
    File:       VWavelet_int.c
    Contains:   Velocity Engine integer implementation Daubechies D4 wavelet code
    Copyright:  Copyright © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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#ifdef __MWERKS__
#include <altivec.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <MacMemory.h>
#include "vWavelet_int.h"
typedef     signed long DATA_TYPE;
#define DO_HORIZ 1
#define DO_VERT 1
#define INT_SHIFT_AMOUNT    0
#define H0  (11 * (1<< INT_SHIFT_AMOUNT))
#define H1  (19 * (1<< INT_SHIFT_AMOUNT))
#define H2  (5 * (1<< INT_SHIFT_AMOUNT))
#define H3  (-3 * (1<< INT_SHIFT_AMOUNT))
#pragma mark F O R W A R D  W A V E L E T
// vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical 
// performs a forward vertical wavelet transform
// pSrc:                source pixels (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            vertical pixel count
// skipQuadCount:       number of quads between row starts
// columns:             number of columns on which to perform transform
void vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical(vector signed long *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuadCount,
                            unsigned long   columns)                
    long                    length = (numQuads/2);
    long                    vectorInIndex;
    long                    skipVectors = skipQuadCount / 2;
    long                    columnPairCount = columns / 2;
    long                    columnPairIndex;
    vector signed short     *pSrcInput;
    vector signed long      *pLoOutput;
    vector signed long      *pHiOutput;
    // vectors that contain wavelet coefficients
    vector signed short         vMUL0   = (vector signed short)(H0, H1, H0, H1,H0, H1,H0, H1);
    vector signed short         vMUL1   = (vector signed short)(H2, H3, H2, H3,H2, H3,H2, H3);
    vector signed short         vMUL2   = (vector signed short)(H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL3   = (vector signed short)(H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector signed short         vCand4;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter1 = (vector unsigned char)(0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x11, 0x02, 0x03, 0x12, 0x13, 0x04, 0x05, 0x14, 0x15, 0x06, 0x07, 0x16, 0x17);
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter2 = (vector unsigned char)(0x08, 0x09, 0x18, 0x19, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x1e, 0x1f);
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector signed short         vInVector1, vInVector2, vInVector3, vInVector4;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector signed short         vInVectorFirst, vInVectorSecond;
    for (columnPairIndex = 0; columnPairIndex < columnPairCount; columnPairIndex++) {
        pSrcInput = ((vector signed short*)pSrc) + columnPairIndex;
        pLoOutput = (vector signed long*)pDest+columnPairIndex;
        pHiOutput = (vector signed long*)pLoOutput + ((skipQuadCount/2) *length);
        // read the first four in, and save 1 and 2 for wraparound at end
        vInVector1 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        vInVectorFirst = vInVector1;
        vInVector2 =    *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        vInVectorSecond = vInVector2;
        vInVector3 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        vInVector4 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2);
        vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput = vResult1;
        pLoOutput += skipVectors;
        *pHiOutput = vResult2;
        pHiOutput += skipVectors;
        vInVector1 = vInVector3;
        vInVector2 = vInVector4;
        vInVector3 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        vInVector4 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        // loop through remaining pixels
        for (vectorInIndex = 0; vectorInIndex < length-2; vectorInIndex++) {
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1);
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2);
            vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, vResult3);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, vResult4);
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack results to 16 bits
            vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
            vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
            // store results
            *pLoOutput = vResult1;
            pLoOutput += skipVectors;
            *pHiOutput = vResult2;
            pHiOutput += skipVectors;
            vInVector1 = vInVector3;
            vInVector2 = vInVector4;
            vInVector3 = *pSrcInput;
            pSrcInput += skipVectors;
            vInVector4 = *pSrcInput;
            pSrcInput += skipVectors;
        // copy initial vectors for wraparound at end
        vInVector3 = vInVectorFirst;
        vInVector4 = vInVectorSecond;
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2);
        vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput = vResult1;
        *pHiOutput = vResult2;
// vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int 
// performs a forward horizontal wavelet transform
// pSrc:                source pixels (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            horizontal pixel count
// skipQuads:           number of quads between row starts
// numRows:             number of rows on which to perform transform
void vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int(    vector signed long *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuads,
                            unsigned long numRows)              
    long                    vectorInIndex;
    long                    rowIndex;
    vector signed short     *pSrcInput;
    vector signed long      *pLoOutput;
    vector signed long      *pHiOutput;
    // vectors that contain wavelet coefficients
    vector signed short         vMUL0   = (vector signed short)(H0, H1, H0, H1,H0, H1,H0, H1);
    vector signed short         vMUL1   = (vector signed short)(H2, H3, H2, H3,H2, H3,H2, H3);
    vector signed short         vMUL2   = (vector signed short)(H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL3   = (vector signed short)(H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter = (vector unsigned char)(0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0f);
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector signed short         vInVector1, vInVector2, vInVector3;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector signed short         vInVectorFirst;
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++) {
        pSrcInput = (vector signed short*)pSrc+(rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));
        pLoOutput = (vector signed long*)pDest+(rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));
        pHiOutput = pLoOutput + (numQuads/4);
        // read the first four in, and save 1 for wraparound at end
        vInVector1 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        vInVectorFirst = vInVector1;
        vInVector2 =    *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        vInVector3 =    *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector1, vPermuter);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector2, vPermuter);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector3, vPermuter);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput++ = vResult1;
        *pHiOutput++ = vResult2;
        vInVector1 = vInVector3;
        // loop through remaining pixels
        for (vectorInIndex = 0; vectorInIndex < (numQuads-8)/4; vectorInIndex++) {
            vInVector2 = *pSrcInput;
            pSrcInput += 1;
            vInVector3 = *pSrcInput;
            pSrcInput += 1;
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector1, vPermuter);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector2, vPermuter);
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector3, vPermuter);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack results to 16 bits
            vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
            vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
            // store results
            *pLoOutput++ = vResult1;
            *pHiOutput++ = vResult2;
            vInVector1 = vInVector3;
        vInVector2 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        vInVector3 = vInVectorFirst;
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector1, vPermuter);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector2, vPermuter);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector3, vPermuter);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput = vResult1;
        *pHiOutput = vResult2;
// vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_ExpandFrom8 
// performs a forward horizontal wavelet transform on 8 bit per channel
// input data (RGBA interleaved), resulting in 16-bit output data.
// pSrc:                source pixels (8-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            horizontal pixel count
// skipQuads:           number of quads between row starts
// numRows:             number of rows on which to perform transform
void vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_ExpandFrom8(    vector unsigned char *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuads,
                            unsigned long numRows)              
    long                    vectorInIndex;
    long                    rowIndex;
    vector unsigned char        *pSrcInput;
    vector signed long          *pLoOutput;
    vector signed long          *pHiOutput;
    vector signed short         vMUL0   = (vector signed short)(H0, H1, H0, H1,H0, H1,H0, H1);
    vector signed short         vMUL1   = (vector signed short)(H2, H3, H2, H3,H2, H3,H2, H3);
    vector signed short         vMUL2   = (vector signed short)(H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2,H3, -H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL3   = (vector signed short)(H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0,H1, -H0);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter = (vector unsigned char)(0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x09, 0x02, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0e, 0x0f);
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INT_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector unsigned char        vInVector1, vInVector2;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector unsigned char        vInVectorFirst;
    vector unsigned long        vZero = (vector unsigned long)(0);
    vector signed short         vExpanded1, vExpanded2, vExpanded3;
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++) {
        pSrcInput = pSrc+(rowIndex*(skipQuads/4));
        pLoOutput = (vector signed long*)pDest+(rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));
        pHiOutput = pLoOutput + (numQuads/4);
        // read the first two in, and save 1 for wraparound at end
        vInVector1 = *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        vInVectorFirst = vInVector1;
        vInVector2 =    *pSrcInput;
        pSrcInput += 1;
        // expand input vectors from 8 to 16 bits
        vExpanded1 = (vector signed short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector1);
        vExpanded2 = (vector signed short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector1);
        vExpanded3 = (vector signed short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector2);
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vExpanded1, vExpanded1, vPermuter);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vExpanded2, vExpanded2, vPermuter);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vExpanded3, vExpanded3, vPermuter);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput++ = vResult1;
        *pHiOutput++ = vResult2;
        vCand1 = vCand3;
        vExpanded1 = (vector signed short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector2);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vExpanded1, vExpanded1, vPermuter);
        // loop through remaining pixels
        for (vectorInIndex = 0; vectorInIndex < (numQuads/4)-2; vectorInIndex++) {
            vInVector1 = *pSrcInput++;
            vExpanded1 = (vector signed short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector1);
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vExpanded1, vExpanded1, vPermuter);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack results to 16 bits
            vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
            vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
            // store results
            *pLoOutput++ = vResult1;
            *pHiOutput++ = vResult2;
            vCand1 = vCand3;
            vExpanded1 = (vector signed short)vec_mergel((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector1);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vExpanded1, vExpanded1, vPermuter);
        vInVector1 = vInVectorFirst;
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vExpanded1 = (vector signed short)vec_mergeh((vector unsigned char)vZero, vInVector1);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vExpanded1, vExpanded1, vPermuter);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, vResult1);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, vResult2);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand3, vResult3);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand2, (vector signed long)vecEndAdd);
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand3, vResult4);
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits
        vResult1 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        vResult2 = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        // store results
        *pLoOutput = vResult1;
        *pHiOutput = vResult2;
// vFWVT_4_Quad16_2DInt 
// performs a two-dimensional forward wavelet on an image.  Performs the
// number of transforms specified by depth.
// pSrc:                source pixels (8-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDst:                destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pTemp:               temporary image store (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels, full image size)
// x, y:                dimensions of image
// rowQuads:            number of RGBA quads between row starts
// depth:               depth of wavelet transforms to perform
//                      *NOTE* there is a limit of 3 for the wavelet depth
//                      due to implementation limitations of the current
//                      vector wavelet.  If a depth > 3 is used, then the
//                      intermediate calculations will overflow the 16-bit
//                      vector elements.
void vFWVT_4_Quad16_2DInt(long *pSrc,
                        long *pDst,
                        long *pTemp,
                        unsigned long x,
                        unsigned long y,
                        unsigned long rowQuads,
                        unsigned long depth)
    unsigned long   depthIndex;
    unsigned long   currentDepthHeight;
    unsigned long   currentDepthWidth;
    currentDepthHeight = y;
    currentDepthWidth = x;
    // perform first forward horizontal transform, and
    // simultaneously expand data from 8 to 16 bits.
    vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_ExpandFrom8( (vector unsigned char*)pSrc,
                    (vector signed long*)pTemp,
    // perform first forward vertical transform
    vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical((vector signed long*)pTemp,
                    (vector signed long*)pDst,
    // perform remaining depth transforms
    for (depthIndex = 1; depthIndex < depth; depthIndex++) {
        currentDepthHeight >>= 1;       
        currentDepthWidth >>= 1;        
        // do horizontal transform
        vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int( (vector signed long*)pDst,
                        (vector signed long*)pTemp,
        // do vertical transform
        vFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical((vector signed long*)pTemp,
                        (vector signed long*)pDst,
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark I N V E R S E  W A V E L E T
// vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical 
// performs an inverse vertical wavelet transform
// pSrc:                source pixels (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            vertical pixel count
// skipQuadCount:       number of quads between row starts
// columns:             number of columns on which to perform transform
void vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical(  vector signed long *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuadCount,
                            unsigned long columns)              
    long                    length = (numQuads/2);
    long                    vectorIndex;
    long                    skipVectors = skipQuadCount / 2;
    long                    columnIndex;
    long                    columnCount = columns / 2;
    vector signed long      *pColumnOut;
    vector signed short     *pSrcHi, *pSrcLo;
    vector signed short     *pColStart;
    vector signed short         vMUL0       = (vector signed short)(H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3);
    vector signed short         vMUL1       = (vector signed short)(-H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0);
    vector signed short         vMUL2       = (vector signed short)(H0, H2, H0, H2, H0, H2, H0, H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL3       = (vector signed short)(H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector signed short         vCand4;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter1 = (vector unsigned char)(0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x11, 0x02, 0x03, 0x12, 0x13, 0x04, 0x05, 0x14, 0x15, 0x06, 0x07, 0x16, 0x17);
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter2 = (vector unsigned char)(0x08, 0x09, 0x18, 0x19, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x1e, 0x1f);
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector signed short         vInVector1, vInVector2, vInVector3, vInVector4;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector unsigned long        vecOnes = (vector unsigned long)(3);
    for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
        pColumnOut = pDest + columnIndex;
        pColStart = (vector signed short*)pSrc+columnIndex;
        pSrcLo = pColStart;
        pSrcHi = pSrcLo + (skipVectors*numQuads)/2;
        // read in input vectors    
        vInVector1 = *pSrcLo;
        vInVector2 = *(pSrcHi-skipVectors);
        vInVector3 = *pSrcHi;
        vInVector4 = *(pSrcLo+((numQuads-1)*(skipVectors)));
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2);
        vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack results to 16 bits and store results
        *pColumnOut = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
        pColumnOut += skipVectors;
        *pColumnOut = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
        pColumnOut += skipVectors;
        for (vectorIndex = 0; vectorIndex < length-1; vectorIndex++) {
            // read in input vectors    
            vInVector2 = *pSrcLo;       
            vInVector4 = *pSrcHi;       
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter1);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter1);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter2);
            vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter2);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack results to 16 bits and store results
            *pColumnOut = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult1, vResult3);
            pColumnOut += skipVectors;
            *pColumnOut = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult4);
            pColumnOut += skipVectors;
            vInVector1 = vInVector2;
            vInVector3 = vInVector4;            
// vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_PackTo8 
// performs an inverse horizontal wavelet transform, and packs final
// data from 16 bits to 8 bits per channel.
// pSrc:                source pixels (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (8-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            horizontal pixel count
// skipQuads:           number of quads between row starts
// numRows:             number of rows on which to perform transform
static void vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_PackTo8(    vector signed long *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuads,
                            unsigned long numRows)              
    long                    length = (numQuads/2);
    long                    vectorIndex;
    long                    rowIndex;
    vector signed long      *pRowDest;
    vector signed short     *pSrcHi, *pSrcLo;
    vector signed short     *pRowStart;
    vector signed short         vMUL0       = (vector signed short)(H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1);
    vector signed short         vMUL1       = (vector signed short)(-H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL2       = (vector signed short)(H2, H0, H2, H0, H2, H0, H2, H0);
    vector signed short         vMUL3       = (vector signed short)(H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector signed short         vCand4;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter1_first =  (vector unsigned char)(0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x12, 0x13, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x14, 0x15, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x16, 0x17);
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter2_first = (vector unsigned char)(0x10, 0x11, 0x18, 0x19, 0x12, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x14, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x16, 0x17, 0x1e, 0x1f);  
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector signed short         vInVector1, vInVector2, vInVector3, vInVector4;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector unsigned long        vZero = (vector unsigned long)(0);
    vector unsigned long        vecOnes = (vector unsigned long)(3);
    vector signed short         prepackResultHi, prepackResultLo;
    vector signed short         vMax = (vector signed short)(0xff);
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++) {
        pRowDest = (vector signed long*)pDest + (rowIndex*(skipQuads/4));
        pRowStart = (vector signed short*)pSrc + (rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));
        pSrcLo = pRowStart;
        pSrcHi = pSrcLo + (numQuads/4);
        // read in input vectors    
        vInVector1 = *pSrcLo;
        vInVector2 = *(pSrcHi-1);
        vInVector3 = *pSrcHi;
        vInVector4 = *(pSrcLo+((numQuads-2)/2));
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter1_first);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter1_first);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        // pack to 16, and  ensure max/min of 0 and 255 before pack to 8 bits
        prepackResultHi = (vector signed short)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult1);
        prepackResultHi = vec_max((vector signed short)vZero, prepackResultHi);
        prepackResultHi = vec_min(vMax, prepackResultHi);
        // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter2_first);
        vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter2_first);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        // pack to 16, and  ensure max/min of 0 and 255 before pack to 8 bits
        prepackResultLo = (vector signed short)vec_pack(vResult4, vResult3);
        prepackResultLo = vec_max((vector signed short)vZero, prepackResultLo);
        prepackResultLo = vec_min(vMax, prepackResultLo);
        // pack to 8 bits and store result
        *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(prepackResultHi, prepackResultLo);
        for (vectorIndex = 0; vectorIndex < (length/2)-1; vectorIndex++) {
            // read in input vectors    
            vInVector2 = *pSrcLo++;
            vInVector4 = *pSrcHi++;
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1_first);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1_first);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            // pack to 16, and  ensure max/min of 0 and 255 before pack to 8 bits
            prepackResultHi = (vector signed short)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult1);
            prepackResultHi = vec_max((vector signed short)vZero, prepackResultHi);
            prepackResultHi = vec_min(vMax, prepackResultHi);
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2_first);
            vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2_first);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack to 16, and  ensure max/min of 0 and 255 before pack to 8 bits
            prepackResultLo = (vector signed short)vec_pack(vResult4, vResult3);
            prepackResultLo = vec_max((vector signed short)vZero, prepackResultLo);
            prepackResultLo = vec_min(vMax, prepackResultLo);
            // pack to 8 bits and store result
            *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(prepackResultHi, prepackResultLo);
            vInVector1 = vInVector2;
            vInVector3 = vInVector4;
// vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int 
// performs an inverse horizontal wavelet transform
// pSrc:                source pixels (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDest:               destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// numQuads:            horizontal pixel count
// skipQuads:           number of quads between row starts
// numRows:             number of rows on which to perform transform
void vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int(   vector signed long *pSrc,
                            vector signed long *pDest,
                            unsigned long numQuads,
                            unsigned long skipQuads,
                            unsigned long numRows)              
    long                    length = (numQuads/2);
    long                    vectorIndex;
    long                    rowIndex;
    vector signed long      *pRowDest;
    vector signed short     *pSrcHi, *pSrcLo;
    vector signed short     *pRowStart;
    vector signed short         vMUL0       = (vector signed short)(H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1);
    vector signed short         vMUL1       = (vector signed short)(-H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2, -H0, -H2);
    vector signed short         vMUL2       = (vector signed short)(H2, H0, H2, H0, H2, H0, H2, H0);
    vector signed short         vMUL3       = (vector signed short)(H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3, H1, H3);
    vector signed short         vCand1;
    vector signed short         vCand2;
    vector signed short         vCand3;
    vector signed short         vCand4;
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter1_first =  (vector unsigned char)(0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x12, 0x13, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x14, 0x15, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x16, 0x17);
    vector unsigned char        vPermuter2_first = (vector unsigned char)(0x10, 0x11, 0x18, 0x19, 0x12, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x14, 0x15, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x16, 0x17, 0x1e, 0x1f);  
    vector unsigned long        vecEndShift = (vector unsigned long)(INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT);
    vector signed long          vecEndAdd = (vector signed long)(1 << (INVERSE_WAVELET_SHIFT_AMOUNT-1));
    vector signed short         vInVector1, vInVector2, vInVector3, vInVector4;
    vector signed long          vResult1, vResult2, vResult3, vResult4;
    vector unsigned long        vecOnes = (vector unsigned long)(3);
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < numRows; rowIndex++) {
        pRowDest = (vector signed long*)pDest + (rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));;
        pRowStart = (vector signed short*)pSrc + (rowIndex*(skipQuads/2));
        pSrcLo = pRowStart;
        pSrcHi = pSrcLo + (numQuads/4);
        // read in input vectors    
        vInVector1 = *pSrcLo;
        vInVector2 = *(pSrcHi-1);
        vInVector3 = *pSrcHi;
        vInVector4 = *(pSrcLo+((numQuads-2)/2));
        vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter1_first);
        vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter1_first);
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
        vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
        vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
        *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult1);
        vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector2, vInVector1, vPermuter2_first);
        vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector4, vInVector3, vPermuter2_first);
        // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
        // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
        vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
        // do end shift to perform divide
        vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
        vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
        *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult4, vResult3);
        for (vectorIndex = 0; vectorIndex < (length/2)-1; vectorIndex++) {
            // read in input vectors    
            vInVector2 = *pSrcLo++;
            vInVector4 = *pSrcHi++;
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand1 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter1_first);
            vCand2 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter1_first);
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult1 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult1);   
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand1, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult2 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand2, (vector signed long)vResult2);   
            vResult1 = vec_sra(vResult1,vecEndShift);
            vResult2 = vec_sra(vResult2,vecEndShift);
            // pack result to 16 bits and store
            *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult2, vResult1);
            // set up multiplicand vectors using raw input vectors and permute instruction
            vCand3 = vec_perm(vInVector1, vInVector2, vPermuter2_first);
            vCand4 = vec_perm(vInVector3, vInVector4, vPermuter2_first);
            // calculate pixel results by multiplying elements by the wavelet coefficients, 
            // with additional add for appropriate rounding in divide
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL0, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult3 = vec_msum(vMUL1, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult3);   
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL2, vCand3, vecEndAdd);  
            vResult4 = vec_msum(vMUL3, vCand4, (vector signed long)vResult4);   
            // do end shift to perform divide
            vResult3 = vec_sra(vResult3,vecEndShift);
            vResult4 = vec_sra(vResult4,vecEndShift);
            // pack result to 16 bits and store
            *pRowDest++ = (vector signed long)vec_pack(vResult4, vResult3);
            vInVector1 = vInVector2;
            vInVector3 = vInVector4;
// vIFWVT_4_Quad16_2DInt 
// performs a two-dimensional inverse wavelet on an image.  Performs the
// number of transforms specified by depth.
// pSrc:                source pixels (8-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pDst:                destination for transform data (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels)
// pTemp:               temporary image store (16-bit interleaved RGBA channels, full image size)
// x, y:                dimensions of image
// rowQuads:            number of RGBA quads between row starts
// depth:               depth of wavelet transforms to perform
//                      *NOTE* there is a limit of 3 for the wavelet depth
//                      due to implementation limitations of the current
//                      vector wavelet.  If a depth > 3 is used, then the
//                      intermediate calculations will overflow the 16-bit
//                      vector elements.
//                      *NOTE* transform may destroy source data, as it
//                      uses it as temp storage for an intermediate transform
void vIFWVT_4_Quad16_2DInt(long *pSrc,
                        long *pDst,
                        long *pTemp,
                        unsigned long x,
                        unsigned long y,
                        unsigned long rowQuads,
                        unsigned long depth)                
    unsigned long   depthIndex;
    unsigned long   currentDepthHeight;
    unsigned long   currentDepthWidth;
    currentDepthHeight = y >> (depth);
    currentDepthWidth =  x >> (depth);
    // if depth is 1, perform transform directly to dest
    if (depth == 1) {
        currentDepthHeight  <<= 1;
        currentDepthWidth   <<= 1;
        // to vertical from source to temp
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical((vector signed long*)pSrc,
                        (vector signed long*)pTemp,
        // to horizontal from temp to dest, pack to 8 bits
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_PackTo8((vector signed long*)pTemp,
                        (vector signed long*)pDst,
    } else if (depth) {
        // loop through all but last depth
        for (depthIndex = 0; depthIndex < depth-1; depthIndex++) {
            currentDepthHeight  <<= 1;
            currentDepthWidth   <<= 1;
        // do vertical transform from source to temp
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical((vector signed long*)pSrc,
                        (vector signed long*)pTemp,
        // do horizontal transform from temp to src
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int((vector signed long*)pTemp,
                        (vector signed long*)pSrc,
        currentDepthHeight  <<= 1;
        currentDepthWidth   <<= 1;
        // to vertical from source to temp
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_Vertical((vector signed long*)pSrc,
                        (vector signed long*)pTemp,
        // to horizontal from temp to dest, pack to 8 bits
        vIFWVT_4_Quad16_Int_PackTo8((vector signed long*)pTemp,
                        (vector signed long*)pDst,