Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
#include "Tumbler_globals.h" |
#include "Tumbler_prototypes.h" |
#include "QD3DShader.h" |
#include "QD3DStorage.h" |
#include "Tumbler_PICTImport.h" |
TQ3Boolean TextureFromPICT( |
PicHandle pict, |
TQ3StoragePixmap *bmap) |
{ |
unsigned long *texture_map; |
unsigned char *texture_map_addr; |
unsigned long *pict_map; |
unsigned long pict_map_addr; |
register unsigned long row; |
register unsigned long col; |
Rect rectGW; |
GWorldPtr pGWorld; |
PixMapHandle hPixMap; |
unsigned long pict_rowbytes; |
GDHandle oldGD; |
GWorldPtr oldGW; |
unsigned long textureSize; |
/* save current port */ |
GetGWorld(&oldGW, &oldGD); |
rectGW = (*pict)->picFrame; |
/* create the GWorld */ |
if(NewGWorld(&pGWorld, 32, &rectGW, 0, 0, 0) != noErr) { |
Alert(130, 0L); |
return(kQ3False); |
} |
if(pGWorld == nil) { |
Alert(130, 0L); |
return(kQ3False); |
} |
hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(pGWorld); |
pict_map_addr = (unsigned long) GetPixBaseAddr (hPixMap); |
pict_rowbytes = (unsigned long)(**hPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3fff; |
/* put the PICT into the window */ |
SetGWorld(pGWorld, nil); |
LockPixels(hPixMap); |
EraseRect(&rectGW); |
DrawPicture(pict, &rectGW); |
/* allocate an area of memory for the texture */ |
textureSize = (rectGW.right - rectGW.left) * (rectGW.bottom - * sizeof(unsigned long); |
texture_map = (unsigned long *)NewPtr(textureSize); |
if (texture_map == nil) { |
Alert(130, 0L); |
return(kQ3False); |
} |
bmap->width = rectGW.right - rectGW.left; |
bmap->height = rectGW.bottom -; |
bmap->rowBytes = bmap->width * 4; |
bmap->pixelSize = 32; |
bmap->pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB32; |
bmap->bitOrder = kQ3EndianBig ; |
bmap->byteOrder = kQ3EndianBig ; |
/* copy the PICT into the texture */ |
texture_map_addr = (unsigned char *) texture_map; |
for (row = 0L; row < bmap->height; row++) { |
pict_map = (unsigned long *)(pict_map_addr + (pict_rowbytes * row)); |
for (col = 0L; col < bmap->width; col++) { |
*texture_map++ = (*pict_map++|0xff000000L); |
} |
} |
bmap->image = Q3MemoryStorage_New(texture_map_addr, textureSize); |
UnlockPixels(hPixMap); |
/* restore port */ |
SetGWorld(oldGW, oldGD); |
/* free GWorld */ |
DisposeGWorld(pGWorld); |
DisposePtr((Ptr)texture_map_addr); |
return(kQ3True); |
} |
TQ3Status AddTextureToDocument(DocumentPtr theDocument, TQ3StoragePixmap *textureImage) |
{ |
TQ3TextureObject textureObject; |
TQ3GroupPosition position; |
TQ3Object firstObject; |
textureObject = Q3PixmapTexture_New(textureImage); |
if( textureObject ) { |
if( Q3Object_IsType(theDocument->documentGroup, kQ3GroupTypeDisplay) == kQ3True) { |
Q3Group_GetFirstPosition(theDocument->documentGroup, &position); |
Q3Group_GetPositionObject(theDocument->documentGroup, position, &firstObject); |
if( Q3Object_IsType(firstObject, kQ3SurfaceShaderTypeTexture) == kQ3True) { |
TQ3TextureObject oldTextureObject; |
TQ3StoragePixmap oldTextureImage; |
Q3TextureShader_GetTexture(firstObject, &oldTextureObject); |
Q3PixmapTexture_GetPixmap(oldTextureObject, &oldTextureImage); |
Q3Object_Dispose(oldTextureObject); |
Q3TextureShader_SetTexture(firstObject, textureObject); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureObject); |
} else { |
TQ3ShaderObject textureShader; |
textureShader = Q3TextureShader_New(textureObject); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureObject); |
//Q3Group_SetPositionObject(theDocument->documentGroup, position, theDocument->textureShader); |
Q3Group_AddObjectBefore(theDocument->documentGroup, position, textureShader); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureShader); |
} |
Q3Object_Dispose(firstObject); |
} else if( Q3Object_IsType(theDocument->documentGroup, kQ3DisplayGroupTypeOrdered) == kQ3True) { |
TQ3ShaderObject textureShader; |
Q3Group_GetFirstPositionOfType( |
theDocument->documentGroup, |
kQ3ShapeTypeShader, &position); |
if( position ) { |
Q3Group_GetPositionObject(theDocument->documentGroup, position, &firstObject); |
if( Q3Object_IsType(firstObject, kQ3SurfaceShaderTypeTexture) == kQ3True) { |
TQ3TextureObject oldTextureObject; |
TQ3StoragePixmap oldTextureImage; |
Q3TextureShader_GetTexture(firstObject, &oldTextureObject); |
Q3PixmapTexture_GetPixmap(oldTextureObject, &oldTextureImage); |
Q3Object_Dispose(oldTextureObject); |
Q3TextureShader_SetTexture(firstObject, textureObject); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureObject); |
} else { |
textureShader = Q3TextureShader_New(textureObject); |
if( textureShader ) { |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureObject); |
Q3Group_SetPositionObject(theDocument->documentGroup, position, textureShader); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureShader); |
} else { |
return(kQ3Failure); |
} |
} |
} else { |
textureShader = Q3TextureShader_New(textureObject); |
if( textureShader ) { |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureObject); |
Q3Group_AddObject(theDocument->documentGroup, textureShader); |
Q3Object_Dispose(textureShader); |
} else { |
return(kQ3Failure); |
} |
} |
} |
return(kQ3Success); |
} else { |
return(kQ3Failure); |
} |
} |
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