Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
* File: TabsShowcase.c of TabsShowcase |
* |
* Contains: Code showing how to use the Tab control |
* |
* Version: 1.0 |
* |
* Created: 11/21/05 |
* |
* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
* ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
* use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
* constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
* please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
* |
* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
* to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
* copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
* reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
* modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
* the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
* this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
* the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
* Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
* Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
* expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
* are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
* may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
* Software may be incorporated. |
* |
* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
* |
* |
* Copyright: Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc, All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark * compilation directives * |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * includes & imports * |
#include "TabsShowcase.h" |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * typedef's, struct's, enums, defines, etc. * |
// A simple layout to stick to the parent |
static const HILayoutInfo kBindToParentLayout = { |
kHILayoutInfoVersionZero, |
{ { NULL, kHILayoutBindTop }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindLeft }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindBottom }, { NULL, kHILayoutBindRight } }, |
{ { NULL, 0.0 }, { NULL, 0.0 } }, |
{ { NULL, kHILayoutPositionNone }, { NULL, kHILayoutPositionNone } } |
}; |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * local (static) function prototypes * |
// managing the change of tab item in the Tabs control |
static pascal OSStatus Handle_WindowCommandProcess(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData); |
static pascal OSStatus Handle_ValueFieldChanged(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData); |
static pascal OSStatus ChangeTabItemToNewSetting(HIViewRef tabControl); |
static OSStatus Add_TabPaneContent(HIViewRef tabControl, UInt32 index); |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * exported globals * |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * local (static) globals * |
static UInt32 gWindowCount = 0; |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * exported function implementations * |
/* |
When we use Interface Builder to design our window, we add the Tab Control. |
Then, for each Tab, we first embed a User Pane, and we add 1 Static Text and |
2 Buttons to each User Pane. |
Still Using Interface Builder in the Attributes Pane of the Inspector for the |
Tab Control, we can select which Tab Pane is initially visible. |
What is not obvious, unless you look at the text hierarchy of the Instances window, |
is that the Tab Control automatically inserted 1 User Pane for each Tab pane, thus when |
we embed our own User Pane, we are actually embedding this User Pane in a User Pane in |
the Tab Pane. |
A simple printout of the Window's controls hierarchy also shows this: |
Control 0x334b80 <appl/cnvw> ( "" ), ID 'wind'/1, tlbr (22,0,481,665), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled, 1 inval subs |
Control 0x330950 <appl/tabs> ( "" ), ID 'TABS'/100, tlbr (5,20,439,645), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled, Inval |
Control 0x335f90 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/1005, tlbr (37,0,434,625), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x336490 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/105, tlbr (0,0,397,625), Embedder, PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x337890 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #502 which is in Tab 5" ), ID 'Bttn'/502, tlbr (344,20,364,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x3359d0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #501 which is in Tab 5" ), ID 'Bttn'/501, tlbr (312,20,332,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x335760 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x333260 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/1004, tlbr (37,0,434,625), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32cd50 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/104, tlbr (0,0,397,625), Embedder, PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x335b30 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #402 which is in Tab 4" ), ID 'Bttn'/402, tlbr (280,20,300,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32d080 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #401 which is in Tab 4" ), ID 'Bttn'/401, tlbr (248,20,268,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32d000 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x331cc0 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/1003, tlbr (37,0,434,625), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x328fb0 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/103, tlbr (0,0,397,625), Embedder, PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32d7f0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #302 which is in Tab 3" ), ID 'Bttn'/302, tlbr (216,20,236,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32d690 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #301 which is in Tab 3" ), ID 'Bttn'/301, tlbr (184,20,204,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32d420 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32b850 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/1002, tlbr (37,0,434,625), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x31d730 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/102, tlbr (0,0,397,625), Embedder, PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x331860 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #202 which is in Tab 2" ), ID 'Bttn'/202, tlbr (152,20,172,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x331700 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #201 which is in Tab 2" ), ID 'Bttn'/201, tlbr (120,20,140,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x3312e0 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x32ec80 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/1001, tlbr (37,0,434,625), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x334f40 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/101, tlbr (0,0,397,649), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x330f70 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #102 which is in Tab 1" ), ID 'Bttn'/102, tlbr (88,20,108,283), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x330940 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #101 which is in Tab 1" ), ID 'Bttn'/101, tlbr (56,20,76,283), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x329a10 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
The user panes wich have the 100+x ids are ours, the user panes wich have the 1000+x ids |
are the ones automatically added by the Tab Control instantation in Interface Builder |
--------- |
When we build the window programmatically, we just add our User Panes to the Tab Control |
and thus we have one less level of indentation in the control hierarchy as the same printout |
reveals: |
Control 0x37dec0 <appl/cnvw> ( "" ), ID 'wind'/1, tlbr (22,0,481,665), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled, 1 inval subs |
Control 0x366e30 <appl/tabs> ( "" ), ID 'TABS'/100, tlbr (5,20,439,645), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled, Inval |
Control 0x3863a0 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/105, tlbr (37,0,434,649), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x385990 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #502 which is in Tab 5" ), ID 'Bttn'/502, tlbr (344,20,364,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x385560 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #501 which is in Tab 5" ), ID 'Bttn'/501, tlbr (312,20,332,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x382d80 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x384d40 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/104, tlbr (37,0,434,649), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x381260 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #402 which is in Tab 4" ), ID 'Bttn'/402, tlbr (280,20,300,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x382df0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #401 which is in Tab 4" ), ID 'Bttn'/401, tlbr (248,20,268,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x382220 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x384680 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/103, tlbr (37,0,434,649), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x382270 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #302 which is in Tab 3" ), ID 'Bttn'/302, tlbr (216,20,236,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x384dd0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #301 which is in Tab 3" ), ID 'Bttn'/301, tlbr (184,20,204,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x383290 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x381e70 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/102, tlbr (37,0,434,649), Embedder, Hid, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x383f30 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #202 which is in Tab 2" ), ID 'Bttn'/202, tlbr (152,20,172,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x383b00 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #201 which is in Tab 2" ), ID 'Bttn'/201, tlbr (120,20,140,283), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x37fb60 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), PendVis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x366070 <appl/upan> ( "" ), ID 'UsrP'/101, tlbr (37,0,434,649), Embedder, Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x381ec0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #102 which is in Tab 1" ), ID 'Bttn'/102, tlbr (88,20,108,283), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x380cf0 <appl/push> ( "This is Button #101 which is in Tab 1" ), ID 'Bttn'/101, tlbr (56,20,76,283), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
Control 0x37fa90 <appl/stxt> ( "" ), ID ''/0, tlbr (20,20,36,259), Vis, Act, Ena, Comp (Hil=0x0), DrawingEnabled |
It is noteworthy to signal that the code handling the change of tab pane does not care about |
the additional level of indentation introduced by Interface Builder, it just makes the first |
level children of the Tab Control visible or invisible according to the current value of the |
Tab Control. |
*/ |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Do_NewWindowFromIB(outWindow) |
* |
* Purpose: called to create a new window that has been constructed with Interface Builder |
* |
* Notes: called by Do_NewWindow() |
* |
* Inputs: outWindow - if not NULL, the address where to return the WindowRef |
* - if not NULL, the callee will have to ShowWindow |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - error code (0 == no error) |
*/ |
OSStatus Do_NewWindowFromIB(WindowRef * outWindow) |
{ |
OSStatus status; |
WindowRef aWindowRef = NULL; |
CFStringRef theTitle = NULL; |
CFMutableStringRef theNewTitle = NULL; |
// Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension) |
// CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle. |
IBNibRef nibRef; |
status = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &nibRef); |
require_noerr(status, CreateNibReference); |
// Create a window. "MainWindow" is the name of the window object. This name is set in |
// InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created. |
status = CreateWindowFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MainWindow"), &aWindowRef); |
require_noerr(status, CreateWindowFromNib); |
require(aWindowRef != NULL, CreateWindowFromNib); |
// We no longer need this Nib reference |
DisposeNibReference(nibRef); |
status = CopyWindowTitleAsCFString(aWindowRef, &theTitle); |
require_noerr(status, CopyWindowTitleAsCFString); |
theNewTitle = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, theTitle); |
require(theNewTitle != NULL, CFStringCreateMutableCopy); |
CFStringAppendFormat(theNewTitle, NULL, CFSTR(" %ld"), ++gWindowCount); |
status = SetWindowTitleWithCFString(aWindowRef, theNewTitle); |
require_noerr(status, SetWindowTitleWithCFString); |
// Depending on our application design architecture, we can choose to handle the change of tab item |
// - either at the window level by handling the Tabs control's commandID |
// - or directly at the Tabs control itself by handling its value field changed event |
#if 0 |
EventTypeSpec eventTypeCP = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}; |
status = InstallWindowEventHandler(aWindowRef, Handle_WindowCommandProcess, 1, &eventTypeCP, (void *)aWindowRef, NULL); |
require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler); |
#else |
HIViewID tabID = { 'TABS', 100 }; |
HIViewRef tabControl; |
status = HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(aWindowRef), tabID, &tabControl); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewFindByID); |
require(tabControl != NULL, HIViewFindByID); |
EventTypeSpec eventTypeCVFC = {kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged}; |
status = InstallControlEventHandler(tabControl, Handle_ValueFieldChanged, 1, &eventTypeCVFC, (void *)tabControl, NULL); |
require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler); |
#endif |
// The window was created hidden so show it if the outWindow parameter is NULL, |
// if it's not, it will be the responsibility of the caller to show it. |
if (outWindow == NULL) |
ShowWindow(aWindowRef); |
SetWindowModified(aWindowRef, false); |
CantInstallEventHandler: |
HIViewFindByID: |
SetWindowTitleWithCFString: |
CFStringCreateMutableCopy: |
CopyWindowTitleAsCFString: |
if (theTitle != NULL) |
CFRelease(theTitle); |
if (theNewTitle != NULL) |
CFRelease(theNewTitle); |
CreateWindowFromNib: |
CreateNibReference: |
if (outWindow != NULL) |
*outWindow = aWindowRef; |
return status; |
} // Do_NewWindowFromIB |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Do_NewWindowFromAPI(outWindow) |
* |
* Purpose: called to create a new window using only API calls fron MacWindows.h, Controls.h, and HIView.h |
* |
* Notes: called by Do_NewWindow() |
* |
* Inputs: outWindow - if not NULL, the address where to return the WindowRef |
* - if not NULL, the callee will have to ShowWindow |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - error code (0 == no error) |
*/ |
OSStatus Do_NewWindowFromAPI(WindowRef * outWindow) |
{ |
WindowRef aWindowRef = NULL; |
CFStringRef theTitle = NULL; |
OSStatus status; |
// Create a window |
Rect bounds = {0, 0, 459, 665}; |
status = CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, kWindowStandardFloatingAttributes | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowCompositingAttribute | kWindowResizableAttribute | kWindowLiveResizeAttribute, &bounds, &aWindowRef); |
require_noerr(status, CreateNewWindow); |
require(aWindowRef != NULL, CreateNewWindow); |
status = RepositionWindow(aWindowRef, NULL, kWindowCascadeOnMainScreen); |
require_noerr(status, RepositionWindow); |
HIViewRef contentView; |
status = HIViewFindByID(HIViewGetRoot(aWindowRef), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewFindByID); |
// Creating the tab control and tab items programmatically |
// To show how to add items, we create the tab control with 3 tabs and then we add 2 more |
// We are setting up this tab control to match exactly the one created by Interface Builder (layout, command ID, ID, etc.) |
HIViewRef tabControl; |
Rect tabBounds = {5, 20, 439, 645}; |
ControlButtonContentInfo cbcInfo = {kControlContentTextOnly, 0}; |
ControlTabEntry tabEntry[] = |
{ |
{ &cbcInfo, CFSTR("Tab 1"), true}, |
{ &cbcInfo, CFSTR("Tab 2"), true}, |
{ &cbcInfo, CFSTR("Tab 3"), true}, |
}; |
status = CreateTabsControl(NULL, &tabBounds, kControlTabSizeLarge, kControlTabDirectionNorth, 3, tabEntry, &tabControl); |
require_noerr(status, CreateTabsControl); |
status = HIViewAddSubview(contentView, tabControl); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewAddSubview); |
status = SetControlCommandID(tabControl, 'MTCC'); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlCommandID); |
ControlID tabID = { 'TABS', 100 }; |
status = SetControlID(tabControl, &tabID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlID); |
status = HIViewSetLayoutInfo(tabControl, &kBindToParentLayout); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewSetLayoutInfo); |
// Adding content to the first 3 tab items |
UInt32 i; |
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) |
{ |
Add_TabPaneContent(tabControl, i); |
} |
// Adding 2 more tab items |
SetControl32BitMaximum(tabControl, 5); |
ControlTabInfoRecV1 tabInfo4 = {kControlTabInfoVersionOne, 0, CFSTR("Tab 4")}; |
status = SetControlData(tabControl, 4, kControlTabInfoTag, sizeof(tabInfo4), &tabInfo4); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlData); |
ControlTabInfoRecV1 tabInfo5 = {kControlTabInfoVersionOne, 0, CFSTR("Tab 5")}; |
status = SetControlData(tabControl, 5, kControlTabInfoTag, sizeof(tabInfo5), &tabInfo5); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlData); |
// Adding content to the last 2 tab items |
for (i = 4; i <= 5; i++) |
{ |
Add_TabPaneContent(tabControl, i); |
} |
// Depending on our application design architecture, we can choose to handle the change of tab item |
// - either at the window level by handling the Tabs control's commandID |
// - or directly at the Tabs control itself by handling its value field changed event |
#if 0 |
EventTypeSpec eventTypeCP = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess}; |
status = InstallWindowEventHandler(aWindowRef, Handle_WindowCommandProcess, 1, &eventTypeCP, (void *)aWindowRef, NULL); |
require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler); |
#else |
EventTypeSpec eventTypeCVFC = {kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged}; |
status = InstallControlEventHandler(tabControl, Handle_ValueFieldChanged, 1, &eventTypeCVFC, (void *)tabControl, NULL); |
require_noerr(status, CantInstallEventHandler); |
#endif |
theTitle = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("TabsShowcase Window From API #%ld"), ++gWindowCount); |
require(theTitle != NULL, CFStringCreateWithFormat); |
status = SetWindowTitleWithCFString(aWindowRef, theTitle); |
require_noerr(status, SetWindowTitleWithCFString); |
// The window was created hidden so show it if the outWindow parameter is NULL, |
// if it's not, it will be the responsibility of the caller to show it. |
if (outWindow == NULL) |
ShowWindow(aWindowRef); |
SetWindowModified(aWindowRef, false); |
CantInstallEventHandler: |
SetWindowTitleWithCFString: |
CFStringCreateWithFormat: |
if (theTitle != NULL) |
CFRelease(theTitle); |
SetControlData: |
HIViewSetLayoutInfo: |
SetControlCommandID: |
SetControlID: |
HIViewAddSubview: |
CreateTabsControl: |
HIViewFindByID: |
RepositionWindow: |
CreateNewWindow: |
if (outWindow != NULL) |
*outWindow = aWindowRef; |
return status; |
} // Do_NewWindowFromAPI |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Do_NewWindow(outWindow) |
* |
* Purpose: called to create a new window, each other window will be created from APIs and the other one from Interface Builder |
* |
* Notes: called by Handle_CommandProcess() ("File/New" menu item), Handle_OpenApplication(). Handle_ReopenApplication() |
* |
* Inputs: outWindow - if not NULL, the address where to return the WindowRef |
* - if not NULL, the callee will have to ShowWindow |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - error code (0 == no error) |
*/ |
OSStatus Do_NewWindow(WindowRef * outWindow) |
{ |
if ((gWindowCount % 2) == 0) |
return Do_NewWindowFromIB(outWindow); |
else |
return Do_NewWindowFromAPI(outWindow); |
} // Do_NewWindow |
//**************************************************** |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark * local (static) function implementations * |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Add_TabPaneContent(tabControl, index) |
* |
* Purpose: Add a UserPane, 1 static text and 2 buttons in the tab pane |
* We are setting up this controls to match exactly those created by Interface Builder (layout, command ID, ID, etc.) |
* |
* Inputs: tabControl - The tab control |
* index - The pane index |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - error code (0 == no error) |
*/ |
static OSStatus Add_TabPaneContent(HIViewRef tabControl, UInt32 index) |
{ |
OSStatus status; |
UInt32 commandID; |
char * p = (char *)&commandID; |
CFStringRef statLabel = NULL, butLabel = NULL, but2Label = NULL; |
Rect userPaneBounds = {37, 0, 434, 649}; |
HIViewRef userPane; |
status = CreateUserPaneControl(NULL, &userPaneBounds, kControlSupportsEmbedding, &userPane); |
require_noerr(status, CreateUserPaneControl); |
status = HIViewSetVisible(userPane, (index == 1)); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewSetVisible); |
status = HIViewAddSubview(tabControl, userPane); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewAddSubview); |
ControlID usrpID = { 'UsrP', 100+index }; |
status = SetControlID(userPane, &usrpID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlID); |
Rect statBounds = {20, 20, 36, 259}; |
HIViewRef statText; |
statLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("This is User Pane #%ld in Tab %ld"), index+100, index); |
require_action(statLabel != noErr, CFStringCreateWithFormat, status = memFullErr); |
status = CreateStaticTextControl(NULL, &statBounds, statLabel, NULL, &statText); |
require_noerr(status, CreateStaticTextControl); |
status = HIViewAddSubview(userPane, statText); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewAddSubview); |
Rect buttonBounds = {56+64*(index-1), 20, 76+64*(index-1), 283}; |
HIViewRef aButton; |
butLabel = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("This is Button #%ld which is in Tab %ld"), index*100+1, index); |
require_action(butLabel != noErr, CFStringCreateWithFormat, status = memFullErr); |
status = CreatePushButtonControl(NULL, &buttonBounds, butLabel, &aButton); |
require_noerr(status, CreatePushButtonControl); |
p[0] = 'B'; p[1] = index + '0'; p[2] = '0'; p[3] = '1'; |
commandID = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(commandID); |
status = SetControlCommandID(aButton, commandID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlCommandID); |
status = HIViewAddSubview(userPane, aButton); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewAddSubview); |
ControlID btnID = { 'Bttn', 100*index + 1 }; |
status = SetControlID(aButton, &btnID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlID); |
Rect button2Bounds = {56+32+64*(index-1), 20, 76+32+64*(index-1), 283}; |
HIViewRef aButton2; |
but2Label = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("This is Button #%ld which is in Tab %ld"), index*100+2, index); |
require_action(but2Label != noErr, CFStringCreateWithFormat, status = memFullErr); |
status = CreatePushButtonControl(NULL, &button2Bounds, but2Label, &aButton2); |
require_noerr(status, CreatePushButtonControl); |
p[0] = 'B'; p[1] = index + '0'; p[2] = '0'; p[3] = '2'; |
commandID = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(commandID); |
status = SetControlCommandID(aButton2, commandID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlCommandID); |
status = HIViewAddSubview(userPane, aButton2); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewAddSubview); |
ControlID btn2ID = { 'Bttn', 100*index + 2 }; |
status = SetControlID(aButton2, &btn2ID); |
require_noerr(status, SetControlID); |
SetControlCommandID: |
CreatePushButtonControl: |
CreateStaticTextControl: |
CFStringCreateWithFormat: |
SetControlID: |
HIViewAddSubview: |
HIViewSetVisible: |
CreateUserPaneControl: |
if (statLabel != NULL) CFRelease(statLabel); |
if (butLabel != NULL) CFRelease(butLabel); |
if (but2Label != NULL) CFRelease(but2Label); |
return status; |
} // Add_TabPaneContent |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* ChangeTabItemToNewSetting(tabControl) |
* |
* Purpose: called to handle a change of tab item in the Tabs control |
* |
* Inputs: tabControl - the Tabs control itself |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - error code (0 == no error) |
*/ |
static pascal OSStatus ChangeTabItemToNewSetting(HIViewRef tabControl) |
{ |
OSStatus status = noErr; |
HIViewRef tabItemPane; |
SInt32 newValue = GetControl32BitValue(tabControl) - GetControl32BitMinimum(tabControl) + 1; |
#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 |
// Mac OS X v10.4! We can take advantage of the new HIViewGetIndexedSubview API to identify the new visible pane |
HIViewRef newTabItemPane; |
status = HIViewGetIndexedSubview(tabControl, newValue, &newTabItemPane); |
require_noerr(status, HIViewGetIndexedSubview); |
for (tabItemPane = HIViewGetLastSubview(tabControl); tabItemPane != NULL; tabItemPane = HIViewGetPreviousView(tabItemPane)) |
HIViewSetVisible(tabItemPane, (tabItemPane == newTabItemPane)); |
#else |
// Pre-Mac OS X v10.4, we just rely on the undocumented (but logical) Z-ordering of the panes to identify the new visible pane |
SInt32 i; |
for (tabItemPane = HIViewGetLastSubview(tabControl), i = 1; tabItemPane != NULL; tabItemPane = HIViewGetPreviousView(tabItemPane), i++) |
HIViewSetVisible(tabItemPane, (i == newValue)); |
#endif |
HIViewGetIndexedSubview: |
return status; |
} // ChangeTabItemToNewSetting |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Handle_WindowCommandProcess(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent, inUserData) |
* |
* Purpose: called to process commands from the window controls |
* |
* Inputs: inHandlerCallRef - reference to the current handler call chain |
* inEvent - the event |
* inUserData - app-specified data you passed in the call to InstallEventHandler |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - noErr indicates the event was handled |
* eventNotHandledErr indicates the event was not handled and the Toolbox should take over |
*/ |
static pascal OSStatus Handle_WindowCommandProcess(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
WindowRef aWindowRef = (WindowRef)inUserData; |
HICommandExtended aCommand; |
GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &aCommand); |
ControlRef tabControl; |
if ( (aCommand.attributes == kHICommandFromControl) && |
((tabControl = aCommand.source.control) != NULL) && |
(aCommand.commandID == 'MTCC') ) |
{ |
// We got the tab control command which means it was hit, that means we have to change the pane |
ChangeTabItemToNewSetting(tabControl); |
status = noErr; |
} |
return status; |
} // Handle_WindowCommandProcess |
/***************************************************** |
* |
* Handle_ValueFieldChanged(inHandlerCallRef, inEvent, inUserData) |
* |
* Purpose: called to handle the change of tab item |
* |
* Inputs: inHandlerCallRef - reference to the current handler call chain |
* inEvent - the event |
* inUserData - app-specified data you passed in the call to InstallEventHandler |
* |
* Returns: OSStatus - noErr indicates the event was handled |
* eventNotHandledErr indicates the event was not handled and the Toolbox should take over |
*/ |
static pascal OSStatus Handle_ValueFieldChanged(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
// The value field of the tab control changed, that means we have to change the pane |
ChangeTabItemToNewSetting((ControlRef)inUserData); |
return status; |
} // Handle_ValueFieldChanged |
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