
About WindowFun
This sample demonstrates how to:
    ¥ Create an arbitrary number of window layers within your application.  Your application
        will typically create windows into one of the predefined classes, floating, utility, etc., 
        but with Mac OS X you have the ability to create an arbitrary number of window groups
        and layers, as well as set attributes to those groups.
    ¥ Display an overlay window which is attached to the main window.  Creating an overlay window 
        that moves with its parent may be the easiest way to draw transparent text on a movie,
        for instance.
    ¥ A method of drawing transparent lines by drawing to an overlay window. In the past it was 
        a comon technique to XOR the bits on your window to draw overlay lines or show selection.
        With Mac OS X you may chose to draw semi-transparently into an overlay window for a similar
    ¥ How to display the "Poof" the toolbar uses, similar to the dock "Poof".