
 Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 Model class for a Quiz.  Manages loading the quiz 
  data (questions, answers) from a plist file, vending questions, and recording 
@import Foundation;
#import "Question.h"
// Structure of the Questions.plist file
// Root
//  - QuestionsList (Array)
//      0 (Dictionary)
//          QuestionText (String): Text of the question.
//          AnswerText (Array): List of responses.
//              0 (String): Text of the response
//              ...
//          Answer (Number): Index in AnswerText of the correct response.
//      ...
extern NSString * const QuestionsListKey;
extern NSString * const QuestionTextKey;
extern NSString * const AnswerTextKey;
extern NSString * const AnswerKey;
@class QuestionViewController;
@interface Quiz : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (Question*)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSInteger)idx;
- (Question*)questionAtIndex:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)resetQuiz;
// Set the newQuiz as the currentQuiz of the view controller.
+ (void)setQuizOnQuestionViewController:(QuestionViewController *)controller;
#pragma mark - Statistics
//! The number of questions the user has answered correctly.
@property (readonly) NSUInteger correctlyAnsweredQuestions;
//! The number of questions the user has answered.
@property (readonly) NSUInteger answeredQuestions;
//! Total questions in the quiz.
@property (readonly) NSUInteger totalQuestions;
//! Percentage of correctly answered questions of the total questions
//! answered.
@property (readonly) float percentageScore;