Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
TextEditPlus Step 1/Preferences.h
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
/* Keys in the dictionary... */ |
#define RichTextFont @"RichTextFont" |
#define PlainTextFont @"PlainTextFont" |
#define DeleteBackup @"DeleteBackup" |
#define SaveFilesWritable @"SaveFilesWritable" |
#define OverwriteReadOnlyFiles @"OverwriteReadOnlyFiles" |
#define RichText @"RichText" |
#define ShowPageBreaks @"ShowPageBreaks" |
#define AddExtensionToNewPlainTextFiles @"AddExtensionToNewPlainTextFiles" |
#define WindowWidth @"WidthInChars" |
#define WindowHeight @"HeightInChars" |
#define PlainTextEncodingForRead @"PlainTextEncoding" |
#define PlainTextEncodingForWrite @"PlainTextEncodingForWrite" |
#define IgnoreRichText @"IgnoreRichText" |
#define IgnoreHTML @"IgnoreHTML" |
#define TabWidth @"TabWidth" |
#define ForegroundLayoutToIndex @"ForegroundLayoutToIndex" |
#define OpenPanelFollowsMainWindow @"OpenPanelFollowsMainWindow" |
#define CheckSpellingAsYouType @"CheckSpellingWhileTyping" |
#define ShowRuler @"ShowRuler" |
#define NumberPagesWhenPrinting @"NumberPagesWhenPrinting" |
#define UseXHTMLDocType @"UseXHTMLDocType" |
#define UseTransitionalDocType @"UseTransitionalDocType" |
#define UseEmbeddedCSS @"UseEmbeddedCSS" |
#define UseInlineCSS @"UseInlineCSS" |
#define HTMLEncoding @"HTMLEncoding" |
#define PreserveWhitespace @"PreserveWhitespace" |
// Use different convention for the key values here, to be consistent with the keys in Document |
#define AuthorProperty @"author" |
#define CompanyProperty @"company" |
#define CopyrightProperty @"copyright" |
@interface Preferences : NSObject { |
IBOutlet id richTextFontNameField; |
IBOutlet id plainTextFontNameField; |
IBOutlet id deleteBackupButton; |
IBOutlet id saveFilesWritableButton; |
IBOutlet id overwriteReadOnlyFilesButton; |
IBOutlet id addExtensionToNewPlainTextFilesButton; |
IBOutlet id richTextMatrix; |
IBOutlet id showPageBreaksButton; |
IBOutlet id windowWidthField; |
IBOutlet id windowHeightField; |
IBOutlet id plainTextEncodingForReadPopup; |
IBOutlet id plainTextEncodingForWritePopup; |
IBOutlet id tabWidthField; |
IBOutlet id ignoreRichTextButton; |
IBOutlet id ignoreHTMLButton; |
IBOutlet id checkSpellingAsYouTypeButton; |
IBOutlet id showRulerButton; |
IBOutlet id numberPagesWhenPrintingButton; |
IBOutlet id authorPropertyField; |
IBOutlet id companyPropertyField; |
IBOutlet id copyrightPropertyField; |
IBOutlet id HTMLDocumentTypePopUp; |
IBOutlet id HTMLStylingPopUp; |
IBOutlet id HTMLEncodingPopUp; |
IBOutlet id preserveWhiteSpaceButton; |
IBOutlet id panel; |
NSDictionary *curValues; // Current, confirmed values for the preferences |
NSDictionary *origValues; // Values read from preferences at startup |
NSMutableDictionary *displayedValues; // Values displayed in the UI |
} |
+ (id)objectForKey:(id)key; /* Convenience for getting global preferences */ |
+ (void)saveDefaults; /* Convenience for saving global preferences */ |
- (void)saveDefaults; /* Save the current preferences */ |
+ (Preferences *)sharedInstance; |
- (NSDictionary *)preferences; /* The current preferences; contains values for the documented keys */ |
- (void)showPanel:(id)sender; /* Shows the panel */ |
- (void)updateUI; /* Updates the displayed values in the UI */ |
- (void)commitDisplayedValues; /* The displayed values are made current */ |
- (void)discardDisplayedValues; /* The displayed values are replaced with current prefs and updateUI is called */ |
- (void)revert:(id)sender; /* Reverts the displayed values to the current preferences */ |
- (void)ok:(id)sender; /* Calls commitUI to commit the displayed values as current */ |
- (void)revertToDefault:(id)sender; |
- (void)miscChanged:(id)sender; /* Action message for most of the misc items in the UI to get displayedValues */ |
- (void)changeRichTextFont:(id)sender; /* Request to change the rich text font */ |
- (void)changePlainTextFont:(id)sender; /* Request to change the plain text font */ |
- (void)changeFont:(id)fontManager; /* Sent by the font manager */ |
+ (NSDictionary *)preferencesFromDefaults; |
+ (void)savePreferencesToDefaults:(NSDictionary *)dict; |
@end |
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