Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
vfactor source/vecarith.c
/************************************************************** |
* |
* vecarith.c |
* |
* Routines for AltiVec-based giant arithmetic. |
* |
* |
* This package is part of ongoing research in the |
* Advanced Computation Group, Apple Computer. |
* |
* c. 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. |
* All Rights Reserved. |
* |
* |
*************************************************************/ |
/* |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
*/ |
#include "vecarith.h" |
#define GENERATE_CONSTANTS 1 // build constants using vec ops. or load them |
void VecMult( vector unsigned long *pVec1, |
unsigned long len1, |
vector unsigned long *pVec2, |
unsigned long len2, |
vector unsigned long *pResult) |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// index for current column of parallelogram that we are |
// summing products for |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long columnIndex; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// pointers to short and long arrays of vector digits |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long *pLongSrc, *pShortSrc; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// short and long count of 128-bit digits in arguments |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long shortcount, longcount; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// hi and lo vectors for sum of products for current column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long sumlo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long sumhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// carry from sums in current column that carry over into next |
// column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryNext = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// all-purpose zero register |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long zero = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors for selecting multiplicand vectors for |
// msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorLo; |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorHi; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterEven; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterOdd; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// pointers for convolution of vectors for partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long *pIncrementer; |
vector unsigned long *pDecrementer; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// bounds from which vector pointers start for column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long *pLongBound; |
vector unsigned long *pShortBound; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// count of how many 128-bit products are summed in the current |
// column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long productCount; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// figure out which vector is longer, and set up some counters |
// and pointers based on lengths. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (len1 > len2) { |
pLongSrc = pVec1; |
pShortSrc = pVec2; |
longcount = len1; |
shortcount = len2; |
} else { |
pLongSrc = pVec2; |
pShortSrc = pVec1; |
longcount = len2; |
shortcount = len1; |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// ******************** |
// ******************** |
// |
// if there are more than 16384 products in a column to be added |
// together, then our carry calculation will overflow. Note that |
// this will only occur if one of the multiplicands is over two |
// million bits long. If this situation needs to be handled, an |
// enhanced carry overflow calculation will have to be employed. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (longcount > 16384) { |
//DebugStr("\pvector multiply overflow"); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start bounds pointing at least significant vector of multiplicand |
// vector arrays. First column has only one product. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
pLongBound = pLongSrc; |
pShortBound = pShortSrc; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// first (rightmost) column has only one product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
productCount = 1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear all result vectors to zero |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < shortcount + longcount; columnIndex++) { |
pResult[columnIndex] = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Load or generate some constants that are needed for some |
// of the vector manipulations that are performed in the multiplies |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsl(0, (unsigned long*)0), |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsr(0, (unsigned long*)0)); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 08 09 0a 0b 18 19 1a 1b ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(8), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00010203 08090a0b 10111213 18191a1b |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterOdd, |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 04050607 0c0d0e0f 14151617 1c1d1e1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(4), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We generate two permute vectors that are used to select the high |
// and low bytes of the rightmost shorts in a vector. For example, |
// given the multiplicand vectors V1 and V2, we get the following |
// result: |
// |
// Given That: |
// ¥ V1:V2 = A B C D E F G H : I J K L M N P Q |
// (where each of {A....P} is a short) |
// ¥ÊswitchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c.... |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph.... |
// (High bytes of last two words) |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl.... |
// (Low bytes of last two words) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// 10,11,12....0x1D 0x1E 0x1F |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_lvsr(0, (int *)0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x0000 0000....0x191b 0x1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_pack((vector unsigned short)zero, (vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x1d1f, 1d1f, 1d1f....1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo, 7); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001d 001f, 001d, 001f.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_unpackl((vector signed char)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001f, 001d, 001f, 001d... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_sld(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorLo, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0001 0001 0001 0001... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat_u16(1); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e, 001c, 001e, 001c... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
#else |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d)); |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c)); |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x04050607, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x14151617, 0x1c1d1e1f)); |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x00010203, 0x08090a0b, 0x10111213, 0x18191a1b)); |
#endif |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// loop through each column of result vectors in the product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (columnIndex = 1; columnIndex < len1+len2; columnIndex++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors to keep running sum from msum operations |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoEvenBytes; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for calculating sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long tempsumhi, tempsumlo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for summing carries |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carrytemphi, carrytemplo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors for carries for hi, lo result vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryhi, carrylo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vector for carry into next column of results |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carrynext=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long p1, p2; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// indices for looping through pairs of multiplicand vectors |
// (outerLoop) and rows within vector product (innerLoop)_ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
int innerLoop, outerLoop; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start both pointers out at LSD. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
pIncrementer = pShortBound; |
pDecrementer = pLongBound; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear carries and sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
carryhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
carrylo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Loop through each pair of multiplicand vectors in the column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (outerLoop = 1; outerLoop <= productCount; outerLoop++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Here we calculate the product of the two vectors p1 and p2: |
// p1 = A B C D E F G H |
// p2 = a b c d e f g h |
// |
// This product can be viewed as the familiar parallelogram of |
// partial products: |
// |
// h*A h*B h*C h*D h*E h*F h*G h*H |
// g*A g*B g*C g*D g*E g*F g*G g*H |
// f*A f*B f*C f*D f*E f*F f*G f*H |
// e*A e*B e*C e*D e*E e*F e*G e*H |
// d*A d*B d*C d*D d*E d*F d*G d*H |
// c*A c*B c*C c*D c*E c*F c*G c*H |
// b*A b*B b*C b*D b*E b*F b*G b*H |
// a*A a*B a*C a*D a*E a*F a*G a*H |
// ------------------------------------------------------------ |
//column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand vectors for the msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalLo; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalLo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// get vector "digits" for each multiplicand |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
p1 = *pIncrementer++; |
p2 = *pDecrementer--; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Generate multiplicand vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned short)p1, (vector unsigned short)p1); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned short)p1, (vector unsigned short)p1); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift cand vectors over by one |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have these four partial multiplicand vectors: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (E, F, F, G, G, H, H, 0) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We go through the following loop two times, to calculate the |
// top four rows of the parallelogram (each time through the loop |
// we calculate two rows). We do this because we know that the |
// upper fourth of the result (corresponding to candHiVectorHorizontalHi) |
// is zero, so we don't need to perform that msum operation. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// generate other set of multiplicand vectors. The first time |
// through the loop, this will generate: |
// |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh) |
// |
// (where 'hl' is the low byte of the 16-bit element 'h', and |
// 'gh' is the high byte of the 16-bit element 'g'.) |
// |
// The second time through, it will generate: |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The msum operation takes arguments 1 and 2 and multiplies their |
// 16-bit elements together to yield 8 32-bit results. It then adds |
// results 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, yielding 4 32-bit results. Each of |
// these elements is added to the corresponding 32-bit element of |
// argument 3. So, if we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, 0) |
// |
// Then vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// and vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gl) |
// |
// The next time through the loop, when we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, A, A, B, B, C) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum( candHiVectorHorizontalLo, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
// |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = |
// (0, A*eh, (A*fh)+(B*eh), (B*fh)+(C*eh)+(A*gh)) |
// |
// Because the products are 24 bits each, we can add them together |
// without worrying about carries, since each element in the vectors |
// for the sums of partial products is 32 bits. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// perform partial products for low side of result |
// |
// first time through loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (0 0 0 0) |
// |
// then |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ((A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh)) |
// |
// second time through the loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (C, D, D, E, E, F, F, G) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh) ) |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh)+(C*fh)+(D*eh), |
// (B*hh)+(C*gh)+(D*fh)+(E*eh), |
// (C*hh)+(D*gh)+(E*fh)+(F*eh), |
// (D*hh)+(E*gh)+(F*fh)+(G*eh) ) |
// |
// Note that each of these four elements corresponds to the sums |
// of the partial products of the first four rows of columns 8-11 |
// in the above parallelogram. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 8); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift p2 right by 2 elements, so that our permute operation will |
// select the hi and lo bytes of the next-highest two elements. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
p2 = vec_sld(zero, p2, 12); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Perform a loop similar to the one above, except we do not do |
// the partial products for the low half of the low vector, since |
// we know that it will be zero. The partial products of these |
// msums will be added to the results of the previous loop. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumHiOddBytes); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p2 = vec_sld(zero, p2, 12); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The loop above adds at most four partial products to each |
// sum accumulator (currentHiSumHiOddBytes, etc...), each of |
// which is at most 24 bits, which means that the result is |
// at most 26 bits. Since each vector element is 32 bits, |
// we can go through the above set of msum calculations 64 |
// times at most before we saturate the accumulator vectors. |
// If we have either reached the end of the loop, or if we |
// have reached saturation, we permute these partial sums into |
// the form we need them in to add them together, and then add |
// them and calculate the carries. |
if ( (!(outerLoop & 0x3f)) || outerLoop == productCount) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we have eight result vectors that are the sum of partial |
// products: |
// |
// |
// currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = r8 |
// currentLoSumLoOddBytes = r7 |
// currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = r6 |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = r5 |
// currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = r4 |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = r3 |
// currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = r2 |
// currentHiSumHiOddBytes = r1 |
// |
// If each vector is broken down into four elements (i.e. |
// r1 = (r1A, r1B, r1C, r1D), then the vector elements need |
// to be added together in positions represented in this |
// chart: |
// |
// Byte position: |
// -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ' |---- r1D -----| ' |---- r5D -----| |
// ' |---- r1C -----| ' |---- r5C -----| |
// |---- r1B -----| |---- r5B -----| |
// |---- r1A -----| |---- r5A -----| |
// ' |---- r2D -----| ' |---- r6D -----| |
// ' |---- r2C -----| ' |---- r6C -----| |
// |---- r2B -----| |---- r6B -----| |
// |---- r2A -----| |---- r2A -----| |
// ' |---- r3D -----| ' |---- r7D -----| |
// ' |---- r3C -----| ' |---- r7C -----| |
// ' |---- r3B -----| ' |---- r7B -----| |
// ' |---- r3A -----| ' |---- r7A -----| |
// ' |---- r4D -----|' |---- r8D -----| |
// ' |---- r4C ----- | ' |---- r8C -----| |
// ' |---- r4B -----| ' |---- r8B -----| |
// ' |---- r4A -----| ' |---- r8A -----| |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ^ vector boundary ^ vector boundary |
// |
// To do this, we permute out of these vectors to create new |
// vectors that have non-overlapping elements. For example, |
// we create the vectors |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2B, r2D, r4B, r4D) |
// tempsumlo = (r6B, r6D, r8B, r8D) |
// |
// which can then be added into our final result vectors. |
// |
// |
// In the case of: |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2A, r2C, r4A, r4C) |
// tempsumlo = (r6A, r6C, r8A, r8C) |
// |
// these vectors must be shifted left by 16 bits before |
// being added in to the result. Note that this makes |
// the top 16 bits of tempsumhi overflow the high vector. |
// This overflow is accumulated as a carry for the next |
// column of calculations. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require no shifting |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// figure out carry from adding to sum |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add in carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 8 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the next carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 1); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 1); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 1); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 2); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 2); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 2); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 3); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 3); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 3); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Now, if we're going through the loop again, we need to clear |
// our partial product sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (outerLoop != productCount) { |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
} |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We have finished adding all partial products together, so now |
// we need to reconcile all carries. We repeatedly shift the |
// carries left by 32 bits, add them, and figure out the new |
// resulting carry. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
do { |
// add any overflow to carry for next column |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, vec_sld(zero, carryhi, 4)); |
// shift carries left 32 bits |
carryhi = vec_sld(carryhi, carrylo, 4); |
carrylo = vec_sld(carrylo, zero, 4); |
// figure out new high carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(carryhi, sumhi); |
// add carry to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(carryhi, sumhi); |
// save new carry |
carryhi = carrytemphi; |
// figure out new low carry |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(carrylo, sumlo); |
// add carry to sum |
sumlo = vec_add(carrylo, sumlo); |
// save new carry |
carrylo = carrytemplo; |
} while (!vec_all_eq(zero, vec_or(carryhi, carrylo))); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// save this result, and increment pointer for storage of |
// next result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
*pResult++ = sumlo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// This column's high result is added in as part of next column's |
// low result, and our carry goes in to the next columns high |
// result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
sumlo = sumhi; |
sumhi = carrynext; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// move bounds pointers to point to new bounds of 128-bit |
// multiplicand elements. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (columnIndex < shortcount) { |
pLongBound++; |
productCount++; |
} else if (columnIndex < longcount) { |
pLongBound++; |
} else { |
productCount--; |
pShortBound++; |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// save the final column's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
*pResult = sumlo; |
} |
void VecSquare( vector unsigned long *pVec1, |
unsigned long len1, |
vector unsigned long *pResult) |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// index for current column of parallelogram that we are |
// summing products for |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long columnIndex; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// hi and lo vectors for sum of products for current column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long sumlo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long sumhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// carry from sums in current column that carry over into next |
// column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryNext = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// all-purpose zero register |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long zero = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors for selecting multiplicand vectors for |
// msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorLo; |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorHi; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterEven; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterOdd; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// pointers for convolution of vectors for partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long *pIncrementer; |
vector unsigned long *pDecrementer; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// bounds from which vector pointers start for column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long *pTopBound; |
vector unsigned long *pBottomBound; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// count of how many 128-bit products are summed in the current |
// column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long productCount; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// set to true if current partial product is added in to the |
// current column only once |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
long singleadd; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// true if next product will only be added once |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
long singlenext; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// true if this is the last product for the current column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
long lastproduct; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// count of how many times we've been through outer loop in column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
int outerloopcount=0; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// ******************** |
// ******************** |
// |
// if there are more than 16384 products in a column to be added |
// together, then our carry calculation will overflow. Note that |
// this will only occur if one of the multiplicands is over two |
// million bits long. If this situation needs to be handled, an |
// enhanced carry overflow calculation will have to be employed. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (len1 > 16384) { |
//DebugStr("\pvector multiply overflow"); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start bounds pointing at least significant vector of multiplicand |
// vector arrays. First column has only one product. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
pTopBound = pVec1; |
pBottomBound = pVec1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// first (rightmost) column has only one product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
productCount = 1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear all result vectors to zero |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < 2*len1; columnIndex++) { |
pResult[columnIndex] = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Load or generate some constants that are needed for some |
// of the vector manipulations that are performed in the multiplies |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsl(0, (unsigned long*)0), |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsr(0, (unsigned long*)0)); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 08 09 0a 0b 18 19 1a 1b ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(8), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00010203 08090a0b 10111213 18191a1b |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterOdd, |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 04050607 0c0d0e0f 14151617 1c1d1e1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(4), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We generate two permute vectors that are used to select the high |
// and low bytes of the rightmost shorts in a vector. For example, |
// given the multiplicand vectors V1 and V2, we get the following |
// result: |
// |
// Given That: |
// ¥ V1:V2 = A B C D E F G H : I J K L M N P Q |
// (where each of {A....P} is a short) |
// ¥ÊswitchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c.... |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph.... |
// (High bytes of last two words) |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl.... |
// (Low bytes of last two words) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// 10,11,12....0x1D 0x1E 0x1F |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_lvsr(0, (int *)0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x0000 0000....0x191b 0x1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_pack((vector unsigned short)zero, (vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x1d1f, 1d1f, 1d1f....1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo, 7); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001d 001f, 001d, 001f.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_unpackl((vector signed char)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001f, 001d, 001f, 001d... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_sld(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorLo, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0001 0001 0001 0001... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat_u16(1); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e, 001c, 001e, 001c... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
#else |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d)); |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c)); |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x04050607, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x14151617, 0x1c1d1e1f)); |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x00010203, 0x08090a0b, 0x10111213, 0x18191a1b)); |
#endif |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// loop through each column of result vectors in the product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (columnIndex = 1; columnIndex < 2*len1; columnIndex++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors to keep running sum from msum operations |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoEvenBytes; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for calculating sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long tempsumhi, tempsumlo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for summing carries |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carrytemphi, carrytemplo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors for carries for hi, lo result vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryhi, carrylo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vector for carry into next column of results |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carrynext=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long p1, p2; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// index for looping through rows within the current column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
int innerLoop; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start pointers off at opposite bounds |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
pIncrementer = pBottomBound; |
pDecrementer = pTopBound; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear carries and sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
carryhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
carrylo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Loop through each pair of multiplicands |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
do { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Here we calculate the product of the two vectors p1 and p2: |
// p1 = A B C D E F G H |
// p2 = a b c d e f g h |
// |
// This product can be viewed as the familiar parallelogram of |
// partial products: |
// |
// h*A h*B h*C h*D h*E h*F h*G h*H |
// g*A g*B g*C g*D g*E g*F g*G g*H |
// f*A f*B f*C f*D f*E f*F f*G f*H |
// e*A e*B e*C e*D e*E e*F e*G e*H |
// d*A d*B d*C d*D d*E d*F d*G d*H |
// c*A c*B c*C c*D c*E c*F c*G c*H |
// b*A b*B b*C b*D b*E b*F b*G b*H |
// a*A a*B a*C a*D a*E a*F a*G a*H |
// ------------------------------------------------------------ |
//column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand vectors for the msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalLo; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalLo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// get vector "digits" for each multiplicand |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
p1 = *pIncrementer; |
p2 = *pDecrementer; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Generate multiplicand vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned short)p1, (vector unsigned short)p1); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned short)p1, (vector unsigned short)p1); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift cand vectors over by one |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have these four partial multiplicand vectors: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (E, F, F, G, G, H, H, 0) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We go through the following loop two times, to calculate the |
// top four rows of the parallelogram (each time through the loop |
// we calculate two rows). We do this because we know that the |
// upper fourth of the result (corresponding to candHiVectorHorizontalHi) |
// is zero, so we don't need to perform that msum operation. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// generate other set of multiplicand vectors. The first time |
// through the loop, this will generate: |
// |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh) |
// |
// (where 'hl' is the low byte of the 16-bit element 'h', and |
// 'gh' is the high byte of the 16-bit element 'g'.) |
// |
// The second time through, it will generate: |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The msum operation takes arguments 1 and 2 and multiplies their |
// 16-bit elements together to yield 8 32-bit results. It then adds |
// results 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, yielding 4 32-bit results. Each of |
// these elements is added to the corresponding 32-bit element of |
// argument 3. So, if we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, 0) |
// |
// Then vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// and vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gl) |
// |
// The next time through the loop, when we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, A, A, B, B, C) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum( candHiVectorHorizontalLo, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
// |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = |
// (0, A*eh, (A*fh)+(B*eh), (B*fh)+(C*eh)+(A*gh)) |
// |
// Because the products are 24 bits each, we can add them together |
// without worrying about carries, since each element in the vectors |
// for the sums of partial products is 32 bits. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// perform partial products for low side of result |
// |
// first time through loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (0 0 0 0) |
// |
// then |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ((A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh)) |
// |
// second time through the loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (C, D, D, E, E, F, F, G) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh) ) |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh)+(C*fh)+(D*eh), |
// (B*hh)+(C*gh)+(D*fh)+(E*eh), |
// (C*hh)+(D*gh)+(E*fh)+(F*eh), |
// (D*hh)+(E*gh)+(F*fh)+(G*eh) ) |
// |
// Note that each of these four elements corresponds to the sums |
// of the partial products of the first four rows of columns 8-11 |
// in the above parallelogram. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 8); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift p2 right by 2 elements, so that our permute operation will |
// select the hi and lo bytes of the next-highest two elements. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
p2 = vec_sld(zero, p2, 12); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Perform a loop similar to the one above, except we do not do |
// the partial products for the low half of the low vector, since |
// we know that it will be zero. The partial products of these |
// msums will be added to the results of the previous loop. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
(vector unsigned short)p2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumHiOddBytes); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p2 = vec_sld(zero, p2, 12); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The loop above adds at most four partial products to each sum |
// accumulator (currentHiSumHiOddBytes, etc...), each of which is |
// at most 24 bits, which means that the result is at most 26 bits. |
// We can add at most 32 of these together before the resulting |
// sums will be 31 bits, which gives us room to double the sums |
// without overflowing. We want to provide room to double the |
// sums because we can take advantage of an optimization while |
// squaring a number. In the columns of sums for a squared |
// value, some products appear twice. For example: |
// |
// A*E |
// B*D |
// C*C |
// D*B |
// E*A |
// |
// So, we know that if we are pointing at two different vector |
// digits, then their product should be added in twice to the |
// end sum. By doubling these sums, we only have to perform |
// approximately 1/2 the multiplications. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// if the multiplicand vectors are the same, we only add their |
// product in once to the accumulated sum. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
singleadd = (pIncrementer++ == pDecrementer--); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// if the pointers for the next multiplicand vectors are the same, |
// then the next product will only be added in once. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
singlenext = (pIncrementer == pDecrementer); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// if the pointers have passed one another, then this is the last |
// product in the column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
lastproduct = pDecrementer < pIncrementer; |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// each of the sums of partial products is the sum of four partial products that are at most |
// 25 bits each, which means that the sums will be at most 27 bits. We can add a total of |
// 32 of these together before we will overflow the sums, so we will check for that here. If |
// we have reached saturation, we permute these partial sums into the form we need to add them |
// together, and then add them and calculate the carries. We also do this if it's the last |
// time through the loop, or the second to last, so that we can do the last (single) add |
// separately |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// If we have reached a saturation point for our accumulators (we |
// have gone through the loop 32 times), or if the next product |
// is one that doesn't get doubled, or if this is the last product |
// that we add, then we add our results to the end sum. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if ( (!(++outerloopcount & 0x1f)) || (singlenext | lastproduct)) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// If this product isn't added in only once, then we double |
// all of the accumulated products. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (!singleadd) { |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_add(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = vec_add(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = vec_add(currentLoSumLoOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_add(currentHiSumLoOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_add(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = vec_add(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = vec_add(currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_add(currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we have eight result vectors that are the sum of partial |
// products: |
// |
// |
// currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = r8 |
// currentLoSumLoOddBytes = r7 |
// currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = r6 |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = r5 |
// currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = r4 |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = r3 |
// currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = r2 |
// currentHiSumHiOddBytes = r1 |
// |
// If each vector is broken down into four elements (i.e. |
// r1 = (r1A, r1B, r1C, r1D), then the vector elements need |
// to be added together in positions represented in this |
// chart: |
// |
// Byte position: |
// -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ' |---- r1D -----| ' |---- r5D -----| |
// ' |---- r1C -----| ' |---- r5C -----| |
// |---- r1B -----| |---- r5B -----| |
// |---- r1A -----| |---- r5A -----| |
// ' |---- r2D -----| ' |---- r6D -----| |
// ' |---- r2C -----| ' |---- r6C -----| |
// |---- r2B -----| |---- r6B -----| |
// |---- r2A -----| |---- r2A -----| |
// ' |---- r3D -----| ' |---- r7D -----| |
// ' |---- r3C -----| ' |---- r7C -----| |
// ' |---- r3B -----| ' |---- r7B -----| |
// ' |---- r3A -----| ' |---- r7A -----| |
// ' |---- r4D -----|' |---- r8D -----| |
// ' |---- r4C ----- | ' |---- r8C -----| |
// ' |---- r4B -----| ' |---- r8B -----| |
// ' |---- r4A -----| ' |---- r8A -----| |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ^ vector boundary ^ vector boundary |
// |
// To do this, we permute out of these vectors to create new |
// vectors that have non-overlapping elements. For example, |
// we create the vectors |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2B, r2D, r4B, r4D) |
// tempsumlo = (r6B, r6D, r8B, r8D) |
// |
// which can then be added into our final result vectors. |
// |
// |
// In the case of: |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2A, r2C, r4A, r4C) |
// tempsumlo = (r6A, r6C, r8A, r8C) |
// |
// these vectors must be shifted left by 16 bits before |
// being added in to the result. Note that this makes |
// the top 16 bits of tempsumhi overflow the high vector. |
// This overflow is accumulated as a carry for the next |
// column of calculations. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require no shifting |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// figure out carry from adding to sum |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add in carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 8 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the next carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 1); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 1); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 1); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 2); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 2); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 2); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// figure out how much shifts out of the vector, and add it to the carry |
carrytemphi = vec_sld(zero, tempsumhi, 3); |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, carrytemphi); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 3); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 3); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Now, if we're going through the loop again, we need to clear |
// our partial product sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (!lastproduct) { |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// continue this loop while there are more products to calculate |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
} while (!lastproduct); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We have finished adding all partial products together, so now |
// we need to reconcile all carries. We repeatedly shift the |
// carries left by 32 bits, add them, and figure out the new |
// resulting carry. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
do { |
// add any overflow to carry for next column |
carrynext = vec_add(carrynext, vec_sld(zero, carryhi, 4)); |
// shift carries left 32 bits |
carryhi = vec_sld(carryhi, carrylo, 4); |
carrylo = vec_sld(carrylo, zero, 4); |
// figure out new high carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(carryhi, sumhi); |
// add carry to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(carryhi, sumhi); |
// save new carry |
carryhi = carrytemphi; |
// figure out new low carry |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(carrylo, sumlo); |
// add carry to sum |
sumlo = vec_add(carrylo, sumlo); |
// save new carry |
carrylo = carrytemplo; |
} while (!vec_all_eq(zero, vec_or(carryhi, carrylo))); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// save this result, and increment pointer for storage of |
// next result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
*pResult++ = sumlo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// This column's high result is added in as part of next column's |
// low result, and our carry goes in to the next columns high |
// result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
sumlo = sumhi; |
sumhi = carrynext; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// move bounds pointers to point to new bounds of 128-bit |
// multiplicand elements. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
if (columnIndex < len1) { |
pTopBound++; |
productCount++; |
} else { |
productCount--; |
pBottomBound++; |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// save the final column's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
*pResult = sumlo; |
} |
void VecMult1( vector unsigned long *pMultiplier, |
unsigned long vecCount, |
vector unsigned long *pVectors, |
vector unsigned long *pDest) |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// index for current vector digit that we are multiplying by |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
unsigned long columnIndex; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// hi and lo vectors for sum of products for current column |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long sumlo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long sumhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// carry from sums in current column that carry over into next |
// column. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryNext = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// all-purpose zero register |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long zero = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors for selecting multiplicand vectors for |
// msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorLo; |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorHi; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterEven; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterOdd; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand by which we multiply array of vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long vMultiplier = *pMultiplier; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Load or generate some constants that are needed for some |
// of the vector manipulations that are performed in the multiplies |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsl(0, (unsigned long*)0), |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsr(0, (unsigned long*)0)); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 08 09 0a 0b 18 19 1a 1b ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(8), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00010203 08090a0b 10111213 18191a1b |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterOdd, |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 04050607 0c0d0e0f 14151617 1c1d1e1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(4), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We generate two permute vectors that are used to select the high |
// and low bytes of the rightmost shorts in a vector. For example, |
// given the multiplicand vectors V1 and V2, we get the following |
// result: |
// |
// Given That: |
// ¥ V1:V2 = A B C D E F G H : I J K L M N P Q |
// (where each of {A....P} is a short) |
// ¥ÊswitchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c.... |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph.... |
// (High bytes of last two words) |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl.... |
// (Low bytes of last two words) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// 10,11,12....0x1D 0x1E 0x1F |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_lvsr(0, (int *)0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x0000 0000....0x191b 0x1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_pack((vector unsigned short)zero, (vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x1d1f, 1d1f, 1d1f....1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo, 7); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001d 001f, 001d, 001f.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_unpackl((vector signed char)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001f, 001d, 001f, 001d... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_sld(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorLo, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0001 0001 0001 0001... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat_u16(1); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e, 001c, 001e, 001c... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
#else |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d)); |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c)); |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x04050607, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x14151617, 0x1c1d1e1f)); |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x00010203, 0x08090a0b, 0x10111213, 0x18191a1b)); |
#endif |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// loop through each column of result vectors in the product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (columnIndex = 1; columnIndex < vecCount+1; columnIndex++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors to keep running sum from msum operations |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentLoSumLoEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentHiSumLoEvenBytes; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for calculating sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long tempsumhi, tempsumlo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// temporary vectors for summing carries |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carrytemphi, carrytemplo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors for carries for hi, lo result vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryhi, carrylo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// current vector from array that is used as multiplicand |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long currentVector; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// index for looping through rows within vector product |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
int innerLoop; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear carries and sums |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
carryhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
carrylo = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Here we calculate the product of the two vectors p1 and p2: |
// p1 = A B C D E F G H |
// p2 = a b c d e f g h |
// |
// This product can be viewed as the familiar parallelogram of |
// partial products: |
// |
// h*A h*B h*C h*D h*E h*F h*G h*H |
// g*A g*B g*C g*D g*E g*F g*G g*H |
// f*A f*B f*C f*D f*E f*F f*G f*H |
// e*A e*B e*C e*D e*E e*F e*G e*H |
// d*A d*B d*C d*D d*E d*F d*G d*H |
// c*A c*B c*C c*D c*E c*F c*G c*H |
// b*A b*B b*C b*D b*E b*F b*G b*H |
// a*A a*B a*C a*D a*E a*F a*G a*H |
// ------------------------------------------------------------ |
//column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// multiplicand vectors for the msum operation |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candHiVectorHorizontalLo; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalHi; |
vector unsigned short candLoVectorHorizontalLo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vector that we use to permute out of for multiplicand vector |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned short selectBLo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// get vector "digit" for multiplicand |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentVector = *pVectors++; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Generate multiplicand vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned short)currentVector, (vector unsigned short)currentVector); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (vector unsigned short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned short)currentVector, (vector unsigned short)currentVector); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (vector unsigned short)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift cand vectors over by one |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 2); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have these four partial multiplicand vectors: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalHi = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candLoVectorHorizontalLo = (E, F, F, G, G, H, H, 0) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectBLo = (vector unsigned short)vMultiplier; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We go through the following loop two times, to calculate the |
// top four rows of the parallelogram (each time through the loop |
// we calculate two rows). We do this because we know that the |
// upper fourth of the result (corresponding to candHiVectorHorizontalHi) |
// is zero, so we don't need to perform that msum operation. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// generate other set of multiplicand vectors. The first time |
// through the loop, this will generate: |
// |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl 00hl 00gl) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh 00hh 00gh) |
// |
// (where 'hl' is the low byte of the 16-bit element 'h', and |
// 'gh' is the high byte of the 16-bit element 'g'.) |
// |
// The second time through, it will generate: |
// candVectorLoBytes = (00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el 00fl 00el) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh 00fh 00eh) |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// The msum operation takes arguments 1 and 2 and multiplies their |
// 16-bit elements together to yield 8 32-bit results. It then adds |
// results 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, yielding 4 32-bit results. Each of |
// these elements is added to the corresponding 32-bit element of |
// argument 3. So, if we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, 0) |
// |
// Then vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// and vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
// will produce: |
// |
// (0, 0, 0, A*gl) |
// |
// The next time through the loop, when we have: |
// |
// candHiVectorHorizontalLo = (0, 0, 0, A, A, B, B, C) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = (0, 0, 0, A*gh) |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum( candHiVectorHorizontalLo, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
// |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = |
// (0, A*eh, (A*fh)+(B*eh), (B*fh)+(C*eh)+(A*gh)) |
// |
// Because the products are 24 bits each, we can add them together |
// without worrying about carries, since each element in the vectors |
// for the sums of partial products is 32 bits. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// perform partial products for low side of result |
// |
// first time through loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (A, B, B, C, C, D, D, E) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh, 00hh, 00gh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = (0 0 0 0) |
// |
// then |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ((A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh)) |
// |
// second time through the loop: |
// candLoVectorHorizontalHi = (C, D, D, E, E, F, F, G) |
// candVectorHiBytes = (00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh, 00fh, 00eh) |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh), (B*hh)+(C*gh), (C*hh)+(D*gh), (D*hh)+(E*gh) ) |
// |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum( candLoVectorHorizontalHi, |
// candVectorHiBytes, |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes) |
// will produce: |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = ( (A*hh)+(B*gh)+(C*fh)+(D*eh), |
// (B*hh)+(C*gh)+(D*fh)+(E*eh), |
// (C*hh)+(D*gh)+(E*fh)+(F*eh), |
// (D*hh)+(E*gh)+(F*fh)+(G*eh) ) |
// |
// Note that each of these four elements corresponds to the sums |
// of the partial products of the first four rows of columns 8-11 |
// in the above parallelogram. |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentLoSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes); |
currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift high multiplicand vectors left by 4 elements (8 bytes) |
// for next time through loop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candLoVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 8); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift selectBLo right by 2 elements, so that our permute |
// operation will select the hi and lo bytes of the next-highest |
// two elements. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectBLo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBLo, 12); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Perform a loop similar to the one above, except we do not do |
// the partial products for the low half of the low vector, since |
// we know that it will be zero. The partial products of these |
// msums will be added to the results of the previous loop. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < 2; innerLoop++) { |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentHiSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumHiOddBytes); |
currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumHiEvenBytes); |
currentHiSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes); |
currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes); |
candHiVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalHi, candHiVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
candHiVectorHorizontalLo = vec_sld(candHiVectorHorizontalLo, candLoVectorHorizontalHi, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
currentLoSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentLoSumHiOddBytes); |
currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentLoSumHiEvenBytes); |
candLoVectorHorizontalHi = vec_sld(candLoVectorHorizontalHi, candLoVectorHorizontalLo, 8); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
selectBLo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBLo, 12); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we have eight result vectors that are the sum of partial |
// products: |
// |
// |
// currentLoSumLoEvenBytes = r8 |
// currentLoSumLoOddBytes = r7 |
// currentLoSumHiEvenBytes = r6 |
// currentLoSumHiOddBytes = r5 |
// currentHiSumLoEvenBytes = r4 |
// currentHiSumLoOddBytes = r3 |
// currentHiSumHiEvenBytes = r2 |
// currentHiSumHiOddBytes = r1 |
// |
// If each vector is broken down into four elements (i.e. |
// r1 = (r1A, r1B, r1C, r1D), then the vector elements need |
// to be added together in positions represented in this |
// chart: |
// |
// Byte position: |
// -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ' |---- r1D -----| ' |---- r5D -----| |
// ' |---- r1C -----| ' |---- r5C -----| |
// |---- r1B -----| |---- r5B -----| |
// |---- r1A -----| |---- r5A -----| |
// ' |---- r2D -----| ' |---- r6D -----| |
// ' |---- r2C -----| ' |---- r6C -----| |
// |---- r2B -----| |---- r6B -----| |
// |---- r2A -----| |---- r2A -----| |
// ' |---- r3D -----| ' |---- r7D -----| |
// ' |---- r3C -----| ' |---- r7C -----| |
// ' |---- r3B -----| ' |---- r7B -----| |
// ' |---- r3A -----| ' |---- r7A -----| |
// ' |---- r4D -----|' |---- r8D -----| |
// ' |---- r4C ----- | ' |---- r8C -----| |
// ' |---- r4B -----| ' |---- r8B -----| |
// ' |---- r4A -----| ' |---- r8A -----| |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ^ vector boundary ^ vector boundary |
// |
// To do this, we permute out of these vectors to create new |
// vectors that have non-overlapping elements. For example, |
// we create the vectors |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2B, r2D, r4B, r4D) |
// tempsumlo = (r6B, r6D, r8B, r8D) |
// |
// which can then be added into our final result vectors. |
// |
// |
// In the case of: |
// |
// tempsumhi = (r2A, r2C, r4A, r4C) |
// tempsumlo = (r6A, r6C, r8A, r8C) |
// |
// these vectors must be shifted left by 16 bits before |
// being added in to the result. Note that this makes |
// the top 16 bits of tempsumhi overflow the high vector. |
// This overflow is accumulated as a carry for the next |
// column of calculations. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require no shifting |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// figure out carry from adding to sum |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add in carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 8 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 1); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 1); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to existing carries |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiEvenBytes, currentHiSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiEvenBytes, currentLoSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 2); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 2); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// add in vector elements which require shifting 16 bits left |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// select out elements |
tempsumhi = vec_perm(currentHiSumHiOddBytes, currentHiSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempsumlo = vec_perm(currentLoSumHiOddBytes, currentLoSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
// shift elements |
tempsumhi = vec_sld(tempsumhi, tempsumlo, 3); |
tempsumlo = vec_sld(tempsumlo, zero, 3); |
// figure out carry |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
// add carry to previous carry |
carryhi = vec_add(carryhi, carrytemphi); |
carrylo = vec_add(carrylo, carrytemplo); |
// add to sum |
sumhi = vec_add(tempsumhi, sumhi); |
sumlo = vec_add(tempsumlo, sumlo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We have finished adding all partial products together, so now |
// we need to reconcile all carries. We repeatedly shift the |
// carries left by 32 bits, add them, and figure out the new |
// resulting carry. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
do { |
carryhi = vec_sld(carryhi, carrylo, 4); |
carrylo = vec_sld(carrylo, zero, 4); |
carrytemphi = vec_addc(carryhi, sumhi); |
sumhi = vec_add(carryhi, sumhi); |
carryhi = carrytemphi; |
carrytemplo = vec_addc(carrylo, sumlo); |
sumlo = vec_add(carrylo, sumlo); |
carrylo = carrytemplo; |
} while (!vec_all_eq(zero, vec_or(carryhi, carrylo))); |
*pDest++ = sumlo; |
sumlo = sumhi; |
sumhi = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
} |
*pDest = sumlo; |
} |
/* |
mult2by2 multiplies two 256-bit values to compute a 512-bit result. The two |
multiplicand vectors (A and B), for the sake of representation, are broken |
down into 16-bit elements A-P: |
A = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P |
B = a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p |
With the full result written out as: |
X X X X X X X X | Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y|||A B C D E F G H | I J K L M N O P |
X X X X X X X X | Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y|||a b c d e f g h | i j k l m n o p |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p*A p*B p*C p*D p*E p*F p*G p*H p*I p*J p*K p*L p*M p*N p*O p*P |
o*A o*B o*C o*D o*E o*F o*G o*H o*I o*J o*K o*L o*M o*N o*O o*P |
n*A n*B n*C n*D n*E n*F n*G n*H n*I n*J n*K n*L n*M n*N n*O n*P |
m*A m*B m*C m*D m*E m*F m*G m*H m*I m*J m*K m*L m*M m*N m*m m*P |
l*A l*B l*C l*D l*E l*F l*G l*H l*I l*J l*K l*L l*M l*N l*O l*P |
k*A k*B k*C k*D k*E k*F k*G k*H k*I k*J k*K k*L k*M k*N k*O k*P |
j*A j*B j*C j*D j*E j*F j*G j*H j*I j*J j*K j*L j*M j*N j*O j*P |
i*A i*B i*C i*D i*E i*F i*G i*H i*I i*J i*K i*L i*M i*N i*O i*P |
h*A h*B h*C h*D h*E h*F h*G h*I h*I h*J h*K h*L h*M h*N h*O h*P |
g*A g*B g*C g*D g*E g*F g*G g*H g*I g*J g*K g*L g*M g*N g*O g*P |
f*A f*B f*C f*D f*E f*F f*G f*H f*I f*J f*K f*L f*M f*N f*O f*P |
e*A e*B e*C e*D e*E e*F e*G e*H e*I e*J e*K e*L e*M e*N e*O e*P |
d*A d*B d*C d*D d*E d*F d*G d*H d*I d*J d*K d*L d*M d*N d*O d*P |
c*A c*B c*C c*D c*E c*F c*G c*H c*I c*J c*K c*L c*M c*N c*O c*P |
b*A b*B b*C b*D b*E b*F b*G b*H b*I b*J b*K b*L b*M b*N b*O b*P |
a*A a*B a*C a*D a*E a*F a*G a*H a*I a*J a*K a*L a*M a*N a*O a*P |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Section 3 | Section 2 | Section 1 | Section 0 | |
The rightmost portion (section 0) of the partial products parallelogram looks like this: |
p*I p*J p*K p*L p*M p*N p*O p*P |
o*J o*K o*L o*M o*N o*O o*P |
n*K n*L n*M n*N n*O n*P |
m*L m*M m*N m*m m*P |
l*M l*N l*O l*P |
k*N k*O k*P |
j*O j*P |
i*P |
Taking the top two rows: |
p*I p*J p*K p*L p*M p*N p*O p*P |
o*J o*K o*L o*M o*N o*O o*P |
We see that the sum of these two rows is the sum of four vectors of partial |
products, where p' is the low byte of halfword p, and p" is the high byte |
of halfword p: |
I*p' J*p' K*p' L*p' M*p' N*p' O*p' P*p' |
J*o' K*o' L*o' M*o' N*o' O*o' P*o' -- |
I*p" J*p" K*p" L*p" M*p" N*p" O*p" P*p" |
+ J*o" K*p" L*p" M*p" N*p" O*p" P*p" -- |
--------------------------------------------------- |
The first column is then [(I*p')+(J*o')] + [((I*p")+(J*o")) << 8)] |
So, if we generate the vectors: |
v1 = I J J K K L L M |
u1 = p' o' p' o' p' o' p' o' |
where I, J, etc. are 16-bit values, and p', o' are 16 bit values, with the MSB |
being 0, then by performing an msum on 16-bit elements, we get the following: |
r1 = vec_msum(v1, u1, W); |
r1 = I*p'+J*o'+W(0) J*p'+K*o'+W(1) K*p'L*o'+W(2) L*p'+M*o'+W(3) |
where each element is a 32-bit result, with W(n) being the nth 32-bit |
element in the vector W, i.e. |
W = W0|W1|W2|W3 |
So, given the four partial-product rows and the msum operation, we can |
similarly calculate these other three vectors: |
r2 = I*p"+J*o"+X(0) J*p"+K*o"+X(1) K*p'+L*o"+X(2) L*p"+M*o"+X(3) |
r3 = M*p'+N*o'+Y(0) N*p'+O*o'+Y(1) O*p'+P*o'+Y(2) 0+Y(3) |
r4 = M*p"+N*o"+Z(0) N*p"+O*o"+Z(1) O*p"+P*o"+Z(2) 0+Z(3) |
We then assign these four vectors to W, X, Y, and Z, respectively, and |
calculate r1 thru r4 for the next two rows down in our result, specifically: |
n*K n*L n*M n*N n*O n*P --- --- |
m*L m*M m*N m*O m*P --- --- --- |
Because we have assigned the previous rows' results to W X Y Z, |
at the end, we end up with the four partial sums of the eight columns |
for all four rows, since the previous results get added in during the |
msum operation. |
Continuing this iteratively through all rows, we end up with four |
vectors containing partial sums for each column. Because the result |
of each 8*16 bit multiply is 24 bits, and we're adding a total of at |
most 8 of them together, we know that each partial sum will not overflow |
its 32-bit vector element, thus eliminating any need for dealing with carries. |
The next step is to add these vectors together into one result. The problem |
is that we have a 32-bit result for each column, which must be added in-place |
in a 16-bit position, with the carry accounted for. To facilitate this we divide |
each result vector into 32-bit values as follows: |
r1 = r1A r1B r1C r1D (high byte, high side of sum) |
r2 = r2A r2B r2C r2D (low byte, high side of sum) |
r3 = r3A r3B r3C r3D (high byte, low side of sum) |
r4 = r4A r4B r4C r4D (low byte, low side of sum) |
Some of these results must be shifted left by 8 bits, since they were calculated |
by using a partial product with a high-order byte in a low-order position. |
Here is a diagram showing the relative positions of each 32 bit value in the |
complete sum. |
-- Byte position, with negative numbers being into the next vector -- |
-04 -03 -02 -01 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
' |---- r1D -----| |
' |---- r1C -----| |
|---- r1B -----| |
|---- r1A -----| |
' |---- r2D -----| |
' |---- r2C -----| |
|---- r2B -----| |
|---- r2A -----| |
' |---- r3D -----| |
' |---- r3C -----| |
' |---- r3B -----| |
' |---- r3A -----| |
' |---- r4D -----| |
' |---- r4C -----| |
' |---- r4B -----| |
' |---- r4A -----| |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
To simplify additions, we regroup these into four vectors with no overlapping sums: |
Q = r1A r1C r3A r3C |
R = r2A r2C r4A r4C |
S = r1B r1D r3B r3D |
T = r2B r2D r4B r4D |
Now, the total can be written as: |
Q << 3 Bytes |
R << 2 Bytes |
S << 1 Byte |
+ T << 0 Bytes |
---------------------- |
Total Right 1/4 |
There are carries to deal with, both within the result and outside of it. To |
account for the overlap on the left with the next sum, we figure out the parts of |
Q, R, S that overlap, and sum them to a carry value to be saved for the next |
column's result. |
As we add the vectors together, we also accumulate carries, which are resolved |
after all additions are completed. |
Once all of this has been done, the process is repeated for the remaining |
three single-vector wide columns of results (sections 1-3), to yield the 512-bit |
product. |
*/ |
void mult2by2( vector unsigned long *pA0, |
vector unsigned long *pA1, |
vector unsigned long *pB0, |
vector unsigned long *pB1, |
vector unsigned long *results |
) |
{ |
int innerloop; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// initialize a zero vector that will be used for our calculations |
// (faster than having to generate it everywhere we need it) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long zero = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// our four result vectors |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long R0; |
vector unsigned long R1; |
vector unsigned long R2; |
vector unsigned long R3; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// initialize carries to zero |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long C0=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long C1=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long C2=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
vector unsigned long C3=(vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// a temporary sum value |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long tempSum; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// a temporary carry value |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long carryTemp; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors, used to create v1, v2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char staggerSelectorHi; |
vector unsigned char staggerSelectorLo; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors, used to create u1, u2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorLo; |
vector unsigned char switchByteSelectorHi; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// permute vectors, used to create Q, R, S, T |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterEven; |
vector unsigned char staggeredSumPermuterOdd; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// vectors to keep running sum from msum operations (r1, r2, r3, r4) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
vector unsigned long currentSumHiOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentSumHiEvenBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentSumLoOddBytes; |
vector unsigned long currentSumLoEvenBytes; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// create or load vectors we will use (for permute operation) to |
// generate multiplicand vectors for the msum operation. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsl(0, (unsigned long*)0), |
(vector unsigned long)vec_lvsr(0, (unsigned long*)0)); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 08 09 0a 0b 18 19 1a 1b ... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(8), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterOdd = 00010203 08090a0b 10111213 18191a1b |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh( |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterOdd, |
(vector unsigned long)staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggeredSumPermuterEven = 04050607 0c0d0e0f 14151617 1c1d1e1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = vec_add(vec_splat_u8(4), staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We generate two permute vectors that are used to select the high |
// and low bytes of the rightmost shorts in a vector. For example, |
// given the multiplicand vectors V1 and V2, we get the following |
// result: |
// |
// Given That: |
// ¥ V1:V2 = A B C D E F G H : I J K L M N P Q |
// (where each of {A....P} is a short) |
// ¥ÊswitchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e 001c 001e 001c 001e 001c.... |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorHi); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph 00Qh 00Ph....) |
// (High bytes of last two words) |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(zero, v2, switchByteSelectorLo); |
// |
// gives v3 = (0x00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl 00Ql 00Pl....) |
// (Low bytes of last two words) |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// 10,11,12....0x1D 0x1E 0x1F |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_lvsr(0, (int *)0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x0000 0000....0x191b 0x1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_pack((vector unsigned short)zero, (vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x1d1f, 1d1f, 1d1f....1d1f |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat((vector unsigned short)switchByteSelectorLo, 7); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001d 001f, 001d, 001f.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)vec_unpackl((vector signed char)switchByteSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x001f, 001d, 001f, 001d... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_sld(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorLo, 2); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0001 0001 0001 0001... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)vec_splat_u16(1); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0x001e, 001c, 001e, 001c... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
switchByteSelectorHi = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorLo, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Next we generate permute vectors that can be used to select |
// vectors in the following pattern. |
// |
// Given That: |
// ¥ v1:v2 = A B C D E F G H : I J K L M N O P |
// (where each of {A....P} is a short) |
// ¥ÊstaggerSelectorHi = 0x0001 0x0203 0203 0405 0405... |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(v1, v2, staggerSelectorHi); |
// |
// gives v3 = A B B C C D D E |
// |
// v3 = vec_perm(v1, v2, staggerSelectorLo); |
// |
// gives v3 = E F F G G H H I |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// generate 0001 0203 0203 0405 0405 0607 0607 0809 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggerSelectorHi = vec_lvsl(0, (int *)0); // 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 |
staggerSelectorLo = vec_lvsl(2, (int *)0); // 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B |
staggerSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned short)staggerSelectorHi, |
(vector unsigned short)staggerSelectorLo); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// generate 0809 0a0b 0a0b 0c0d 0c0d 0e0f 0e0f 1011 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggerSelectorLo = vec_splat_u8(8); // 08080808080808080808080808080808 |
staggerSelectorLo = vec_add(staggerSelectorHi, staggerSelectorLo); // 08090a0b0a0b0c0d0c0d0e0f0e0f1011 |
#else |
switchByteSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d, 0x001f001d)); |
switchByteSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c, 0x001e001c)); |
staggeredSumPermuterEven = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x04050607, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x14151617, 0x1c1d1e1f)); |
staggeredSumPermuterOdd = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long) (0x00010203, 0x08090a0b, 0x10111213, 0x18191a1b)); |
staggerSelectorHi = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x00010203, 0x02030405, 0x04050607, 0x06070809)); |
staggerSelectorLo = (vector unsigned char)((vector unsigned long)(0x08090a0b, 0x0a0b0c0d, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x0e0f1011)); |
#endif |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/////////////////////////////// Section 3 (of 0-3) of 256-bit multiply parallelogram. //////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalHi; // v1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalLo; // v2 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; // u1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; // u2 of description |
vector unsigned short selectAHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectALo; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectBHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
vector unsigned short selectBLo; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We set up two sets of two vectors for our multiplicands that we |
// will use our previously generated permute vectors to select out |
// of. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = (vector unsigned short)*pA1; // IJKLMNOP |
selectALo = (vector unsigned short)zero; |
selectBHi = (vector unsigned short)zero; |
selectBLo = (vector unsigned short)*pB1; // ijklmnop |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear vectors that are used for the sums of partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we do the following loop two times, which calculates the top |
// four rows in the rightmost section of the parallelogram: |
// |
// p*I p*J p*K p*L p*M p*N p*O p*P |
// o*J o*K o*L o*M o*N o*O o*P |
// n*K n*L n*M n*N n*O n*P |
// m*L m*M m*N m*m m*P |
// |
// We don't do the last four in this loop because the last |
// four rows don't need to have their lower half calculated |
// (since they are zero), so we have an optimized loop for |
// the lower half. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop = 0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like I J J K K L L M |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like M N N O O P P - |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like 0 p(lo) 0 o(lo) 0 p(lo)... |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); // something like 0 p(hi) 0 o(hi) 0 p(hi)... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 12); |
selectBHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, 12); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we go through this loop twice, to calculate the bottom four |
// rows of section 3: |
// |
// l*M l*N l*O l*P |
// k*N k*O k*P |
// j*O j*P |
// i*P |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop = 0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like M N N O O P P - |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like l(lo) k(lo) l(lo)... |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); // something like l(hi) k(hi) l(hi)... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 12); |
selectBHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, 12); |
}; |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have result vectors r1, r2, r3, and r4. Before we can sum |
// these four results, we need to munge them into four non-overlapping |
// vectors that can then be shifted and added in to the sum for this |
// vector column of the total result. Each of the result vectors |
// Q R S T is selected by a permute and then added to the result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start with vector T, which needs no shifting, by selecting the |
// even 32-bit elements from the even-byte sum results. |
// T = r2B r2D r4B r4D |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
R3 = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next, we add in Q, which needs to be shifted by 3. Since the |
// leftmost 3 bytes will overflow into the next vector, we shift |
// them into a carry for the next vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
R2 = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 3); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 3); |
C3 = vec_addc(R3, tempSum); |
R3 = vec_add(R3, tempSum); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the R vector, which needs to be shifted 1 byte to |
// the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to the |
// accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we need |
// to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for the |
// next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 1); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, carryTemp); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 1); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R3, tempSum); |
R3 = vec_add(R3, tempSum); |
C3 = vec_add(carryTemp, C3); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the S vector, which needs to be shifted 2 bytes |
// to the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to |
// the accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we |
// need to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for |
// the next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 2); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, carryTemp); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 2); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R3, tempSum); |
R3 = vec_add(R3, tempSum); |
C3 = vec_add(carryTemp, C3); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We have now completely calculated the lowest 128 bits of the |
// 512-bit result, in R3, as well as any carries that need to be |
// resolved (in C3), and any carry into the next section of the |
// result (in R2). |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/////////////////////////////// Section 2 (of 0-3) of 256-bit multiply parallelogram. //////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalHi; // v1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalLo; // v2 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; // u1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; // u2 of description |
vector unsigned short selectAHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectALo; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectBHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
vector unsigned short selectBLo; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We set up two sets of two vectors for our multiplicands that we |
// will use our previously generated permute vectors to select out |
// of. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = (vector unsigned short)*pA0; |
selectALo = (vector unsigned short)*pA1; |
selectBHi = (vector unsigned short)*pB0; |
selectBLo = (vector unsigned short)*pB1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear vectors that are used for the sums of partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we do the following loop six times, which calculates the top |
// twelve rows in section 2 of the parallelogram: |
// |
// p*A p*B p*C p*D p*E p*F p*G p*H |
// o*B o*C o*D o*E o*F o*G o*H o*I |
// n*C n*D n*E n*F n*G n*H n*I n*J |
// m*D m*E m*F m*G m*H m*I m*J m*K |
// l*E l*F l*G l*H l*I l*J l*K l*L |
// k*F k*G k*H k*I k*J k*K k*L k*M |
// j*G j*H j*I j*J j*K j*L j*M j*N |
// i*H i*I i*J i*K i*L i*M i*N i*O |
// h*I h*J h*K h*L h*M h*N h*O h*P |
// g*J g*K g*L g*M g*N g*O g*P |
// f*K f*L f*M f*N f*O f*P |
// e*L e*M e*N e*O e*P |
// |
// We don't do the last four in this loop because the last |
// four rows don't need to have their lower half calculated |
// (since they are zero), so we have an optimized loop for |
// the lower half. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop = 0;innerloop<6; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like A B B C C D D E |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like E F F G G H H I |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo)... |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); // something like p(hi) o(hi) p(hi)... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 4); |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectALo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 12); |
selectBHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, 12); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we go through this loop twice, to calculate the bottom four |
// rows of section 2: |
// |
// d*M d*N d*O d*P |
// c*N c*O c*P |
// b*O b*P |
// a*P |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop = 0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like A B B C C D D E |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo)... |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, |
selectBLo, switchByteSelectorHi); // something like p(hi) o(hi) p(hi)... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 12); |
selectBHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, 12); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have result vectors r1, r2, r3, and r4. Before we can sum |
// these four results, we need to munge them into four non-overlapping |
// vectors that can then be shifted and added in to the sum for this |
// vector column of the total result. Each of the result vectors |
// Q R S T is selected by a permute and then added to the result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start with vector T, which needs no shifting, by selecting the |
// even 32-bit elements from the even-byte sum results, and then |
// adding the previous section's result to it. |
// T = r2B r2D r4B r4D |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R2, tempSum); |
C2 = vec_add(C2, carryTemp); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, tempSum); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next, we add in Q, which needs to be shifted by 3. Since the |
// leftmost 3 bytes will overflow into the next vector, we shift |
// them into a carry for the next vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
R1 = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 3); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 3); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R2, tempSum); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, tempSum); |
C2 = vec_add(C2, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the R vector, which needs to be shifted 1 byte to |
// the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to the |
// accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we need |
// to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for the |
// next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 1); |
R1 = vec_add(carryTemp, R1); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 1); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R2, tempSum); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, tempSum); |
C2 = vec_add(C2, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the S vector, which needs to be shifted 2 bytes |
// to the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to |
// the accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we |
// need to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for |
// the next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 2); |
R1 = vec_add(carryTemp, R1); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 2); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R2, tempSum); |
R2 = vec_add(R2, tempSum); |
C2 = vec_add(C2, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We have now completely calculated the lowest 256 bits of the |
// 512-bit result, as well as any carries that need to be |
// resolved, and any carry into the next section of the |
// result (in R1). |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// For the upper half of the parallelogram, we need to set up |
// different vectors to use as permute vectors for creating |
// the multiplicands. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggerSelectorHi is currently (0x00010203, 0x02030405, 0x04050607, 0x06070809) |
// staggerSelectorLo is currently (0x08090a0b, 0x0a0b0c0d, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x0e0f1011) |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = (vector unsigned long)vec_splat_u8(0x0E); // 0x0e0e0e0e 0x0e0e0e0e.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// staggerSelectorLo = 0x0e0f1011 0x10111213 0x12131415 0x14151617 |
// staggerSelectorHi = 0x16171819 0x18191A1B 0x1A1B1C1D 0x1C1D1E1F |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
staggerSelectorLo = vec_add((vector unsigned char)staggerSelectorLo, (vector unsigned char)tempSum); |
staggerSelectorHi = vec_add((vector unsigned char)staggerSelectorHi, (vector unsigned char)tempSum); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// switchByteSelectorHi = 0x0012 0010 0012 0010.... |
// switchByteSelectorLo = 0x0013 0011 0013 0011.... |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = (vector unsigned long)vec_splat_u16(0x0c); |
switchByteSelectorHi = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorHi, (vector unsigned char)tempSum); |
switchByteSelectorLo = vec_sub(switchByteSelectorLo, (vector unsigned char)tempSum); |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/////////////////////////////// Section 1 (of 0-3) of 256-bit multiply parallelogram. //////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalHi; // v1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalLo; // v2 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; // u1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; // u2 of description |
vector unsigned short selectAHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectALo; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectBHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
vector unsigned short selectBLo; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We set up two sets of two vectors for our multiplicands that we |
// will use our previously generated permute vectors to select out |
// of. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = (vector unsigned short)*pA0; |
selectALo = (vector unsigned short)*pA1; |
// shift right by 2 bytes |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 14); |
selectAHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectAHi, 14); |
selectBHi = (vector unsigned short)*pB0; |
selectBLo = (vector unsigned short)*pB1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear vectors that are used for the sums of partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we do the following loop six times, which calculates the bottom |
// twelve rows in section 1 of the parallelogram: |
// |
// l*A l*B l*C l*D |
// k*A k*B k*C k*D k*E |
// j*A j*B j*C j*D j*E j*F |
// i*A i*B i*C i*D i*E i*F i*G |
// h*A h*B h*C h*D h*E h*F h*G h*I |
// g*B g*C g*D g*E g*F g*G g*H g*I |
// f*C f*D f*E f*F f*G f*H f*I f*J |
// e*D e*E e*F e*G e*H e*I e*J e*K |
// d*E d*F d*G d*H d*I d*J d*K d*L |
// c*F c*G c*H c*I c*J c*K c*L c*M |
// b*G b*H b*I b*J b*K b*L b*M b*N |
// a*H a*I a*J a*K a*L a*M a*N a*O |
// |
// We don't do the top three in this loop because they |
// don't need to have their upper (left) half calculated |
// (since they are zero), so we have an optimized loop for |
// these other three. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop=0;innerloop<6; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like G H H I I J J K |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like K L L M M N N O |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo) o(lo) |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift right by 4 bytes |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 12); |
selectAHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectAHi, 12); |
// shift left by 4 bytes |
selectBHi = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 4); |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we go through this loop twice, to calculate the top three |
// rows of section 1: |
// |
// o*A |
// n*A n*B |
// m*A m*B m*C |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop=0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like - - - A A B B C |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo) o(lo) |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift right by 4 bytes |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 12); |
// shift left by 4 bytes |
selectBHi = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 4); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have result vectors r1, r2, r3, and r4. Before we can sum |
// these four results, we need to munge them into four non-overlapping |
// vectors that can then be shifted and added in to the sum for this |
// vector column of the total result. Each of the result vectors |
// Q R S T is selected by a permute and then added to the result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start with vector T, which needs no shifting, by selecting the |
// even 32-bit elements from the even-byte sum results, and then |
// adding the previous section's result to it. |
// T = r2B r2D r4B r4D |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R1, tempSum); |
C1 = vec_add(C1, carryTemp); |
R1 = vec_add(R1, tempSum); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next, we add in Q, which needs to be shifted by 3. Since the |
// leftmost 3 bytes will overflow into the next vector, we shift |
// them into a carry for the next vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
R0 = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 3); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 3); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R1, tempSum); |
R1 = vec_add(R1, tempSum); |
C1 = vec_add(C1, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the R vector, which needs to be shifted 1 byte to |
// the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to the |
// accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we need |
// to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for the |
// next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 1); |
R0 = vec_add(carryTemp, R0); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 1); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R1, tempSum); |
R1 = vec_add(R1, tempSum); |
C1 = vec_add(C1, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the S vector, which needs to be shifted 2 bytes |
// to the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to |
// the accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we |
// need to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for |
// the next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
carryTemp = vec_sld(zero, tempSum, 2); |
R0 = vec_add(carryTemp, R0); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 2); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R1, tempSum); |
R1 = vec_add(R1, tempSum); |
C1 = vec_add(C1, carryTemp); |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
/////////////////////////////// Section 0 (of 0-3) of 256-bit multiply parallelogram. //////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
{ |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalHi; // v1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHorizontalLo; // v2 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorLoBytes; // u1 of description |
vector unsigned short candVectorHiBytes; // u2 of description |
vector unsigned short selectAHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectALo; // vector that we permute out of to generate v1, v2 |
vector unsigned short selectBHi; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
vector unsigned short selectBLo; // vector that we permute out of to generate u1, u2 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We set up two sets of two vectors for our multiplicands that we |
// will use our previously generated permute vectors to select out |
// of. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
selectAHi = (vector unsigned short)zero; |
selectALo = (vector unsigned short)*pA0; |
selectALo = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectALo, 14); |
selectBHi = (vector unsigned short)*pB0; |
selectBLo = (vector unsigned short)*pB1; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// clear vectors that are used for the sums of partial products |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoOddBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = (vector unsigned long)(0); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we do the following loop two times, which calculates the bottom |
// four rows in section 0 of the parallelogram: |
// |
// d*A d*B d*C d*D |
// c*A c*B c*C c*D c*E |
// b*A b*B b*C b*D b*E b*F |
// a*A a*B a*C a*D a*E a*F a*G |
// |
// We don't do the top three in this loop because they |
// don't need to have their upper (left) half calculated |
// (since they are zero), so we have an optimized loop for |
// these other three. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop=0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalHi = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorHi); // something like - - - A A B B C |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like C D D E E F F G |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo) o(lo) |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of high half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumHiOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumHiOddBytes); |
currentSumHiEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalHi, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumHiEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift right by 4 bytes |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 12); |
selectAHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectAHi, 12); |
// shift left by 4 bytes |
selectBHi = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 4); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// we go through this loop twice, to calculate the top three |
// rows of section 0: |
// |
// g*A |
// f*A f*B |
// e*A e*B e*C |
// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
for (innerloop=0;innerloop<2; innerloop++) { |
candVectorHorizontalLo = vec_perm(selectAHi, selectALo, staggerSelectorLo); // something like - - - A A B B C |
candVectorLoBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorLo); // something like p(lo) o(lo) p(lo) o(lo) |
candVectorHiBytes = vec_perm((vector unsigned short)zero, selectBHi, switchByteSelectorHi); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// do multiplication of low half of sum with odd and even bytes |
// and add to previous iteration's result |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
currentSumLoOddBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorHiBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes); |
currentSumLoEvenBytes = vec_msum(candVectorHorizontalLo, candVectorLoBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift the vector sets that our permute operation selects out of, |
// so that the next permutes will generate the correct hi/lo byte |
// and hi/lo end multiplicand vectors. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// shift right by 4 bytes |
selectALo = vec_sld(selectAHi, selectALo, 12); |
selectAHi = vec_sld((vector unsigned short)zero, selectAHi, 12); |
// shift left by 4 bytes |
selectBHi = vec_sld(selectBHi, selectBLo, 4); |
selectBLo = vec_sld(selectBLo, (vector unsigned short)zero, 4); |
}; |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// We now have result vectors r1, r2, r3, and r4. Before we can sum |
// these four results, we need to munge them into four non-overlapping |
// vectors that can then be shifted and added in to the sum for this |
// vector column of the total result. Each of the result vectors |
// Q R S T is selected by a permute and then added to the result. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// start with vector T, which needs no shifting, by selecting the |
// even 32-bit elements from the even-byte sum results, and then |
// adding the previous section's result to it. |
// T = r2B r2D r4B r4D |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R0, tempSum); |
C0 = vec_add(C0, carryTemp); |
R0 = vec_add(R0, tempSum); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next, we add in Q, which needs to be shifted by 3. Since the |
// leftmost 3 bytes will overflow into the next vector, we shift |
// them into a carry for the next vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 3); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R0, tempSum); |
R0 = vec_add(R0, tempSum); |
C0 = vec_add(C0, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the R vector, which needs to be shifted 1 byte to |
// the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to the |
// accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we need |
// to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for the |
// next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiOddBytes, currentSumLoOddBytes, staggeredSumPermuterEven); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 1); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R0, tempSum); |
R0 = vec_add(R0, tempSum); |
C0 = vec_add(C0, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// next we add in the S vector, which needs to be shifted 2 bytes |
// to the left. We need to take the resulting carry and add it to |
// the accumulated carry. Since we're shifting it to the left, we |
// need to add the overflowing part of the shift into the carry for |
// the next result vector. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
tempSum = vec_perm(currentSumHiEvenBytes, currentSumLoEvenBytes, staggeredSumPermuterOdd); |
tempSum = vec_sld(tempSum, zero, 2); |
carryTemp = vec_addc(R0, tempSum); |
R0 = vec_add(R0, tempSum); |
C0 = vec_add(C0, carryTemp); |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Finally, we take all of the carries, shift them left by one |
// column, and add them in (keeping track of any resulting carries |
// in the process). We continue until there are no more carries |
// to add in. |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
do { |
// shift all carries left by 32 bits |
C0 = vec_sld(C0, C1, 4); |
C1 = vec_sld(C1, C2, 4); |
C2 = vec_sld(C2, C3, 4); |
C3 = vec_sld(C3, zero, 4); |
// add carry 0 to result 0 |
carryTemp = vec_addc(C0, R0); |
R0 = vec_add(C0, R0); |
C0 = carryTemp; |
// add carry 1 to result 1 |
carryTemp = vec_addc(C1, R1); |
R1 = vec_add(C1, R1); |
C1 = carryTemp; |
// add carry 2 to result 2 |
carryTemp = vec_addc(C2, R2); |
R2 = vec_add(C2, R2); |
C2 = carryTemp; |
// add carry 3 to result 3 |
carryTemp = vec_addc(C3, R3); |
R3 = vec_add(C3, R3); |
C3 = carryTemp; |
} while (!vec_all_eq(zero, vec_or(vec_or(C0, C1), vec_or(C2, C3)))); |
// return results |
*results++ = R3; |
*results++ = R2; |
*results++ = R1; |
*results = R0; |
} |
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