
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "TTickerView.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#pragma unused( argc, argv )
    IBNibRef        nibRef;
    WindowRef       window;
    HIViewRef       view;
    OSStatus        err;
    // Workaround: Unfortunately, at the time we call RegisterClass below,
    // the HIView base class isn't registered. It's supposed to be automatically
    // registered, but something is going wrong in HIToolbox. We can force
    // it to register by creating any arbitrary view. Here, we simply create
    // and release a scroll view. That's enough to make sure the HIView base
    // class is registered. Sorry folks.
    HIScrollViewCreate( kHIScrollViewOptionsVertScroll, &view );
    CFRelease( view );
    // Register our ticker view subclass 
    // Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension)
    // CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle.
    err = CreateNibReference( CFSTR( "main" ), &nibRef );
    require_noerr( err, CantGetNibRef );
    // Once the nib reference is created, set the menu bar. "MainMenu" is the name of the menu bar
    // object. This name is set in InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created.
    err = SetMenuBarFromNib( nibRef, CFSTR( "MenuBar" ) );
    require_noerr( err, CantSetMenuBar );
    // Then create a window. "MainWindow" is the name of the window object. This name is set in 
    // InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created.
    err = CreateWindowFromNib( nibRef, CFSTR( "MainWindow" ), &window );
    require_noerr( err, CantCreateWindow );
    // We don't need the nib reference anymore.
    DisposeNibReference( nibRef );
    // The window was created hidden so show it.
    ShowWindow( window );
    // Call the event loop
    return err;