Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
; © 1989 Apple Computer, by Ricardo Batista |
; AppleTalk socket listener for TalkTool |
ddpResult EQU 2 |
ddpType EQU 8 |
ddpSocket EQU 10 |
ddpAddress EQU 12 |
ddpReqCount EQU 16 |
ddpActCount EQU 18 |
ddpDataPtr EQU 20 |
ddpNodeID EQU 24 |
tDDPRec EQU 0 |
tDDPBuffer EQU 4 |
tDDPLen EQU 8 |
; |
; if on entry D0 = RICK, then call is to initialize, a1 must have a DDP record pointer. |
; with VM this code must be locked down as well as the buffer and the record pointer !!! |
; |
cmp.l #'RICK',d0 ; is this my init call ? |
beq @saveDDP ; save the address of my DDP handle |
move.w SR,-(sp) ; save status register |
ori.w #$2600,SR ; disable interrupts |
move.l a5,-(sp) ; save this a5 |
lea @data,a5 ; put my data in a5 |
move.w d1,tDDPLen(a5) ; save the len of this packet |
moveq #0,d3 ; clear d3 |
move.w d1,d3 ; we want to read the whole packet |
move.l tDDPBuffer(a5),a3 ; set buffer address in a3 |
move.l (sp)+,a5 ; recover a5 |
jsr 2(a4) ; go to ReadRest |
beq.s @getAddr ; if there was no error lets fill in DDP info |
move.w (sp)+,SR ; recover status register |
rts ; return otherwise (error) |
@getAddr: |
move.l a5,-(sp) ; save a5 |
lea @data,a5 ; put my data in a5 |
move.w tDDPLen(a5),d1 ; put packet length back in d1 |
move.l tDDPRec(a5),a5 ; put the DDP pointer in a5 |
clr.l d3 ; clear d3 |
clr.w ddpResult(a5) ; set result to zero (noErr) |
move.w d1,ddpActCount(a5) ; set actual count read |
move.b 1(a2),d3 ; put destination node in d3 |
move.w d3,ddpNodeID(a5) ; set destination node |
cmpi.b #2,3(a2) ; is this long lap header ? |
beq.s @long |
move.b 6(a2),d3 ; put destination socket in d3 |
move.w d3,ddpSocket(a5) ; set destination socket |
move.b 8(a2),d3 ; put ddpType in d3 |
move.w d3,ddpType(a5) ; set ddpType |
move.w $1A(a2),ddpAddress(a5) ; set source network address |
move.b 2(a2),ddpAddress+2(a5) ; set source node address |
move.b 7(a2),ddpAddress+3(a5) ; set source socket address |
move.l (sp)+,a5 ; recover a5 |
move.w (sp)+,SR ; recover status register |
rts ; return to protocol handler |
@long: |
move.w 10(a2),ddpAddress(a5) ; set source network address |
move.b 13(a2),ddpAddress+2(a5) ; set source node address |
move.b 15(a2),ddpAddress+3(a5) ; set source socket number |
move.b 14(a2),d3 ; put destination socket in d3 |
move.w d3,ddpSocket(a5) ; set destination socket |
move.b 16(a2),d3 ; put ddpType in d3 |
move.w d3,ddpType(a5) ; set ddpType |
move.l (sp)+,a5 ; recover a5 |
move.w (sp)+,SR ; recover status register |
rts ; return to protocol handler |
dc.b '© 1989 Apple Computer, Inc. By Ricardo Batista' |
@saveDDP: |
lea @data,a0 ; put this data in a0 |
move.l a1,tDDPRec(a0) ; save my DDP pointer there |
move.l ddpDataPtr(a1),tDDPBuffer(a0) ; save address of buffer there too |
rts ; return to caller |
@data: |
dc.l 0 ; DDP record pointer |
dc.l 0 ; DDPBuffer address |
dc.w 0 ; packet lenght |
; |
; this is a PASCAL type procedure that initializes our socket listener |
; with a DDP record pointer given to it so it can read packets |
; |
; PROCEDURE InitDDPListener(VAR ddp : ATDDPRec); |
; |
move.l #'RICK',d0 ; set our init flag in d0 |
move.l 4(a7),a1 ; put the ddp record pointer we are passed in a1 |
jsr DDPListener ; go initialaze our socket listener |
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; recover return address |
adda.l #4,a7 ; recover stack |
jmp (a0) ; return to our caller |
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