Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: TextUtilities.h |
Description: |
Routines for simple string-of-bytes oriented memory manipulation. |
Copyright: |
Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: |
IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Change History (most recent first): |
Wed, Aug 27, 2003 -- created |
*/ |
#ifndef __TEXT_UTILITIES__ |
#define __TEXT_UTILITIES__ |
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h> |
#include <stdarg.h> |
/* some simple string of bytes manipulation routines */ |
/* compare two buffers byte by byte returning a integer value |
of -1, 0, or 1 if the first buffer is less than, equal to, or |
greater than the second buffer. if caseSensitive is false, then |
it is assumed that the two buffers contain ascii characters and |
case insensitive comparisons are used. */ |
long CompareTextBuffers( |
unsigned char* bufferA, long bufferAlen, |
unsigned char* bufferB, long bufferBlen, |
Boolean caseSensitive); |
/* SearchTextBuffer searches through the buffer for pattern |
starting at startingPos. If pos is not NULL and a match is found, |
then the long integer at that address is set to the location of |
the match. if caseSensitive is false, then it is assumed that |
the two buffers contain ascii characters and case insensitive |
comparisons are used. uses a Boyer-Moore search algorithm. */ |
Boolean SearchTextBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, long bufferLength, |
unsigned char *pattern, long patternLength, |
long startingPos, Boolean caseSensitive, long* pos); |
/* TextReference is used to refer to a section of a buffer */ |
typedef struct { |
unsigned char *strp; |
long len; |
} TextReference, *TextReferencePtr; |
/* SetTextRefFromCString initializes a TextReference record to |
reference the characters in a c style string */ |
void SetTextRefFromCString(TextReference *tr, char* cstring); |
/* SetTextRefFromCString initializes a TextReference record to |
reference the characters stored in a block of memory referenced |
by a macintosh memory manager handle. it does not lock the handle, |
so make sure you lock the handle before using this call. If the |
handle moves in memory, the TextReference will not be valid. */ |
void SetTextRefFromHandle(TextReference *tr, Handle h); |
/* A LongTextString structure begins with a TextReference structure |
on purpose so that a LongTextStringPtr can be coerced to a TextReferencePtr |
and used without any problems. LongTextString records are allocated in |
the heap and contain an array of characters that is described by the |
TextReference at the beginning of the record.*/ |
typedef struct { |
TextReference text; |
unsigned char characters[1]; /* variable in length */ |
} LongTextString, *LongTextStringPtr; |
/* SetTextRefFromLongTextString initializes a TextReference so that it |
references the text stored in a LongTextString structure*/ |
void SetTextRefFromLongTextString(TextReference *tr, LongTextStringPtr textBuffer); |
/* GetDescTextData is a utility routine that returns the data stored |
in a AEDesc record. The pointer is allocated on the heap. */ |
OSErr GetDescTextData(AEDesc *theDesc, Ptr *theData, Size *theLength); |
/* GetLongTextStringFromBuffer creates a new LongTextString containing |
a copy of the data referenced in the buffer. */ |
OSErr GetLongTextStringFromBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, long bufferLength, |
LongTextStringPtr *theString); |
/* GetLongTextStringFromDesc creates a new LongTextString containing a copy |
of the data stored in the AEDesc record. */ |
OSErr GetLongTextStringFromDesc(AEDesc *theDesc, LongTextStringPtr *theString); |
/* GetLongTextStringFromParam creates a new LongTextString containing a copy |
of the data stored in a particular parameter of an Apple event record. */ |
OSErr GetLongTextStringFromParam( |
const AppleEvent *appleEvt, |
AEKeyword theAEKeyword, |
LongTextStringPtr *theString); |
/* GetLongTextStringListElt creates a new LongTextString containing a copy |
of the data stored in a particular element of an AEDescList structure. index |
is a value ranging from 1 through n, where n is the number of items in the list. */ |
OSErr GetLongTextStringListElt( |
const AEDescList *theAEDescList, |
long index, |
LongTextStringPtr *theString); |
/* CompareLongTextStringListElt calls CompareTextBuffers to |
compare two LongTextStrings returning CompareTextBuffers' result |
to the caller. */ |
long CompareLongTextStringListElt( |
LongTextStringPtr a, |
LongTextStringPtr b, |
Boolean caseSensitive); |
/* CompareLongTextStringListEltToBuffer calls CompareTextBuffers to |
compare a LongTextString to a buffer returning CompareTextBuffers' result |
to the caller. */ |
long CompareLongTextStringListEltToBuffer( |
LongTextStringPtr a, |
unsigned char* buffer, long bufferlen, |
Boolean caseSensitive); |
/* FindLongTextString searches a LongTextString for a pattern |
by calling SearchTextBuffer, returning SearchTextBuffer's result |
to the caller. */ |
Boolean FindLongTextString(LongTextStringPtr theString, |
unsigned char *pattern, long patternLength, |
long startingPos, Boolean caseSensitive, long* pos); |
/* VSPrintfLongTextString is like vsprintf, but it accumulates its |
result into a LongTextString. NULL is returned if there is an error. |
calls VSPrintfTextBuffer. */ |
LongTextStringPtr VSPrintfLongTextString(const char *fmt, va_list args); |
/* PrintfLongTextString is like printf, but it accumulates its |
result into a LongTextString. NULL is returned if there is an error. |
calls VSPrintfTextBuffer. */ |
LongTextStringPtr PrintfLongTextString(const char *fmt, ...); |
/* DisposeLongTextString releases the storage allocated for a LongTextString. */ |
void DisposeLongTextString(LongTextStringPtr theString); |
/* TextOutputBuffer is used for accumulating strings of bytes into a single |
contiguous buffer of data. A sequence of TextBufferWrite calls can |
be used to stash chunks of bytes into a TextOutputBuffer, and later the buffer |
can be retrieved as one single contiguous memory block. A TextOutputBuffer is |
made up of a linked list of TextBuffer structures that contain the actual |
data. These are allocated as required by TextBufferWrite. */ |
typedef struct TextBuffer TextBuffer; |
typedef TextBuffer *TextBufferPtr; |
struct TextBuffer { |
TextBufferPtr next; /* the next buffer int he linked list */ |
TextReference data; /* a reference describing the data stored in this buffer */ |
TextReference buffer; /* a reference describing the available space in this buffer */ |
unsigned char characters[1]; /* variable, bytes allocated for storage */ |
}; |
typedef struct { |
TextBufferPtr first, last; /* a linked list of TextBuffers */ |
} TextOutputBuffer; |
/* InitTextBuffer initializes a TextOutputBuffer so it is ready |
for use. This call simply initialized the linked list of buffers |
to an empty list. */ |
void InitTextBuffer(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DisposeTextBuffer releases all of the TextBuffers stored in |
the TextOutputBuffer's linked list of buffers. */ |
OSErr DisposeTextBuffer(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* TextBufferWrite accumulates the bytes into the TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr TextBufferWrite(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, void* data, long len); |
/* VSPrintfTextBuffer is like vsprintf, but it outputs to a TextOutputBuffer, |
and it understands a few additinal types of parameters. These parameters are: |
'%M' the parameter is a pointer (LongTextStringPtr/TextReferencePtr) and the |
resulting data will be encoded as html text. ie, it will have the appropriate |
entity tags as required. |
'%N' the parameter is a pointer (LongTextStringPtr/TextReferencePtr) and the |
resulting data will be encoded as html text. ie, it will have the appropriate |
entity tags as required. Also, <BR> tags will be inserted when ever a \n or \r |
character is encountered. |
'%T' or '%L' the parameter is a pointer (LongTextStringPtr/TextReferencePtr). The |
data referenced by the TextReference is copied into the output stream. |
'%H' the parameter is a macintosh memory manager handle. the data from the block |
of memory referenced by the handle will be copied into the output stream. no |
need to lock the handle, it will be locked as needed. |
calls TextBufferWrite. |
*/ |
OSErr VSPrintfTextBuffer(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, const char *fmt, va_list args); |
/* PrintfTextBuffer calls VSPrintfTextBuffer */ |
OSErr PrintfTextBuffer(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, const char *fmt, ...); |
/* VSPrintfAsXML is like VSPrintfTextBuffer, but all of the resulting output |
is converted to xml text. i.e. <, &, >, ", and ' entity |
characters are substitued for '<', '&', '>', '"', and '\'' before the output |
is added to the TextOutputBuffer. calls TextBufferWrite. */ |
OSErr VSPrintfAsXML(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, const char *fmt, va_list args); |
/* PrintfAsXML calls VSPrintfAsXML */ |
OSErr PrintfAsXML(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, const char *fmt, ...); |
/* TextBufferSize returns the size in bytes of the textOutputBuffer. This will |
include the number of bytes accumulated by calls to TextBufferWrite. */ |
OSErr TextBufferSize(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, long *bytecount); |
/* TextBufferLongTextString allocates and returns a LongTextString containing |
all of the bytes accumulated in the TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr TextBufferLongTextString(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, LongTextStringPtr *theText); |
/* TextBufferDataPtr allocates and returns a new pointer (calling NewPtr) containing |
all of the bytes accumulated in the TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr TextBufferDataPtr(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, Ptr *theData); |
/* CopyTextBufferData the data accumulated in the TextOutputBuffer into a destination buffer. |
If actLength is not NULL, then the number of bytes actually copied will be returned in *actLength. |
CopyTextBufferData returns true if all of the bytes in the TextOutputBuffer were copied. */ |
Boolean CopyTextBufferData(TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, long offset, void* dstBuffer, long reqLength, long *actLength); |
/* EncodeXMLTextStringProc encodes the string in textBuffer as XML encoded |
text with <, &, >, ", and ' entity characters substitued |
for '<', '&', '>', '"', and '\'' characters. The encoded text is accumulated |
in a TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr EncodeXMLTextStringProc(LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* EncodeHTMLTextStringProc encodes the string in textBuffer as XML encoded |
text with special characters encoded as html entities. The encoded text is |
accumulated in a TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr EncodeHTMLTextStringProc(LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, Boolean addLineBreaks, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* StripHTMLCommentsProc removes any HTML style comments from the text accumulating |
the result into the TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr StripHTMLCommentsProc(LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DecodeXMLStringToBuffer decodes a buffer containing XML encoded text (i.e. entity |
chars created by EncodeXMLTextStringProc) accumulating the result into a TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr DecodeXMLStringToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DecodeHTMLStringToBuffer decodes a buffer containing HTML encoded text (i.e. entity |
chars created by EncodeHTMLTextStringProc) accumulating the result into a TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr DecodeHTMLStringToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DecodeHTMLString calls DecodeHTMLStringToBuffer to decode a html string, then it |
returns the decoded data in a LongTextString. */ |
LongTextStringPtr DecodeHTMLString(unsigned char* buffer, long length); |
/* The following routines operate on "delimited sections". A "delimited section", |
is a part of a string delimited by a starting pattern and an ending pattern. For |
example, in the following string: |
<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Two --> <!-- Section Three --> |
there are three "delimited sections" each of which is delimited by the |
starting pattern "<!--" and the ending pattern "-->". */ |
/* CountDelimitedSectionsProc counts the number of delimited sections in the textBuffer |
that are delimited by startPat and endPat. If caseSensitive is false, then case |
insensitive comparisons are used. The number of delimited sections found is returned |
in *count. */ |
OSErr CountDelimitedSectionsProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, /* the string */ |
LongTextStringPtr startPat, /* starting pattern */ |
LongTextStringPtr endPat, /* ending pattern */ |
Boolean caseSensitive, /* use case sensitive comparisons? */ |
long *count); |
/* LocateAllDelimitedSectionsProc returns an array of TextReference records referencing |
the contents of all of the delimited sections found in the text string. For example, |
given following parameters: |
textBuffer: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Two --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
startPat: '<!--' |
endPat: '-->' |
we would expect LocateAllDelimitedSectionsProc to return an array of TextReferences |
that refer to the orignal string as follows: |
theSections[0] -> ' Section One ' |
theSections[1] -> ' Section Two ' |
theSections[2] -> ' Section Three ' |
*count is set to the number of delimited sections found. */ |
OSErr LocateAllDelimitedSectionsProc( |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
TextReferencePtr startPat, |
TextReferencePtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long *count, |
TextReferencePtr *theSections); |
/* GetAllDelimitedSectionsProc calls LocateAllDelimitedSectionsProc coercing all of the |
LongTextStringPtrs to TextReferencePtrs as appropriate. */ |
OSErr GetAllDelimitedSectionsProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
LongTextStringPtr startPat, |
LongTextStringPtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long *count, |
TextReferencePtr *theSections); |
/* LocateDelimitedSectionProc returns two TextReference records referencing |
the nth occurence of a delimited section found in the text string. For example, |
given following parameters: |
textBuffer: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Two --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
startPat: '<!--' |
endPat: '-->' |
sectionNumber: 1 -- sections are numbered starting at zero |
we would expect LocateDelimitedSectionProc to return the following TextReferences |
that refer to the orignal string: |
sectionText -> ' Section Two ' |
outerBounds -> '<!-- Section Two -->' |
*count is set to the number of delimited sections found. */ |
OSErr LocateDelimitedSectionProc( |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
TextReferencePtr startPat, |
TextReferencePtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
TextReference* sectionText, |
TextReference* outerBounds); |
/* GetDelimitedSectionProc returns the contents of the nth delimited section |
in a LongTextString allocated on the heap. It calls LocateDelimitedSectionProc |
to find the text, then it allocates the resulting string by calling |
GetLongTextStringFromBuffer. Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory |
when you are done using the string. */ |
OSErr GetDelimitedSectionProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
LongTextStringPtr startPat, |
LongTextStringPtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *sectionText); |
/* SimpleGetDelimitedSection is like GetDelimitedSectionProc except it |
is simpler to use in C programs because it accepts c-style strings for |
the starting and ending patterns. */ |
OSErr SimpleGetDelimitedSection( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
char* startingString, |
char* endingString, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *sectionText); |
/* ChangeDelimetedSection returns a newly allocated LongTextString that is |
a copy of the string referenced in the textBuffer with the |
contents of the nth delimited section replaced with the string |
referenced by newText. |
For example, given these parameters: |
textBuffer: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Two --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
startPat: '<!--' |
endPat: '-->' |
newText: ' hello world ' |
caseSensitive: true |
sectionNumber: 1 -- sections are numbered starting at zero |
ChangeDelimetedSection would return a new LongTextString containing the following |
string: |
revisedText: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- hello world --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory |
when you are done using the resulting string. */ |
OSErr ChangeDelimetedSection( |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
TextReferencePtr startPat, |
TextReferencePtr endPat, |
TextReferencePtr newText, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *revisedText); |
/* SetDelimitedSectionProc is the same as ChangeDelimetedSection except it |
accepts LongTextStringPtrs as parameters rather than TextReferencePtrs. It |
does the necessary coercions and calls ChangeDelimetedSection. it's a convenience |
routine. */ |
OSErr SetDelimitedSectionProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
LongTextStringPtr startPat, |
LongTextStringPtr endPat, |
LongTextStringPtr newText, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *revisedText); |
/* SimpleSetDelimitedSection is the same as ChangeDelimetedSection, except it |
accepts c-style strings for the starting and ending patterns. it is a convenience |
routine for use in c programs. */ |
OSErr SimpleSetDelimitedSection( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
char* startingString, |
char* endingString, |
LongTextStringPtr newText, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *revisedText); |
/* DeleteDelimitedSectionProc returns a newly allocated LongTextString that is |
a copy of the string referenced in the textBuffer with the |
nth delimited section (including the starting ane ending patterns) removed. |
For example, given these parameters: |
textBuffer: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Two --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
startPat: '<!--' |
endPat: '-->' |
caseSensitive: true |
sectionNumber: 1 -- sections are numbered starting at zero |
DeleteDelimitedSectionProc would return a new LongTextString containing the following |
string: |
revisedText: '<!-- Section One --> <!-- Section Three -->' |
Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory |
when you are done using the resulting string. */ |
OSErr DeleteDelimitedSectionProc( |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
TextReferencePtr startPat, |
TextReferencePtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *revisedText); |
/* RemoveDelimitedSectionProc is a convenience routine that calls |
DeleteDelimitedSectionProc. The only difference is that this routine |
accepts LongTextStringPtrs rather than TextReferencePtrs. */ |
OSErr RemoveDelimitedSectionProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
LongTextStringPtr startPat, |
LongTextStringPtr endPat, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
long sectionNumber, |
LongTextStringPtr *revisedText); |
/* form letter routines. |
these routines provide a simple search and replace api suitable for |
implementing form letter style filtering of data. the caller provides |
a text string (the form letter) and an array of pattern/replacement |
pairs. In processing, starting with the longest pattern, every occurence |
of every pattern is replaced with it's corresponding replacement string. |
Once the search and replace operation is complete, the results are accumulated |
in a TextOutputBuffer. For example, given the form letter string: |
---- |
Dear customer_name, |
Thank you for purchasing your new product_name on date_string. |
If you encounter any difficulties with your new product_name, then |
please contact us at our service department. |
sender_name |
---- |
and the following pattern/replacement table: |
customer_name -> 'Jane Doe' |
product_name -> 'Form Letter Maker' |
sender_name -> 'J. Formwaver' |
Then the following output would be accumulated in the TextOutputBuffer: |
---- |
Dear Jane Doe, |
Thank you for purchasing your new Form Letter Maker on date_string. |
If you encounter any difficulties with your new Form Letter Maker, then |
please contact us at our service department. |
J. Formwaver |
---- |
*/ |
/* FormLetterElement records are used to store pattern/replacement pairs. |
You pass an array of FormLetterElements to the form letter routines. */ |
typedef struct { |
TextReference pattext; /* the search pattern */ |
TextReference reptext; /* the replacement text */ |
} FormLetterElement, *FormLetterElementTable; |
/* AccumulateFormLetter accumulates output into a TextOutputBuffer using |
the textBuffer and the pattern/replacement pairs in the repsTable. if |
caseSensitive is true, then case sensitive comparisons are used. */ |
OSErr AccumulateFormLetter( |
TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer, |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
FormLetterElementTable repsTable, |
long repsTableLength, |
Boolean caseSensitive); |
/* FillFormLetter calls AccumulateFormLetter to accumulates output |
into a TextOutputBuffer using the textBuffer and the pattern/replacement |
pairs in the repsTable, and then it returns the accumulated data in a |
LongTextString. Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory when |
you are done using the resulting string.*/ |
OSErr FillFormLetter( |
TextReferencePtr textBuffer, |
FormLetterElementTable repsTable, |
long repsTableLength, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
LongTextStringPtr *revistedText); |
/* FormLetterReplacementProc is the same as FillFormLetter, except it accepts |
a LongTextStringPtr rather than a TextReferencePtr to the form letter string.*/ |
OSErr FormLetterReplacementProc( |
LongTextStringPtr textBuffer, |
FormLetterElementTable repsTable, |
long repsTableLength, |
Boolean caseSensitive, |
LongTextStringPtr *revistedText); |
/* CGI support routines */ |
/* DecodeCGIStringToBuffer decodes a cgi string replacing '+'s with spaces, |
and %XX sequences with characters accumulating the result in a TextOutputBuffer. */ |
OSErr DecodeCGIStringToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* EncodeStringToCGIBuffer encodes a string in a way suitable for placement in |
a cgi post request. spaces are replaced with '+'s, other special characters are |
replaced with %XX sequences. if specialSpaces is true, then spaces are encoded |
as '+' signs, otherwise they are encoded as %XX sequences. */ |
OSErr EncodeStringToCGIBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, Boolean specialSpaces, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DecodeCGIStringToString and EncodeStringToCGIString are convenience routines that |
call DecodeCGIStringToBuffer and EncodeStringToCGIBuffer. The only difference is that |
they package up the resulting data in a LongTextString. Call DisposeLongTextString to |
release that memory when you are done using the resulting string. */ |
LongTextStringPtr DecodeCGIStringToString(unsigned char* buffer, long length); |
LongTextStringPtr EncodeStringToCGIString(unsigned char* buffer, long length, Boolean specialSpaces); |
/* EncodeTextAsURLTextToBuffer encodes a string in a way that is appropriate for |
placing the resulting string in a URL. special characters are converted to %XX sequences. */ |
OSErr EncodeTextAsURLTextToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* EncodeTextAsURLTextToString is a convenience routine that calls EncodeTextAsURLTextToBuffer. |
The only difference is that this routine packages up the resulting data in a LongTextString. |
Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory when you are done using the resulting string. */ |
LongTextStringPtr EncodeTextAsURLTextToString(unsigned char* buffer, long length); |
/* DecodeURLTextAsTextToBuffer decodes a string from a URL into a regular string. specifically, |
all %XX sequences are replaced with the appropriate characters. */ |
OSErr DecodeURLTextAsTextToBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, long length, TextOutputBuffer *theBuffer); |
/* DecodeURLTextAsTextToString is a convenience routine that calls DecodeURLTextAsTextToBuffer. |
The only difference is that this routine packages up the resulting data in a LongTextString. |
Call DisposeLongTextString to release that memory when you are done using the resulting string. */ |
LongTextStringPtr DecodeURLTextAsTextToString(unsigned char* buffer, long length); |
#endif |
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