TextEditPlus Starter/AppleScriptKit.sdef

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
   <suite name="Standard Suite" code="????" description="Common classes and commands for most applications.">
      <command name="close" code="coreclos" description="Close an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="saving" code="savo" type="savo" optional="yes" description="Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing."/>
         <parameter name="saving in" code="kfil" type="file" optional="yes" description="The file in which to save the object."/>
      <command name="count" code="corecnte" description="Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="each" code="kocl" type="type" optional="yes" description="The class of objects to be counted."/>
         <result type="integer"/>
      <command name="delete" code="coredelo" description="Delete an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="duplicate" code="coreclon" description="Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location specifier" description="The location for the new object(s)."/>
         <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes" description="Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s)."/>
      <command name="exists" code="coredoex" description="Verify if an object exists.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <result type="boolean"/>
      <command name="get" code="coregetd" description="Get the data for an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <result type="any"/>
      <command name="make" code="corecrel" description="Make a new object.">
         <parameter name="new" code="kocl" type="type" description="The class of the new object."/>
         <parameter name="at" code="insh" type="location specifier" optional="yes" description="The location at which to insert the object."/>
         <parameter name="with data" code="data" type="any" optional="yes" description="The initial data for the object."/>
         <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="record" optional="yes" description="The initial values for properties of the object."/>
         <result type="specifier"/>
      <command name="move" code="coremove" description="Move object(s) to a new location.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="to" code="insh" type="location specifier" description="The new location for the object(s)."/>
      <command name="open" code="aevtodoc" description="Open an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="file" description="The file(s) to be opened."/>
      <command name="print" code="aevtpdoc" description="Print an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="file" description="The file(s) or document(s) to be printed."/>
         <parameter name="print dialog" code="pdlg" type="boolean" optional="yes" description="Should the application show the Print dialog?"/>
         <parameter name="with properties" code="prdt" type="print settings" optional="yes" description="the print settings"/>
      <command name="quit" code="aevtquit" description="Quit an application.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="saving" code="savo" type="savo" optional="yes" description="Specifies whether changes should be saved before quitting."/>
      <command name="save" code="coresave" description="Save an object.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="as" code="fltp" type="text" optional="yes" description="The file type in which to save the data."/>
         <parameter name="in" code="kfil" type="file" optional="yes" description="The file in which to save the object."/>
      <command name="set" code="coresetd" description="Set an object&apos;s data.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="to" code="data" type="any" description="The new value."/>
      <class name="application" code="capp" description="An application&apos;s top level scripting object." inherits="item" plural="applications">
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="window"/>
         <property name="frontmost" code="pisf" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is this the frontmost (active) application?"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" access="r" description="The name of the application."/>
         <property name="version" code="vers" type="text" access="r" description="The version of the application."/>
      <class name="color" code="colr" description="A color." inherits="item" plural="colors"/>
      <class name="document" code="docu" description="A document." inherits="item" plural="documents">
         <property name="modified" code="imod" type="boolean" access="r" description="Has the document been modified since the last save?"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="The document&apos;s name."/>
         <property name="path" code="ppth" type="text" description="The document&apos;s path."/>
      <class name="item" code="cobj" description="A scriptable object." plural="items">
         <property name="class" code="pcls" type="type" access="r" description="The class of the object."/>
         <property name="properties" code="pALL" type="record" description="All of the object&apos;s properties."/>
      <class name="window" code="cwin" description="A window." inherits="item" plural="windows">
         <property name="bounds" code="pbnd" type="rectangle" description="The bounding rectangle of the window."/>
         <property name="closeable" code="hclb" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window has a close box."/>
         <property name="document" code="docu" type="document" access="r" description="The document whose contents are being displayed in the window."/>
         <property name="floating" code="isfl" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window floats."/>
         <property name="id" code="ID  " type="integer" access="r" description="The unique identifier of the window."/>
         <property name="index" code="pidx" type="integer" description="The index of the window, ordered front to back."/>
         <property name="miniaturizable" code="ismn" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be miniaturized."/>
         <property name="miniaturized" code="pmnd" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently miniaturized."/>
         <property name="modal" code="pmod" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window is the application&apos;s current modal window."/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="The full title of the window."/>
         <property name="resizable" code="prsz" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be resized."/>
         <property name="titled" code="ptit" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window has a title bar."/>
         <property name="visible" code="pvis" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently visible."/>
         <property name="zoomable" code="iszm" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be zoomed."/>
         <property name="zoomed" code="pzum" type="boolean" description="Whether the window is currently zoomed."/>
      <enumeration name="savo" code="savo">
         <enumerator name="ask" code="ask " description="Ask the user whether or not to save the file."/>
         <enumerator name="no" code="no  " description="Do not save the file."/>
         <enumerator name="yes" code="yes " description="Save the file."/>
   <suite name="Text Suite" code="????" description="A set of basic classes for text processing.">
      <class name="attachment" code="atts" description="Represents an inline text attachment.  This class is used mainly for make commands." inherits="text">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="file name" code="atfn" type="text" description="The path to the file for the attachment"/>
      <class name="attribute run" code="catr" description="This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes." inherits="item" plural="attribute runs">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
         <property name="font" code="font" type="text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
      <class name="character" code="cha " description="This subdivides the text into characters." inherits="item" plural="characters">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
         <property name="font" code="font" type="text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
      <class name="paragraph" code="cpar" description="This subdivides the text into paragraphs." inherits="item" plural="paragraphs">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
         <property name="font" code="font" type="text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
      <class name="text" code="ctxt" description="Rich (styled) text" inherits="item">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
         <property name="font" code="font" type="text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
      <class name="word" code="cwor" description="This subdivides the text into words." inherits="item" plural="words">
         <element type="attachment"/>
         <element type="attribute run"/>
         <element type="character"/>
         <element type="paragraph"/>
         <element type="word"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="The color of the first character."/>
         <property name="font" code="font" type="text" description="The name of the font of the first character."/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="integer" description="The size in points of the first character."/>
   <suite name="Application Suite" code="appS" description="Classes and events representing AppleScript Studio applications">
      <command name="activated" code="appSactV" description="The object was activated">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="awake from nib" code="appSawFN" description="The object was un-archived from a nib file">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="became key" code="appSbecK" description="The object became the key object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="became main" code="appSbecM" description="The object became the main object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="call method" code="appScalM" description="calls the given method of the object with the specified parameters">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="of" code="psof" type="any" optional="yes" description="the object to send the method to (exclusive from the &quot;of class&quot; parameter)"/>
         <parameter name="of class" code="of C" type="text" optional="yes" description="the class to send the method to (exclusive from the &quot;of object&quot; parameter)"/>
         <parameter name="of object" code="of O" type="any" optional="yes" description="deprecated in favor of the &quot;of&quot; parameter"/>
         <parameter name="with parameter" code="witQ" type="any" optional="yes" description="a parameter to be passed to the method (exclusive of &quot;with parameters&quot;)"/>
         <parameter name="with parameters" code="witP" type="list" optional="yes" description="a list of parameters to be passed to the method  (exclusive of &quot;with parameter&quot;)"/>
      <command name="center" code="appScent" description="centers the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="clicked toolbar item" code="appSclTI" description="A toolbar item was clicked.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="closed" code="appScloO" description="The object was closed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="deactivated" code="appSdeaT" description="Deactivate an object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="deminiaturized" code="appSdemA" description="The window was restored from its miniaturized state">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="document nib name" code="appSdoNN" description="Return the name of the document nib file for the given document">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="for document" code="forD" type="document" description="the document"/>
      <command name="exposed" code="appSexpO" description="The object was exposed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="hide" code="appShidI" description="Hide an object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="idle" code="appSidle" description="Sent to an application at specific intervals (returned in seconds)">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="keyboard down" code="appSkeyF" description="A key was pressed for the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the key down"/>
      <command name="keyboard up" code="appSkeyU" description="A key was released for the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the key up"/>
      <command name="launched" code="appSlauN" description="The application was launched">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="load image" code="appSloaI" description="loads the image with the specified name">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="load movie" code="appSloaM" description="loads the movie with the specified name">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="load nib" code="appSloaN" description="loads the nib with the specified name">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="in bundle" code="in B" type="bundle" optional="yes" description="the bundle containing the nib"/>
         <parameter name="owner" code="sown" type="any" optional="yes" description="the owner of the nib"/>
      <command name="load sound" code="appSloaS" description="loads the sound with the specified name">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="localized string" code="appSlocS" description="returns the localized string with the given key ">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="from table" code="froT" type="text" optional="yes" description="the name of the strings table"/>
         <parameter name="in bundle" code="in B" type="bundle" optional="yes" description="the bundle containing the strings table"/>
         <parameter name="in bundle with identifier" code="iBWI" type="text" optional="yes" description="the bundle with the specified identifier containing the strings table"/>
         <result type="text"/>
      <command name="log" code="ascrcmnt" description="logs the object to standard out">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="miniaturized" code="appSminT" description="The window was miniaturized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="mouse down" code="appSmouD" description="The mouse button was pressed on the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse down"/>
      <command name="mouse dragged" code="appSmouG" description="The mouse dragged within the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse down"/>
      <command name="mouse entered" code="appSmouE" description="The mouse entered the bounds of the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse entered"/>
      <command name="mouse exited" code="appSmouF" description="The mouse exited the bounds of the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse exited"/>
      <command name="mouse moved" code="appSmouM" description="The mouse moved inside the bounds of the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse moved"/>
      <command name="mouse up" code="appSmouU" description="The mouse button was released on the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the mouse up"/>
      <command name="moved" code="appSmovV" description="The object was moved">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="open untitled" code="appSopeU" description="Open an untitled document">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="opened" code="appSopeE" description="The object was opened">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="path for" code="appSpatF" description="Returns a full path to requested items within a bundle">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="column" code="ccol" type="integer" optional="yes" description="the column index of the browser view"/>
         <parameter name="directory" code="dirC" type="text" optional="yes" description="the sub directory of the bundle to search in"/>
         <parameter name="extension" code="extN" type="text" optional="yes" description="the extension of the object to search for"/>
         <parameter name="localization" code="locI" type="text" optional="yes" description="the locale for the resource to search for"/>
         <parameter name="resource" code="resO" type="text" optional="yes" description="the type of resource to search for"/>
         <parameter name="script" code="scrR" type="text" optional="yes" description="the script to search for"/>
      <command name="register" code="appSregI" description="Register the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag types" code="draT" type="list" optional="yes" description="the pasteboard drag types that the receiver will accept"/>
      <command name="resigned active" code="appSresA" description="The object resigned its active state">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="resigned key" code="appSresK" description="The object resigned its key state">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="resigned main" code="appSresM" description="The object resigned its main state">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="resized" code="appSresJ" description="The object was resized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="right mouse down" code="appSriMD" description="The right mouse button was pressed in the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the right mouse down"/>
      <command name="right mouse dragged" code="appSriME" description="The mouse was dragged with the right mouse button in the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the right mouse dragged"/>
      <command name="right mouse up" code="appSriMU" description="The right mouse button was released on the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the right mouse up"/>
      <command name="scroll wheel" code="appSscrW" description="The scroll wheel was moved over the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="event" code="eveE" type="event" optional="yes" description="the event information for the scroll wheel"/>
      <command name="select" code="appSselL" description="Select the designated objects">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="at index" code="at I" type="integer" optional="yes" description="the index of the object to select"/>
         <parameter name="item" code="iteT" type="any" optional="yes" description="the object to select"/>
      <command name="select all" code="appSselA" description="Select all of the contained objects within the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should close" code="appSshoC" description="Should the object close?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should open" code="appSshoO" description="Should the object open?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should open untitled" code="appSshOU" description="Should an untitled document be opened?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should quit" code="appSshoQ" description="Should the application quit?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should quit after last window closed" code="appSsQAL" description="Should the application quit after the last window is closed?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should zoom" code="appSshoZ" description="Should the window be zoomed?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="proposed bounds" code="proB" type="point" optional="yes" description="the proposed bounds of the object to be zoomed"/>
      <command name="show" code="appSshoH" description="Show the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="behind" code="behH" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to show behind"/>
         <parameter name="in front of" code="inFO" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to show in front of"/>
      <command name="shown" code="appSshoP" description="The object was shown">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="size to fit" code="appSsiTF" description="Adjust to size of the object to fit within its container">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="update" code="appSfupd" description="Update the object&apos;s display">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="update toolbar item" code="appSupTI" description="Update the state of the toolbar item.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="updated" code="appSupdA" description="The object was updated">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="was hidden" code="appSwasH" description="The object was hidden">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="was miniaturized" code="appSwasM" description="The window was miniaturized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will become active" code="appSwiBA" description="The object is about to become active">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will close" code="appSwilC" description="The object is about to close">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will finish launching" code="appSwiFL" description="The application is about to finish launching">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will hide" code="appSwilH" description="The object is about to hide">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will miniaturize" code="appSwilM" description="The window is about to be miniaturized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will move" code="appSwilN" description="The object is about to be moved">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will open" code="appSwilO" description="The object is about to be opened">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will quit" code="appSwilQ" description="The application is about to quit">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will resign active" code="appSwiRA" description="The object is about to resign its active state">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will resize" code="appSwilR" description="The object is about to be resized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="proposed size" code="proS" type="point" optional="yes" description="the proposed size for the window (You can return the actual size to change to)"/>
      <command name="will show" code="appSwilS" description="The object is about to be shown">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will zoom" code="appSwilZ" description="The object will zoom (return a new zoom bounds if desired))">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="screen bounds" code="scrB" type="rectangle" optional="yes" description="the bounds of the screen that the main part of the object is on"/>
      <command name="zoomed" code="appSpzum" description="The object was zoomed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <class name="application" code="capp" description="An application&apos;s top level scripting object" inherits="responder" plural="applications">
         <element type="bundle"/>
         <element type="data source"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drag info"/>
         <element type="event"/>
         <element type="image"/>
         <element type="item"/>
         <element type="movie"/>
         <element type="pasteboard"/>
         <element type="sound"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="window"/>
         <property name="active" code="actU" type="boolean" description="Is the application active?"/>
         <property name="color panel" code="colP" type="color-panel" description="the color panel"/>
         <property name="coordinate system" code="cooS" type="cooS" description="determines how bounding rectangles are defined"/>
         <property name="font panel" code="fonP" type="font-panel" description="the font panel"/>
         <property name="frontmost" code="pisf" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is this the frontmost application?"/>
         <property name="hidden" code="hidD" type="boolean" description="Is the application hidden?"/>
         <property name="icon image" code="icoI" type="image" description="the icon for the application"/>
         <property name="key window" code="keyW" type="window" access="r" description="the current key window"/>
         <property name="main bundle" code="maiB" type="bundle" description="the main bundle of the application"/>
         <property name="main menu" code="maiM" type="menu" description="the main menu of the application"/>
         <property name="main window" code="maiW" type="window" access="r" description="the current main window of the application"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" access="r" description="the name of the application"/>
         <property name="open panel" code="opeP" type="open-panel" description="the open panel"/>
         <property name="save panel" code="savP" type="save-panel" description="the save panel"/>
         <property name="services menu" code="serM" type="menu" description="the services menu of the application"/>
         <property name="user defaults" code="useD" type="user-defaults" description="the user defaults that contain the preferences for the application"/>
         <property name="version" code="vers" type="integer" access="r" description="the version of the application"/>
         <property name="windows menu" code="winM" type="menu" description="the windows menu of the application"/>
      <class name="bundle" code="bunN" description="An object that contains executables, frameworks, resources, etc." inherits="item" plural="bundles">
         <property name="executable path" code="exeP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to executables in the bundle"/>
         <property name="frameworks path" code="fraP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to frameworks in the bundle"/>
         <property name="identifier" code="ideT" type="text" access="r" description="the identifier for the bundle provided by the system"/>
         <property name="path" code="ppth" type="text" access="r" description="the path to the bundle"/>
         <property name="resource path" code="resP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to resources in the bundle"/>
         <property name="scripts path" code="scrP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to the scripts in the bundle"/>
         <property name="shared frameworks path" code="shFP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to the shared frameworks in the bundle"/>
         <property name="shared support path" code="shSP" type="text" access="r" description="the path to the shared support items in the bundle"/>
      <class name="data" code="rdat" description="Data" inherits="item" plural="data"/>
      <class name="default entry" code="defE" description="Entry in the user defaults" inherits="item" plural="default entries">
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="The value of the entry"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="The value of the entry"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="The name of the entry"/>
      <class name="event" code="eveE" description="An event" inherits="item" plural="events">
         <property name="characters" code="cha " type="text" access="r" description="the characters of the event"/>
         <property name="click count" code="cliC" type="integer" access="r" description="the click count of the event"/>
         <property name="command key down" code="coKD" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the command key down?"/>
         <property name="context" code="conU" type="any" access="r" description="the display context of the receiver (deprecated)"/>
         <property name="control key down" code="coKE" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the control key down?"/>
         <property name="delta x" code="delX" type="number" access="r" description="the x amount of the scroll wheel event"/>
         <property name="delta y" code="delY" type="number" access="r" description="the y amount of the scroll wheel event"/>
         <property name="delta z" code="delZ" type="number" access="r" description="the z amount of the scroll wheel event"/>
         <property name="event number" code="eveN" type="integer" access="r" description="the number of the event"/>
         <property name="event type" code="eveT" type="EEvN" access="r" description="the type of event"/>
         <property name="key code" code="keyD" type="integer" access="r" description="the hardware-dependent value of the key pressed"/>
         <property name="location" code="locA" type="point" access="r" description="the location in the window where the event happened"/>
         <property name="option key down" code="opKD" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the option key down?"/>
         <property name="pressure" code="preU" type="number" access="r" description="a value between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the pressure of the input device for the event"/>
         <property name="repeated" code="repE" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the event repeated?"/>
         <property name="shift key down" code="shKD" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the shift key down?"/>
         <property name="time stamp" code="timS" type="number" access="r" description="the time that the event happened"/>
         <property name="unmodified characters" code="unmC" type="text" access="r" description="the unmodified characters of the event"/>
         <property name="window" code="cwin" type="window" access="r" description="the window associated with the event"/>
      <class name="font" code="fonO" description="A font" inherits="item" plural="fonts"/>
      <class name="formatter" code="forA" description="A formatter" inherits="item" plural="formatters"/>
      <class name="image" code="imaA" description="An image" inherits="item" plural="images"/>
      <class name="item" code="cobj" description="An item of any type" inherits="item">
         <property name="id" code="ID  " type="integer" access="r" description="the unique id of the object"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="the name of the object"/>
         <property name="script" code="scpt" type="scpt" description="the script of the object"/>
      <class name="movie" code="movW" description="A movie" inherits="item" plural="movies"/>
      <class name="pasteboard" code="pasE" description="A pasteboard" inherits="item" plural="pasteboards">
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the contents of the pasteboard"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the contents of the pasteboard"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="the name of the pasteboard"/>
         <property name="preferred type" code="preQ" type="text" description="the preferred data type when getting or setting the contents of the pasteboard"/>
         <property name="types" code="typP" type="list" access="r" description="a list of data types"/>
      <class name="responder" code="resQ" description="A base class that responds to events" inherits="item" plural="responders">
         <property name="menu" code="menE" type="menu" description="the menu for the responder"/>
      <class name="sound" code="snd " description="A sound" inherits="item" plural="sounds">
         <property name="playing" code="plaY" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the sound playing?"/>
      <class name="toolbar" code="tbar" description="A toolbar" inherits="item" plural="toolbars">
         <element type="toolbar item"/>
         <property name="allowed identifiers" code="allI" type="list" description="a list of item identifiers (strings) that identifies the toolbar items that are allowed for this toolbar"/>
         <property name="allows customization" code="allC" type="boolean" description="Can the toolbar be customized?"/>
         <property name="auto saves configuration" code="auSC" type="boolean" description="Should the toolbar automatically save its configuration?"/>
         <property name="configuration" code="conF" type="record" description="the configuration for the toolbar"/>
         <property name="default identifiers" code="defI" type="list" description="a list of item identifiers (strings) that identifies the toolbar items that represent the default items for this toolbar"/>
         <property name="display mode" code="disM" type="disM" description="the display mode for the toolbar"/>
         <property name="identifier" code="ideT" type="text" description="the identifier for the toolbar"/>
         <property name="selectable identifiers" code="selI" type="list" description="a list of item identifiers (strings) that identifies the toolbar items that are selectable in the toolbar"/>
         <property name="selected item identifier" code="seII" type="text" description="the identifier of the currently selected item"/>
         <property name="size mode" code="sizM" type="sizM" description="the size mode for the toolbar"/>
         <property name="visible" code="visI" type="boolean" description="Is the toolbar visible?"/>
      <class name="toolbar item" code="tooI" description="A toolbar item" inherits="item" plural="toolbar items">
         <property name="action method" code="actM" type="text" description="the action method for the toolbar item (given as a string representation of a Cocoa method selector)"/>
         <property name="enabled" code="enaB" type="boolean" description="Is the toolbar item enabled?"/>
         <property name="identifier" code="ideT" type="text" description="the identifier for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="image name" code="imaN" type="text" description="the name of the image to use for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="label" code="labB" type="text" description="the lable for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="maximum size" code="maxS" type="point" description="the maximum size of the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="menu form representation" code="meFR" type="menu item" description="the menu that represents the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="minimum size" code="minS" type="point" description="the minimum size of the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="palette label" code="palL" type="text" description="the label of the toolbar item shown in the customization panel"/>
         <property name="tag" code="tagA" type="integer" description="the tag for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="target" code="tarR" type="any" description="the target of the action for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="tool tip" code="tooT" type="text" description="the tool tip for the toolbar item"/>
         <property name="toolbar" code="tbar" type="toolbar" description="the toolbar that the toolbar item is in"/>
         <property name="view" code="view" type="view" description="the view of a custom toolbar item"/>
      <class name="user-defaults" code="us-D" description="A user defaults for preferences" inherits="item" plural="user-defaults">
         <element type="default entry"/>
      <class name="window" code="cwin" description="A window, which is the top level container of views" inherits="responder" plural="windows">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="alpha value" code="alpV" type="number" description="the alpha value of the window"/>
         <property name="associated file name" code="asFN" type="text" description="the file name associated with the window"/>
         <property name="auto display" code="autD" type="boolean" description="Automatically display the window?"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the window?"/>
         <property name="bounds" code="pbnd" type="rectangle" description="the bounds of the window"/>
         <property name="can hide" code="canH" type="boolean" description="Can the window be hidden?"/>
         <property name="closeable" code="hclb" type="boolean" access="r" description="Does the window have a close box?"/>
         <property name="content view" code="conV" type="view" description="the content view of the window"/>
         <property name="current field editor" code="cuFE" type="text view" access="r" description="the current field editor of the window"/>
         <property name="document edited" code="docE" type="boolean" description="Has the document been edited?"/>
         <property name="excluded from windows menu" code="eFWM" type="boolean" description="Should the window be included in the Windows menu?"/>
         <property name="first responder" code="firS" type="responder" description="the first responder for the window"/>
         <property name="floating" code="isfl" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the window a floating window?"/>
         <property name="has resize indicator" code="haRI" type="boolean" description="Does the window have a resize indicator?"/>
         <property name="has shadow" code="hasS" type="boolean" description="Should the window have a shadow?"/>
         <property name="hides when deactivated" code="hiWD" type="boolean" description="Should the window be hidden when it is deactivated?"/>
         <property name="index" code="pidx" type="integer" description="the index of the window in the back-to-front window ordering"/>
         <property name="key" code="keyE" type="boolean" description="Is the window the key window?"/>
         <property name="level" code="levV" type="integer" description="the window layer for the window"/>
         <property name="main" code="maiA" type="boolean" description="Is the window the main window?"/>
         <property name="maximum size" code="maxS" type="point" description="the maximum size of the window"/>
         <property name="miniaturizable" code="ismn" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be miniaturized."/>
         <property name="miniaturized" code="minU" type="boolean" description="Is the window miniaturized?"/>
         <property name="minimized image" code="minI" type="image" description="the image for the window when it is minimized"/>
         <property name="minimized title" code="minV" type="text" description="the title of the window when it is minimized"/>
         <property name="minimum size" code="minS" type="point" description="the minimum size of the window"/>
         <property name="modal" code="pmod" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the window modal?"/>
         <property name="needs display" code="neeD" type="boolean" description="Should the window be displayed?"/>
         <property name="opaque" code="opaA" type="boolean" description="Is the window opaque?"/>
         <property name="position" code="posn" type="point" description="the position of the window"/>
         <property name="released when closed" code="reWC" type="boolean" description="Should the window be released when it is closed?"/>
         <property name="resizable" code="prsz" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window can be resized."/>
         <property name="sheet" code="sheE" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the window a sheet?"/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="point" description="the size of the window"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the window"/>
         <property name="titled" code="ptit" type="boolean" access="r" description="Whether the window has a title bar."/>
         <property name="toolbar" code="tbar" type="toolbar" description="the toolbar of the window"/>
         <property name="visible" code="pvis" type="boolean" description="Is the window visible?"/>
         <property name="zoomable" code="iszm" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the window zoomable?"/>
         <property name="zoomed" code="pzum" type="boolean" description="Is the window zoomed?"/>
      <enumeration name="sizM" code="sizM">
         <enumerator name="default size mode" code="deSM" description="Default size"/>
         <enumerator name="regular size mode" code="reSM" description="Regular size"/>
         <enumerator name="small size mode" code="smSM" description="Small size"/>
      <enumeration name="disM" code="disM">
         <enumerator name="default display mode" code="deDM" description="Show the default display mode"/>
         <enumerator name="icon and label display mode" code="iALD" description="Show both the icon and label"/>
         <enumerator name="icon only display mode" code="iODM" description="Show only the icon"/>
         <enumerator name="label only display mode" code="lODM" description="Show only the label"/>
      <enumeration name="EEvN" code="EEvN">
         <enumerator name="appkit defined type" code="apDT" description="An event defined by the AppKit"/>
         <enumerator name="application defined type" code="apDU" description="An event defined by the Application"/>
         <enumerator name="cursor update type" code="cuUU" description="Cursor update event"/>
         <enumerator name="flags changed type" code="flCT" description="Modifier keys changed event"/>
         <enumerator name="key down type" code="keDT" description="Key pressed event"/>
         <enumerator name="key up type" code="keUT" description="Key released event"/>
         <enumerator name="left mouse down type" code="lMDT" description="Left mouse button pressed event"/>
         <enumerator name="left mouse dragged type" code="lMDU" description="Left mouse button dragged event"/>
         <enumerator name="left mouse up type" code="lMUT" description="Left mouse button released event"/>
         <enumerator name="mouse entered type" code="moET" description="Mouse entered event"/>
         <enumerator name="mouse exited type" code="moEU" description="Mouse exited event"/>
         <enumerator name="mouse moved type" code="moMT" description="Mouse moved event"/>
         <enumerator name="other mouse down type" code="oMDT" description="Other mouse button pressed event"/>
         <enumerator name="other mouse dragged type" code="oMDU" description="Other mouse button dragged event"/>
         <enumerator name="other mouse up type" code="oMDT" description="Other mouse button released event"/>
         <enumerator name="periodic type" code="perT" description="Periodic event, such as an idle event or timer event"/>
         <enumerator name="right mouse down type" code="rMDT" description="Right mouse button pressed event"/>
         <enumerator name="right mouse dragged type" code="rMDU" description="Right mouse button dragged event"/>
         <enumerator name="right mouse up type" code="rMUT" description="Right mouse button released event"/>
         <enumerator name="scroll wheel type" code="scWT" description="Scroll wheel event"/>
         <enumerator name="system defined type" code="syDT" description="An event defined by the System"/>
      <enumeration name="cooS" code="cooS">
         <enumerator name="AppleScript coordinate system" code="clCS" description="bounding rectangles defined as {left, top, right, bottom}"/>
         <enumerator name="classic coordinate system" code="stCS" description="bounding rectangles defined as {left, bottom, right, top} using cartesian coordinate system"/>
         <enumerator name="Cocoa coordinate system" code="coCS" description="bounding rectangles defined as {x, y, width, height} using cartesian coordinate system"/>
   <suite name="Container View Suite" code="caVS" description="Classes representing views that can contain other views">
      <command name="bounds changed" code="caVSbouC" description="The bounds of the object has changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="close drawer" code="caVScloD" description="Close the drawer">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="lock focus" code="caVSlocF" description="Lock the focus on the view so that the display is not updated">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="open drawer" code="caVSopeD" description="Open the drawer">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="on" code="on O" type="EReT" optional="yes" description="the edge of the window to open the drawer on"/>
      <command name="parameters updated" code="caVSparU" description="The parameters have been updated.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="parameters" code="parM" type="record" description="the updated parameters"/>
      <command name="resized sub views" code="caVSreSV" description="The sub views of the object have been resized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="selected tab view item" code="caVSdSTV" description="The tab view item was selected">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="tab view item" code="taVI" type="tab view item" optional="yes" description="the tab view item"/>
      <command name="should select tab view item" code="caVSsSTV" description="Should the tab view item be selected?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="tab view item" code="taVI" type="tab view item" optional="yes" description="the tab view item"/>
      <command name="unlock focus" code="caVSunlF" description="Unlock the focus on the view and update its display">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="update parameters" code="caVSupdP" description="Update the parameters, returning the changed parameters">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="parameters" code="parM" type="record" description="the parameters to be updated"/>
         <result type="record"/>
      <command name="will resize sub views" code="caVSwRSV" description="The sub views of the object are about to be resized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will select tab view item" code="caVSwSTV" description="The tab view item is about to be selected">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="tab view item" code="taVI" type="tab view item" optional="yes" description="the tab view item"/>
      <class name="box" code="boxO" description="A box that can contain other views" inherits="view" plural="boxes">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="border rect" code="borR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the bounds of the border"/>
         <property name="border type" code="borT" type="EBoE" description="the border type"/>
         <property name="box type" code="boxT" type="EBoX" description="the box type"/>
         <property name="content view" code="conV" type="view" description="the content view of the box"/>
         <property name="content view margins" code="coVM" type="point" description="the margins of the content view"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the box"/>
         <property name="title cell" code="titC" type="cell" access="r" description="the cell of the title"/>
         <property name="title font" code="titF" type="font" description="the font of the title"/>
         <property name="title position" code="titP" type="ETiO" description="the position of the title"/>
         <property name="title rect" code="titR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the bounds of the title"/>
      <class name="clip view" code="cliV" description="A clip view" inherits="view" plural="clip views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the clip view"/>
         <property name="content view" code="conV" type="view" description="the content view"/>
         <property name="copies on scroll" code="coOS" type="boolean" description="Should the contents of the view be copied when scrolled?"/>
         <property name="document rect" code="docR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the bounds of the document in the clip view"/>
         <property name="document view" code="docV" type="view" description="the document view"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the clip view draw its background?"/>
         <property name="visible document rect" code="viDR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the visible bounds of the document"/>
      <class name="drawer" code="draA" description="A drawer" inherits="responder" plural="drawers">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="content size" code="conS" type="point" description="the size of the contents of the drawer"/>
         <property name="content view" code="conV" type="view" description="the content view of the drawer"/>
         <property name="edge" code="edgD" type="EReT" access="r" description="the edge of the window that the drawer is on"/>
         <property name="leading offset" code="leaO" type="number" description="the distance from the top or left edge of the window for the drawer"/>
         <property name="maximum content size" code="maCS" type="point" description="the maximum size of the content of the drawer"/>
         <property name="minimum content size" code="miCS" type="point" description="the minimum size of the content of the drawer"/>
         <property name="parent window" code="parW" type="window" description="the window that the drawer belongs to"/>
         <property name="preferred edge" code="preE" type="EReT" description="the preferred edge on which to open the drawer on"/>
         <property name="state" code="staB" type="EDrE" description="the state of the drawer"/>
         <property name="trailing offset" code="traO" type="number" access="r" description="the distance from the bottom or right edge of the window for the drawer"/>
      <class name="scroll view" code="scrV" description="A scroll view" inherits="view" plural="scroll views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the color of the background"/>
         <property name="border type" code="borT" type="EBoE" description="the type of border for the scroll view"/>
         <property name="content size" code="conS" type="point" access="r" description="the size of the content of the scroll view"/>
         <property name="content view" code="conV" type="view" description="the content view"/>
         <property name="document view" code="docV" type="view" description="the document view"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the scroll view draw the background?"/>
         <property name="dynamically scrolls" code="dynS" type="boolean" description="Should the view scroll dynamically?"/>
         <property name="has horizontal ruler" code="haHR" type="boolean" description="Does the scroll view have a horizontal ruler?"/>
         <property name="has horizontal scroller" code="haHS" type="boolean" description="Does the scroll view have a horizontal scroller?"/>
         <property name="has vertical ruler" code="haVR" type="boolean" description="Does the scroll view have a vertical ruler?"/>
         <property name="has vertical scroller" code="haVS" type="boolean" description="Does the scroll view have a vertical scroller?"/>
         <property name="horizontal line scroll" code="hoLS" type="number" description="the horizontal amount to line scroll"/>
         <property name="horizontal page scroll" code="hoPS" type="number" description="the horizontal amount to page scroll"/>
         <property name="horizontal ruler view" code="hoRV" type="view" description="the horizontal ruler view"/>
         <property name="horizontal scroller" code="horS" type="view" description="the horizontal scroller"/>
         <property name="line scroll" code="linS" type="number" description="the amount to line scroll"/>
         <property name="page scroll" code="pagS" type="number" description="the amount to page scroll"/>
         <property name="rulers visible" code="rulW" type="boolean" description="Are the rulers visible?"/>
         <property name="vertical line scroll" code="veLS" type="number" description="the vertical amount to line scroll"/>
         <property name="vertical page scroll" code="vePS" type="number" description="the vertical amount to page scroll"/>
         <property name="vertical ruler view" code="veRV" type="view" description="the vertical ruler view"/>
         <property name="vertical scroller" code="verS" type="view" description="the vertical scroller"/>
         <property name="visible document rect" code="viDR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the visible bounds of the document"/>
      <class name="split view" code="splV" description="A split view" inherits="view" plural="split views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="pane splitter" code="panT" type="boolean" description="Is there a pane splitter?"/>
         <property name="vertical" code="verT" type="boolean" description="Is the splitter vertical?"/>
      <class name="tab view" code="tabV" description="A tab view" inherits="view" plural="tab views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="tab view item"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="content rect" code="conR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the bounds for contents of the tab view"/>
         <property name="control size" code="conX" type="ECoR" description="the size of the tabs"/>
         <property name="control tint" code="conY" type="ECoT" description="the tint of the tabs"/>
         <property name="current tab view item" code="cTVI" type="tab view item" description="the current tab view item"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the tab view draw its background?"/>
         <property name="tab type" code="tabT" type="ETaI" description="the type of tab"/>
         <property name="truncated labels" code="truL" type="boolean" description="Should the labels be truncated?"/>
      <class name="tab view item" code="taVI" description="A tab view item" inherits="item" plural="tab view items">
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="the color of the tab view item"/>
         <property name="label" code="labB" type="text" description="the label of the tab view item"/>
         <property name="tab state" code="tabS" type="ETaS" access="r" description="the state of the tab view item"/>
         <property name="tab view" code="tabV" type="tab view" access="r" description="the tab view that contains this tab view item"/>
         <property name="view" code="view" type="view" description="the view of the tab view item"/>
      <class name="view" code="view" description="A view" inherits="responder" plural="views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="auto resizes" code="autS" type="boolean" description="Should the view auto resize?"/>
         <property name="bounds" code="pbnd" type="rectangle" description="the bounds of the view"/>
         <property name="bounds rotation" code="bouR" type="number" description="the rotation of the bounds"/>
         <property name="can draw" code="canD" type="boolean" access="r" description="Can the view be drawn?"/>
         <property name="enclosing scroll view" code="enSV" type="scroll view" description="the scroll view of the view (if any)"/>
         <property name="flipped" code="fliP" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the coordinate system of the view flipped?"/>
         <property name="needs display" code="neeD" type="boolean" description="Does the view need to be displayed?"/>
         <property name="opaque" code="opaA" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the view opaque?"/>
         <property name="position" code="posn" type="point" description="the position of the view"/>
         <property name="size" code="ptsz" type="point" description="the size of the view"/>
         <property name="super view" code="supV" type="view" description="the view that contains this view"/>
         <property name="tag" code="tagA" type="integer" description="the tag for the view"/>
         <property name="tool tip" code="tooT" type="text" description="the tool tip"/>
         <property name="visible" code="pvis" type="boolean" description="Is the view visible?"/>
         <property name="visible rect" code="visR" type="rectangle" access="r" description="the visible area of the view"/>
         <property name="window" code="cwin" type="window" description="the window that contains this view?"/>
      <enumeration name="ETiO" code="ETiO">
         <enumerator name="above bottom" code="aboB" description="Title at the bottom above the line"/>
         <enumerator name="above top" code="aboT" description="Title at the top above the line"/>
         <enumerator name="at bottom" code="at B" description="Title at the bottom"/>
         <enumerator name="at top" code="at T" description="Title at the top"/>
         <enumerator name="below bottom" code="belB" description="Title at the bottom below the line"/>
         <enumerator name="below top" code="belT" description="Title at the top below the line"/>
         <enumerator name="no title" code="no T" description="No title"/>
      <enumeration name="EBoE" code="EBoE">
         <enumerator name="bezel border" code="bezB" description="Bezel border"/>
         <enumerator name="groove border" code="groB" description="Groove border"/>
         <enumerator name="line border" code="linB" description="Line border"/>
         <enumerator name="no border" code="no B" description="No border"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoT" code="ECoT">
         <enumerator name="blue tint" code="bluT" description="Blue tint"/>
         <enumerator name="clear tint" code="cleT" description="Clear tint"/>
         <enumerator name="default tint" code="defT" description="Default tint"/>
         <enumerator name="graphite tint" code="graT" description="Graphite tint"/>
      <enumeration name="EDrE" code="EDrE">
         <enumerator name="drawer closed" code="drCS" description="Drawer is closed"/>
         <enumerator name="drawer closing" code="drCT" description="Drawer is closing"/>
         <enumerator name="drawer opened" code="drOT" description="Drawer is opened"/>
         <enumerator name="drawer opening" code="drOS" description="Drawer is opening"/>
      <enumeration name="ETaI" code="ETaI">
         <enumerator name="bottom tabs bezel border" code="bTBB" description="Tabs along the bottom with a bezel border"/>
         <enumerator name="left tabs bezel border" code="lTBB" description="Tabs along the left with a bezel border"/>
         <enumerator name="no tabs bezel border" code="nTBB" description="A bezel border without any tabs"/>
         <enumerator name="no tabs line border" code="nTLC" description="A line border without any tabs"/>
         <enumerator name="no tabs no border" code="nTNB" description="No border without any tabs"/>
         <enumerator name="right tabs bezel border" code="rTBB" description="Tabs along the right with a bezel border"/>
         <enumerator name="top tabs bezel border" code="tTBB" description="Tabs along the top with a bezel border"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoR" code="ECoR">
         <enumerator name="mini size" code="mniS" description="Mini size"/>
         <enumerator name="regular size" code="regS" description="Regular size"/>
         <enumerator name="small size" code="smaS" description="Small size"/>
      <enumeration name="EReT" code="EReT">
         <enumerator name="bottom edge" code="botE" description="bottom edge"/>
         <enumerator name="left edge" code="lefE" description="Left edge"/>
         <enumerator name="right edge" code="rigE" description="Right edge"/>
         <enumerator name="top edge" code="topE" description="Top edge"/>
      <enumeration name="EBoX" code="EBoX">
         <enumerator name="old style type" code="olST" description="Old style box"/>
         <enumerator name="primary type" code="priT" description="Primary box"/>
         <enumerator name="secondary type" code="secT" description="Secondary box"/>
         <enumerator name="separator type" code="sepT" description="Separator box"/>
      <enumeration name="ETaS" code="ETaS">
         <enumerator name="background" code="bacG" description="Background tab"/>
         <enumerator name="pressed" code="preS" description="Pressed tab"/>
         <enumerator name="selected" code="selE" description="Selected tab"/>
   <suite name="Control View Suite" code="coVS" description="Classes representing controls">
      <command name="action" code="coVSactT" description="An action occurred for the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="animate" code="coVSaniM" description="Animate the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="begin editing" code="coVSbegE" description="Begin editing the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="changed" code="coVSchaN" description="The contents of the object changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="clicked" code="coVScliI" description="The object was clicked">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="double clicked" code="coVSdouC" description="The object was double clicked">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="end editing" code="coVSendE" description="End editing the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="go" code="coVSgo G" description="Go">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="to" code="to T" type="EGoO" optional="yes" description="the place to go"/>
      <command name="highlight" code="coVShigL" description="Highlight the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="increment" code="coVSincE" description="Increment the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="by" code="by B" type="number" description="the amount to increment by"/>
      <command name="pause" code="coVSpauU" description="Pause the current acitivity">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="perform action" code="coVSperA" description="Tells the receiver to perform its action.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="play" code="coVSplaL" description="Play the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="resume" code="coVSresS" description="Resume the previous activity">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="scroll" code="coVSscrS" description="Scroll">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="item at index" code="itAI" type="integer" optional="yes" description="the index of the item to scroll to"/>
         <parameter name="to" code="to T" type="EScO" optional="yes" description="the location to scroll to"/>
      <command name="selection changed" code="coVSselF" description="The selection of the object changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="selection changing" code="coVSselG" description="The selection of the object is changing">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should begin editing" code="coVSshBE" description="Should the object start editing?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="object" code="objJ" type="text view" optional="yes" description="the editor of the object"/>
      <command name="should end editing" code="coVSshEE" description="Should the object finish editing?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="object" code="objJ" type="text view" optional="yes" description="the editor of the object"/>
      <command name="start" code="coVSstaA" description="Start the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="step back" code="coVSsteB" description="Step back">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="step forward" code="coVSsteF" description="Step forward">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="stop" code="coVSstoT" description="Stop the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="synchronize" code="coVSsynR" description="Synchronize the object">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will dismiss" code="coVSwilD" description="The object will be dismissed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will pop up" code="coVSwiPU" description="The menu of the object will pop up">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <class name="action cell" code="actC" description="An action cell" inherits="cell" plural="action cells"/>
      <class name="button" code="butT" description="A button" inherits="control" plural="buttons">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows mixed state" code="alMS" type="boolean" description="Does the button allow a mixed state?"/>
         <property name="alternate image" code="altI" type="image" description="the image for the button when it is in its alternate state"/>
         <property name="alternate title" code="altT" type="text" description="the title of the button when it is in its alternate state"/>
         <property name="bezel style" code="bezS" type="EBeL" description="the bezel style of the button"/>
         <property name="bordered" code="borD" type="boolean" description="Does the button have a border?"/>
         <property name="button type" code="butU" type="EBuO" description="the type of button"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image of the button"/>
         <property name="image position" code="imaQ" type="ECeG" description="the position of the image"/>
         <property name="key equivalent" code="keyG" type="text" description="the key equivalent to clicking on the button"/>
         <property name="key equivalent modifier" code="keEN" type="integer" description="the modifier key for the key equivalent"/>
         <property name="roll over" code="rolO" type="boolean" description="Does the button act like a roll over?"/>
         <property name="sound" code="souU" type="sound" description="the sound of the button when it&apos;s clicked"/>
         <property name="state" code="staB" type="integer" description="the state of the button"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the button"/>
         <property name="transparent" code="traP" type="boolean" description="Is the button transparent?"/>
      <class name="button cell" code="butC" description="A button cell" inherits="cell" plural="button cells">
         <property name="alternate image" code="altI" type="image" description="the image for the cell when it is in its alternate state"/>
         <property name="alternate title" code="altT" type="text" description="the title of the cell when it is in its alternate state"/>
         <property name="bezel style" code="bezS" type="EBeL" description="the bezel style of the cell"/>
         <property name="button type" code="butU" type="EBuO" description="the button type of the cell"/>
         <property name="highlights by" code="higB" type="integer" description="the method in which the button is highlighted"/>
         <property name="image dims when disabled" code="iDWD" type="boolean" description="Does the image dim when the button is disabled?"/>
         <property name="key equivalent modifier" code="keEN" type="integer" description="the modifier key for the key equivalent"/>
         <property name="roll over" code="rolO" type="boolean" description="Does the button cell act like a roll over?"/>
         <property name="shows state by" code="shSC" type="integer" description="the method in which the button cell shows its state"/>
         <property name="sound" code="souU" type="sound" description="the sound of the button cell when it&apos;s clicked"/>
         <property name="transparent" code="traP" type="boolean" description="Is the button cell transparent?"/>
      <class name="cell" code="celE" description="A cell" inherits="item" plural="cells">
         <property name="action method" code="actM" type="text" description="the action method for the cell (given as a string representation of a Cocoa method selector)"/>
         <property name="alignment" code="aliN" type="ETeL" description="the text alignment of the cell"/>
         <property name="allows editing text attributes" code="aETA" type="boolean" description="Can the text attributes be edited?"/>
         <property name="allows mixed state" code="alMS" type="boolean" description="Does the cell allow a mixed state?"/>
         <property name="associated object" code="assO" type="any" description="the object associated with the cell"/>
         <property name="bezeled" code="bezE" type="boolean" description="Does the cell have a bezel?"/>
         <property name="bordered" code="borD" type="boolean" description="Is the cell bordered?"/>
         <property name="cell size" code="celS" type="point" access="r" description="the size of the cell"/>
         <property name="cell type" code="celT" type="ECeL" description="the type of cell"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the contents of the cell"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the contents of the cell"/>
         <property name="continuous" code="conI" type="boolean" description="Does the cell generate actions as it is pressed?"/>
         <property name="control size" code="conX" type="ECoR" description="the size of the control for the cell"/>
         <property name="control tint" code="conY" type="ECoT" description="the color of the control for the cell"/>
         <property name="control view" code="conZ" type="control" access="r" description="the control that the cell belongs to"/>
         <property name="double value" code="douV" type="number" description="the value of the contents as a double"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the cell editable?"/>
         <property name="enabled" code="enaB" type="boolean" description="Is the cell enabled?"/>
         <property name="entry type" code="entT" type="integer" description="the entry type"/>
         <property name="float value" code="floV" type="number" description="the value of the contents as a float"/>
         <property name="font" code="fonO" type="font" description="the font of the cell"/>
         <property name="formatter" code="forA" type="formatter" description="the formatter for the cell"/>
         <property name="has valid object value" code="hVOV" type="boolean" access="r" description="does the cell contain a valid value"/>
         <property name="highlighted" code="higI" type="boolean" description="Is the cell highlighted?"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image of the cell"/>
         <property name="image position" code="imaQ" type="ECeG" description="the position of the image in the cell"/>
         <property name="imports graphics" code="impG" type="boolean" description="Should graphics be imported?"/>
         <property name="integer value" code="intV" type="integer" description="the value of the contents of the cell as an integer"/>
         <property name="key equivalent" code="keyG" type="text" access="r" description="the key equivalent to clicking "/>
         <property name="menu" code="menE" type="menu" description="the context menu"/>
         <property name="mouse down state" code="moDS" type="integer" access="r" description="the state of the mouse when it was clicked in the cell"/>
         <property name="next state" code="nexS" type="integer" description="the next state of the cell"/>
         <property name="opaque" code="opaA" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the cell opaque?"/>
         <property name="scrollable" code="scrL" type="boolean" description="Can the cell be scrolled?"/>
         <property name="selectable" code="selC" type="boolean" description="Can the cell selectable?"/>
         <property name="sends action when done editing" code="sAWD" type="boolean" description="Should the cell send its action when it&apos;s done editing?"/>
         <property name="state" code="staB" type="ECeA" description="the state of the cell"/>
         <property name="string value" code="texD" type="text" description="the value of the contents of the cell as text"/>
         <property name="tag" code="tagA" type="integer" description="the tag of the cell"/>
         <property name="target" code="tarR" type="any" description="the target of the action or the cell"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the cell"/>
         <property name="wraps" code="wraA" type="boolean" description="Does the cell wrap?"/>
      <class name="color well" code="colW" description="A color well" inherits="control" plural="color wells">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="active" code="actU" type="boolean" description="Is the color well active?"/>
         <property name="bordered" code="borD" type="boolean" description="Does the color well have a border?"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="the color in the well"/>
      <class name="combo box" code="comB" description="A combo box" inherits="text field" plural="combo boxes">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="combo box item"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="auto completes" code="autC" type="boolean" description="Does the combo box use auto completion when typing?"/>
         <property name="current item" code="curI" type="integer" description="the index of the current item"/>
         <property name="data source" code="datS" type="any" description="the data source for the combo box"/>
         <property name="has vertical scroller" code="haVS" type="boolean" description="Does the combo box have a vertical scroll bar?"/>
         <property name="intercell spacing" code="intS" type="point" description="the space between cells"/>
         <property name="item height" code="iteH" type="number" description="the height of an item"/>
         <property name="uses data source" code="usDS" type="boolean" description="Does the combo box use a data source for its items?"/>
      <class name="combo box item" code="coBI" description="An item in a combo box" inherits="item" plural="combo box items"/>
      <class name="control" code="conW" description="A control" inherits="view" plural="controls">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="action method" code="actM" type="text" description="the action method for the control (given as a string representation of a Cocoa method selector)"/>
         <property name="alignment" code="aliN" type="ETeL" description="the text alignment of the control"/>
         <property name="cell" code="celE" type="cell" description="the cell of the control"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the value of the control"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the value of the control"/>
         <property name="continuous" code="conI" type="boolean" description="Does the control continuously generate actions?"/>
         <property name="current cell" code="curC" type="cell" access="r" description="the current cell of the control"/>
         <property name="current editor" code="curE" type="text view" description="the current editor of the control"/>
         <property name="double value" code="douV" type="number" description="the value of the control as a double"/>
         <property name="enabled" code="enaB" type="boolean" description="Is the control enabled?"/>
         <property name="float value" code="floV" type="number" description="the value of the control as a float"/>
         <property name="font" code="fonO" type="font" description="the font of the control"/>
         <property name="formatter" code="forA" type="formatter" description="the formatter of the control"/>
         <property name="ignores multiple clicks" code="igMC" type="boolean" description="Does the control ignore multiple clicks?"/>
         <property name="integer value" code="intV" type="integer" description="the value of the control as an integer"/>
         <property name="string value" code="texD" type="text" description="the value of the control as text"/>
         <property name="target" code="tarR" type="any" description="the target of the action for the control"/>
      <class name="image cell" code="imaE" description="An image cell" inherits="cell" plural="image cells">
         <property name="image alignment" code="imaC" type="EImL" description="the alignment of the image for the cell"/>
         <property name="image frame style" code="imFS" type="EImM" description="the frame style of the image"/>
         <property name="image scaling" code="imaS" type="EImS" description="the scaling of the image"/>
      <class name="image view" code="imaV" description="An image view" inherits="control" plural="image views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the image view editable?"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image for the view"/>
         <property name="image alignment" code="imaC" type="EImL" description="the alignment for the image"/>
         <property name="image frame style" code="imFS" type="EImM" description="the frame style of the image"/>
         <property name="image scaling" code="imaS" type="EImS" description="the scaling of the image"/>
      <class name="matrix" code="matT" description="A matrix of controls, such as a radio group" inherits="control" plural="matrices">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="cell"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows empty selection" code="alES" type="boolean" description="Does the matrix allow an empty selection?"/>
         <property name="auto scroll" code="autT" type="boolean" description="Should the matrix automatically scroll?"/>
         <property name="auto sizes cells" code="auSC" type="boolean" description="Should the matrix auto size its cells?"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the matrix"/>
         <property name="cell background color" code="ceBC" type="color" description="the background color of the cells in the matrix"/>
         <property name="cell size" code="celS" type="point" description="the size of a each cell in the matrix"/>
         <property name="current cell" code="curC" type="cell" description="the current cell"/>
         <property name="current column" code="curD" type="integer" description="the current column of the matrix"/>
         <property name="current row" code="curR" type="integer" description="the current row of the matrix"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the matrix draw its background?"/>
         <property name="draws cell background" code="drCB" type="boolean" description="Should the cells of the matrix draw their background?"/>
         <property name="intercell spacing" code="intS" type="point" description="the space between cells"/>
         <property name="key cell" code="keyC" type="cell" description="the key cell of the matrix"/>
         <property name="matrix mode" code="matM" type="EMaI" description="the mode of the matrix"/>
         <property name="next text" code="nexT" type="text view" description="the next editor of the matrix"/>
         <property name="previous text" code="preV" type="text view" description="the previous editor of the matrix"/>
         <property name="prototype cell" code="proC" type="cell" description="the prototype cell of the matrix"/>
         <property name="scrollable" code="scrL" type="boolean" description="Is the matrix scrollable?"/>
         <property name="selection by rect" code="seBR" type="boolean" description="Can cells be selected by rect?"/>
         <property name="tab key traverses cells" code="tKTC" type="boolean" description="Does the tab key traverse cells?"/>
      <class name="movie view" code="movX" description="A movie view" inherits="view" plural="movie views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="controller visible" code="conB" type="boolean" description="Is the controller visible?"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the movie editable?"/>
         <property name="loop mode" code="looM" type="EMoM" description="the loop mode of the player"/>
         <property name="movie" code="movW" type="movie" description="the movie for the view"/>
         <property name="movie controller" code="movC" type="any" access="r" description="the QuickTime movie controller"/>
         <property name="movie file" code="movF" type="text" description="the file of the movie for the movie view"/>
         <property name="movie rect" code="movR" type="rectangle" description="the bounds of the movie in the view"/>
         <property name="muted" code="mutT" type="boolean" description="Is the movie muted?"/>
         <property name="playing" code="plaY" type="boolean" description="Is the movie playing?"/>
         <property name="plays every frame" code="plEF" type="boolean" description="Should the movie play every frame?"/>
         <property name="plays selection only" code="plSO" type="boolean" description="Should the player only play the selected portions of the movie?"/>
         <property name="rate" code="ratA" type="number" description="the rate at which to play the movie"/>
         <property name="volume" code="volL" type="number" description="the volume of the movie"/>
      <class name="popup button" code="popB" description="A popup button" inherits="button" plural="popup buttons">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="menu"/>
         <element type="menu item"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="auto enables items" code="auEI" type="boolean" description="Should the items in the menu be automatically enabled?"/>
         <property name="current menu item" code="cuMI" type="menu item" description="the currently chosen menu item"/>
         <property name="preferred edge" code="preE" type="EReT" description="the preferred edge to present the menu"/>
         <property name="pulls down" code="pulD" type="boolean" description="Does the menu pull down?"/>
      <class name="progress indicator" code="proI" description="A progress indicator" inherits="view" plural="progress indicators">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="animation delay" code="aniD" type="integer" description="the amount to delay between animations"/>
         <property name="bezeled" code="bezE" type="boolean" description="Is the progress indicator bezeled?"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="number" description="the value of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="number" description="the value of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="control size" code="conX" type="ECoR" description="the size of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="control tint" code="conY" type="ECoT" description="the tint of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="indeterminate" code="indR" type="boolean" description="Is the value of the progress indicator indeterminate?"/>
         <property name="maximum value" code="maxV" type="number" description="the maximum value of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="minimum value" code="minW" type="number" description="the minimum value of the progress indicator"/>
         <property name="uses threaded animation" code="usTA" type="boolean" description="Should the progress indicator do its own animation?"/>
      <class name="secure text field" code="seTF" description="A secure text field" inherits="text field" plural="secure text fields">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
      <class name="secure text field cell" code="sTFC" description="A secure text field cell" inherits="text field cell" plural="secure text field cells">
         <property name="echos bullets" code="echB" type="boolean" description="Should the characters be echoed as bullets?"/>
      <class name="slider" code="sliI" description="A slider" inherits="control" plural="sliders">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="alternate increment value" code="alIV" type="number" description="the alternate increment value"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image for the slider"/>
         <property name="knob thickness" code="knoT" type="number" description="the thickness of the knob"/>
         <property name="maximum value" code="maxV" type="number" description="the maximum value of the slider"/>
         <property name="minimum value" code="minW" type="number" description="the minimum vale of the slider"/>
         <property name="number of tick marks" code="nOTM" type="integer" description="the number of tick marks for the slider"/>
         <property name="only tick mark values" code="oTMV" type="boolean" description="Should only tick mark values be allowed?"/>
         <property name="tick mark position" code="tiMP" type="ETiK" description="the position of the tick marks"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the slider"/>
         <property name="title cell " code="titC" type="cell" description="the cell of the title"/>
         <property name="title color" code="titD" type="color" description="the color of the title"/>
         <property name="title font" code="titF" type="font" description="the font of the title"/>
         <property name="vertical" code="verT" type="boolean" description="Is the slider vertically oriented?"/>
      <class name="stepper" code="steP" description="A stepper control" inherits="control" plural="steppers">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="auto repeat" code="autR" type="boolean" description="Should the stepper auto repeat when clicked?"/>
         <property name="increment value" code="incV" type="number" description="the amount to increment the stepper by"/>
         <property name="maximum value" code="maxV" type="number" description="the maximum value of the stepper"/>
         <property name="minimum value" code="minW" type="number" description="the minimum value of the stepper"/>
         <property name="value wraps" code="valW" type="boolean" description="Does the value of the stepper wrap?"/>
      <class name="text field" code="texF" description="A text field" inherits="control" plural="text fields">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows editing text attributes" code="aETA" type="boolean" description="Can the text attributes be edited?"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the text field"/>
         <property name="bezeled" code="bezE" type="boolean" description="Is the text field bezeled?"/>
         <property name="bordered" code="borD" type="boolean" description="Is the text field bordered?"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the background be drawn?"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the text field editable?"/>
         <property name="imports graphics" code="impG" type="boolean" description="Should graphics be imported?"/>
         <property name="next text" code="nexT" type="text view" description="the next text field"/>
         <property name="previous text" code="preV" type="text field" description="the previous text field"/>
         <property name="selectable" code="selC" type="boolean" description="Can the contents of the text field be selected?"/>
         <property name="text color" code="texC" type="color" description="the color of the text"/>
      <class name="text field cell" code="teFC" description="A text field cell" inherits="cell" plural="text field cells">
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the cell"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the cell draw its background?"/>
         <property name="text color" code="texC" type="color" description="the color of the text"/>
      <enumeration name="ETeL" code="ETeL">
         <enumerator name="center text alignment" code="ceTA" description="Align text to the center"/>
         <enumerator name="justified text alignment" code="juTA" description="Justify the text to the left and right"/>
         <enumerator name="left text alignment" code="leTA" description="Align text to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="natural text alignment" code="naTA" description="Align text to its natural alignment"/>
         <enumerator name="right text alignment" code="riTA" description="Align text to the right"/>
      <enumeration name="EImL" code="EImL">
         <enumerator name="bottom alignment" code="botA" description="Align to the bottom"/>
         <enumerator name="bottom left alignment" code="boLA" description="Align to the bottom left"/>
         <enumerator name="bottom right alignment" code="boRA" description="Align to the bottom right"/>
         <enumerator name="center alignment" code="cenA" description="Align to the center"/>
         <enumerator name="left alignment" code="lefA" description="Align to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="right alignment" code="rigA" description="Align to the right"/>
         <enumerator name="top alignment" code="topA" description="Align to the top"/>
         <enumerator name="top left alignment" code="toLA" description="Align to the top left"/>
         <enumerator name="top right alignment" code="toRA" description="Align to the top right"/>
      <enumeration name="EReT" code="EReT">
         <enumerator name="bottom edge" code="botE" description="bottom edge"/>
         <enumerator name="left edge" code="lefE" description="Left edge"/>
         <enumerator name="right edge" code="rigE" description="Right edge"/>
         <enumerator name="top edge" code="topE" description="Top edge"/>
      <enumeration name="EMoM" code="EMoM">
         <enumerator name="looping back and forth playback" code="lBAF" description="Loop the movie from front to back"/>
         <enumerator name="looping playback" code="looP" description="Loop the movie"/>
         <enumerator name="normal playback" code="norP" description="Normal playback"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeL" code="ECeL">
         <enumerator name="image cell type" code="imCT" description="Cell that contains image"/>
         <enumerator name="null cell type" code="nuCT" description="Cell that is empty"/>
         <enumerator name="text cell type" code="teCT" description="Cell that contains text"/>
      <enumeration name="EBeL" code="EBeL">
         <enumerator name="circular bezel" code="cirB" description="Circular bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="disclosure bezel" code="disB" description="Disclosure bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="help button bezel" code="hlpB" description="Help button bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="regular square bezel" code="reSB" description="Regular square bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="rounded bezel" code="rouB" description="Rounded bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="shadowless square bezel" code="shSB" description="Square bezel without a shadow"/>
         <enumerator name="textured square bezel" code="tsqB" description="Textured square bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="thick square bezel" code="thSB" description="Thick square bezel"/>
         <enumerator name="thicker square bezel" code="thSC" description="Square bezel with a thicker border"/>
      <enumeration name="EScO" code="EScO">
         <enumerator name="bottom" code="botT" description="Bottom"/>
         <enumerator name="top" code="topO" description="Top "/>
         <enumerator name="visible" code="pvis" description="Visible"/>
      <enumeration name="EMaI" code="EMaI">
         <enumerator name="highlight mode" code="higM" description="Highlight mode"/>
         <enumerator name="list mode" code="lisM" description="List mode"/>
         <enumerator name="radio mode" code="radM" description="Radio mode"/>
         <enumerator name="track mode" code="traM" description="Track mode"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeG" code="ECeG">
         <enumerator name="image above" code="imaB" description="Image above"/>
         <enumerator name="image below" code="imaD" description="Image below"/>
         <enumerator name="image left" code="imaL" description="Image to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="image only" code="imaO" description="Only show the image"/>
         <enumerator name="image overlaps" code="imaP" description="Image overlaps"/>
         <enumerator name="image right" code="imaR" description="Image to the right"/>
         <enumerator name="no image" code="no I" description="No image"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoT" code="ECoT">
         <enumerator name="blue tint" code="bluT" description="Blue tint"/>
         <enumerator name="clear tint" code="cleT" description="Clear tint"/>
         <enumerator name="default tint" code="defT" description="Default tint"/>
         <enumerator name="graphite tint" code="graT" description="Graphite tint"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoR" code="ECoR">
         <enumerator name="mini size" code="mniS" description="Mini size"/>
         <enumerator name="regular size" code="regS" description="Regular size"/>
         <enumerator name="small size" code="smaS" description="Small size"/>
      <enumeration name="EBuO" code="EBuO">
         <enumerator name="momentary change button" code="moCB" description="Momentary change button"/>
         <enumerator name="momentary light button" code="moLB" description="Button that is momentarily lighted"/>
         <enumerator name="momentary push in button" code="mPIB" description="Momentary push in button"/>
         <enumerator name="on off button" code="onOB" description="On off button"/>
         <enumerator name="push on off button" code="pOOB" description="Button that is pushed on and then pushed off"/>
         <enumerator name="radio button" code="radB" description="Radio button"/>
         <enumerator name="switch button" code="swiB" description="Check box button"/>
         <enumerator name="toggle button" code="togB" description="Button that toggles its state"/>
      <enumeration name="ETiK" code="ETiK">
         <enumerator name="tick mark above" code="tiMA" description="Tick mark above"/>
         <enumerator name="tick mark below" code="tiMB" description="Tick mark below"/>
         <enumerator name="tick mark left" code="tiML" description="Tick mark to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="tick mark right" code="tiMR" description="Tick mark to the right"/>
      <enumeration name="EImS" code="EImS">
         <enumerator name="no scaling" code="no S" description="No scaling"/>
         <enumerator name="scale proportionally" code="scaP" description="Scale proportionally"/>
         <enumerator name="scale to fit" code="scTF" description="Scale to fit"/>
      <enumeration name="EImM" code="EImM">
         <enumerator name="button frame" code="butF" description="Button frame"/>
         <enumerator name="gray bezel frame" code="grBF" description="Gray bezel frame"/>
         <enumerator name="groove frame" code="groF" description="Grooved frame"/>
         <enumerator name="no frame" code="no F" description="No frame"/>
         <enumerator name="photo frame" code="phoF" description="Photo frame"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeA" code="ECeA">
         <enumerator name="mixed state" code="mixS" description="Mixed state"/>
         <enumerator name="off state" code="offS" description="Off state"/>
         <enumerator name="on state" code="on S" description="On state"/>
      <enumeration name="EPrC" code="EPrC">
         <enumerator name="preferred aqua thickness" code="prAT" description="Preferred Aqua thickness"/>
         <enumerator name="preferred large thickness" code="prLT" description="Preferred large thickness"/>
         <enumerator name="preferred small thickness" code="prST" description="Preferred small thickness"/>
         <enumerator name="preferred thickness" code="preT" description="Preferred thickness"/>
      <enumeration name="EGoO" code="EGoO">
         <enumerator name="beginning frame" code="begN" description="Beginning"/>
         <enumerator name="end frame" code="endN" description="End"/>
         <enumerator name="poster frame" code="posF" description="Poster frame"/>
   <suite name="Data View Suite" code="daVS" description="Classes representing views that deal with organized data.">
      <command name="accept outline drop" code="daVSacOD" description="accepts or rejects the given drop operation in an outline view, indicated by a return true or return false">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="child index" code="chiI" type="integer" description="the index of the child data item of the data item"/>
         <parameter name="data item" code="outI" type="any" description="the data item that will accept the drop"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
         <result type="boolean"/>
      <command name="accept table drop" code="daVSacTD" description="accepts or rejects the given drop operation in a table view, indicated by a return true or return false">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
         <parameter name="drop operation" code="droO" type="integer" description="the type of drop operation, 0 = on the designated row, 1 = above the designated row"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the index of the row for the drop operation"/>
         <result type="boolean"/>
      <command name="append" code="daVSappP" description="appends the provided list of lists or list of records to a data source">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="with" code="with" type="list" description="the list of lists or list of records to append"/>
      <command name="cell value" code="daVScelV" description="return the value of the cell in the table view">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the row of the cell"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell"/>
      <command name="cell value changed" code="daVSceVC" description="the value of a cell has changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the row of the cell that changed"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell that changed"/>
         <parameter name="value" code="valL" type="any" description="the value of the cell that changed"/>
      <command name="change cell value" code="daVSchCV" description="change the value of the cell">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the row of the cell to change"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell to change"/>
         <parameter name="value" code="valL" type="any" description="the new value"/>
      <command name="change item value" code="daVSchIV" description="change the value of the item">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the item to change "/>
         <parameter name="value" code="valL" type="any" description="the new value"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item to change"/>
      <command name="child of item" code="daVSchOI" description="return the item that is the child of the given item">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="child" code="chiL" type="integer" description="the index of the child item of the given child"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item that contains the child item"/>
      <command name="column clicked" code="daVScolC" description="the column was clicked">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column that was clicked"/>
      <command name="column moved" code="daVScolV" description="the column was moved">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="new column" code="newC" type="integer" description="the index of the new column position"/>
         <parameter name="old column" code="oldC" type="integer" description="the index of the old column position"/>
      <command name="column resized" code="daVScolR" description="the column was resized">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="old width" code="oldW" type="number" description="the previous width of the column"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column that was resized"/>
      <command name="item expandable" code="daVSiteE" description="Is the item expandable?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="item for" code="daVSitFR" description="returns the item for the given row in a data view">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the row of the data view"/>
      <command name="item value" code="daVSiteV" description="return the value of the item">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the item"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="item value changed" code="daVSitVC" description="the value of an item has changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the item that changed "/>
         <parameter name="value" code="valL" type="any" description="the value of the item that changed"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item that changed"/>
      <command name="items changed" code="daVSiteC" description="the items of the outline view have changed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="number of browser rows" code="daVSnOBR" description="return the number of rows in the browser view for the given column">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="in column" code="in C" type="integer" description="the index of the column"/>
      <command name="number of items" code="daVSnuOI" description="the number of items for the given item">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="number of rows" code="daVSnuOR" description="return the number of rows in the table view">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="prepare outline drag" code="daVSprOD" description="prepares for a drag in an outline view, returning true to continue the drag">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag items" code="draS" type="list" description="the data items that will be used in the drag operation"/>
         <parameter name="pasteboard" code="pasE" type="pasteboard" description="the pasteboard where data is placed for the drag operation"/>
         <result type="boolean"/>
      <command name="prepare outline drop" code="daVSprOR" description="prepare the given drop in an outline view, returning the type of drag operation">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="child index" code="chiI" type="integer" description="the index of the child data item of the data item"/>
         <parameter name="data item" code="outI" type="any" description="the data item that will accept the drop"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="prepare table drag" code="daVSprTD" description="prepares for a drag in a table view, returning true to continue the drag">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag rows" code="draR" type="list" description="a list of indexes for the rows to be dragged"/>
         <parameter name="pasteboard" code="pasE" type="pasteboard" description="the pasteboard where data is placed for the drag operation"/>
         <result type="boolean"/>
      <command name="prepare table drop" code="daVSprTR" description="prepare the given drop in a table view, returning the type of drag operation">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
         <parameter name="drop operation" code="droO" type="integer" description="the type of drop operation, 0 = on the designated row, 1 = above the designated row"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the index of the row for the drop operation"/>
      <command name="rows changed" code="daVSrowC" description="the rows of the table view have changed ">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="should collapse item" code="daVSshCI" description="Should the item be collapsed?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="should expand item" code="daVSshEI" description="Should the item be expanded?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="should select column" code="daVSshSE" description="Should the column be selected?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column to be selected"/>
      <command name="should select item" code="daVSshSI" description="Should the item be selected?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="should select row" code="daVSshSR" description="Should the row be selected?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the index of the row to be selected"/>
      <command name="should selection change" code="daVSshSD" description="Should the selection change?">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="will display browser cell" code="daVSwDBC" description="the browser cell is about to be displayed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="browser cell" code="broC" type="browser cell" description="the cell that is to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="in column" code="in C" type="integer" description="the index of the column for the given cell"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the index of the row for the given cell"/>
      <command name="will display cell" code="daVSwiDC" description="the cell is about to be displayed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="cell" code="celE" type="cell" description="the cell that is to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="row" code="rowO" type="integer" description="the row of the cell to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell to be displayed"/>
      <command name="will display item cell" code="daVSwDIC" description="the cell is about to be displayed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="cell" code="celE" type="cell" description="the cell that is about to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <command name="will display outline cell" code="daVSwDOC" description="the cell is about to be displayed">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="cell" code="celE" type="cell" description="the cell that is about to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="table column" code="tabC" type="table column" description="the column of the cell to be displayed"/>
         <parameter name="outline item" code="outI" type="any" optional="yes" description="the item"/>
      <class name="browser" code="broW" description="A browser for navigating hierarchical data" inherits="control" plural="browsers">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="cell"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="accepts arrow keys" code="acAK" type="boolean" description="Does the browser accept arrow keys?"/>
         <property name="allows branch selection" code="alBS" type="boolean" description="Does the browser allow selection of the branch item?"/>
         <property name="allows empty selection" code="alES" type="boolean" description="Can there be an empty selection?"/>
         <property name="allows multiple selection" code="alMT" type="boolean" description="Can there be multiple items selected?"/>
         <property name="cell prototype" code="celP" type="cell" description="the prototype cell for the browser"/>
         <property name="displayed cell" code="disC" type="browser cell" description="the cell being displayed in the browser"/>
         <property name="first visible column" code="fiVC" type="integer" description="the first visible column in the browser?"/>
         <property name="has horizontal scroller" code="haHS" type="boolean" description="Does the browser have a horizontal scroll bar?"/>
         <property name="last column" code="lasC" type="integer" description="the last column in the browser"/>
         <property name="last visible column" code="laVC" type="integer" description="the last visible column in the browser"/>
         <property name="loaded" code="loaA" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the data for the browser loaded?"/>
         <property name="maximum visible columns" code="maVC" type="integer" description="the total number of visible columns"/>
         <property name="minimum column width" code="miCW" type="number" description="the maximum width of a column"/>
         <property name="path" code="patA" type="text" description="the path that represents the selected item"/>
         <property name="path separator" code="patS" type="text" description="the string to use as the separator of the path"/>
         <property name="reuses columns" code="reuC" type="boolean" description="Should the browser reuse its columns?"/>
         <property name="selected cell" code="selH" type="cell" description="the currently selected cell"/>
         <property name="selected column" code="selD" type="integer" description="the currently selected column"/>
         <property name="send action on arrow key" code="sAOA" type="boolean" description="Should the browser act on arrow keys?"/>
         <property name="separates columns" code="sepC" type="boolean" description="Should the columns be separated?"/>
         <property name="title height" code="titH" type="number" access="r" description="the height of the title"/>
         <property name="titled" code="titU" type="boolean" description="Does the browser use titles?"/>
         <property name="uses title from previous column" code="uTFP" type="boolean" description="Should the browser use the value of the previous column for the title of the next column?"/>
      <class name="browser cell" code="broC" description="A browser cell" inherits="cell" plural="browser cells">
         <property name="alternate image" code="altI" type="image" description="the alternate image for the browser cell"/>
         <property name="leaf" code="leaE" type="boolean" description="Is this a leaf cell?"/>
         <property name="loaded" code="loaA" type="boolean" description="Is the cell loaded?"/>
      <class name="data cell" code="datC" description="a cell in a data source" inherits="item" plural="data cells">
         <element type="data item"/>
         <element type="data row"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the contents of the cell"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the contents of the cell"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="the name of the cell"/>
      <class name="data column" code="datB" description="A column in a data source" inherits="item" plural="data columns">
         <element type="data column"/>
         <element type="data row"/>
         <property name="data source" code="datS" type="data source" access="r" description="the data source for the column"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" description="the name of the column"/>
         <property name="sort case sensitivity" code="soCS" type="EScS" description="the case sensitivitiy of the sort (case sensitive, case insensitive)"/>
         <property name="sort order" code="sorO" type="ESoD" description="the order of the sort (ascending, descending)"/>
         <property name="sort type" code="sorT" type="ESoT" description="the type of sort (alphabetical, numerical)"/>
      <class name="data item" code="datI" description="An item in a data source (outline)" inherits="data row" plural="data items">
         <element type="data cell"/>
         <element type="data column"/>
         <element type="data item"/>
         <property name="has data items" code="hasI" type="boolean" access="r" description="Does this item have any data items?"/>
         <property name="has parent data item" code="hPDI" type="boolean" access="r" description="Does this item have a parent item?"/>
         <property name="parent data item" code="paDI" type="data item" description="the parent item for the item"/>
      <class name="data row" code="datR" description="A row in a data source (table)" inherits="item" plural="data rows">
         <element type="data cell"/>
         <element type="data column"/>
         <property name="associated object" code="assO" type="any" description="an object that can be associated with the row"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the contents of the data row"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the contents of the data row"/>
         <property name="data source" code="datS" type="data source" access="r" description="the data source"/>
      <class name="data source" code="datS" description="A data source" inherits="item" plural="data sources">
         <element type="data cell"/>
         <element type="data column"/>
         <element type="data item"/>
         <element type="data row"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows reordering" code="allR" type="boolean" description="Can the rows or items be reordered? If the data source is sorted, then this property is ignored."/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="list" description="the contents of the data source"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="list" description="the contents of the data source"/>
         <property name="localized sort" code="locT" type="boolean" description="Should the data be sorted using localization rules?"/>
         <property name="returns records" code="conQ" type="boolean" description="determines whether or not getting the contents returns a list of records"/>
         <property name="sort column" code="sorC" type="data column" description="the data column to sort the data on"/>
         <property name="sorted" code="sorR" type="boolean" description="Should the data source be sorted?"/>
         <property name="sorted data rows" code="soDR" type="list" access="r" description="the data rows of the data source in its currently sorted order"/>
         <property name="update views" code="updV" type="boolean" description="Should views of the data source be updated?"/>
      <class name="outline view" code="outV" description="An outline view" inherits="table view" plural="outline views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="data source"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table column"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="auto resizes outline column" code="aROC" type="boolean" description="Should the outline column be automatically resized?"/>
         <property name="auto save expanded items" code="aSEI" type="boolean" description="Should the expanded state of the outline items be automatically save?"/>
         <property name="clicked data item" code="clDI" type="data item" access="r" description="the data item that was clicked"/>
         <property name="edited data item" code="edDI" type="data item" access="r" description="the data row being edited"/>
         <property name="indentation per level" code="inPL" type="number" description="the amount to indent per level"/>
         <property name="marker follows cell" code="maFC" type="boolean" description="Should the marker follow the cells"/>
         <property name="outline table column" code="ouTC" type="table column" description="the table column that contains the outline"/>
         <property name="selected data item" code="seDI" type="data item" description="the data item that is selected"/>
         <property name="selected data items" code="seDT" type="list" description="the data items that are selected"/>
      <class name="table column" code="tabC" description="A table column" inherits="item" plural="table columns">
         <property name="data cell" code="datC" type="cell" description="the data cell for the column"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the column editable?"/>
         <property name="header cell" code="heaC" type="cell" description="the header cell for the column"/>
         <property name="identifier" code="ideT" type="any" description="the identifier of the column"/>
         <property name="maximum width" code="maxW" type="number" description="the maximum width of the column"/>
         <property name="minimum width" code="minX" type="number" description="the minimum width of the column"/>
         <property name="resizable" code="prsz" type="boolean" description="Is the column resizable?"/>
         <property name="table view" code="tabW" type="table view" description="the table view that contains the table column"/>
         <property name="width" code="widD" type="number" description="the width of the column"/>
      <class name="table header cell" code="taHC" description="A table header cell" inherits="text field cell" plural="table header cells"/>
      <class name="table header view" code="taHV" description="A table header view" inherits="view" plural="table header views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="dragged column" code="draC" type="integer" access="r" description="index of the column dragged"/>
         <property name="dragged distance" code="draD" type="number" access="r" description="the distance that the column was dragged"/>
         <property name="resized column" code="resC" type="integer" access="r" description="the column that was resized"/>
         <property name="table view" code="tabW" type="table view" description="the table view that contains the table header view"/>
      <class name="table view" code="tabW" description="A table view" inherits="control" plural="table views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="data source"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table column"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows column reordering" code="alCU" type="boolean" description="Can the columns be reordered?"/>
         <property name="allows column resizing" code="alCS" type="boolean" description="Can the columns be resized?"/>
         <property name="allows column selection" code="alCT" type="boolean" description="Can columns be selected?"/>
         <property name="allows empty selection" code="alES" type="boolean" description="Should the table view allow an empty selection?"/>
         <property name="allows multiple selection" code="alMT" type="boolean" description="Should the table view allow multiple selection?"/>
         <property name="allows reordering" code="allR" type="boolean" description="Can the rows or items be reordered? If the data source is sorted, then this property is ignored."/>
         <property name="auto resizes all columns to fit" code="aRAC" type="boolean" description="Should the columns automatically be resized to fit?"/>
         <property name="auto save name" code="auSN" type="text" description="the name of the table to automatically save as?"/>
         <property name="auto save table columns" code="aSTC" type="boolean" description="Should the table columns be automatically saved?"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color"/>
         <property name="clicked column" code="cliD" type="integer" access="r" description="the index of the column that was clicked"/>
         <property name="clicked data column" code="clDC" type="data column" access="r" description="the data column that was clicked"/>
         <property name="clicked data row" code="clDR" type="data row" access="r" description="the data row that was clicked"/>
         <property name="clicked row" code="cliR" type="integer" access="r" description="the index of the row that was clicked"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="any" description="the contents of the table or outline view"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="any" description="the contents of the table or outline view"/>
         <property name="corner view" code="corV" type="view" description="the corner view"/>
         <property name="dragged items" code="draJ" type="list" description="the items being dragged"/>
         <property name="draws grid" code="draG" type="boolean" description="Should the table view draw its grids"/>
         <property name="edited column" code="ediC" type="integer" access="r" description="the index of the column being edited"/>
         <property name="edited data column" code="edDC" type="data column" access="r" description="the data column being edited"/>
         <property name="edited data row" code="edDR" type="data row" access="r" description="the data row being edited"/>
         <property name="edited row" code="ediR" type="integer" access="r" description="the index of the row being edited"/>
         <property name="grid color" code="griC" type="color" description="the color of the grid"/>
         <property name="header view" code="heaV" type="table header view" description="the header view"/>
         <property name="intercell spacing" code="intS" type="point" description="the space between cells"/>
         <property name="row height" code="rowH" type="number" description="the height of the row"/>
         <property name="selected column" code="selD" type="integer" description="the index of the selected column"/>
         <property name="selected columns" code="selU" type="list" description="the indices of the selected columns"/>
         <property name="selected data column" code="seDC" type="data column" description="the data column that is selected"/>
         <property name="selected data columns" code="seDD" type="list" description="the data columns that are selected"/>
         <property name="selected data row" code="seDR" type="data row" description="the data row that is selected"/>
         <property name="selected data rows" code="seDS" type="list" description="the data rows that are selected"/>
         <property name="selected row" code="selR" type="integer" description="the index of the selected row"/>
         <property name="selected rows" code="selW" type="list" description="the indices of the selected rows"/>
         <property name="use sort indicators" code="usSI" type="boolean" description="Should table columns use sort indicators?"/>
      <enumeration name="ESoD" code="ESoD">
         <enumerator name="ascending" code="ascN" description="Sort the data in an ascending fashion"/>
         <enumerator name="descending" code="desE" description="Sort the data in a descending fashion"/>
      <enumeration name="ESoT" code="ESoT">
         <enumerator name="alphabetical" code="alpB" description="Sort the data alphabetically"/>
         <enumerator name="numerical" code="numR" description="Sort the data numerically"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeG" code="ECeG">
         <enumerator name="image above" code="imaB" description="Image above"/>
         <enumerator name="image below" code="imaD" description="Image below"/>
         <enumerator name="image left" code="imaL" description="Image to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="image only" code="imaO" description="Only show the image"/>
         <enumerator name="image overlaps" code="imaP" description="Image overlaps"/>
         <enumerator name="image right" code="imaR" description="Image to the right"/>
         <enumerator name="no image" code="no I" description="No image"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeL" code="ECeL">
         <enumerator name="image cell type" code="imCT" description="Cell that contains image"/>
         <enumerator name="null cell type" code="nuCT" description="Cell that is empty"/>
         <enumerator name="text cell type" code="teCT" description="Cell that contains text"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoT" code="ECoT">
         <enumerator name="blue tint" code="bluT" description="Blue tint"/>
         <enumerator name="clear tint" code="cleT" description="Clear tint"/>
         <enumerator name="default tint" code="defT" description="Default tint"/>
         <enumerator name="graphite tint" code="graT" description="Graphite tint"/>
      <enumeration name="EDoO" code="EDoO">
         <enumerator name="drop above operation" code="drAO" description="indicates the operation should drop above the current location"/>
         <enumerator name="drop on operation" code="drOO" description="indicates the operation should drop on the current location"/>
      <enumeration name="EScS" code="EScS">
         <enumerator name="case insensitive" code="casI" description="Sort the data using case insensitivity"/>
         <enumerator name="case sensitive" code="casS" description="Sort the data using case sensitivity"/>
      <enumeration name="ECeA" code="ECeA">
         <enumerator name="mixed state" code="mixS" description="Mixed state"/>
         <enumerator name="off state" code="offS" description="Off state"/>
         <enumerator name="on state" code="on S" description="On state"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoR" code="ECoR">
         <enumerator name="mini size" code="mniS" description="Mini size"/>
         <enumerator name="regular size" code="regS" description="Regular size"/>
         <enumerator name="small size" code="smaS" description="Small size"/>
      <enumeration name="ETeL" code="ETeL">
         <enumerator name="center text alignment" code="ceTA" description="Align text to the center"/>
         <enumerator name="justified text alignment" code="juTA" description="Justify the text to the left and right"/>
         <enumerator name="left text alignment" code="leTA" description="Align text to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="natural text alignment" code="naTA" description="Align text to its natural alignment"/>
         <enumerator name="right text alignment" code="riTA" description="Align text to the right"/>
   <suite name="Document Suite" code="docS" description="Classes and events representing documents">
      <command name="data representation" code="docSdatN" description="Request for data to be stored in the document">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="of type" code="of T" type="text" description="the type (extension) of the data requested"/>
      <command name="load data representation" code="docSloDR" description="Request to update the document with the provided data">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="of type" code="of T" type="text" description="the type (extension) of the data loaded from the document"/>
         <parameter name="with data" code="witD" type="any" description="the data to loaded from the document"/>
      <command name="read from file" code="docSreFF" description="Read data from the file with the given name and type">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="of type" code="of T" type="text" description="the type (extension) of the file"/>
         <parameter name="path name" code="filN" type="text" description="the path name (POSIX) of the file to read from"/>
      <command name="write to file" code="docSwrTF" description="Write data to the file with the given name and type">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="of type" code="of T" type="text" description="the type (extension) of the file"/>
         <parameter name="path name" code="filN" type="text" description="the path name (POSIX) of the file to write to"/>
      <class name="document" code="docu" description="A document" inherits="responder" plural="documents">
         <element type="window"/>
         <property name="file kind" code="filT" type="text" description="this property is for backwards compatibility only"/>
         <property name="file name" code="atfn" type="text" description="the document&apos;s file name - Deprecated, use path instead"/>
         <property name="file type" code="asty" type="text" description="the file type of the document"/>
         <property name="modified" code="imod" type="boolean" description="Has the document been modified?"/>
         <property name="name" code="pnam" type="text" access="r" description="the name of the document"/>
         <property name="path" code="ppth" type="text" description="the document&apos;s path"/>
   <suite name="Drag and Drop Suite" code="drAD" description="Classes and events to support drag and drop">
      <command name="conclude drop" code="drADconD" description="Conclude the drag operation that resulted in a drop on the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="drag" code="drADdraM" description="A drag operation has begun">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="drag entered" code="drADdraE" description="The drag has moved into the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="drag exited" code="drADdraF" description="The drag has moved out of the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="drag updated" code="drADdraU" description="The drag has moved within the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="drop" code="drADdroR" description="The drag has been dropped on the receiver">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <command name="prepare drop" code="drADpreD" description="Prepare for the drop of a dragging operation">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="drag info" code="draI" type="drag info" description="the information about the drag operation"/>
      <class name="drag info" code="draI" description="Information about the current dragging operation" inherits="item" plural="drag infos">
         <property name="destination window" code="desW" type="window" access="r" description="the destination window for the dragging operation"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" access="r" description="the image being dragged"/>
         <property name="image location" code="imaM" type="point" access="r" description="the location of the image being dragged"/>
         <property name="location" code="locA" type="point" access="r" description="the current location in the destination window for the dragging operation"/>
         <property name="pasteboard" code="pasE" type="pasteboard" access="r" description="the pasteboard containing the drag data"/>
         <property name="sequence number" code="seqN" type="integer" access="r" description="the unique identifier for the dragging operation"/>
         <property name="source" code="souV" type="any" access="r" description="the source of the dragged data"/>
         <property name="source mask" code="souM" type="integer" access="r" description="defines the type of drag (drag operation link, drag operation copy, drag operation generic)"/>
      <enumeration name="EDaO" code="EDaO">
         <enumerator name="copy drag operation" code="coDO" description="indicates the drag is a copy operation"/>
         <enumerator name="delete drag operation" code="deDO" description="indicates the drag is a delete operation"/>
         <enumerator name="every drag operation" code="evDO" description="designates all possible drag operations"/>
         <enumerator name="generic drag operation" code="geDO" description="indicates the drag is a generic operation"/>
         <enumerator name="link drag operation" code="liDO" description="indicates the drag is a link operation"/>
         <enumerator name="move drag operation" code="moDO" description="indicates the drag is a move operation"/>
         <enumerator name="no drag operation" code="noDO" description="indicates that there is a drag operation"/>
         <enumerator name="private drag operation" code="prDO" description="indicates the drag is a private operation"/>
   <suite name="Menu Suite" code="menS" description="Classes representing menus and menu items">
      <command name="choose menu item" code="menSchMI" description="A menu item was chosen">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <command name="update menu item" code="menSupMI" description="Update the state of the menu item">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <class name="menu" code="menE" description="A menu" inherits="item" plural="menus">
         <element type="menu"/>
         <element type="menu item"/>
         <property name="auto enables items" code="auEI" type="boolean" description="Should the menu auto enable its items?"/>
         <property name="super menu" code="supM" type="menu" description="the menu that contains this menu"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the menu"/>
      <class name="menu item" code="menI" description="A menu item" inherits="item" plural="menu items">
         <property name="action method" code="actM" type="text" description="the action method for the menu item (given as a string representation of a Cocoa method selector)"/>
         <property name="associated object" code="assO" type="any" description="the object associated with the menu item"/>
         <property name="enabled" code="enaB" type="boolean" description="Is the menu item enabled?"/>
         <property name="has sub menu" code="haSM" type="boolean" access="r" description="Does the menu item have a sub menu?"/>
         <property name="image" code="imaA" type="image" description="the image for the menu item"/>
         <property name="key equivalent" code="keyG" type="text" description="the key equivalent to select the menu item"/>
         <property name="key equivalent modifier" code="keEN" type="integer" description="the modifier key for the key equivalent"/>
         <property name="menu" code="menE" type="menu" description="the menu that contains the menu item"/>
         <property name="separator item" code="sepI" type="boolean" description="Is the menu item a separator item?"/>
         <property name="state" code="staB" type="integer" description="the state of the menu item"/>
         <property name="sub menu" code="subM" type="menu" description="the sub menu of the menu item (if any)"/>
         <property name="tag" code="tagA" type="integer" description="the tag of the menu item"/>
         <property name="target" code="tarR" type="any" description="the target of the action for the menu item"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the menu item"/>
   <suite name="Panel Suite" code="panS" description="Classes representing standard panels and alerts">
      <command name="alert ended" code="panSaleE" description="The alert has ended">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="with reply" code="witR" type="alert reply" optional="yes" description="the reply returned from the alert"/>
      <command name="close panel" code="panScloP" description="Closes a panel.">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="with result" code="witS" type="integer" optional="yes" description="the result of the panel"/>
      <command name="dialog ended" code="panSdiaE" description="The dialog has ended">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="with reply" code="witR" type="dialog reply" optional="yes" description="the reply returned from the dialog"/>
      <command name="display" code="panSdisP" description="Display the given panel">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="afterwards calling" code="aftC" type="data" optional="yes" description="the script to run when the panel is finished"/>
         <parameter name="attached to" code="attT" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to attach the panel to"/>
         <parameter name="for file types" code="foFT" type="list" optional="yes" description="a list of file extension that are allowed (for open/save panels)"/>
         <parameter name="in directory" code="in D" type="text" optional="yes" description="the starting directory (for open/save panels)"/>
         <parameter name="with file name" code="wiFN" type="text" optional="yes" description="the default file name (for open/save panels)"/>
      <command name="display alert" code="panSdisA" description="Display an alert">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="afterwards calling" code="aftC" type="data" optional="yes" description="the script to run when the alert is finished"/>
         <parameter name="alternate button" code="altB" type="text" optional="yes" description="the title of the alternate button"/>
         <parameter name="as" code="as A" type="EAlT" optional="yes" description="the type of alert"/>
         <parameter name="attached to" code="attT" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to attach the alert to"/>
         <parameter name="default button" code="defB" type="text" optional="yes" description="the title of the default button"/>
         <parameter name="message" code="mesS" type="text" optional="yes" description="the message for the alert"/>
         <parameter name="other button" code="othB" type="text" optional="yes" description="the title of the other button"/>
      <command name="display dialog" code="panSdlog" description="Display a dialog box, optionally requesting user input">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="attached to" code="attT" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to attach the dialog to"/>
         <parameter name="buttons" code="btns" type="list" optional="yes" description="a list of up to three button names"/>
         <parameter name="default answer" code="dtxt" type="text" optional="yes" description="the default editable text"/>
         <parameter name="default button" code="dflt" type="any" optional="yes" description="the name or number of the default button"/>
         <parameter name="giving up after" code="givu" type="integer" optional="yes" description="number of seconds to wait before automatically dismissing the dialog"/>
         <parameter name="with icon" code="disp" type="any" optional="yes" description="the name or ID of the icon to display"/>
      <command name="display panel" code="panSdisQ" description="Display a panel (Deprecated -- Please use &apos;display&apos; instead)">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="afterwards calling" code="aftC" type="data" optional="yes" description="the script to run when the panel is finished"/>
         <parameter name="attached to" code="attT" type="window" optional="yes" description="the window to attach the panel to"/>
         <parameter name="for file types" code="foFT" type="list" optional="yes" description="a list of file extension that are allowed (for open/save panels)"/>
         <parameter name="in directory" code="in D" type="text" optional="yes" description="the starting directory (for open/save panels)"/>
         <parameter name="with file name" code="wiFN" type="text" optional="yes" description="the default file name (for open/save panels)"/>
      <command name="load panel" code="panSloaP" description="Load a panel with a given name">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="from nib" code="froN" type="text" description="the name of the nib to get the panel from"/>
      <command name="panel ended" code="panSpanE" description="The panel has ended">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
         <parameter name="with result" code="witS" type="integer" optional="yes" description="the result returned from the panel"/>
      <class name="alert reply" code="aleR" description="Reply record for display alert command" inherits="item" plural="alert replies">
         <property name="button returned" code="bhit" type="text" access="r" description="the button that was clicked to end the alert"/>
      <class name="color-panel" code="co-P" description="The color panel" inherits="panel" plural="color-panels">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="alpha" code="alpP" type="number" description="the alpha value for the color"/>
         <property name="color" code="colr" type="color" description="the color"/>
         <property name="color mode" code="colM" type="ECoA" description="the color mode for the panel"/>
         <property name="continuous" code="conI" type="boolean" description="Should the color panel send color changes continuously?"/>
         <property name="shows alpha" code="shoA" type="boolean" description="Should the panel show the alpha value?"/>
      <class name="dialog reply" code="askr" description="Reply record for display dialog command" inherits="item" plural="dialog replies">
         <property name="button returned" code="bhit" type="text" access="r" description="name of button chosen (empty if &apos;giving up after&apos; was supplied and dialog timed out)"/>
         <property name="gave up" code="gavu" type="boolean" access="r" description="Did the dialog time out? (present only if &apos;giving up after&apos; as supplied)"/>
         <property name="text returned" code="ttxt" type="text" access="r" description="text entered (present only if &apos;default answer&apos; was supplied)"/>
      <class name="font-panel" code="fo-P" description="The font panel" inherits="panel" plural="font-panels">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="enabled" code="enaB" type="boolean" description="Is the panel enabled?"/>
         <property name="font" code="fonO" type="font" description="The font"/>
      <class name="open-panel" code="op-P" description="The open panel" inherits="save-panel" plural="open-panels">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="allows multiple selection" code="alMT" type="boolean" description="Can multiple items be selected?"/>
         <property name="can choose directories" code="caCD" type="boolean" description="Can directories be selected?"/>
         <property name="can choose files" code="caCF" type="boolean" description="Can files be selected?"/>
         <property name="path names" code="filO" type="list" access="r" description="list of path names chosen"/>
      <class name="panel" code="panN" description="A panel" inherits="window" plural="panels">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="floating" code="isfl" type="boolean" description="Is the panel a floating panel?"/>
      <class name="save-panel" code="sa-P" description="The save panel" inherits="panel" plural="save-panels">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="document"/>
         <element type="drawer"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="toolbar"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="directory" code="dirC" type="text" description="the directory to use in the panel"/>
         <property name="expanded" code="expA" type="boolean" access="r" description="Is the panel expanded?"/>
         <property name="path name" code="filN" type="text" access="r" description="the path name"/>
         <property name="prompt" code="proO" type="text" description="the prompt to display for the panel"/>
         <property name="required file type" code="reFT" type="text" description="the required file type for the panel"/>
         <property name="title" code="titl" type="text" description="the title of the panel"/>
         <property name="treat packages as directories" code="tPAD" type="boolean" description="Should the panel treat packages as directories?"/>
      <enumeration name="EAlT" code="EAlT">
         <enumerator name="critical" code="criT" description="Critical alert"/>
         <enumerator name="informational" code="infA" description="Informational alert"/>
         <enumerator name="warning" code="warN" description="Warning alert"/>
      <enumeration name="ECoA" code="ECoA">
         <enumerator name="cmyk mode" code="cmyM" description="CMYK color mode"/>
         <enumerator name="color list mode" code="coLN" description="Color list color mode"/>
         <enumerator name="color wheel mode" code="coWM" description="Color wheel mode"/>
         <enumerator name="custom palette mode" code="cuPM" description="Custom palette color mode"/>
         <enumerator name="gray mode" code="graM" description="Gray color mode"/>
         <enumerator name="hsb mode" code="hsbM" description="HSB color mode"/>
         <enumerator name="rgb mode" code="rgbM" description="RGB color mode"/>
      <enumeration name="EAlR" code="EAlR">
         <enumerator name="alternate return" code="altR" description="The alternate button was returned"/>
         <enumerator name="default return" code="defR" description="The default button was returned"/>
         <enumerator name="error return" code="errR" description="An error was returned"/>
         <enumerator name="other return" code="othR" description="The other button was returned"/>
   <suite name="Plugin Suite" code="appS" description="Classes and events supporting plugins for various applications.">
      <command name="plugin loaded" code="pluSpluL" description="The plugin was loaded">
         <direct-parameter type="specifier" description="the object for the command"/>
      <class name="plugin" code="pluG" description="A plugin to an application" inherits="item" plural="plugins"/>
   <suite name="Text View Suite" code="teVS" description="Classes representing text views">
      <class name="text view" code="texV" description="A text view" inherits="view" plural="text views">
         <element type="box"/>
         <element type="browser"/>
         <element type="button"/>
         <element type="clip view"/>
         <element type="color well"/>
         <element type="combo box"/>
         <element type="control"/>
         <element type="image view"/>
         <element type="matrix"/>
         <element type="movie view"/>
         <element type="outline view"/>
         <element type="popup button"/>
         <element type="progress indicator"/>
         <element type="scroll view"/>
         <element type="secure text field"/>
         <element type="slider"/>
         <element type="split view"/>
         <element type="stepper"/>
         <element type="tab view"/>
         <element type="table header view"/>
         <element type="table view"/>
         <element type="text"/>
         <element type="text field"/>
         <element type="text view"/>
         <element type="view"/>
         <property name="alignment" code="aliN" type="ETeL" description="the alignment of the text"/>
         <property name="allows undo" code="allU" type="boolean" description="Should the text view allow undo?"/>
         <property name="background color" code="bacC" type="color" description="the background color of the view"/>
         <property name="content" code="conT" type="text" description="the contents of the view"/>
         <property name="contents" code="pcnt" type="text" description="the contents of the view"/>
         <property name="draws background" code="draB" type="boolean" description="Should the view draw its background?"/>
         <property name="editable" code="ediT" type="boolean" description="Is the view editable?"/>
         <property name="field editor" code="fieE" type="boolean" description="Is this a field editor?"/>
         <property name="font" code="fonO" type="font" description="the font for the view"/>
         <property name="horizontally resizable" code="horR" type="boolean" description="Is the view horizontally resizable"/>
         <property name="imports graphics" code="impG" type="boolean" description="Should the view import graphics?"/>
         <property name="maximum size" code="maxS" type="point" description="the maximum size of the view"/>
         <property name="minimum size" code="minS" type="point" description="the minimum size of the view"/>
         <property name="rich text" code="ricT" type="boolean" description="Does the text in the Rich Text Format? "/>
         <property name="ruler visible" code="rulV" type="boolean" description="Is the ruler visible?"/>
         <property name="selectable" code="selC" type="boolean" description="Is the view selectable?"/>
         <property name="smart insert delete enabled" code="sIDE" type="boolean" description="Is the smart insertion and deletion of text enabled?"/>
         <property name="spell checking enabled" code="spCE" type="boolean" description="Is spell checking enabled for the text view?"/>
         <property name="text color" code="texC" type="color" description="the color of the text"/>
         <property name="text container inset" code="teCI" type="point" description="the amount of inset for the text container"/>
         <property name="text container origin" code="teCO" type="point" access="r" description="the origin of the text container"/>
         <property name="uses font panel" code="usFP" type="boolean" description="Can the view use the font panel?"/>
         <property name="uses ruler" code="useR" type="boolean" description="Should the text view use rulers?"/>
         <property name="vertically resizable" code="verR" type="boolean" description="Is the view vertically resizable?"/>
      <enumeration name="ETeL" code="ETeL">
         <enumerator name="center text alignment" code="ceTA" description="Align text to the center"/>
         <enumerator name="justified text alignment" code="juTA" description="Justify the text to the left and right"/>
         <enumerator name="left text alignment" code="leTA" description="Align text to the left"/>
         <enumerator name="natural text alignment" code="naTA" description="Align text to its natural alignment"/>
         <enumerator name="right text alignment" code="riTA" description="Align text to the right"/>
   <suite name="Type Definitions" code="tpdf" description="Records used in scripting Parse-Gen Test">
      <class name="print settings" code="pset">
         <property name="copies" code="lwcp" type="integer" description="the number of copies of a document to be printed"/>
         <property name="collating" code="lwcl" type="boolean" description="Should printed copies be collated?"/>
         <property name="starting page" code="lwfp" type="integer" description="the first page of the document to be printed"/>
         <property name="ending page" code="lwlp" type="integer" description="the last page of the document to be printed"/>
         <property name="pages across" code="lwla" type="integer" description="number of logical pages laid across a physical page"/>
         <property name="pages down" code="lwld" type="integer" description="number of logical pages laid out down a physical page"/>
         <property name="requested print time" code="lwqt" type="date" description="the time at which the desktop printer should print the document..."/>
         <property name="error handling" code="lweh" type="enum" description="how errors are handled"/>
         <property name="fax number" code="faxn" type="text" description="for fax number"/>
         <property name="target printer" code="trpr" type="text" description="for target printer"/>
      <enumeration name="enum" code="enum">
         <enumerator name="standard" code="lwst" description="Standard PostScript error handling"/>
         <enumerator name="detailed" code="lwdt" description="print a detailed report of PostScript errors"/>