
 * File: ATQFix.c
 * DTS Code Sample
 * ©1992 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * Replacement code for LAPAddATQ and LAPRmvATQ for Think C programmers 
 * to fix the glue code to fix a bug in the Think C library supplied via 
 * the MPW Interface.o file.  The glue code does not restore the stack to
 * it's original condition.  Use the following code as opposed
 * to that in the Think C library instead.
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#define LAPAddATQCall   0x17
#define LAPRmvATQCall   0x18
#define LAPMgrPtr   0xB18
#define LAPMgrCall  2
/**********  Prototypes ****************************/
pascal OSErr LAPAddATQFix(ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry);
pascal OSErr LAPRmvATQFix(ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry);
pascal OSErr LAPAddATQFix(ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry)
    asm {
        MOVE.W     #LAPAddATQCall,D0    /* D0 selector $0017 = LAPAddATQ */
        MOVEA.L    theATQEntry,A0       /* A0 -> ATQ Proc */
        MOVEA.L    LAPMgrPtr,A1         /* Set up to call LAP Manager */
        JSR        LAPMgrCall(A1)       /* call LAP Manager */
        MOVE.W     D0,12(A6)            /* move result in D0 onto the stack */
pascal OSErr LAPRmvATQFix(ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry)
    asm {
        MOVE.W     #LAPRmvATQCall,D0    /* D0 selector $0018 = LAPRmvATQ */
        MOVEA.L    theATQEntry,A0       /* A0 -> ATQ Proc */
        MOVEA.L    LAPMgrPtr,A1         /* Set up to call LAP Manager */
        MOVE.L     (A7)+,(A7)           /* Move return address up 4 bytes */
        JSR        LAPMgrCall(A1)       /* call LAP Manager */
        MOVE.W     D0,12(A6)            /* move result in D0 onto the stack */
 * End file: ATQFix.c