) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TBADOPT, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
if (connReq->DEST_length != sizeof(FileSpecAddress)) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TBADADDR, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
connAddr = (FileSpecAddressPtr) mi_offset_paramc(mp, connReq->DEST_offset, connReq->DEST_length); |
if (connAddr->fAddressType != AF_FILESPEC) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TBADADDR, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
streamData->fileSpec = connAddr->fss; |
// Create the T_CONN_CON message for use by the ioCompletion routine. |
OTAssert("DoConnectRequest: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
streamData->currentMessage = mi_tpi_conn_con(nil, (char *) connAddr, sizeof(FileSpecAddress), nil, 0); |
OTAssert("DoConnectRequest: mi_tpi_conn_con failed", streamData->currentMessage != nil); |
// mi_tpi_conn_con fills in all the fields of the message, so we have nothing more to do. |
streamData->currentState = TS_WCON_CREQ; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioVRefNum = streamData->fileSpec.vRefNum; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioDirID = streamData->fileSpec.parID; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioNamePtr = &streamData->[0]; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioPermssn = fsRdPerm; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioMisc = nil; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioCompletion = gCustomIOCompletionUPP; |
(void) PBHOpenAsync(&streamData->fileParamBlock); |
// Throw away error result from PBOpenAsync because File Manager will still call |
// our completion routine. |
// We've started the connection attempt, respond with a T_OK_ACK. |
mp = mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc(mp); |
OTAssert("mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
qreply(q, mp); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... DoConnectConfirm... |
done: |
return; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoDisconnectRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handling a T_DISCON_REQ message is complicated by two |
// factors: a) there are two possible states that the stream |
// can be in and get a valid T_DISCON_REQ, and we have to |
// handle both cases slightly differently, and b) there |
// could be a pending asynchronous I/O operation for this |
// stream, and we don't want it going upstream after we've |
// disconnected. |
// |
// To handle the first difficulty, we have to case our |
// behaviour on the current state of the stream. |
// If the stream is in TS_WCON_CREQ (Waiting for Confirmation |
// of Connection Request -- we were asked to disconnect |
// while we were in the process of connecting), we switch |
// to state TS_WACK_DREQ6. If the state is TS_DATA_XFER |
// (Data Transfer -- we were asked to disconnect while |
// we are tranferring data), we switch to TS_WACK_DREQ9. |
// |
// This resulting state is important because DoDisconnectRequestAck |
// uses it to determine the next state in the state machine. |
// |
// We can't just send the T_OK_ACK upstream from here because |
// we most probably have an outstanding File Manager completion |
// routine (and it's hard to tell because File Manager completions |
// are not synchronised with STREAMS) for the _Read or _Open, |
// and we don't want that to complete at an unexpected |
// time. In addition, there is no way of cancelling |
// outstanding File Manager requests. |
// |
// In the case where there is a pending File Manager operation, |
// we simply swap out the current message and replace it with |
// our T_OK_ACK message. This must be done atomically to ensure |
// that the completion routine doesn't fire while we're doing it. |
// |
// In the case where there is no pending File Manager operation, |
// we post the message to the read-side queue directly. This |
// especially important in the case when the stream in in |
// TS_DATA_XFER, because the read-side queue may be descheduled |
// because of flow control. Fortunately the T_OK_ACK message |
// is a high-priority message, so it will be processed anyway. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
mblk_t* oldCurrentMessage; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoDisconnectRequest" ); |
// OTDebugBreak("DoDisconnectRequest: Disconnect requested"); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
// Do the right thing depending on the current state. |
switch ( streamData->currentState ) { |
case TS_WCON_CREQ: |
case TS_DATA_XFER: |
// Set the new state appropriately, so that |
// DoDisconnectRequestAck knows what to do. |
if ( streamData->currentState == TS_WCON_CREQ ) { |
streamData->wackSubstate = WSS_OPEN; |
streamData->currentState = TS_WACK_DREQ6; |
} else { |
streamData->currentState = TS_WACK_DREQ9; |
} |
// Allocate an appropriate T_OK_ACK message. |
mp = mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc(mp); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequest: mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
// Swap it into this stream's currentMessage field. |
oldCurrentMessage = streamData->currentMessage; |
if ( (oldCurrentMessage != nil ) && |
OTCompareAndSwapPtr(oldCurrentMessage, mp, &streamData->currentMessage) ) { |
// We successfully managed to swap the message into the |
// current message field. The T_OK_ACK message will be |
// posted when the ioCompletion runs. |
freemsg(oldCurrentMessage); |
} else { |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequest: Message unexpectedly appeared", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
// There is either no outstanding I/O operation, or it fired |
// while we were looking at it. We must do clever things! |
// namely putting our T_OK_ACK message on the read-side queue. |
// |
// Because this is a high-priority message it will be delivered |
// before the T_CONN_CON or T_DATA_IND messages that might have |
// been queued by the ioCompletion routine before it in the stream |
// read-side queue. |
putq( RD(q) , mp); |
// btw We do not freemsg(oldCurrentMessage) because the interrupt |
// handler has already put it on our read-side queue. |
} |
// ... continue in DoDisconnectRequestAck... |
break; |
default: |
OTDebugBreak("DoDisconnectRequest: Out of state"); |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TOUTSTATE, 0); |
break; |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoUnbindRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle a T_UNBIND_REQ message. TPI says that |
// we can only get these in the TS_IDLE idle state. |
// If that's the case, we simply change state to |
// TS_UNBND and reply with a T_OK_ACK. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoUnbindRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoUnbindRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
// Check whether we're in the right state. |
if (streamData->currentState != TS_IDLE) { |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TOUTSTATE, 0); |
goto done; |
} |
// No other parameters to check, so everything is cool. |
// We change state and ACK the request. |
streamData->currentState = TS_UNBND; |
mp = mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc(mp); |
OTAssert("DoUnbindRequest: mi_tpi_ok_ack_alloc failed", mp != nil ); |
qreply(q, mp); |
done: |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoOptionManagementRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// We've told the world that we don't support option management |
// so just error any T_OPTMGMT_REQ messages. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
OTAssert("DoOptionManagementRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoOptionManagementRequest" ); |
ReplyWithErrorAck(q, mp, TBADOPT, 0); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoStreamFatalError(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Send up a stream-fatal M_ERROR message. We do this in response |
// to messages that are just wrong for our type of stream. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
OTDebugBreak("DoStreamFatalError"); |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoStreamFatalError" ); |
OTAssert("DoStreamFatalError: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
OTAssert("DoStreamFatalError: mp is nil", mp != nil ); |
freemsg(mp); |
// Allocate a 1 byte M_ERROR message containing EPROTO |
// and send it back up the stream. This basically kills |
// the stream as far as the client is concerned. Normally |
// you wouldn't do this except in dire circumstances. I |
// do it when I find that someone has sent me the wrong |
// kind of message. Normally the stream head should protect |
// you against this. |
mp = allocb(sizeof(UInt8), 0); |
OTAssert("DoStreamFatalError: allocb failed", mp != nil ); |
OTAssert("DoStreamFatalError: allocb is not doing what we expect", mp->b_rptr == mp->b_wptr); |
mp->b_datap->db_type = M_ERROR; |
*((UInt8 *) (mp->b_wptr)) = EPROTO; |
mp->b_wptr = mp->b_rptr + 1; |
qreply(q, mp); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoDataRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* headerBlock, mblk_t* dataBlock) |
// Handle a T_DATA_REQ message. Well actually, we don't handle |
// them, so we kill the stream if we get one. |
// |
// headerBlock may be nil when this messages is caused by an M_DATA |
// message. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
mblk_t* mp; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoDataRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoDataRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
if ( headerBlock == nil ) { |
mp = dataBlock; |
} else { |
mp = headerBlock; |
} |
// We do not handle writing data to TPIFile streams. |
DoStreamFatalError(q, headerBlock); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoFlushRequest(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle an M_FLUSH message as per "STREAMS Modules and Drivers", p8-12. |
// |
// Environment: write put routine |
{ |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoFlushRequest" ); |
OTAssert("DoFlushRequest: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
// If we've been asked to flush the write queue, just go and do it. |
if ( ( *(mp->b_rptr) & FLUSHW ) != 0 ) { |
flushq(q, FLUSHDATA); |
} |
// Check whether we've been asked to flush the read queue. |
if ( ( *(mp->b_rptr) & FLUSHR ) != 0 ) { |
// If so, clear the FLUSHW bit and send the flush |
// request back up stream. We don't actually flush |
// the contents of the read queue because doing so |
// might compromise the delicate state machine in |
// this module. I need to investigate whether this |
// is a serious problem and, if it is, work out a fix. |
*(mp->b_rptr) &= ~FLUSHW; |
qreply(q, mp); |
} else { |
// We weren't asked to flush the read queue, so |
// we're done with this message. |
freemsg(mp); |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Write-side put routine |
static SInt32 TPIFileWritePut(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// This routine is called by STREAMS when it has a message for our |
// module. This routine is basically a big case statement that |
// dispatches to our various message handling routines. |
// |
// Note that a production module would probably want to handle |
// the high frequency requests (like T_DATA_REQ) inline in this |
// routine for maximum speed, but this module is still in the |
// "make it work" stage. |
// |
// Environment: standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
struct iocblk *iocblkPtr; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:TPIFileWritePut" ); |
OTAssert("TPIFileWritePut: Not the write queue", IsWriteQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
switch ( mp->b_datap->db_type ) { |
case M_IOCTL: |
// "STREAMS Modules and Drivers" p8-33 says: "A driver must process |
// an M_IOCTL message. Otherwise, the Stream head blocks for an M_IOCNAK |
// or M_IOCACK until the timeout (potentially infinite) expires. If a driver |
// does not understand an ioctl, an M_IOCNAK message must be sent to upstream." |
// I'm not sure why we're allowed to reuse this datab without |
// check it for read-only, but everyone does so! |
mp->b_datap->db_type = M_IOCNAK; |
iocblkPtr = (struct iocblk *) mp->b_rptr; |
iocblkPtr->ioc_error = EINVAL; |
qreply(q, mp); |
break; |
case M_DATA: |
// "STREAMS Modules and Drivers", Appendix A-2, T_DATA_REQ (7tpi) says: |
// "The transport provider must also recognize a message of one or more |
// M_DATA message blocks without the leading M_PROTO message block as a |
// T_DATA_REQ primitive. This message type will be initiated from the write |
// (BA_OS) operating system service routine." |
DoDataRequest(q, nil, mp); |
break; |
case M_FLUSH: |
DoFlushRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
default: |
switch ( GetPrimitive(mp) ) { |
case T_INFO_REQ: |
DoInfoRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_BIND_REQ: |
DoBindRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_CONN_REQ: |
DoConnectRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_DISCON_REQ: |
DoDisconnectRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_UNBIND_REQ: |
DoUnbindRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
DoOptionManagementRequest(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_DATA_REQ: |
DoDataRequest(q, mp, mp->b_cont); |
break; |
// Standard TPI messages that are inappropriate. |
case T_ORDREL_REQ: |
case T_EXDATA_REQ: |
// Extended TPI messages that are inappropriate. |
case T_ADDR_REQ: |
// Transaction TPI messages that are inappropriate. |
case T_UREPLY_REQ: |
case T_REPLY_REQ: |
// Mapper TPI messages that are inappropriate. |
DoStreamFatalError(q, mp); |
break; |
case kNoPrimitive: |
default: |
// "STREAMS Modules and Drivers" p8-33 says: "Messages that are |
// not understood by the driver should be freed." |
OTDebugBreak("TPIFileWritePut: Message not understood, freeing"); |
freemsg(mp); |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Read-side put routine |
static SInt32 TPIFileReadPut(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Because we're a driver (ie at the end of the stream) this routine |
// should never be called by STREAMS. |
// |
// Environment: standard STREAMS entry point |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
OTAssert("TPIFileReadPut: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
switch ( GetPrimitive(mp) ) { |
default: |
OTDebugBreak("TPIFileReadPut: Was called!"); |
break; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void StartDataIndication(queue_t* q) |
// StartDataIndication is called by either DoConnectionConfirm |
// or DoDataIndication to start a read request for a file. |
// The routine allocates a buffer for the T_DATA_IND message |
// and then starts an asynchronous File Manager _Read |
// request to read data into that buffer. When the _Read |
// completes, CustomIOCompletion is called. It puts |
// the T_DATA_IND message on the read-side queue, which schedules |
// TPIFileReadService, which in turn calls DoDataIndication to |
// send the data upstream, and then calls StartDataIndication |
// again to start the next block. |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
mblk_t* mp = nil; |
mblk_t* dataBuffer = nil; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:StartDataIndication" ); |
OTAssert("StartDataIndication: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("StartDataIndication: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
OTAssert("StartDataIndication: Wrong state", streamData->currentState == TS_DATA_XFER); |
// Create a data buffer for the data to be read. |
dataBuffer = allocb(kDataBufferSize, 0); |
OTAssert("StartDataIndication: allocb failed", dataBuffer != nil); |
// Create a T_DATA_IND message with that data buffer. |
mp = qmi_tpi_data_ind(dataBuffer, 0, 0); |
OTAssert("StartDataIndication: qmi_tpi_data_ind failed", mp != nil); |
// Remember the T_DATA_IND message as the current message, ie the |
// one that CustomIOCompletion will operate on. |
streamData->currentMessage = mp; |
// Start the File Manager read request. |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioRefNum = streamData->fileRefNum; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioBuffer = (char *) dataBuffer->b_datap->db_base; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioReqCount = dataBuffer->b_datap->db_lim - dataBuffer->b_datap->db_base; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsAtMark + noCacheMask; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioPosOffset = 0; |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioCompletion = gCustomIOCompletionUPP; |
(void) PBReadAsync( (ParmBlkPtr) &streamData->fileParamBlock); |
// Throw away error result from PBReadAsync because File Manager will still call |
// our completion routine. |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... DoDataIndication... |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoConnectConfirm(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle processing of a T_CONN_CON message. This message was originally |
// created in DoConnectRequest and put into the per-stream data |
// variable currentMessage. When the ioCompletion for the PBHOpenAsync |
// fired, the CustomIOCompletion fired and queued the message on to the |
// read-side queue. The TPIFileReadService then called this routine. |
// |
// Because the stream is still in TS_WCON_CREQ, the routine just sends |
// the T_CONN_CON upstream to indicate to the client that we have |
// a connection in place (or a T_DISCON_IND if the file failed to open). |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoConnectConfirm" ); |
OTAssert("DoConnectConfirm: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("DoConnectConfirm: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
OTAssert("DoConnectConfirm: Wrong state", streamData->currentState == TS_WCON_CREQ); |
// This is the final stage of the connection process. If the |
// PBHOpenAsync failed, free the T_CONN_CON and send a T_DISCON_IND |
// upstream instead. |
// If the open succeed, start the process of data transfer and send |
// the T_CONN_CON upstream. |
if (streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioResult != noErr) { |
freemsg(mp); |
mp = mi_tpi_discon_ind(nil, streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioResult, -1); |
OTAssert("DoConnectConfirm: mi_tpi_discon_ind failed", mp != nil); |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
} else { |
streamData->fileRefNum = streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioFRefNum; |
streamData->currentState = TS_DATA_XFER; |
StartDataIndication(q); |
} |
putnext(q, mp); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoDataIndication(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// Handle processing of a T_DATA_IND message. This message was originally |
// created in StartDataIndication and put into the per-stream data |
// variable currentMessage. When the ioCompletion for the PBReadAsync |
// fired, the CustomIOCompletion fired and queued the message on to the |
// read-side queue. The TPIFileReadService then called this routine. |
// |
// Because the stream is still in TS_DATA_XFER, the routine just sends |
// the T_DATA_IND upstream to indicate to the client the arrival of |
// new data (or a T_DISCON_IND if the read failed). |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoDataIndication" ); |
OTAssert("DoDataIndication: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("DoDataIndication: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
OTAssert("DoDataIndication: Wrong state", streamData->currentState == TS_DATA_XFER); |
// If we get an eofErr then check whether we read any data at all |
// -- if we did, return the data to the user and then start another |
// read attempt, which will fail and finally cause the T_DISCON_IND to be |
// issued |
if (streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult == eofErr && |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioActCount != 0) { |
streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult = noErr; |
} |
// If we get an error, free the T_DATA_IND and send a T_DISCON_IND upstream instead. |
if (streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult != noErr) { |
freemsg(mp); |
mp = mi_tpi_discon_ind(nil, streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioResult, -1); |
OTAssert("DoDataIndication: mi_tpi_discon_ind failed", mp != nil); |
CloseFileAndPostMessage(q, mp); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... DoDisconnectIndication... |
} else { |
OTAssert("DoDataIndication: No data in data message", mp->b_cont != nil); |
mp->b_cont->b_rptr = mp->b_cont->b_datap->db_base; |
mp->b_cont->b_wptr = mp->b_cont->b_datap->db_base + streamData->fileParamBlock.ioParam.ioActCount; |
putnext(q, mp); |
StartDataIndication(q); |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoDisconnectRequestAck(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// This routine is called when a T_OK_ACK message shows up on |
// the read-side queue. This message was put there |
// by DoDisconnectRequest, which also switched the state to either |
// TS_WACK_DREQ9 or TS_WACK_DREQ6 depending on the state that |
// the stream was in when the T_DISCON_REQ arrived. |
// |
// See the comments in each branch of the case statement for |
// how these different cases are handled. |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoDisconnectRequestAck" ); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: Unexpected message primitive", |
( (GetPrimitive(mp) == T_OK_ACK) && (( (struct T_ok_ack *) mp->b_rptr)->CORRECT_prim == T_DISCON_REQ) ) |
); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: Already have a current message", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
switch ( streamData->currentState ) { |
case TS_WACK_DREQ6: |
// We've been asked to disconnect during the connection process, |
// ie between when we got the T_CONN_REQ and when the PBHOpenAsync |
// completed. In this case, we ACK the T_DISCON_REQ and go back to |
// TS_IDLE state. Except it's a bit more complicated than that... |
switch ( streamData->wackSubstate ) { |
case WSS_OPEN: |
// This is the first time we've hit this routine. Check to see |
// whether the file opened successfully. If it did, we have |
// to organise to close it before sending up the T_OK_ACK. |
// We switch the wackSubState to WSS_ISSUE_MP to ensure that, |
// the next time we come to this routine, we know that we've |
// already closed the file. |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: File should be closed", streamData->fileRefNum == 0); |
if (streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioResult != noErr) { |
// If we got an error from the PBHOpenAsync, the file is not open, so we can |
// just ACK the disconnect request immediately. |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
putnext(q, mp); |
} else { |
// The file is now open, but we have to close it before we |
// can ACK the disconnect request. So start the async |
// close request. |
streamData->fileRefNum = streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioFRefNum; |
streamData->wackSubstate = WSS_ISSUE_MP; |
CloseFileAndPostMessage(q, mp); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... DoDisconnectRequestAck |
// ie the WSS_ISSUE_MP branch of this case statement |
} |
break; |
case WSS_ISSUE_MP: |
// This is the second time we've been called. We've closed the |
// file, so just go ahead and send the T_OK_ACK upstream to *finally* |
// ACK the T_DISCON_REQ. |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: PBClose failed with error", streamData->fileParamBlock.fileParam.ioResult == noErr); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectRequestAck: File should be closed", streamData->fileRefNum == 0); |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
putnext(q, mp); |
break; |
default: |
OTDebugBreak("DoDisconnectRequestAck: wackSubstate out of range"); |
break; |
} |
break; |
case TS_WACK_DREQ9: |
// If the stream is in TS_WACK_DREQ9, then we've received a T_DISCON_REQ |
// while we were in the TS_DATA_XFER state, ie we've been asked to disconnect |
// during the reading process. Any pending reads have now |
// completed, so we can just send the T_OK_ACK upstream to ACK the |
// T_DISCON_REQ. Well almost )-: If the file is open we must close |
// it before doing this. |
if ( streamData->fileRefNum != 0 ) { |
CloseFileAndPostMessage(q, mp); |
// ... continue in CustomIOCompletion... TPIFileReadService... DoDisconnectRequestAck |
// ie the other branch of this if statement |
} else { |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
putnext(q, mp); |
} |
break; |
default: |
OTDebugBreak("DoDisconnectRequestAck: Unexpected state"); |
break; |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
static void DoDisconnectIndication(queue_t* q, mblk_t* mp) |
// This routine is called when a T_DISCON_IND message shows up |
// on the read-side queue. This message was put there by |
// DoDataIndication in response to running into an error reading |
// the file. We just switch states and forward the message |
// upstream. |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
PerStreamDataPtr streamData; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:DoDisconnectIndication" ); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectIndication: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectIndication: Unexpected message primitive", |
( (GetPrimitive(mp) == T_DISCON_IND) ) |
); |
streamData = GetPerStreamData(q); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectIndication: currentMessage should be nil", streamData->currentMessage == nil); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectIndication: Wrong state", streamData->currentState == TS_DATA_XFER); |
OTAssert("DoDisconnectIndication: File should be closed", streamData->fileRefNum == 0); |
streamData->currentState = TS_IDLE; |
putnext(q, mp); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Read-side service routine |
static SInt32 TPIFileReadService(queue_t* q) |
// This routine is called by STREAMS when someone puts a message |
// on the read-side queue. Seeing as we're a driver, the only person |
// who should be putting messages on our queue. Some of these messages |
// have a special meaning, more than what the TPI defines, so we can't |
// just unilaterally send them upstream. We have to dispatch them out |
// to the appropriate handler, which deals with the special cases. |
// |
// For example, when the completion routine for a PBReadAsync fires, |
// it simply queues the T_DATA_IND message on this queue. However |
// no one has checked whether the read was successful yet, so we |
// can't just forward the T_DATA_IND upstream. Instead this routine |
// sees the T_DATA_IND and forwards it to DoDataIndication, which |
// checks the results of the read and does the right thing. |
// |
// Also note that, by handling the data transfer operations through |
// a this queue, we automatically become a STREAMS flow control |
// good citizen, just by following the standard STREAMS structure |
// for a service routine. |
// |
// Environment: read service routine |
{ |
mblk_t *mp; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:TPIFileReadService" ); |
OTAssert("TPIFileReadService: Not the read queue", IsReadQ(q) ); |
// Standard STREAMS flow control structure. Don't blame me for its bad style (-: |
while ( (mp = getq(q)) != nil ) { |
if ((mp->b_datap->db_type < QPCTL) && !canputnext(q)) { |
putbq(q, mp); |
goto done; |
} |
switch ( GetPrimitive(mp) ) { |
case T_CONN_CON: |
DoConnectConfirm(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_DATA_IND: |
DoDataIndication(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_OK_ACK: |
DoDisconnectRequestAck(q, mp); |
break; |
case T_DISCON_IND: |
DoDisconnectIndication(q, mp); |
break; |
default: |
OTDebugBreak("TPIFileReadService: Unexpected type"); |
break; |
} |
} |
done: |
return (0); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Static Declaration Structures |
static struct module_info gModuleInfo = |
{ |
9990, // Module Number, only useful for debugging |
"TPIFile", // Name of module |
0, // Minimum data size |
INFPSZ, // Maximum data size |
65536, // Hi water mark for queue |
32768 // Lo water mark for queue |
}; |
static struct qinit gReadInit = |
{ |
TPIFileReadPut, // Put routine for "incoming" data |
TPIFileReadService, // Service routine for "incoming" data |
TPIFileOpen, // Our open routine |
TPIFileClose, // Our close routine |
nil, // No admin routine |
&gModuleInfo // Our module_info |
}; |
static struct qinit gWriteInit = |
{ |
TPIFileWritePut, // Put routine for client data |
nil, // Service routine for client data |
nil, // open field only used in read-side structure |
nil, // close field only used in read-side structure |
nil, // admin field only used in read-side structure |
&gModuleInfo // Our module_info |
}; |
static struct streamtab theStreamTab = |
{ |
&gReadInit, // Our read-side qinit structure |
&gWriteInit, // Our write-side qinit structure |
0, // We are not a mux, so set this to nil |
0 // We are not a mux, so set this to nil |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Macintosh-specific Static Structures |
static struct install_info theInstallInfo = |
{ |
&theStreamTab, // Stream Tab pointer |
kOTModIsDriver + kOTModUpperIsTPI, |
// Tell OT that we are a driver, not a module |
SQLVL_MODULE, // Synchronization level, module level for the moment |
0, // Shared writer list buddy |
0, // Open Transport use - always set to 0 |
0 // Flag - always set to 0 |
}; |
// Prototypes for the exported routines below. |
extern Boolean InitStreamModule(TPIFilePortInfoRecordPtr portInfo); |
extern void TerminateStreamModule(void); |
extern install_info* GetOTInstallInfo(); |
#pragma export list InitStreamModule, TerminateStreamModule, GetOTInstallInfo |
// Export entry point |
extern Boolean InitStreamModule(TPIFilePortInfoRecordPtr portInfo) |
// Initialises the module. Always called at SystemTask time, |
// so we can call NewIOCompletionProc. |
{ |
Boolean result; |
OTDebugBreak("TPIFile: InitStreamModule"); |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:InitStreamModule" ); |
OTAssert("InitStreamModule: Bad magic in TPIFilePortInfoRecord", |
(portInfo->magic1 == kTPIFilePortInfoMagic1) && |
(portInfo->magic2 == kTPIFilePortInfoMagic2) |
); |
#if ! qDebug |
// portInfo is only used in the above assertion, which is compiled out |
// if we're not debugging. |
#pragma unused(portInfo) |
#endif |
gCustomIOCompletionUPP = NewIOCompletionProc(CustomIOCompletion); |
gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID = OTCreateDeferredTask(CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams, nil); |
result = (gCustomIOCompletionUPP != nil && gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID != 0); |
return (result); |
} |
extern void TerminateStreamModule(void) |
// Shuts down the module. Always called at SystemTask time, |
// so we can call DisposeRoutineDescriptor. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
LOG_ENTRY( "TPIFile:TerminateStreamModule" ); |
if (gCustomIOCompletionUPP != nil) { |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(gCustomIOCompletionUPP); |
gCustomIOCompletionUPP = nil; |
} |
if (gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID != 0) { |
err = OTDestroyDeferredTask(gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID); |
OTAssert("TerminateStreamModule: OTDestroyDeferredTask failed", err == noErr); |
gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID = 0; |
} |
// The purpose of gCleanUpAnyDetachedStreamsTaskID is to clean up any |
// detached streams that are pending the completetion of an asynchronous |
// _Close. Unfortunately, in the case where the last stream is closed, |
// the TerminateStreamModule routine will be executed before the deferred |
// task runs, so we have just destroyed our last chance of cleaning up |
// the stream. We obviously have to avoid this case, so we sit here |
// waiting for those _Close's to complete. This is legal because we are |
// allowed to block inside the TerminateStreamModule routine. |
// |
// Well almost... If the file we're accessing is on AppleShare, this |
// causes the machine to deadlock. This is because we're waiting for |
// PBCloseAsync to complete, but it can't complete until we leave this |
// routine because AppleShare relies on OT to deliver packets to |
// complete the request and OT won't be delivering packets until we |
// leave this routine. The upshot is that we deadlock. |
while ( gModuleList != nil ) { |
CleanUpAnyDetachedStreams(nil); |
} |
// While this assert can never trigger on my module (because of the previous |
// while loop), it's an excellent idea to have one of these in your code. |
OTAssert("TerminateStreamModule: Streams are still active", gModuleList == nil); |
} |
extern install_info* GetOTInstallInfo() |
// Return pointer to install_info to STREAMS. |
{ |
return &theInstallInfo; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22