Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* Copyright: © Copyright 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple’s |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
*/ |
#import <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h> |
#import "SGAudioSettings.h" |
#import "SGAudio.h" |
#import "WhackedDebugMacros.h" |
#import "DeviceChannelStrip.h" |
#import <unistd.h> // for getpid() |
#import <CoreAudioKit/CoreAudioKit.h> |
#import "NSOpaqueGrayRulerView.h" |
// See QuickTimeComponents.h for an explanation of the |
// kQTSGAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray property. |
#ifndef kQTSGAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray |
enum { |
kQTSGAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray = 'cdst', /* Data: CFArrayRef, Read/Write, Class(es): kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio*/ |
}; |
#endif |
#pragma mark - Utilities - |
#pragma mark - |
static void |
MakeASBDSafeToWriteToQTMovie(AudioStreamBasicDescription * ioDesc ) |
{ |
// We can't write the following formats to a movie: |
// 1. Non-interleaved |
// 2. Floats that aren't 32-bit or 64-bit |
// 3. Non-packed Integers that aren't 8, 16, 24, or 32 (12 and 20 are common hardware formats) |
// 3. Any extraneous bit fields in mFormatFlags that aren't valid |
if ( !ioDesc || (ioDesc->mFormatID != kAudioFormatLinearPCM) ) |
return; |
ioDesc->mFramesPerPacket = 1; |
// 1. Correct for Non-interleavedness |
if (ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved) |
{ |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ~kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
// 2. Correct floats that are wrong |
if (ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat) |
{ |
if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel < 32) |
{ |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = 32; |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
sizeof(Float32) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
else if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel > 32) |
{ |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = 64; |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
sizeof(Float64) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
// take out extraneous flags |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ~kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; |
} |
else { |
if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel != 8) |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; |
} |
// 3. Correct for Non-packedness |
if (!(ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked)) |
{ |
// if it's not packed, it might not be a multiple-of-8 bits per channel |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel + 7) & ~7; |
// now take bytesPerFrame and bytesPerPacket down to the right numbers |
// for packed |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
((ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel/8) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame); |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
} |
// 4. Take out any additional flags that shouldn't be set |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ( kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked | |
kAudioFormatFlagsAreAllClear); |
} |
@implementation SGAudioSettings |
#pragma mark - |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
/* |
The SGAudio * object registers itself as a listener for all Listenable SGAudioChannel |
component properties. It captures the ones it understands and forwards them as |
NSNotification's to the defaultCenter. |
Our SGAudioSettings dialog registers itself as an interested observer of all notifications |
sent from its SGAudio * channel object, and here, in sgAudioPropListener, it interprets |
and acts on some important notifications (like device hotplugging). |
*/ |
- (void)sgAudioPropListener:(NSNotification*)n |
{ |
NSString * name = [n name]; |
NSArray * modes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: |
NSModalPanelRunLoopMode, NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode, nil]; |
//NSLog(@"[SGAudioSettings sgAudioPropListener:] self=%p, n=%@", self, name); |
// we want to ensure that ui is updated on the main thread only. |
// NSNotifications fire on the thread in which the notification was posted, |
// which may or may not be the main thread when the SGAudioChannel is concerned. |
// So we explicitly performSelectorOnMainThread: rather than calling the update |
// methods directly. |
if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioDeviceListChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDevicesPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updatePreviewDevicesPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceDiedNotification]) |
{ |
NSString * alertString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Record device \"%@\" disappeared.", mSelectedRecordingDevice]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(displayAlertDialogOnMainThread:) withObject:alertString waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDeviceControls:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceHoggedChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDevicesPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceStreamFormatChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDeviceFormatPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDeviceChannelsBox:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceStreamFormatListChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDeviceFormatPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceInputSelectionNotification] || |
[name isEqualToString:SGAudioRecordDeviceInputListChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateRecordDeviceInputPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceDiedNotification]) |
{ |
NSString * alertString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Preview device \"%@\" disappeared.", mSelectedPreviewDevice]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(displayAlertDialogOnMainThread:) withObject:alertString waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updatePreviewDeviceControls:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceHoggedChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updatePreviewDevicesPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceStreamFormatChangedNotification] || |
[name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceStreamFormatListChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updatePreviewDeviceFormatPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceOutputSelectionChangedNotification] || |
[name isEqualToString:SGAudioPreviewDeviceOutputListChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updatePreviewDeviceOutputPopUp:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
else if ([name isEqualToString:SGAudioOutputStreamFormatChangedNotification]) |
{ |
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateOutputFormatText:) withObject:self waitUntilDone:NO modes:modes]; |
} |
[modes release]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)registerForNotifications:(BOOL)doRegister |
{ |
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; |
if (doRegister) |
{ |
// register for all notifications from our SGAudio instance |
[nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(sgAudioPropListener:) name:nil object:mChan]; |
} |
else { |
[nc removeObserver:self]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)displayAlertDialogOnMainThread:(id)sender |
{ |
NSString * alertMessage = (NSString*)sender; |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", alertMessage, nil, nil, nil); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (id)initWithSGChan:(SGAudio *)wrapper |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if (!wrapper) |
{ |
[self release]; |
self = nil; |
} |
else { |
//NSLog(@"[SGAudioSettings initWithSGChan:] self=%p", self); |
mChan = wrapper; |
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"SGAudioSettings" owner:self]; |
[mRecDevicesPopUp setAutoenablesItems:NO]; |
[mPrevDevicesPopUp setAutoenablesItems:NO]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView setAutohidesScrollers:YES]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView setHasVerticalScroller:YES]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView setScrollsDynamically:YES]; |
[[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView verticalScroller] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; |
NSRect rect = [mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView bounds]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsContainerView setFrameSize:rect.size]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView setDocumentView:mRecDeviceChannelsContainerView]; |
mRecDeviceChannelStrips = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; |
[mFXScrollView setAutohidesScrollers:YES]; |
[mFXScrollView setHasVerticalScroller:YES]; |
[mFXScrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:NO]; |
[mFXScrollView setScrollsDynamically:YES]; |
[[mFXScrollView verticalScroller] setControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]; |
// We use CoreAudioKit to display AU FX views. CoreAudioKit |
// requires Tiger. |
long sysVersion = 0; |
if (noErr != Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &sysVersion)) |
sysVersion = 0; |
if ( sysVersion < 0x00001040 ) |
{ |
[mFXPanelButton setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
else { |
rect = [mFXScrollView bounds]; |
[mFXContainerView setFrameSize:rect.size]; |
[mFXContainerView setAutoresizingMask: |
NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; |
[mFXScrollView setDocumentView:mFXContainerView]; |
} |
// test presence of kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels property |
if ( noErr != [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels |
type: NULL |
size: NULL |
flags: NULL] ) |
{ |
[mShowGainAsDBButton setState:NSOffState]; |
[mShowGainAsDBButton setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
} |
return self; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)dealloc |
{ |
//NSLog(@"[SGAudioSettings dealloc] %p", self); |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(stopMetering)]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips release]; |
DisposeUserData(mSavedSettings); |
[super dealloc]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (SGAudio *)sgchan |
{ |
return mChan; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (NSArray*)recDeviceChannelStrips |
{ |
return mRecDeviceChannelStrips; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (UInt32)enabledChannelsCount |
{ |
UInt32 count = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < [mRecDeviceChannelStrips count]; i++) |
{ |
if ( [[mRecDeviceChannelStrips objectAtIndex:i] isEnabled] ) |
count++; |
} |
return count; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
// for the duration of the SGAudioSettings dialog, we want to preview. But several |
// properties can only be set when the channel is not in recording or previewing mode, |
// so we'll call this method to stop/start the preview if we receive a -2200 error |
// on the first try |
- (OSStatus)setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:(ComponentPropertyClass)theClass |
id:(ComponentPropertyID)theID |
size:(ByteCount)sz |
address:(ConstComponentValuePtr)addr |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
err = [mChan setPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: theID |
size: sz |
address: addr]; |
if (err == kQTPropertyAskLaterErr) |
{ |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
err = [mChan setPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: theID |
size: sz |
address: addr]; |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
} |
return err; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDeviceControls:(id)sender |
{ |
[self updateRecordDevicesPopUp:sender]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceInputPopUp:sender]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceFormatPopUp:sender]; |
[self updateUseHardwareGainControls:sender]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceMasterGainSlider:self]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceChannelsBox:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewDeviceControls:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updatePlayWhileRecordingButton:self]; |
[self togglePlayWhileRecording:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDevicesPopUp:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceOutputPopUp:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceFormatPopUp:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceMasterGainSlider:self]; |
[self updateHardwarePlaythruButton:self]; |
[self updatePreviewFlagsPopUp:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateOutputControls:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateOutputFormatText:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateAllControls:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateRecordDeviceControls:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceControls:self]; |
[self updateOutputControls:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)showPanel:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
BOOL recordMetersWereEnabled, outputMetersWereEnabled, doEnable = YES; |
// turn off the grabber and remember its state |
mGrabberWasRecording = [[mChan grabber] isRecording]; |
mGrabberWasPreviewing = [[mChan grabber] isPreviewing]; |
mGrabberWasPaused = [[mChan grabber] isPaused]; |
[[mChan grabber] stop]; |
// store the current SGAudio state, so we can go back to it in case the user cancels |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_Settings |
size: sizeof(UserData) |
address: &mSavedSettings |
sizeUsed: NULL]; |
// enable level metering, and remember the previous state of |
// this property, so it can be restored after our dialog goes away |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(recordMetersWereEnabled) |
address:&recordMetersWereEnabled |
sizeUsed:NULL]; |
if (recordMetersWereEnabled != doEnable) |
{ |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(doEnable) |
address:&doEnable]; |
} |
// enable output metering as well |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(outputMetersWereEnabled) |
address:&outputMetersWereEnabled |
sizeUsed:NULL]; |
if (outputMetersWereEnabled != doEnable) |
{ |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(doEnable) |
address:&doEnable]; |
} |
[mSettingsPanel setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat: |
@"Audio Settings (Channel %d)", [[[mChan grabber] channels] indexOfObject:mChan] + 1]]; |
[self updateAllControls:self]; |
mSelectedRecordingDevice = [mRecDevicesPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]; |
mSelectedPreviewDevice = [mPrevDevicesPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]; |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
[self registerForNotifications:YES]; |
// The following call blocks until the dialog is dismissed |
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow:mSettingsPanel]; |
[mSettingsPanel orderOut:self]; |
[self registerForNotifications:NO]; |
if (recordMetersWereEnabled != doEnable) |
{ |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(recordMetersWereEnabled) |
address:&recordMetersWereEnabled]; |
} |
if (outputMetersWereEnabled != doEnable) |
{ |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_LevelMetersEnabled |
size:sizeof(outputMetersWereEnabled) |
address:&outputMetersWereEnabled]; |
} |
if (mGrabberWasRecording) |
[[mChan grabber] record]; |
else if (mGrabberWasPreviewing) |
[[mChan grabber] preview]; |
if (mGrabberWasPaused) |
[[mChan grabber] pause]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)closePanel:(id)sender |
{ |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
if ([[sender title] isEqualToString:@"Cancel"] && mSavedSettings) |
{ |
// undo any changes |
OSStatus err = [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_Settings |
size: sizeof(UserData) |
address: &mSavedSettings]; |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble restoring settings after cancel (%ld)", |
err], nil, nil, nil); |
} |
DisposeUserData(mSavedSettings); |
mSavedSettings = NULL; |
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] stopModal]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectRecordDevice:(id)sender |
{ |
NSArray * deviceList = [mChan deviceList]; |
NSDictionary * devDict = nil; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
devDict = [deviceList objectAtIndex:[(NSMenuItem*)[sender selectedItem] tag]]; |
if (devDict) |
{ |
NSString * uid = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceUIDKey]; |
NSString * curDevUID = nil; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(curDevUID) |
address: &curDevUID |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
if ( NO == [curDevUID isEqualToString: uid] ) |
{ |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(uid) |
address: &uid] ); |
// make sure we start off totally fresh, namely |
// 1. nuke record device layout |
// 2. nuke output layout |
// 3. nuke output magic cookie |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
size: 0 address:NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
size: 0 address:NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie |
size: 0 address:NULL] ); |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceControls:self]; |
} |
[curDevUID release]; |
} |
bail: |
mSelectedRecordingDevice = [mRecDevicesPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectRecordInput:(id)sender |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
NSArray * list = nil; |
BAILSETERR([mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_InputListWithAttributes |
size: sizeof(list) |
address: &list |
sizeUsed: NULL]); |
if (list) |
{ |
NSDictionary * selDict = [list objectAtIndex:[sender indexOfSelectedItem]]; |
UInt32 newSel = |
[(NSNumber*)[selDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInputID] |
unsignedIntValue]; |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_InputSelection |
size: sizeof(newSel) |
address: &newSel] ); |
} |
bail: |
[list release]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectRecordDeviceFormat:(id)sender |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription * formats = NULL; |
UInt32 size = 0; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
type:NULL size:&size flags:NULL] ); |
formats = (AudioStreamBasicDescription *)malloc(size); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
size:size |
address:formats sizeUsed:NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription) |
address:&formats[[sender indexOfSelectedItem]]] ); |
bail: |
if (formats) |
free(formats); |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectPreviewDevice:(id)sender |
{ |
NSArray * deviceList = [mChan deviceList]; |
NSDictionary * devDict = nil; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
devDict = [deviceList objectAtIndex:[(NSMenuItem*)[sender selectedItem] tag]]; |
if (devDict) |
{ |
Float32 curMasterGain = [mPrevMasterGainSlider floatValue]; |
NSString * uid = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceUIDKey]; |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(uid) |
address: &uid] ); |
// apply the volume level from the last preview device to the new one |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
size:sizeof(curMasterGain) |
address:&curMasterGain] ); |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceControls:self]; |
} |
bail: |
mSelectedPreviewDevice = [mPrevDevicesPopUp titleOfSelectedItem]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectPreviewOutput:(id)sender |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
NSArray * list = nil; |
BAILSETERR([mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_OutputListWithAttributes |
size: sizeof(list) |
address: &list |
sizeUsed: NULL]); |
if (list) |
{ |
NSDictionary * selDict = [list objectAtIndex:[sender indexOfSelectedItem]]; |
UInt32 newSel = |
[(NSNumber*)[selDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceOutputID] |
unsignedIntValue]; |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_OutputSelection |
size: sizeof(newSel) |
address: &newSel] ); |
} |
bail: |
[list release]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectPreviewDeviceFormat:(id)sender |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription * formats = NULL; |
UInt32 size = 0; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
type:NULL size:&size flags:NULL] ); |
formats = (AudioStreamBasicDescription *)malloc(size); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
size:size |
address:formats sizeUsed:NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription) |
address:&formats[[sender indexOfSelectedItem]]] ); |
bail: |
if (formats) |
free(formats); |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)toggleHardwarePlaythru:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
// this button won't be enabled unless the hardware supports it |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
NSString * recuid = nil; |
NSString * prevuid = nil; |
Boolean isEnabled = [mHardPlaythruEnabledButton state] == NSOnState; |
if (isEnabled) |
{ |
// if we're to turn this property on, we must ensure that the prev and rec |
// devices are one and the same (see QuickTimeComponent.h, search for _HardwarePlaythruEnabled) |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(recuid) |
address: &recuid |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(prevuid) |
address: &prevuid |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
if ([recuid isEqualToString:prevuid] == NO) |
{ |
BAILSETERR( [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size:sizeof(recuid) |
address:&recuid]); |
} |
} |
BAILSETERR([self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_HardwarePlaythruEnabled |
size:sizeof(isEnabled) |
address:&isEnabled]); |
[self updateAllControls:self]; |
bail: |
[recuid release]; |
[prevuid release]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)togglePlayWhileRecording:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
BOOL playWhileRecording = [mPreviewWhileRecordingButton state] == NSOnState; |
long usage = [mChan usage]; |
if (playWhileRecording) |
usage |= seqGrabPlayDuringRecord; |
else |
usage &= ~seqGrabPlayDuringRecord; |
// don't need to stop/start the channel, because it's only previewing |
// right now, not recording, so this preference doesn't affect it either way |
[mChan setUsage:usage]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)toggleShowingGainAsDB:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateRecordDeviceMasterGainSlider:self]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceChannelsBox:self]; |
[self updatePreviewDeviceMasterGainSlider:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (BOOL)usingHardwareGainControls |
{ |
return ([mUseHardwareGainButton state] == NSOnState); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateUseHardwareGainControls:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
UInt32 flags = 0; |
BOOL useDeviceGain = [self usingHardwareGainControls]; |
ComponentPropertyClass propClass = |
(useDeviceGain) ? kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice : kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio; |
// Adjust max gain |
if (noErr == [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass: propClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
type: NULL size: NULL flags: &flags] |
&& (flags & kComponentPropertyFlagCanGetNow)) |
{ |
[mRecMasterGainSlider setEnabled:YES]; |
[self setRecordMasterGain:mRecMasterGainSlider]; |
} |
else { |
[mRecMasterGainSlider setEnabled:NO]; |
[mRecMasterGainText setStringValue:@"N/A"]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)toggleUseHardwareGainControls:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateUseHardwareGainControls:self]; |
[self updateRecordDeviceControls:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)makeASBDMovieSafe:(AudioStreamBasicDescription *)ioDesc |
{ |
// We shouldn't/can't write the following formats to a movie: |
// 1. Non-interleaved |
// 2. Floats that aren't 32-bit or 64-bit |
// 3. Non-packed Integers that aren't 8, 16, 24, or 32 (12 and 20 are common hardware formats) |
// 3. Any extraneous bit fields in mFormatFlags that aren't valid |
if ( !ioDesc || (ioDesc->mFormatID != kAudioFormatLinearPCM) ) |
return; |
ioDesc->mFramesPerPacket = 1; |
// 1. Correct for Non-interleavedness |
if (ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved) |
{ |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ~kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
// 2. Correct floats that are wrong |
if (ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat) |
{ |
if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel < 32) |
{ |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = 32; |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
sizeof(Float32) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
else if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel > 32) |
{ |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = 64; |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
sizeof(Float64) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
// take out extraneous flags |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ~kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; |
} |
else { |
if (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel != 8) |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; |
} |
// 3. Correct for Non-packedness |
if (!(ioDesc->mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked)) |
{ |
// if it's not packed, it might not be a multiple-of-8 bits per channel |
ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel = (ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel + 7) & ~7; |
// now take bytesPerFrame and bytesPerPacket down to the right numbers |
// for packed |
ioDesc->mBytesPerPacket = ioDesc->mBytesPerFrame = |
((ioDesc->mBitsPerChannel/8) * ioDesc->mChannelsPerFrame); |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags |= kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked; |
} |
// 4. Take out any additional flags that shouldn't be set |
ioDesc->mFormatFlags &= ( kAudioFormatFlagIsFloat | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | |
kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked | |
kAudioFormatFlagsAreAllClear); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (OSStatus)openAndConfigureStdAudio:(ComponentInstance*)outCI |
{ |
// use StdAudio dialog to let user set an output format |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription format; |
ComponentInstance ci; |
SoundDescriptionHandle sdh = NULL; |
UInt32 size = 0; |
AudioChannelLayout *pLayout = NULL; |
SCExtendedProcs xProcs; |
CFArrayRef codecSpecificSettings = NULL; |
// we'll (arbitrarily) limit the format choices shown in the dialog to the below list. |
// (this is purely for pedagogical purposes) |
UInt32 limitedFormats[] = { 'lpcm', 'aac ', 'alac', 'samr', 'ima4' }; |
// and we'll limit the audio channel layout tags shown in the dialog |
// to these. If we don't limit the channel layouts to this restricted |
// list, StdAudio will show a laundry list of every channel layout tag |
// defined in CoreAudioTypes.h. |
AudioChannelLayoutTag limitedTagList[] = |
{ |
// Prepending kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DiscreteInOrder to the |
// accepted list of channel layout tags lets StdAudio know |
// how many discrete channels are present in our input signal. |
// You need to OR in the real discrete number of channels (see below). |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DiscreteInOrder, |
// Prepending kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions to the |
// accepted list of channel layout tags allows passthru of a custom |
// input layout that would not otherwise be presented in the dialog (i.e. 3.0 surround) |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Mono, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Quadraphonic, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_D, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_D, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_6_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_6_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_1, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_7_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_7_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Emagic_Default_7_1 |
}; |
// We configure StdAudio by telling it the starting input format and output formats, |
// plus any restrictions we want to set. |
// First we get the input format (asbd) |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(format) |
address:&format sizeUsed:NULL] ); |
// There are certain audio formats that can't be written to QuickTime movies. |
// We'll call a utility function here to conform the ASBD to a "movie-safe" format. |
MakeASBDSafeToWriteToQTMovie(&format); |
// then we get the channel map property, since the record device StreamFormat |
// property does not take into account deactivated channels, always reporting |
// the full number of channels present on the device |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelMap |
type: NULL |
size: &size |
flags:NULL] ); |
// if the number of total channels on the record device differs from the number |
// of enabled channels, we need to adjust some of the fields in the AudioStreamBasicDescription |
if ( (size != 0) && (format.mChannelsPerFrame != size/sizeof(SInt32)) ) |
{ |
UInt32 oldNumChans = format.mChannelsPerFrame; |
format.mChannelsPerFrame = size/sizeof(SInt32); // channel map is an array of SInt32's. |
// adjust the fields of the asbd that need adjusting |
if (0 == (format.mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved) ) |
{ |
UInt32 bytesPerFramePerChannel = format.mBytesPerFrame / oldNumChans; |
format.mBytesPerFrame = format.mBytesPerPacket = format.mChannelsPerFrame * bytesPerFramePerChannel; |
} |
} |
BAILSETERR( OpenADefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio, &ci) ); |
// configure the dialog to only allow a subset of compression formats |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedCompressionFormatList, |
sizeof(limitedFormats), limitedFormats) ); |
// configure the dialog to only allow a subset of channel layouts |
limitedTagList[0] |= format.mChannelsPerFrame; |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedChannelLayoutTagList, |
sizeof(limitedTagList), limitedTagList) ); |
// set the input format of the StdAudio component to that of our recording input asbd |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputBasicDescription, |
sizeof(format), &format) ); |
// set the input layout of the StdAudio component to that of our recording device |
if (noErr == [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
type:NULL size:&size flags:NULL] && size) |
{ |
pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)malloc(size); |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
size:size address:pLayout sizeUsed:&size]; |
// see if this layout can be made into a tag |
if (pLayout->mChannelLayoutTag == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions) |
{ |
UInt32 tag; |
UInt32 propSize = sizeof(tag); |
if (noErr == AudioFormatGetProperty( |
kAudioFormatProperty_TagForChannelLayout, |
size, pLayout, |
&propSize, &tag)) |
pLayout->mChannelLayoutTag = tag; |
} |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputChannelLayout, |
size, pLayout) ); |
} |
// set the output format of the StdAudio component to that of our SGAudio's output. |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_SoundDescription |
size:sizeof(sdh) address:&sdh sizeUsed:NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_SoundDescription, |
sizeof(sdh), &sdh) ); |
// set the output codec specific settings array if there is one |
if ( noErr == ( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray |
size:sizeof(codecSpecificSettings) address:&codecSpecificSettings sizeUsed:NULL] ) ) |
{ |
if (codecSpecificSettings) |
{ |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray, |
sizeof(codecSpecificSettings), &codecSpecificSettings) ); |
} |
} |
// display a custom title in the window |
memset(&xProcs, 0, sizeof(xProcs)); |
// Icky. the SCExtendedProcs struct is a holdover from older Standard Compression |
// components, and as such, it takes a pascal string as its custom name. Sigh. |
strcpy((char*)xProcs.customName + 1, "Output Format"); |
xProcs.customName[0] = strlen((char*)xProcs.customName + 1); |
BAILSETERR( QTSetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ExtendedProcs, |
sizeof(xProcs), &xProcs) ); |
*outCI = ci; |
ci = NULL; |
bail: |
if (pLayout) |
free(pLayout); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)sdh); |
if (codecSpecificSettings) |
CFRelease(codecSpecificSettings); |
if (ci) |
CloseComponent(ci); |
return err; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateOutputFormat |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription format; |
UInt32 size; |
BAILIFTRUE(YES == mOutputFormatWasSetByUser, noErr); |
// since the output format has not been explicitly set by the user, we |
// will update it to reflect changes in the RecordDevice config |
// (we'll make the asbd's and channel layouts match) |
// First we get the input format (asbd) |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(format) |
address:&format sizeUsed:NULL] ); |
// then we get the channel map property, since the record device StreamFormat |
// property does not take into account deactivated channels, always reporting |
// the full number of channels present on the device |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelMap |
type: NULL |
size: &size |
flags:NULL] ); |
// if the number of total channels on the record device differs from the number |
// of enabled channels, we need to adjust some of the fields in the AudioStreamBasicDescription |
if ( (size != 0) && (format.mChannelsPerFrame != size/sizeof(SInt32)) ) |
{ |
UInt32 oldNumChans = format.mChannelsPerFrame; |
format.mChannelsPerFrame = size/sizeof(SInt32); // channel map is an array of SInt32's. |
// adjust the fields of the asbd that need adjusting |
if (0 == (format.mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved) ) |
{ |
UInt32 bytesPerFramePerChannel = format.mBytesPerFrame / oldNumChans; |
format.mBytesPerFrame = format.mBytesPerPacket = format.mChannelsPerFrame * bytesPerFramePerChannel; |
} |
} |
// now make sure the asbd is movie safe |
[self makeASBDMovieSafe:&format]; |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(format) |
address:&format]; |
// now get the audio channel layout from the record device, so we can pass it thru |
// as the output |
if (noErr == [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
type:NULL size:&size flags:NULL] && size) |
{ |
AudioChannelLayout * pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)malloc(size); |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
size:size address:pLayout sizeUsed:&size]; |
[self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout size:size address:pLayout]; |
free(pLayout); |
} |
// don't have to worry about magic cookie, since the record format is never |
// compressed, and hence won't have a magic cookie |
bail: |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)selectOutputFormat:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
// use StdAudio dialog to let user set an output format |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
ComponentInstance ci; |
CFArrayRef codecSpecificSettings = NULL; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd; |
AudioChannelLayout * pLayout = NULL; |
UInt32 layoutSize = 0; |
void * magicCookie = NULL; |
UInt32 magicCookieSize = 0; |
BAILSETERR( [self openAndConfigureStdAudio:&ci] ); |
// show the dialog (this call blocks until the dialog is finished) |
BAILSETERR( SCRequestImageSettings(ci) ); |
// now we'll get the new output information: |
// 1. AudioStreamBasicDescription, |
// 2. AudioChannelLayout, and |
// 3. CodecSpecificSettings / MagicCookie. |
// Then we'll set these properties onto the SGAudioChannel output |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
BAILSETERR( QTGetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription, |
sizeof(asbd), &asbd, NULL) ); |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, |
NULL, &layoutSize, NULL) && layoutSize) |
{ |
pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)malloc(layoutSize); |
BAILSETERR( QTGetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, |
layoutSize, pLayout, &layoutSize) ); |
} |
QTGetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray, |
sizeof(codecSpecificSettings), &codecSpecificSettings, NULL); |
if (!codecSpecificSettings && |
(noErr == QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie, |
NULL, &magicCookieSize, NULL)) && magicCookieSize) |
{ |
magicCookie = malloc(magicCookieSize); |
BAILSETERR( QTGetComponentProperty(ci, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie, |
magicCookieSize, magicCookie, &magicCookieSize) ); |
} |
// now set these properties on the SGAudioChannel |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size:sizeof(asbd) address:&asbd] ); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout |
size:layoutSize address:pLayout] ); |
if (codecSpecificSettings) |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_CodecSpecificSettingsArray |
size:sizeof(codecSpecificSettings) address:&codecSpecificSettings] ); |
else |
BAILSETERR( [mChan setPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie |
size:magicCookieSize address:magicCookie] ); |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
mOutputFormatWasSetByUser = YES; |
[self updateOutputFormatText:self]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(updateAllUI)]; |
bail: |
if (err == userCanceledErr) |
err = noErr; // canceling is ok. |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble setting output format (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
if (pLayout) |
free(pLayout); |
if (magicCookie) |
free(magicCookie); |
if (codecSpecificSettings) |
CFRelease(codecSpecificSettings); |
CloseComponent(ci); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
// See QuickTimeComponents.h for additional information on setting gain. |
// Setting it on the kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice class sets the |
// device's physical gain (and you can watch it change in |
// in real time). Setting it on the kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio property |
// sets the volume in software. The two are equivalent in that they will |
// both affect the volume of the audio going to the movie track. |
// The difference between the two is that the RecordDevice class property |
// may fail, if the device does not support this property. Setting it in |
// software is always assured to succeed. |
- (IBAction)setRecordMasterGain:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
Float32 level = [mRecMasterGainSlider floatValue]; |
ComponentPropertyClass propClass = |
([mUseHardwareGainButton state] == NSOnState) ? kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio; |
if (noErr == [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: propClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level]) |
{ |
if ( [self showingGainAsDecibels] ) |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass: propClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]; |
[mRecMasterGainText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f%s", level, |
([self showingGainAsDecibels] ? " dB" : "")]]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
// Unlike the kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice/kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
// property, the kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice/kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
// property sets the gain on a mixer unit in software, and does not touch the physical |
// output volume of the playback device. Playback devices are often shared between |
// apps, and it is a jarring experience to have the playback volume of one app effect |
// the playback volume of all other apps sharing that common output device. |
- (IBAction)setPreviewMasterGain:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
Float32 level = [mPrevMasterGainSlider floatValue]; |
if (noErr == [self setSGAudioPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level]) |
{ |
if ( [self showingGainAsDecibels] ) |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]; |
[mPrevMasterGainText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f%s", level, |
([self showingGainAsDecibels] ? " dB" : "")]]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateDevicesPopUp:(NSPopUpButton*)sender withClass:(ComponentPropertyClass)theClass |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
NSString * selectedDeviceUID = nil; |
NSArray * deviceList = nil; |
UInt32 i; |
// get the device list. Note, device list contains _all_ devices, |
// not just record-capable ones |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceListWithAttributes |
size: sizeof(NSArray*) |
address: &deviceList |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
// get the currently selected rec/prev device |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceUID |
size: sizeof(NSArray*) |
address: &selectedDeviceUID |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
[sender removeAllItems]; |
for (i = 0; i < [deviceList count]; i++) |
{ |
NSNumber * number; |
BOOL disableIt = NO; |
NSDictionary * devDict = [deviceList objectAtIndex:i]; |
UInt32 key = (theClass == kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice) |
? kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceCanRecordKey |
: kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceCanPreviewKey; |
NSString * curUID = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceUIDKey]; |
NSString * curName = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceNameKey]; |
// skip it if it's not a recording device |
number = [devDict objectForKey:(id)key]; |
if (number && [number boolValue] == false) |
continue; |
// if it's dead, add it, but disable it |
number = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceAliveKey]; |
if (number && [number boolValue] == false) |
{ |
disableIt = YES; |
goto addItem; |
} |
// if it's hogged, add it, and don't disable it, but indicate that it's hogged |
number = [devDict objectForKey:(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceHoggedKey]; |
if (number && [number longValue] != -1 && [number longValue] != getpid()) |
{ |
curName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ [hogged by %ld]", curName, [number longValue]]; |
goto addItem; |
} |
addItem: |
{ |
NSMenuItem * curItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init]; |
[curItem setTitle:curName]; |
[curItem setTag:i]; // record the index of the device in the item tag |
[[sender menu] addItem:curItem]; |
[curItem release]; |
} |
if (disableIt) |
[[sender lastItem] setEnabled:NO]; |
if ([curUID isEqualToString:selectedDeviceUID]) |
[sender selectItem:[sender lastItem]]; |
} |
bail: |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble updating device list (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
[selectedDeviceUID release]; |
[deviceList release]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDevicesPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateDevicesPopUp:mRecDevicesPopUp withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewDevicesPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateDevicesPopUp:mPrevDevicesPopUp withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewFlagsPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[mPreviewFlagsPopUp selectItemWithTag:[mChan previewFlags]]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)setPreviewFlags:(id)sender |
{ |
long newFlags = [[sender selectedItem] tag]; |
if (newFlags != [mChan previewFlags]) |
{ |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
[mChan setPreviewFlags:newFlags]; |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDeviceMasterGainSlider:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
Float32 level; |
ComponentPropertyClass propClass = |
([mUseHardwareGainButton state] == NSOnState) ? kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio; |
if (noErr == [mChan getPropertyWithClass: propClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]) |
{ |
[mRecMasterGainSlider setFloatValue:level]; |
if ( [self showingGainAsDecibels] ) |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass: propClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]; |
[mRecMasterGainText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f%s", level, |
([self showingGainAsDecibels] ? " dB" : "")]]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewDeviceMasterGainSlider:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
Float32 level; |
if (noErr == [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_MasterGain |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]) |
{ |
[mPrevMasterGainSlider setFloatValue:level]; |
if ( [self showingGainAsDecibels] ) |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_GainScalarToDecibels |
size: sizeof(level) |
address: &level sizeUsed:NULL]; |
[mPrevMasterGainText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f%s", level, |
([self showingGainAsDecibels] ? " dB" : "")]]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateInputOutputPopUp:(NSPopUpButton*)sender withClass:(ComponentPropertyClass)theClass |
{ |
OSType selected = 0; |
NSArray * theList = nil; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
BOOL isInput = (theClass == kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice); |
ComponentPropertyID theID; |
[sender removeAllItems]; |
theID = (isInput ? kQTSGAudioPropertyID_InputSelection : kQTSGAudioPropertyID_OutputSelection); |
if (noErr ==[mChan getPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: theID |
size: sizeof(selected) |
address: &selected |
sizeUsed: NULL] ) |
{ |
int i; |
theID = (isInput ? kQTSGAudioPropertyID_InputListWithAttributes |
: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_OutputListWithAttributes); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: theID |
size: sizeof(NSArray*) |
address: &theList |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
[sender setEnabled:YES]; |
for (i = 0; i < [theList count]; i++) |
{ |
NSDictionary * d = [theList objectAtIndex:i]; |
theID = (isInput ? kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInputDescription |
: kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceOutputDescription); |
[sender addItemWithTitle: |
[d objectForKey:(id)theID]]; |
theID = (isInput ? kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceInputID |
: kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceOutputID); |
if (selected == |
[(NSNumber*)[d objectForKey:(id)theID] unsignedLongValue]) |
{ |
[sender selectItemAtIndex:i]; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// this device doesn't support inputs/outputs. |
// disable the menu |
[sender addItemWithTitle:@"None"]; |
[sender setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
bail: |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble updating input list (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
[theList release]; |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDeviceInputPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateInputOutputPopUp:mRecDeviceInputsPopUp |
withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewDeviceOutputPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateInputOutputPopUp:mPrevDeviceOutputsPopUp |
withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateFormatPopUp:(NSPopUpButton*)sender withClass:(ComponentPropertyClass)theClass |
{ |
AudioStreamBasicDescription * formats = NULL; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription curFormat; |
UInt32 i, size, flags; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
[sender removeAllItems]; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size: sizeof(curFormat) |
address: &curFormat |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass: theClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
type:NULL size:&size flags:&flags] ); |
assert(flags & kComponentPropertyFlagCanGetNow); |
formats = (AudioStreamBasicDescription*)malloc(size); |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: theClass |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormatList |
size: size |
address: formats |
sizeUsed: &size] ); |
for (i = 0; i < size/sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); i++) |
{ |
NSString * name = nil; |
SoundDescriptionHandle sdh = NULL; |
// QTSoundDescriptionSet/GetProperty{Info} API's can help us by |
// giving us a nicely formatted CFString of the format in question |
BAILSETERR( QTSoundDescriptionCreate(&formats[i], NULL, 0, NULL, 0, |
kQTSoundDescriptionKind_Movie_AnyVersion, &sdh) ); |
BAILSETERR( QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty(sdh, kQTPropertyClass_SoundDescription, |
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText, |
sizeof(name), &name, NULL) ); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)sdh); |
[sender addItemWithTitle:name]; |
[name release]; |
if (formats[i].mSampleRate == curFormat.mSampleRate && |
formats[i].mFormatID == curFormat.mFormatID && |
formats[i].mFormatFlags == curFormat.mFormatFlags && |
formats[i].mChannelsPerFrame == curFormat.mChannelsPerFrame && |
formats[i].mBitsPerChannel == curFormat.mBitsPerChannel && |
formats[i].mFramesPerPacket == curFormat.mFramesPerPacket && |
formats[i].mBytesPerFrame == curFormat.mBytesPerFrame && |
formats[i].mBytesPerPacket == curFormat.mBytesPerPacket) |
{ |
[sender selectItemAtIndex:i]; |
} |
} |
bail: |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble updating format list (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
if (formats) |
free(formats); |
return; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePreviewDeviceFormatPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateFormatPopUp:mPrevDeviceFormatPopUp |
withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioPreviewDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDeviceFormatPopUp:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[self updateFormatPopUp:mRecDeviceFormatPopUp |
withClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updatePlayWhileRecordingButton:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
BOOL playthruEnabled = ([mChan usage] & seqGrabPlayDuringRecord) != 0; |
[mPreviewWhileRecordingButton setState:(int)playthruEnabled]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateHardwarePlaythruButton:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
// find out if our current recording device supports hardware playthru |
NSDictionary * deviceAttribs = nil; |
BOOL isSupported; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_DeviceAttributes |
size: sizeof(deviceAttribs) |
address: &deviceAttribs |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
isSupported = [(NSNumber*)[deviceAttribs objectForKey: |
(id)kQTAudioDeviceAttribute_DeviceSupportsHardwarePlaythruKey] boolValue]; |
[mHardPlaythruEnabledButton setEnabled:isSupported]; |
if (isSupported) |
{ |
// see if hard playthru is turned on |
BOOL isEnabled; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_HardwarePlaythruEnabled |
size: sizeof(isEnabled) |
address: &isEnabled |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
[mHardPlaythruEnabledButton setState:(int)isEnabled]; |
} |
else { |
[mHardPlaythruEnabledButton setState:(int)isSupported]; // can't be checked if disabled |
} |
bail: |
[deviceAttribs release]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateOutputFormatText:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
SoundDescriptionHandle sdh = NULL; |
NSString * name = nil; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudio |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_SoundDescription |
size: sizeof(sdh) |
address: &sdh |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
BAILSETERR( QTSoundDescriptionGetProperty(sdh, |
kQTPropertyClass_SoundDescription, |
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_UserReadableText, |
sizeof(name), &name, NULL) ); |
[mOutputFormatText setStringValue:name]; |
bail: |
[name release]; |
DisposeHandle((Handle)sdh); |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble updating output format (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)recDeviceChannelsBoxWasScrolled:(NSNotification*)n |
{ |
#pragma unused(n) |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(updateAllUI)]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)updateRecordDeviceChannelsBox:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
AudioStreamBasicDescription deviceFormat; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
BAILSETERR( [mChan getPropertyWithClass: kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id: kQTSGAudioPropertyID_StreamFormat |
size: sizeof(deviceFormat) |
address: &deviceFormat |
sizeUsed: NULL] ); |
if ([mRecDeviceChannelStrips count] != deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame) |
{ |
const Float32 kDevChanBoxHeightBump = 4.; |
const Float32 kDevStripHeight = 25.; |
const Float32 kDevChanBoxMinHeight = 204.; |
int i; |
NSRect devChansContainerBounds = [mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView bounds]; |
float chanStripsHeight = kDevStripHeight * deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame + kDevChanBoxHeightBump; |
float curStripYPos; |
// get the channel map |
UInt32 mapSize; |
SInt32 * map = NULL; |
[mChan getPropertyInfoWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelMap |
type:NULL size:&mapSize flags:NULL]; |
if (mapSize > 0) |
{ |
map = (SInt32 *)malloc(mapSize); |
[mChan getPropertyWithClass:kQTPropertyClass_SGAudioRecordDevice |
id:kQTSGAudioPropertyID_ChannelMap |
size:mapSize |
address:map sizeUsed:&mapSize]; |
} |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self |
name:NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification |
object:[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView contentView]]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(stopMetering)]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips removeAllObjects]; |
// determine whether we need to resize the container view |
if (chanStripsHeight > kDevChanBoxMinHeight) |
{ |
devChansContainerBounds.size.height = chanStripsHeight; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsContainerView setFrameSize:devChansContainerBounds.size]; |
} |
else if (chanStripsHeight < kDevChanBoxMinHeight) { |
devChansContainerBounds.size.height = kDevChanBoxMinHeight; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsContainerView setFrameSize:devChansContainerBounds.size]; |
} |
// scroll the NSClipView back to the top |
[[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView contentView] scrollToPoint: |
NSMakePoint(0., |
(chanStripsHeight > kDevChanBoxMinHeight) ? chanStripsHeight - kDevChanBoxMinHeight : 0.)]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView reflectScrolledClipView: |
[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView contentView]]; |
// add the channel strips in reverse order |
curStripYPos = devChansContainerBounds.size.height - chanStripsHeight; |
for (i = deviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame - 1; i >= 0; i--) |
{ |
DeviceChannelStrip * devStrip = |
[[DeviceChannelStrip alloc] initWithSGAudioSettings:self channelNumber:i]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips insertObject:devStrip atIndex:0]; |
[mRecDeviceChannelsContainerView addSubview:[devStrip deviceChannelStripView]]; |
// position it |
[[devStrip deviceChannelStripView] setFrameOrigin: |
NSMakePoint(0., curStripYPos)]; |
curStripYPos += kDevStripHeight; |
if (map) |
{ |
int j; |
for (j = 0; j < mapSize/sizeof(SInt32); j++) |
{ |
if (i == map[j]) |
{ |
break; // found it. This channel should be enabled |
} |
} |
if (j >= mapSize/sizeof(SInt32)) |
[devStrip setEnabled:NO]; |
} |
[devStrip release]; |
} |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self |
selector:@selector(recDeviceChannelsBoxWasScrolled:) |
name:NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification |
object:[mRecDeviceChannelsScrollView contentView]]; |
if (map) |
free(map); |
} |
[mRecDeviceChannelStrips makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(updateAllUI)]; |
bail: |
if (err) |
NSRunAlertPanel(@"WhackedTV", |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trouble creating channel UI (Error %ld)", err], |
nil, nil, nil); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)idleTimer:(NSTimer*)timer |
{ |
#pragma unused(timer) |
SGIdle([mChan chanComponent]); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)startChannelPreview |
{ |
if (mPreviewTimer == nil) |
{ |
mPreviewTimer = [[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate:[NSDate date] |
interval:.05 |
target:self |
selector:@selector(idleTimer:) |
userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; |
} |
SGPrepare([mChan chanComponent], true, false); |
SGStartPreview([mChan chanComponent]); |
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:mPreviewTimer forMode:NSModalPanelRunLoopMode]; |
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:mPreviewTimer forMode:NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)stopChannelPreview |
{ |
[mPreviewTimer invalidate]; |
[mPreviewTimer release]; |
mPreviewTimer = nil; |
SGStop([mChan chanComponent]); |
SGRelease([mChan chanComponent]); |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)addFXUnitView:(AudioUnit)au |
{ |
AUGenericView * auview = nil; |
BOOL doResizeContainerView = NO; |
if (!au) |
return; |
// AUGenericView is part of the CoreAudioKit, new in Tiger. |
auview = [[AUGenericView alloc] initWithAudioUnit:au |
displayFlags:AUViewTitleDisplayFlag /*| AUViewPropertiesDisplayFlag*/ |
| AUViewParametersDisplayFlag]; |
[auview setShowsExpertParameters:YES]; |
[auview setAutoresizingMask: NSViewMaxXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin]; |
NSRect newRect = [auview bounds]; |
NSRect curRect = [mFXContainerView bounds]; |
NSRect subViewsBoundsRect = NSMakeRect(0., 0., curRect.size.width, curRect.size.height); |
if (newRect.size.width > subViewsBoundsRect.size.width) |
subViewsBoundsRect.size.width = newRect.size.width; |
subViewsBoundsRect.size.height -= newRect.size.height; |
for (int i = 0; i < [[mFXContainerView subviews] count]; i++) |
{ |
NSRect subviewRect = [[[mFXContainerView subviews] objectAtIndex:i] bounds]; |
if (subviewRect.size.width > subViewsBoundsRect.size.width) |
subViewsBoundsRect.size.width = subviewRect.size.width; |
subViewsBoundsRect.size.height -= subviewRect.size.height; |
} |
if ( subViewsBoundsRect.size.width > curRect.size.width ) |
{ |
curRect.size.width = subViewsBoundsRect.size.width; |
doResizeContainerView = YES; |
} |
if (subViewsBoundsRect.size.height < 0.) |
{ |
// add this negative height back into curRect to |
// increase the height of the container view to |
// fit our new auview |
curRect.size.height -= subViewsBoundsRect.size.height; |
doResizeContainerView = YES; |
} |
else { |
newRect.origin.y = subViewsBoundsRect.size.height; |
} |
if (doResizeContainerView) |
{ |
[mFXContainerView setFrameSize:curRect.size]; |
// scroll to the bottom |
[[mFXScrollView contentView] scrollToPoint:NSMakePoint(0., 0.)]; |
// reposition all subviews |
if (subViewsBoundsRect.size.height < 0.) |
{ |
NSRect originRect = curRect; |
for (int i = 0; i < [[mFXContainerView subviews] count]; i++) |
{ |
AUGenericView* curview = [[mFXContainerView subviews] objectAtIndex:i]; |
NSRect curViewRect = [curview frame]; |
originRect.size.height -= curViewRect.size.height; |
curViewRect.origin.y = originRect.size.height; |
[curview setFrameOrigin:curViewRect.origin]; |
} |
} |
} |
[mFXContainerView addSubview:auview]; |
[auview setFrame:newRect]; |
[mFXContainerView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
[auview release]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)showFXPanel:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
// build-up the pop-up |
[mAddFXButton removeAllItems]; |
[mAddFXButton addItemWithTitle:@"(Select an effect)"]; |
[mAddFXButton selectItemAtIndex:0]; |
ComponentDescription cd = {0}; |
Component c = NULL; |
Handle name = NewHandle(0); |
cd.componentType = 'aufx'; |
while (NULL != (c = FindNextComponent(c, &cd))) |
{ |
char cstr[256]; |
ComponentDescription thisCD; |
if (noErr == GetComponentInfo(c, &thisCD, name, NULL, NULL)) |
{ |
strncpy(cstr, *name + 1, **name); |
cstr[**name] = '\0'; |
[mAddFXButton addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:cstr]]; |
[[mAddFXButton lastItem] setTag:thisCD.componentSubType]; |
} |
} |
DisposeHandle(name); |
for (int i = 0; i < [mChan fxUnitsCount]; i++) |
{ |
[self addFXUnitView:[mChan fxUnits][i]]; |
} |
if ([mChan fxUnitsCount] == 0) |
[mRemoveFXButton setEnabled:NO]; |
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] beginSheet:mFXPanel |
modalForWindow:mSettingsPanel |
modalDelegate:self |
didEndSelector:@selector(fxSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) |
contextInfo:NULL]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (void)fxSheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo |
{ |
#pragma unused(returnCode) |
#pragma unused(contextInfo) |
[sheet orderOut:self]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)closeFXPanel:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] endSheet:mFXPanel]; |
[[mFXContainerView subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)addFXUnit:(id)sender |
{ |
if (NO == [[[sender selectedItem] title] isEqualToString:@"(Select an effect)"]) |
{ |
ComponentDescription cd = {0}; |
cd.componentType = 'aufx'; |
cd.componentSubType = [[sender selectedItem] tag]; |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
AudioUnit au = [mChan insertAUFXUnit:&cd]; |
[self addFXUnitView:au]; |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
[sender selectItemAtIndex:0]; // snap back to "(select an effect)" |
if ( [mChan fxUnitsCount] == kMaxFXUnits ) |
[sender setEnabled:NO]; |
[mRemoveFXButton setEnabled:YES]; |
} |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (IBAction)removeFXUnit:(id)sender |
{ |
#pragma unused(sender) |
// just remove the last one |
AUGenericView * auview = [[mFXContainerView subviews] lastObject]; |
AudioUnit au = [auview audioUnit]; |
[auview removeFromSuperview]; // retain count should go down to 0 on the view |
// shrink the container view if necessary |
NSRect scrollRect = [mFXScrollView bounds]; |
NSRect newRect = NSMakeRect(0., 0., scrollRect.size.width, 0.); |
for (int i = 0; i < [[mFXContainerView subviews] count]; i++) |
{ |
NSView * view = [[mFXContainerView subviews] objectAtIndex:i]; |
NSRect curRect = [view bounds]; |
newRect.size.height += curRect.size.height; |
if (curRect.size.width > newRect.size.width) |
newRect.size.width = curRect.size.width; |
} |
if (newRect.size.height < scrollRect.size.height) |
newRect.size.height = scrollRect.size.height; |
NSRect actualRect = [mFXContainerView bounds]; |
if (actualRect.size.height != newRect.size.height || |
actualRect.size.width != newRect.size.width) |
{ |
[mFXContainerView setFrameSize:newRect.size]; |
[mFXContainerView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; |
} |
[self stopChannelPreview]; |
[mChan removeAUFXUnit:au]; |
[mAddFXButton setEnabled:YES]; |
if ([mChan fxUnitsCount] == 0) |
[mRemoveFXButton setEnabled:NO]; |
[self startChannelPreview]; |
} |
/*________________________________________________________________________________________ |
*/ |
- (BOOL)showingGainAsDecibels |
{ |
return [mShowGainAsDBButton state] == NSOnState; |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2011-09-06