TextEditPlus Starter/EncodingManager.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
enum {
    NoStringEncoding = 0xFFFFFFFF
@interface EncodingPopUpButton : NSPopUpButton {
    NSStringEncoding defaultEncoding;
    BOOL hasDefaultEntry;
- (void)setEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding defaultEntry:(BOOL)flag;
@interface EncodingManager : NSObject {
    IBOutlet NSMatrix *encodingMatrix;
    NSArray *encodings;
/* There is just one instance...
+ (EncodingManager *)sharedInstance;
/* List of encodings that should be shown in encoding lists
- (NSArray *)enabledEncodings;
/* Empties then initializes the supplied popup with the supported encodings.
- (void)setupPopUp:(EncodingPopUpButton *)button selectedEncoding:(unsigned)selectedEncoding withDefaultEntry:(BOOL)flag;
/* Action methods for bringing up and dealing with changes in the encodings list panel
- (IBAction)showPanel:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)encodingListChanged:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)clearAll:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)selectAll:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)revertToDefault:(id)sender;
/* Internal method to save and communicate changes to the encoding list
- (void)noteEncodingListChange:(BOOL)writeDefault updateList:(BOOL)updateList postNotification:(BOOL)post;