WatchKit Catalog Watch Extension/InterfaceController.swift

 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 This is the initial interface controller for the WatchKit app. It loads the initial table of the app with data and responds to Handoff launching the WatchKit app.
import WatchKit
import WatchConnectivity
class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController, WCSessionDelegate {
    @IBOutlet var interfaceTable: WKInterfaceTable!
    var elementsList: NSArray!
    override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
        super.awake(withContext: context)
        WCSession.default().delegate = self
        // Initialize variables here.
        // Configure interface objects here.
        // Retrieve the data. This could be accessed from the iOS app via a shared container.
        elementsList = NSArray(contentsOfFile: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "AppData", ofType: "plist")!)
    func session(_ session: WCSession, activationDidCompleteWith activationState: WCSessionActivationState, error: Error?) {
    override func handleUserActivity(_ userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
        guard let userInfo = userInfo else { return }
        // Use data from the userInfo dictionary passed in to push to the appropriate controller with detailed info.
        pushController(withName: userInfo["controllerName"] as! String, context: userInfo["detailInfo"] as! String)
    override func table(_ table: WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAt rowIndex: Int) {
        let rowData = elementsList[rowIndex] as! NSDictionary
        pushController(withName: rowData["controllerIdentifier"] as! String, context: nil)
    func loadTableRows() {
        interfaceTable.setNumberOfRows(self.elementsList.count, withRowType: "default")
        // Create all of the table rows.
        for idx in 0 ... elementsList.count-1 {
            let elementRow = interfaceTable.rowController(at: idx) as! ElementRowController
            let rowData = elementsList[idx] as! NSDictionary
            elementRow.elementLabel.setText(rowData["label"] as? String)