
 Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Simple class to represent a product, with a product type and name. Provides methods to retrieve the names of the available types of product, and the localized name of a product for display.
#import "APLProduct.h"
NSString *ProductTypeDevice = @"Device";
NSString *ProductTypeDesktop = @"Desktop";
NSString *ProductTypePortable = @"Portable";
@implementation APLProduct
+ (instancetype)productWithType:(NSString *)type name:(NSString *)name
    APLProduct *newProduct = [[self alloc] init];
    newProduct.type = type; = name;
    return newProduct;
+ (NSArray *)deviceTypeNames
    static NSArray *deviceTypeNames = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t once;
    dispatch_once(&once, ^{
        deviceTypeNames = @[ProductTypeDevice, ProductTypePortable, ProductTypeDesktop];
    return deviceTypeNames;
+ (NSString *)displayNameForType:(NSString *)type
    static NSMutableDictionary *deviceTypeDisplayNamesDictionary = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t once;
    dispatch_once(&once, ^{
        deviceTypeDisplayNamesDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        for (NSString *deviceType in self.deviceTypeNames)
            NSString *displayName = NSLocalizedString(deviceType, @"dynamic");
            deviceTypeDisplayNamesDictionary[deviceType] = displayName;
    return deviceTypeDisplayNamesDictionary[type];
static NSString *NameKey = @"NameKey";
static NSString *TypeKey = @"TypeKey";
-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        _name = [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:NameKey];
        _type = [aDecoder decodeObjectForKey:TypeKey];
    return self;
-(void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder
    [aCoder forKey:NameKey];
    [aCoder encodeObject:self.type forKey:TypeKey];