Shared Model Wrappers/APLRegion.m

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Object to represent a region containing the corresponding time zone wrappers.
#import "APLRegion.h"
#import "APLTimeZoneWrapper.h"
static NSMutableDictionary *regions;
@interface APLRegion ()
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *mutableTimeZoneWrappers;
@implementation APLRegion
 Class methods to manage global regions (pun intended).
+ (void)initialize {
    regions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];   
+ (instancetype)regionNamed:(NSString *)name {
    return regions[name];
+ (instancetype)newRegionWithName:(NSString *)regionName {
    // Create a new region with a given name; add it to the regions dictionary.
    APLRegion *newRegion = [[self alloc] init]; = regionName;
    newRegion.mutableTimeZoneWrappers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    regions[regionName] = newRegion;
    return newRegion;
-(NSArray *)timeZoneWrappers {
    return _mutableTimeZoneWrappers;
- (void)addTimeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone nameComponents:(NSArray *)nameComponents {
    // Add a time zone to the region; use nameComponents because it' expensive to compute.
    APLTimeZoneWrapper *timeZoneWrapper = [[APLTimeZoneWrapper alloc] initWithTimeZone:timeZone nameComponents:nameComponents];
    timeZoneWrapper.calendar = self.calendar;
    [self.mutableTimeZoneWrappers addObject:timeZoneWrapper];
- (void)sortZones {
    // Sort the zone wrappers by locale name.
    NSSortDescriptor *nameSortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"timeZoneLocaleName" ascending:YES comparator:^(id name1, id name2) {
        return [(NSString *)name1 localizedStandardCompare:(NSString *)name2];
    [self.mutableTimeZoneWrappers sortUsingDescriptors:@[nameSortDescriptor]];
// Sets the date for the time zones, which has the side-effect of "faulting" the wrappers (see APLTimeZoneWrapper's setDate: method)
- (void)setDate:(NSDate *)date {
    for (APLTimeZoneWrapper *wrapper in self.timeZoneWrappers) { = date;