Shared Code/CalculatorKitExtensions.swift

    Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Creates an extension for the String class.
import Foundation
extension String {
    /// Determines whether the string is the Delete charater.
    var isDelete: Bool {
        return (self == "D")
    /// Determines whether the string is a period.
    var isPeriod: Bool {
        return (self == ".")
    /// Determines whether the string is the Clear charater.
    var isClear: Bool {
        return (self == "C")
    /// Determines whether the string is a period or a number between 0 and 9.
    var isValidDigit: Bool {
        let digits = "0123456789."
        return digits.contains(self)
    /// Determines whether the string is an operator such as +, -, *, or /.
    var isOperator: Bool {
        let operators = "+-*/"
        return operators.contains(self)
    /// Determines whether the string is an equal sign.
    var isEqualSign: Bool {
        return (self == "=")
    /// Determines whether a string is a valid character such as a digit, a.
    var isValidCharacter: Bool {
        return ( isValidDigit || isOperator || isDelete || isClear || isPeriod || isEqualSign)