
//      Tumbler_main.c
//      main function for the Tumbler application
//      Author:     Nick Thompson & Pablo Fernicola, with thanks to the QuickDraw 3D team
//      Date:       Tuesday, January 14, 1992
//      Copyright © 1992-95 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#define _AllocateGlobals_
#include "Tumbler_globals.h"
#include "Tumbler_prototypes.h"
#include "Tumbler_AEVT.h"
#undef _AllocateGlobals_
#include "Tumbler_main.h"
#include "Tumbler_initialize.h"
#include "Tumbler_AEVT.h"
#include "Tumbler_event.h"
#include "Tumbler_podium.h"
#include "MyErrorHandler.h"
    const short kNumMoreMasters = 10 ;
    SetCursor(*GetCursor(watchCursor)) ;
    Podium_Init() ; 
    SplashSetUp() ;                         // put up a pretty picture to while away the time
    InitializeAppStuff( kNumMoreMasters ) ; // call maxApplZone and moremasters
    InitializeGlobals();                    // init our app globals
    InitAEStuff();                          // install our appleevent handlers
    SetupMenus();                           // setup them menus
    // install the error & warning handler - these get called whenever
    // errors or warnings occur, which means we don't have to check so 
    // much, since the debugging version of the library will let 
    // you know about problems
    Q3Error_Register( MyErrorHandler, 0L );     
    Q3Warning_Register( MyWarningHandler, 0L );     
    SetCursor(&qd.arrow) ;                  // set up the cursor to something useful
    SplashTearDown() ;                      // get rid of the splash screen
    EventLoop();                            // process events until the user quits