
// © Copyright 1991 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
// By Ricardo Batista
// This is an INIT which reads the wake up time in the PowerBook 100 and
// old Portable, if the wake up date has elapsed then we add a day to it
// so that the machine wakes up at the same time every day.
// By request of Neal Macklin.  Maybe we can make something useful from
// this later on.
//  This file is a code resource that gets added to the sleep queue.
#include <Types.h>
#include <Power.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
typedef unsigned long       ulong;
long main()
    DateTimeRec d;
    ulong wTime, now;
    Boolean wake = false;
    short err;
    short hour, minute;
    err = GetWUTime((long*) &wTime, (Byte*) &wake);
    if (err)
    now += 2L;                  // add 2 secs to make sure we just woke up
    if (now > wTime) {
        Secs2Date(wTime, &d);   // get day time they wanted
        hour = d.hour;
        minute = d.minute;
        Secs2Date(now, &d);     // get current date
        if (hour < d.hour)
            d.day++;            // next day
        if ((hour == d.hour) && (minute <= d.minute))
        d.hour = hour;
        d.minute = minute;
        Date2Secs(&d, &wTime);
        err = SetWUTime((long) &wTime); // interfaces have a bug !