
    File:       Thumbnail.c
    Contains:   Sample to demonstrate using the Picture Utilities Package
                The guts of this is in the window creation function: DoCreateWindow( PicHandle thePicture )
                DoCreateWindow is passed a picture handle and if the global gUsePictPalette is set it
                will use the pict utils package (PUP) to get the color table stored in the pict.  You could 
                this source to sample direct color images, but to keep things as clear as possible this
                application only deals with 8 bit images.
                We use the PUP to get the color table for the image.  This is passed into NewGWorld and it
                is also used to create a palette that is attached to the window.
                Note that we use PUP to sample the image that was stored in the file.  We interrogate a
                PicHandle read directly from the file.  There are also routines for sampling PixMaps,
                but dont forget that if you are in an indexed color environment, and you sample a PixMap, 
                if you didnt set up the color environment when your first created the PixMap, the colors
                may not be as you expect.  
                To see an example of this there are two 8-bit images included with this snippet.
                One is a spectral ramp, the other a green/brow ramp.  Both have approx 120 or so colors.
                to see an example of what PUP may report if you didnt set the colors for a window up
                properly before displaying open one of the files with the "use picture palette" item 
                from the palette menu toggled off.
                in this case it will use the "wrong" set of colors to try to draw the image (it just uses
                what ever the default system color table is).  If you get PUP to sample (by toggling on
                the "use picture palette" item from the palette menu the picture is rendered correctly.
    Written by: NT  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                08/2000     JM              Carbonized, non-Carbon code is commented out
                                            for demonstration purposes.
                7/14/1999   KG              Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
/* Constant Declarations */
#include "CarbonPrefix.h"
#include <menus.h>
#include <PictUtils.h>
#include <QDOffScreen.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <DiskInit.h>
//#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <Navigation.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#define WWIDTH      470
#define WHEIGHT     330
//#define WLEFT     (((screenBits.bounds.right - screenBits.bounds.left) - WWIDTH) / 2)
//#define WTOP      (((screenBits.bounds.bottom - - WHEIGHT) / 2)
#define HiWrd(aLong)    (((aLong) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
#define LoWrd(aLong)    ((aLong) & 0xFFFF)
enum {
    mApple = 128,
} ;
enum {
    iAbout = 1
} ;
enum {
    iOpen = 1,
    iQuit = 4
} ;
enum {
    iUsePictPalette = 1
} ;
static Boolean gQuitFlag = false ;
 Point gStaggerPos = {50,50} ;
static Boolean gUsePictPalette = false ;
// function prototypes
void InitToolbox( void ) ;
void MainEventLoop( void ) ;
void HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *event) ;
void HandleOSEvent(EventRecord *event) ;
void HandleMenuCommand(long menuResult) ;
PicHandle DoReadPICT( short theRef, OSErr *theErr ) ;
OSErr DoCreateWindow( PicHandle thePicture ) ;
void AdjustMenus( void ) ;
const RGBColor  kRGBBlack = {0, 0, 0};
const RGBColor  kRGBWhite = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
void main()
    InitToolbox() ;
void InitToolbox()
    Handle      menuBar = nil;
    // Most InitSomething calls are automatic in carbon
    // Only InitCursor is still called when initializing the toolbox
    //InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort);
    // initialize application globals
    gQuitFlag = false;
    menuBar = GetNewMBar(128);              // Read menus into menu bar, MBAR res id is 128
    if ( menuBar == nil )
         ExitToShell();                     // if we dont have it then quit - your app 
                                            // needs a dialog here
    SetMenuBar(menuBar);                    // Install menus
    //AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(mApple), 'DRVR'); // Add DA names to Apple menu, ID 128
void MainEventLoop()
    EventRecord     event;
    WindowPtr       window;
    short           thePart;
    Rect            screenRect, tempRect;
    Point           aPoint = {100, 100};
    GWorldPtr       theNewWorld ;
    PixMapHandle    offPixMap ;
    GrafPtr         oldPort ;
    while( !gQuitFlag )
        if (WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &event, 0, nil ))
            AdjustMenus() ;
            switch (event.what) {
                case mouseDown:
                    thePart = FindWindow( event.where, &window );
                    switch( thePart ) {
                        case inMenuBar: 
                        case inDrag:
                            //screenRect = (**GetGrayRgn()).rgnBBox;
                            GetRegionBounds ( GetGrayRgn(), &screenRect );
                            DragWindow( window, event.where, &screenRect );
                            break ;
                        case inContent:
                            if (window != FrontWindow())
                                SelectWindow( window );
                            break ;
                        case inGoAway:
                            if (TrackGoAway( window, event.where )) {
                                DisposeWindow ( window );
                            break ;
                            break ;
                    break ;
                case updateEvt:
                    window = (WindowPtr)event.message;
                    GetPort(&oldPort ) ;    
                    //SetPort( window );
                    SetPortWindowPort ( window );
                    BeginUpdate( window );
                    // get the GWorld from the window refcon
                    theNewWorld = (GWorldPtr)GetWRefCon ( window );
                    offPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap( theNewWorld ) ;
                    (void) LockPixels( offPixMap ) ;
                    /*CopyBits( &((GrafPtr)theNewWorld)->portBits,
                              nil ) ;*/
                    CopyBits(   GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(theNewWorld),
                                GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(window), &tempRect),
                                GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(window), &tempRect),
                                nil );
                    (void) UnlockPixels( offPixMap ) ;
                    EndUpdate( window );
                    SetPort( oldPort ) ;
                    break ;
                case keyDown:
                case autoKey:
                case diskEvt:
                    /*if ( HiWrd(event.message) != noErr ) 
                        (void) DIBadMount(aPoint, event.message);*/
                case osEvt:
                case activateEvt:
void HandleKeyPress(EventRecord *event)
    char    key;
    key = event->message & charCodeMask;
    // just check to see if we want to quit...
    if ( event->modifiers & cmdKey ) {      /* Command key down? */
void HandleMenuCommand(long menuResult)
    short       menuID;
    short       menuItem;
    //Str255        daName; // not needed after carbonization
    DialogPtr   theDialog ; 
    short       itemHit ;
    //SFTypeList    myTypes = { 'PICT' } ;
    PicHandle   thePicture ;
    OSErr       err = noErr;
    short       theRef ;
    // Variables added for carbon
    NavDialogOptions    dialogOptions;
    NavReplyRecord      reply;
    AEDesc              defaultLocation;
    AEKeyword           theKeyword;
    DescType            actualType;
    Size                actualSize;
    FSSpec              documentFSSpec;
    //StandardFileReply theSFReply ;
    menuID = HiWrd(menuResult);
    menuItem = LoWrd(menuResult);
    switch ( menuID ) {
        case mApple:
            switch ( menuItem ) {
                case iAbout:
                    theDialog = GetNewDialog ( 128, nil, (WindowPtr)-1 );
                    do {
                        ModalDialog ( nil, &itemHit );
                    } while( itemHit != ok ) ;
                    DisposeDialog ( theDialog );
                    // Desk Accessories not supported in carbon
                    // They are automatically handled
                    //GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName);
                    //(void) OpenDeskAcc(daName);
        case mFile:
            switch ( menuItem ) {
                case iOpen:
                    // Get the file name to open
                    StandardGetFile( nil, 1, myTypes, &theSFReply ) ;
                    // did the user cancel?
                        break ;
                    // open the file
                    err = FSpOpenDF( &theSFReply.sfFile, fsRdPerm, &theRef ) ;
                    if( err != noErr )
                        break ;     // should handle this properly
                    thePicture = DoReadPICT( theRef, &err ) ;
                    if( err != noErr )
                        break ;     // should handle this properly
                    // display the contents
                    err = DoCreateWindow( thePicture ) ;
        The Standard File Package is no longer supported in Carbon.
        Navigation services is to be used instead.  Above this comment
        is the pre-carbon way of opening a dialog and selecting a file,
        below is the carbon way.
                    /*OSErr NavGetFile (
                                        AEDesc *defaultLocation, 
                                        NavReplyRecord *reply, 
                                        NavDialogOptions *dialogOptions, 
                                        NavEventUPP eventProc, 
                                        OSType fileType, 
                                        OSType fileCreator, 
                                        void *callBackUD );*/
                    // Create a "NavDialogOptions" and use defaults, but set
                    // the directory to the app's directory
                    dialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags |= kNavSelectDefaultLocation;
                    AECreateDesc(typeFSS, &documentFSSpec,
                             &defaultLocation );
                    err = NavGetFile (&defaultLocation, &reply, &dialogOptions,
                                nil, nil, nil,
                                nil, nil);
                    if (err != noErr || !reply.validRecord)
                    // Get a pointer to selected file
                    err = AEGetNthPtr(&(reply.selection), 1,
                                            typeFSS, &theKeyword,
                    if (err != noErr)
                    // open the file
                    err = FSpOpenDF( &documentFSSpec, fsRdPerm, &theRef ) ;
                    if( err != noErr )
                        break ;     // should handle this properly
                    thePicture = DoReadPICT( theRef, &err ) ;
                    if( err != noErr )
                        break ;     // should handle this properly
                    // display the contents
                    err = DoCreateWindow( thePicture ) ;
                    break ;
                case iClose:
                    DisposeWindow ( FrontWindow() );
                    break ;
                case iQuit:
                    gQuitFlag = true;
        case mPalette:
            switch ( menuItem ) {
                case iUsePictPalette :
                    // toggle the check mark and the global boolean
                    gUsePictPalette = !gUsePictPalette ;
                    // For menus, use ActionMenuItem as opposed to ActionItem
                    //CheckItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mPalette ), iUsePictPalette, gUsePictPalette );
                    CheckMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle (mPalette), iUsePictPalette, gUsePictPalette );
                    break ;
            break ;
        case mTest:
//--------------------------- T E S T   R O U T I N E ---------------------------------
            if( menuItem == 1 ) {
                // get some of the screen
                void ShrinkToBWPict( WindowPtr theWindow ) ;        // prototype
                // because I have multiple monitors and I wanted to test on them
                // I set up the area below, you may want something rather different
                Rect area = { 0, -50, 200, 200 } ;              // area to save 
                ShrinkToBWPict( FrontWindow() ) ;
//--------------------------- T E S T   R O U T I N E ---------------------------------
    HiliteMenu(0);      // Unhighlight whatever MenuSelect or MenuKey hilited
void AdjustMenus( void ) 
    WindowPtr   theWindow ;
    theWindow = FrontWindow() ;
    if( theWindow != nil ) {
        // In carbon use ActionMenuItem instead of ActionItem
        //EnableItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mFile ), iClose );
        //EnableItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mTest ), 0 );    // <== 0 is entire menu
        EnableMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mFile ), iClose );
        EnableMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mTest ), 0 );  // <== 0 is entire menu
    else {
        // In carbon use ActionMenuItem instead of ActionItem
        //DisableItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mFile ), iClose );
        //DisableItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mTest ), 0 );   // <== 0 is entire menu
        DisableMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mFile ), iClose );
        DisableMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mTest ), 0 ); // <== 0 is entire menu
    // make sure the check marks are correct
    // Again, use ActionMenuItem instead of ActionItem
    //CheckItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mPalette ), iUsePictPalette, gUsePictPalette );
    CheckMenuItem ( GetMenuHandle ( mPalette ), iUsePictPalette, gUsePictPalette );
PicHandle DoReadPICT( short theRef, OSErr *theErr ) 
    long        theFileSize ;
    PicHandle   thePicture ;
    // pict files have a 512 byte header at the front - we dont care about this
    // we can find the size of the pict by subtracting 512 bytes from the length
    // of the file.  We then want to resize the handle to that and read the data
    // into the resized handle.
    if(( *theErr = GetEOF( theRef, &theFileSize )) != noErr ) {
        FSClose( theRef ) ;
        return nil ; 
    if(( *theErr = SetFPos( theRef, fsFromStart, 512)) != noErr ) {
        FSClose( theRef ) ;
        return nil ; 
    theFileSize -= 512 ;
    thePicture = (PicHandle)NewHandle( theFileSize ) ;
    if( thePicture == nil ) {
        FSClose( theRef ) ;
        *theErr = MemError() ;
        return nil ;        // what ever the mem manager error was
    HLock( (Handle)thePicture ) ;
    *theErr = FSRead( theRef, &theFileSize, (Ptr)*thePicture ) ;
    HUnlock(  (Handle)thePicture ) ;
    if( *theErr != noErr ) {
        FSClose( theRef ) ;
        return nil ; 
    return thePicture ; 
OSErr DoCreateWindow( PicHandle thePicture )
    Rect        theRect ;
    OSErr       theErr ;
    GWorldPtr   theNewWorld ;
    CGrafPtr    savedPort ;
    WindowPtr   theWindow ;
    GDHandle    oldDevice ;
    PictInfo        thePictInfo ;
    PaletteHandle   thePictPalette = nil ;
    CTabHandle      thePictCTab = nil ;
    // make an offscreen environment and image the pict into this
    // Make a window the size of the pict
    // store a reference to the GWorld in the Refcon of the window
    // invalidate the window content area.
    theRect = (**thePicture).picFrame;
    // to we want to attempt to sample the picture... 
    if( gUsePictPalette ) {
        // use the picture utilities to get the palette for the window
        theErr = GetPictInfo( thePicture, &thePictInfo, returnColorTable, 256, systemMethod, 0) ;
        // set up the palette and color table for later use
        thePictPalette = NewPalette( 256, thePictInfo.theColorTable, pmTolerant, 0x1000 ) ;
        thePictCTab = thePictInfo.theColorTable ;
    // we are only dealing with eight bit images here
    // hence the requirement for the picture utils package to 
    // return 256 colors, and we will create a gWorld 8 bits deep
    theErr = NewGWorld( &theNewWorld, 8, &theRect, thePictCTab, nil, 0L ) ;
    if( theErr != noErr ) 
        return theErr ;
    // save the world
    GetGWorld( &savedPort, &oldDevice ) ;
    SetGWorld( theNewWorld, nil ) ;
    RGBForeColor( &kRGBBlack ) ;        // ensure the fg and bg colors are 
    RGBBackColor( &kRGBWhite ) ;        // as anticipated
    EraseRect( &theRect ) ;             // clear the area for the pict
    PenMode( srcCopy ) ;                // ensure the t/f mode is as expected
    SetOrigin( theRect.left, );
    // render the image into the offscreen buffer
    DrawPicture( thePicture, &theRect ) ;
    SetOrigin( 0, 0 );
    SetGWorld( savedPort, oldDevice ) ;
    // create the window
    OffsetRect( &theRect, gStaggerPos.h, gStaggerPos.v) ;
    gStaggerPos.h += 16 ;
    gStaggerPos.v += 16 ;       // heh - should roll these around, but you wont 
                                // create more than a couple of windows, will you  :-)
    theWindow  = NewCWindow( nil, &theRect, "\pplayTime", true, 
                                documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1, true, (long)theNewWorld ); 
    // and if we set up the palette earlier assign it to the window             
    if( thePictPalette != nil ) {
        SetPalette ( theWindow, thePictPalette, true );
    ActivatePalette ( theWindow );  
    // make sure it is visible
    ShowWindow( theWindow ) ;
    SetGWorld( (CGrafPtr)theWindow, nil ) ;
    // invalidate the content region of the window - we don't do any drawing to it here.
    // Not supported in carbon
    //InvalRect ( &theRect );
    InvalWindowRect ( theWindow, &theRect );
    SetGWorld( savedPort, oldDevice ) ;
    return noErr;