WatchPuzzle WatchKit Extension/InterfaceController.swift

    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    WatchOS WKInterfaceController implementation of the game.
import WatchKit
import Foundation
import simd
import SceneKit
import SpriteKit
class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
    // MARK: Types
    /// A struct containing all the `SCNNode`s used in the game.
    struct GameNodes {
        let object: SCNNode
        let objectMaterial: SCNMaterial
        let confetti: SCNNode
        let camera: SCNCamera
        let countdownLabel: SKLabelNode
        let congratulationsLabel: SKLabelNode
        /// Queries the root node for the expected nodes.
        init?(sceneRoot: SCNNode) {
            guard let object = sceneRoot.childNode(withName: "teapot", recursively:true), let objectMaterial = object.geometry?.firstMaterial else { return nil }
            guard let confetti = sceneRoot.childNode(withName: "particles", recursively: true) else { return nil }
            guard let camera = sceneRoot.childNode(withName: "camera", recursively: true)!.camera else { return nil }
            self.object = object
            self.objectMaterial = objectMaterial
            self.confetti = confetti
   = camera
            countdownLabel = SKLabelNode()
            countdownLabel.horizontalAlignmentMode = .center
            congratulationsLabel = SKLabelNode(text: "You Win!")
            congratulationsLabel.fontColor = InterfaceController.GameColors.defaultFont
            congratulationsLabel.fontSize = 45;
    /// Defines the colors used in the game.
    struct GameColors {
        static let defaultFont = UIColor(red:31.0/255, green:226.0/255.0, blue:63.0/255.0, alpha:1.0)
        static let warning =
        static let danger =
    // MARK: Properties
    @IBOutlet var sceneInterface: WKInterfaceSCNScene!
    var gameNodes: GameNodes?
    var gameStarted = false
    var initialObject3DRotation = SCNMatrix4Identity
    var initialSphereLocation = float3()
    var countdown = 0
    weak var textUpdateTimer: Timer?
    weak var particleRemovalTimer: Timer?
    // MARK: WKInterfaceController
    override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
        super.awake(withContext: context)
    override func willActivate() {
        // Start the game if not already started.
        if !gameStarted {
    // MARK: IB Actions
    @IBAction func handleTap(sender: AnyObject) {
        if let tapGesture = sender as? WKTapGestureRecognizer {
            if tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired == 1 && !gameStarted {
                // Restart the game on single tap only if presenting congratulation screen.
    // MARK: Gesture reconginzer handling
        Handle rotation of the 3D object by computing rotations of a virtual
        trackball using the pan gesture touch locations.
        On state ended, end the game if the object has the right orientation.
    @IBAction func handlePan(panGesture: WKPanGestureRecognizer) {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes, gameStarted else { return }
        let location = panGesture.locationInObject()
        let bounds = panGesture.objectBounds()
        // Compute the projection of the interface point to the virtual trackball.
        let sphereLocation = sphereProjection(forInterfaceLocation: location, inBounds: bounds)
        switch panGesture.state {
            case .began:
                // Record initial states.
                initialSphereLocation = sphereLocation
                initialObject3DRotation = gameNodes.object.transform
            case .cancelled, .ended, .changed:
                // Compute the rotation and apply to the object.
                let currentRotation = rotationFromPoint(initialSphereLocation, to: sphereLocation)
                gameNodes.object.transform = SCNMatrix4Mult(initialObject3DRotation, currentRotation)
                debugPrint("Unhandled gesture state: \(panGesture.state)")
        // End the game if the object has the initial orientation.
        if panGesture.state == .ended {
    // MARK: Game flow
    /// Setup overlays and lookup scene objects.
    func setupGame() {
        guard let sceneRoot = sceneInterface.scene?.rootNode, let gameNodes = GameNodes(sceneRoot: sceneRoot) else { fatalError("Unable to load game nodes") }
        self.gameNodes = gameNodes
        gameNodes.object.transform = SCNMatrix4Identity
        gameNodes.objectMaterial.transparency = 0.0
        gameNodes.confetti.isHidden = true
        let skScene = SKScene(size: CGSize(width: contentFrame.size.width, height: contentFrame.size.height))
        skScene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.resizeFill
        sceneInterface.overlaySKScene = skScene
    /// Start the game.
    func startGame() {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes else { fatalError("Nodes not set") }
        let startSequence = SCNAction.sequence([
            // Wait for 1 second.
            SCNAction.wait(duration: 1.0),
                // Fade in.
                SCNAction.fadeIn(duration: 0.3),
                // Start the game.
      { [weak self] (node: SCNNode) in
                    guard let gameNodes = self?.gameNodes else { return }
                    // Compute a random orientation for the object3D.
                    let theta = Float(M_PI) * (Float(arc4random()) / 0x100000000)
                    let phi = acosf(2.0 * Float(arc4random()) / 0x100000000 - 1) / Float(M_PI)
                    var axis = float3()
                    axis.x = cosf(theta) * sinf(phi)
                    axis.y = sinf(theta) * sinf(phi)
                    axis.z = cosf(theta)
                    let angle = 2.0 * Float(M_PI) * (Float(arc4random()) / 0x100000000)
                    SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.3
                    SCNTransaction.completionBlock = {
                        self?.gameStarted = true
                    gameNodes.objectMaterial.transparency = 1.0
                    gameNodes.object.transform = SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z)
        // Load and set the background image.
        let backgroundImage = UIImage(named:"art.scnassets/background.png")
        sceneInterface.scene?.background.contents = backgroundImage
        // Hide particles, set camera projection to orthographic.
        gameNodes.confetti.isHidden = true = true
        // Reset the countdown.
        countdown = 30
        gameNodes.countdownLabel.text = "\(countdown)"
        gameNodes.countdownLabel.fontColor = InterfaceController.GameColors.defaultFont
        gameNodes.countdownLabel.position = CGPoint(x: contentFrame.size.width / 2, y: contentFrame.size.height - 30)
        textUpdateTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1,
                                               target: self,
                                               selector: #selector(updateText(timer:)),
                                               userInfo: nil,
                                               repeats: true)
    /// Update countdown timer.
    func updateText(timer: Timer) {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes else { fatalError("Nodes not set") }
        gameNodes.countdownLabel.text = "\(countdown)"
        sceneInterface.isPlaying = true
        sceneInterface.isPlaying = false
        countdown -= 1
        if countdown < 0 {
            gameNodes.countdownLabel.fontColor = InterfaceController.GameColors.danger
        else if countdown < 10 {
            gameNodes.countdownLabel.fontColor = InterfaceController.GameColors.warning
        End the game by showing the congratulation screen after fading the object
        to white.
    func endGame() {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes else { fatalError("Nodes not set") }
        SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.5
        SCNTransaction.completionBlock = { () in
            SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.3
            SCNTransaction.completionBlock = { [weak self] () in
                gameNodes.objectMaterial.emission.contents =
                self?.gameStarted = false
        gameNodes.object.transform = SCNMatrix4Identity
        gameNodes.objectMaterial.emission.contents = UIColor.white
        gameNodes.objectMaterial.transparency = 0.0
    // MARK: Convenience
    /// Compute the projection of screen points to unit sphere points.
    func sphereProjection(forInterfaceLocation location: CGPoint, inBounds bounds: CGRect) -> float3 {
        let screenLocation = screenProjection(forInterfaceLocation: location, inBounds: bounds)
        return sphereProjection(forScreenLocation: screenLocation)
    /// Compute projection from object interface to virtual screen on the range [-1, 1].
    func screenProjection(forInterfaceLocation location: CGPoint, inBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGPoint {
        let w = bounds.size.width
        let h = bounds.size.height
        let aspectRatioCorrection = (h - w) / 2
        var screenCoord = CGPoint(x: location.x / w * 2.0 - 1.0,
                                  y: ((h - location.y) - aspectRatioCorrection) / w * 2.0 - 1.0)
        screenCoord.x = min(1.0, max(-1.0, screenCoord.x))
        screenCoord.y = min(1.0, max(-1.0, screenCoord.y))
        return screenCoord
    /// Compute projection of virtual screen point to unit sphere.
    func sphereProjection(forScreenLocation location: CGPoint) -> float3 {
        var sphereCoord = float3()
        let squaredLenght = location.x * location.x + location.y * location.y
        if squaredLenght <= 1.0 {
            sphereCoord.x = Float(location.x)
            sphereCoord.y = Float(location.y)
            sphereCoord.z = sqrtf(1.0 - Float(squaredLenght))
        } else {
            let n = 1.0 / sqrtf(Float(squaredLenght))
            sphereCoord.x = n * Float(location.x)
            sphereCoord.y = n * Float(location.y)
            sphereCoord.z = 0
        return sphereCoord
    /// Compute the rotation matrix from one point to another on a unit sphere.
    func rotationFromPoint(_ start: float3, to end: float3) -> SCNMatrix4 {
        let axis = cross(start, end)
        let angle = atan2f(length(axis), dot(start, end))
        return SCNMatrix4MakeRotation(angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z)
    /// End the game if the object has its initial orientation with a 10 degree tolerance.
    func endGameOnCorrectOrientation() {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes, gameStarted else { return }
        let transform = SCNMatrix4ToMat4(gameNodes.object.transform)
        let unitX: float4 = [1 , 0, 0, 0]
        let unitY: float4 = [0 , 1, 0, 0]
        let tX: float4 = matrix_multiply(unitX, transform)
        let tY: float4 = matrix_multiply(unitY, transform)
        let toleranceDegree : Float = 10.0
        let max_cos_angle = cosf(toleranceDegree * Float(M_PI) / 180)
        let cos_angleX = dot(unitX, tX)
        let cos_angleY = dot(unitY, tY)
        if cos_angleX >= max_cos_angle && cos_angleY >= max_cos_angle {
    // Show the congratulation screen.
    func showCongratulation() {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes else { fatalError("Nodes not set") }
 = false
        sceneInterface.scene?.background.contents =
        gameNodes.confetti.isHidden = false
        particleRemovalTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 30,
                                                    target: self,
                                                    selector: #selector(removeParticles(timer:)),
                                                    userInfo: nil,
        gameNodes.congratulationsLabel.position = CGPoint(x: contentFrame.size.width/2 , y: contentFrame.size.height/2)
        gameNodes.congratulationsLabel.xScale = 0;
        gameNodes.congratulationsLabel.yScale = 0;
        gameNodes.congratulationsLabel.alpha = 0;
                    SKAction.scale(to: 0.70, duration:0.25),
                    SKAction.scale(to: 0.80, duration:0.2)]),
    // Remove the confetti particles.
    func removeParticles(timer: Timer) {
        guard let gameNodes = gameNodes else { fatalError("Nodes not set") }
        gameNodes.confetti.isHidden = true