Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Common Files/WinFramework.c
////////// |
// |
// File: WinFramework.c |
// |
// Contains: Code for the QuickTime sample code framework that is specific to Windows. |
// This code handles windows, menus, events, and other low-level things. Put your |
// application-specific code into the file ComApplication.c. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on the QTShell code written by Tim Monroe, which in turn was based on the MDIPlayer |
// code written by Brian S. Friedkin (Aug 5, 1996). This current version is now very far removed from |
// MDIPlayer. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <7> 04/03/00 rtm reworked QTFrame_CalcWindowMinMaxInfo; disabled movie window maximize button |
// in WM_CREATE message processing (implementing this is left as an exercise...) |
// <6> 01/14/00 rtm reworked window-drawing code (WM_PAINT message) to support graphics files |
// <5> 01/05/00 rtm minor tweaks to QuickTime initialization in WinMain |
// <4> 12/26/99 rtm added WM_LBUTTONDOWN processing to QTFrame_MovieWndProc; minor reorganization |
// of QTFrame_MovieWndProc so that myMacEvent and myIsHandled are in scope for |
// that message |
// <3> 12/16/99 rtm made minor change to QTFrame_MovieWndProc so that QTApp_HandleEvent is called |
// even if the window has no movie controller |
// <2> 11/29/99 rtm modified "Save changes" dialog box to use Macintosh wordings prompted by move |
// to Navigation Services |
// <1> 11/05/99 rtm first file; based on earlier sample code |
// |
////////// |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#include "WinFramework.h" |
////////// |
// |
// global variables |
// |
////////// |
BOOL gShuttingDown = false; // are we shutting down? |
BOOL gWeAreSizingWindow = false; // are we resizing a window? |
BOOL gWeAreCreatingWindow = false; // are we creating a window? |
HANDLE ghInst; // the instance of this application |
HWND ghWnd; // the MDI frame window; this window has the menu bar |
HWND ghWndMDIClient; // the MDI client window |
char gChildName[] = "QTShellChild"; |
char gMovieType[] = "QuickTime Movie"; |
short gAppResFile = kInvalidFileRefNum; // file reference number for this application's resource file |
FSSpec gAppFSSpec; // file specification for the application itself |
char gAppName[20]; // the name of this application |
LPSTR gCmdLine; // the command line passed to WinMain |
extern Rect gMCResizeBounds; // maximum size for any movie window |
////////// |
// |
// WinMain |
// The main function for this application. |
// |
// Set up the application's execution environment; make sure QuickTime (etc.) is installed, |
// then start handling events. If we terminate before reaching the message loop, we should |
// return 0. |
// |
////////// |
int CALLBACK WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR theCmdLine, int nCmdShow) |
{ |
HANDLE myAccel; |
HWND myWindowFrame; |
MSG myMsg; |
char myFileName[MAX_PATH]; |
DWORD myLength; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
ghInst = hInstance; |
gCmdLine = theCmdLine; |
if (hPrevInstance == NULL) { |
LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APPNAME, gAppName, sizeof(gAppName)); |
// register the frame window class |
myWC.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); | = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; |
myWC.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)QTFrame_FrameWndProc; |
myWC.cbClsExtra = 0; |
myWC.cbWndExtra = 0; |
myWC.hInstance = hInstance; |
myWC.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPICON)); |
myWC.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); |
myWC.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); |
myWC.lpszMenuName = gAppName; |
myWC.lpszClassName = gAppName; |
myWC.hIconSm = LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPICON), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); |
if (!RegisterClassEx(&myWC)) { |
if (!RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS)& |
return(0); |
} |
// register the movie child window class |
myWC.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); | = 0; |
myWC.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)QTFrame_MovieWndProc; |
myWC.cbClsExtra = 0; |
myWC.cbWndExtra = 0; |
myWC.hInstance = hInstance; |
myWC.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_CHILDICON)); |
// to avoid having QuickTime VR "fight" with the system over the cursor, |
// we set the client area cursor to NULL; this means that for QuickTime |
// movies, we'll need to change the cursor to an arrow manually; see the |
// handling of the WM_MOUSEMOVE message in QTFrame_MovieWndProc |
myWC.hCursor = NULL; |
myWC.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); |
myWC.lpszMenuName = NULL; |
myWC.lpszClassName = gChildName; |
myWC.hIconSm = LoadImage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_CHILDICON), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); |
if (!RegisterClassEx(&myWC)) { |
if (!RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS)& |
return(0); |
} |
} |
// load accelerators |
myAccel = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, gAppName); |
// initialize QuickTime Media Layer and QuickTime; alert the user and return 0 if unsuccessful |
myErr = InitializeQTML(0L); |
if (myErr != noErr) { |
MessageBox(NULL, "QuickTime is not installed on this computer. Exiting.", gAppName, MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL); |
return(0); |
} |
myErr = EnterMovies(); |
if (myErr != noErr) { |
MessageBox(NULL, "Could not initialize QuickTime. Exiting.", gAppName, MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL); |
return(0); |
} |
// get the application's resource file, if it exists |
myLength = GetModuleFileName(NULL, myFileName, MAX_PATH); // NULL means: the current process |
if (myLength != 0) { |
NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFileName, &gAppFSSpec, kFullNativePath); |
gAppResFile = FSpOpenResFile(&gAppFSSpec, fsRdWrPerm); |
if (gAppResFile != kInvalidFileRefNum) |
UseResFile(gAppResFile); |
} |
// do any application-specific initialization that must occur before the frame window is created |
QTApp_Init(kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow); |
// create the main frame window |
myWindowFrame = CreateWindow(gAppName, gAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN, |
hInstance, |
NULL); |
ghWnd = myWindowFrame; |
// make sure we got a frame window |
if (myWindowFrame == NULL) |
return(0); |
// show the window |
ShowWindow(myWindowFrame, nCmdShow); |
UpdateWindow(myWindowFrame); |
// do any application-specific initialization that must occur after the frame window is created |
QTApp_Init(kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow); |
// get and process events until the user quits |
while (GetMessage(&myMsg, NULL, 0, 0)) { |
if (!TranslateMDISysAccel(ghWndMDIClient, &myMsg)) { |
if (!TranslateAccelerator(myWindowFrame, myAccel, &myMsg)) { |
TranslateMessage(&myMsg); |
DispatchMessage(&myMsg); |
} |
} |
} |
// close the application's resource file, if it was previously opened |
if (gAppResFile != kInvalidFileRefNum) |
CloseResFile(gAppResFile); |
// terminate the QuickTime Media Layer |
ExitMovies(); |
TerminateQTML(); |
return(myMsg.wParam); // returns the value from PostQuitMessage |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_FrameWndProc |
// The window procedure for the MDI frame window. |
// |
////////// |
LRESULT CALLBACK QTFrame_FrameWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) |
{ |
HWND myChild; |
switch (theMessage) { |
case WM_CREATE: { |
CLIENTCREATESTRUCT myClientStruct = {0}; |
myClientStruct.hWindowMenu = GetSubMenu(GetMenu(theWnd), WINDOWMENU); |
myClientStruct.idFirstChild = IDM_WINDOWCHILD; |
// create the MDI client filling the client area |
ghWndMDIClient = CreateWindow("mdiclient", |
0, 0, 0, 0, |
theWnd, |
ghInst, |
(LPVOID)&myClientStruct); |
// set initial menu state |
QTFrame_AdjustMenus(NULL, GetMenu(theWnd)); |
if (ghWndMDIClient != NULL) |
ShowWindow(ghWndMDIClient, SW_SHOW); |
return(0); |
} |
// the MDI frame window is being activated or deactivated; |
// activate or deactivate any active child window by sending this message to DefMDIChildProc |
myChild = (HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L); |
if (IsWindow(myChild)) |
SendMessage(myChild, WM_ACTIVATE, wParam, lParam); |
break; |
case WM_COMMAND: { |
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { |
case IDM_EXIT: |
QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem(NULL, LOWORD(wParam)); |
return(0); |
// save the active child window |
myChild = (HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L); |
if (IsWindow(myChild)) |
SendMessage(myChild, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam); |
return(0); |
SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDITILE, 0, 0L); |
return(0); |
SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDICASCADE, 0, 0L); |
return(0); |
SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIICONARRANGE, 0, 0L); |
return(0); |
WindowReference myWindow, myNextWindow; |
// walk the window list and destroy any open windows |
myWindow = QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(); |
while (myWindow != NULL) { |
myNextWindow = QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow(myWindow); |
SendMessage(myWindow, WM_CLOSE, 0L, 0L); |
myWindow = myNextWindow; |
} |
return(0); |
} |
case IDM_ABOUT: |
QTFrame_ShowAboutBox(); |
return(0); |
default: |
// pass this message to the active child window... |
myChild = (HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L); |
if (IsWindow(myChild)) |
SendMessage(myChild, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam); |
// ...then do any application-specific menu handling, if no movie windows are open... |
if (myChild == NULL) |
QTApp_HandleMenu((UInt16)LOWORD(wParam)); |
// ...and then pass it to DefFrameProc |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
// open any movie files that were dropped onto the application icon |
QTFrame_OpenCommandLineMovies(gCmdLine); |
return(0); |
if (GetMenu(theWnd) == (HMENU)wParam) |
return(QTFrame_AdjustMenus((HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L), (HMENU)wParam)); |
return(1); |
case WM_CLOSE: |
// if we're not already in the process of shutting down, |
// simulate the selection of the Quit menu command |
if (!gShuttingDown) { |
SendMessage(ghWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EXIT, 0L); |
return(0); |
} |
break; |
case WM_DESTROY: |
// do any application-specific shutdown |
QTApp_Stop(kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows); |
PostQuitMessage(0); |
break; |
} |
return(DefFrameProc(theWnd, ghWndMDIClient, theMessage, wParam, lParam)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_MovieWndProc |
// The window procedure for a movie window. |
// |
////////// |
LRESULT CALLBACK QTFrame_MovieWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam) |
{ |
WPARAM myWidth, myHeight; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
MSG myMsg = {0}; |
EventRecord myMacEvent; |
Boolean myIsHandled = false; |
// get the window object, movie, and movie controller for this window |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWnd); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController; |
myMovie = (**myWindowObject).fMovie; |
} |
// give the movie controller this message first |
if (!gShuttingDown) { |
LONG myPoints = GetMessagePos(); |
myMsg.hwnd = theWnd; |
myMsg.message = theMessage; |
myMsg.wParam = wParam; |
myMsg.lParam = lParam; |
myMsg.time = GetMessageTime(); | = LOWORD(myPoints); | = HIWORD(myPoints); |
// translate a Windows event to a Mac event |
WinEventToMacEvent(&myMsg, &myMacEvent); |
// let the application-specific code have a chance to intercept the event |
myIsHandled = QTApp_HandleEvent(&myMacEvent); |
// pass the Mac event to the movie controller, but only if the movie window isn't minimized |
if (!myIsHandled) |
if (myMC != NULL) |
if (!IsIconic(theWnd)) |
myIsHandled = MCIsPlayerEvent(myMC, (EventRecord *)&myMacEvent); |
} |
switch (theMessage) { |
case WM_CREATE: { |
LONG myStyles; |
// create a new window object associated with the new window |
QTFrame_CreateWindowObject(theWnd); |
// disable the maximize button |
myStyles = GetWindowLong(theWnd, GWL_STYLE); |
myStyles &= ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; |
SetWindowLong(theWnd, GWL_STYLE, myStyles); |
} |
break; |
// don't show the window until we have created a movie and |
// can therefore properly size the window to contain the movie |
if (gWeAreCreatingWindow) { |
WINDOWPOS *lpWindowPos = (WINDOWPOS*)lParam; |
lpWindowPos->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW; |
} |
break; |
// if a movie window has become minimized, stop the movie |
if (IsIconic(theWnd)) |
StopMovie(myMovie); |
break; |
case WM_SIZE: |
// resize the movie and controller to fit the window |
myWidth = LOWORD(lParam); |
myHeight = HIWORD(lParam); |
// we do NOT want to resize the movie controller if the window is minimized, |
// if there is no movie controller, or if we are in the middle of resizing the window |
if (!gWeAreSizingWindow && (myMC != NULL) && (wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED)) { |
Rect myRect; | = 0; |
myRect.left = 0; |
myRect.right = myWidth; |
myRect.bottom = myHeight; |
MCSetControllerBoundsRect(myMC, &myRect); |
} |
break; |
// for QuickTime movies (but NOT for QuickTime VR movies), set the cursor to the arrow cursor |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
if (!(**myWindowObject).fIsQTVRMovie) |
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); |
break; |
// we receive this message only to task the movie |
break; |
// do any application-specific mouse-button handling, but only if the message hasn't already been handled |
if (!myIsHandled) |
QTApp_HandleContentClick(theWnd, &myMacEvent); |
break; |
case WM_CHAR: |
// do any application-specific key press handling |
QTApp_HandleKeyPress((char)wParam); |
break; |
case WM_PAINT: { |
// do any application-specific drawing in the window |
PAINTSTRUCT myPaintStruct; |
BeginPaint(theWnd, &myPaintStruct); |
// if the window contains an image, draw it using GraphicsImportDraw |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
if ((**myWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter != NULL) |
GraphicsImportDraw((**myWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter); |
QTApp_Draw(theWnd, NULL); |
EndPaint(theWnd, &myPaintStruct); |
} |
break; |
// activate or deactivate the movie controller in the specified window |
QTFrame_ActivateController(theWnd, (HWND)theWnd == (HWND)lParam); |
break; |
case WM_COMMAND: { |
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { |
QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem(theWnd, LOWORD(wParam)); |
break; |
QTFrame_HandleEditMenuItem(theWnd, LOWORD(wParam)); |
break; |
default: |
// do any application-specific menu handling |
QTApp_HandleMenu((UInt16)LOWORD(wParam)); |
break; |
} |
break; |
} // case WM_COMMAND |
QTFrame_CalcWindowMinMaxInfo(theWnd, (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam); |
return(0); |
case WM_CLOSE: |
// prepare to close the window, making sure that any changed data is saved or explicitly discarded; |
// we can still cancel the window closing here |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
// if the window's data is "dirty", give the user a chance to save it |
if ((**myWindowObject).fIsDirty) { |
int myItem; |
char myText[256]; |
UINT myAction; |
// get the title of the window |
GetWindowText(theWnd, myText, sizeof(myText)); |
// specify the action |
myAction = gShuttingDown ? IDS_SAVEONQUIT : IDS_SAVEONCLOSE; |
// display the "Save changes" dialog box |
myItem = QTFrame_ShowCautionAlert(theWnd, myAction, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_YESNOCANCEL, gAppName, myText); |
switch (myItem) { |
case kSaveChanges: |
// save the data in the window |
QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile(theWnd); |
break; |
case kCancelClose: |
// do not close the window and do not quit the application |
gShuttingDown = false; |
return(0); |
case kDontSaveChanges: |
// discard any unsaved changes (that is, don't do anything) |
break; |
default: |
// unexpected item selected; just return |
return(0); |
} |
} |
} // if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
// if we got to this point, it's okay to close and destroy the window |
SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIDESTROY, (WPARAM)theWnd, 0L); |
break; |
case WM_DESTROY: |
// when we get this message, |
// the window has been removed from the screen and its associated data must be destroyed |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) |
QTFrame_CloseWindowObject(myWindowObject); |
SetWindowLong(theWnd, GWL_USERDATA, 0); |
// destroy the port association |
DestroyPortAssociation((CGrafPtr)GetHWNDPort(theWnd)); |
break; |
} |
return(DefMDIChildProc(theWnd, theMessage, wParam, lParam)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_QuitFramework |
// Do any framework-specific shut-down. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_QuitFramework (void) |
{ |
// set our global flag to indicate we're shutting down |
gShuttingDown = true; |
// do application-specific processing that must occur before movie windows are closed |
QTApp_Stop(kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows); |
// close all open movie windows; note that the user can cancel the shutting down |
QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows(); |
// close the frame window, if we're still shutting down |
if (gShuttingDown) |
SendMessage(ghWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_OpenCommandLineMovies |
// Parse the command line when the application first starts up and |
// open as movie documents any files specified on the command line. |
// |
// Based on the routine ParseCmdLinePriv in GraphicImporter.c. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_OpenCommandLineMovies (LPSTR theCmdLine) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theCmdLine) |
LPSTR myCmdLine; |
FSSpec myFSSpec; |
SHFILEINFO myFileInfo; |
// get the command line for the current process |
myCmdLine = GetCommandLine(); |
// parse the command line |
if (*myCmdLine) { |
LPSTR myTempLine; |
// the string preceding any white space is the name of the module (that is, the application) |
myTempLine = strchr(myCmdLine, ' '); |
if (myTempLine) { |
myCmdLine = myTempLine; // skip the name of the application |
while (*myCmdLine == ' ') |
myCmdLine++; // skip spaces to end of string or to first command |
while (*myCmdLine != '\0') { |
char myFileName[MAX_PATH]; |
char myTempName[MAX_PATH]; |
char myBuffName[MAX_PATH]; |
int myIndex; |
// read thru the remaining string to find file names |
for (myIndex = 0; *myCmdLine != '\0'; myIndex++, myCmdLine++) { |
// if we encounter a space character, it might be a filename delimiter or a space in the filename; |
// we'll try to open the filename we have so far to see whether it's a valid filename; if not, the |
// space must be part of the filename we're constructing |
if (*myCmdLine == ' ') { |
HANDLE myFindFile; |
WIN32_FIND_DATA myFile; |
myTempName[myIndex] = '\0'; |
strcpy(myBuffName, myTempName); |
myFindFile = FindFirstFile(myBuffName, &myFile); |
if (myFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { |
// we found a file having the specified name; close our file search and |
// break out of our character-gobbling loop (since we've got a valid filename) |
FindClose(myFindFile); |
break; |
} |
} |
// if we made it here, *myCmdLine is part of the filename (possibly a space) |
myFileName[myIndex] = myTempName[myIndex] = *myCmdLine; |
} |
if (*myCmdLine != '\0') |
myCmdLine++; |
// add a terminating NULL character |
myFileName[myIndex] = '\0'; |
// make sure the filename picks out a QuickTime movie |
SHGetFileInfo(myFileName, (DWORD)0, &myFileInfo, sizeof(myFileInfo), SHGFI_TYPENAME); |
if (strcmp(myFileInfo.szTypeName, gMovieType) != 0) |
continue; |
// make an FSSpec record |
NativePathNameToFSSpec(myFileName, &myFSSpec, 0L); |
// open the file in a movie window |
QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(NULL, &myFSSpec); |
} |
} else |
myCmdLine += strlen(myCmdLine); // point to NULL |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CreateMovieWindow |
// Create a new window to display the movie in. |
// |
////////// |
WindowReference QTFrame_CreateMovieWindow (void) |
{ |
WindowReference myWindow = NULL; |
gWeAreCreatingWindow = true; |
// create a new window to display the movie in |
myWindow = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_MDICHILD, |
gChildName, |
"", |
0, |
ghWndMDIClient, |
ghInst, |
0); |
// CreateWindowEx sends a WM_CREATE message to the window being created; |
// we'll call QTFrame_CreateWindowObject when processing that message |
gWeAreCreatingWindow = false; |
return(myWindow); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow |
// Close the specified movie window. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theWindow) |
HWND myChild = NULL; |
// close the active child window |
myChild = (HWND)SendMessage(ghWndMDIClient, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0L); |
if (IsWindow(myChild)) |
SendMessage(myChild, WM_CLOSE, 0L, 0L); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_GetDisplayName |
// Given a full pathname, return the part that trails the rightmost path separator, |
// in long file name format (not in 8.3 format). |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_GetDisplayName (char *thePathName, char *theDispName) |
{ |
SHFILEINFO myFileInfo; |
DWORD myResult; |
myResult = SHGetFileInfo(thePathName, (DWORD)0, &myFileInfo, sizeof(myFileInfo), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME); |
if (myResult != 0) { |
// SHGetFileInfo successful |
strcpy(theDispName, myFileInfo.szDisplayName); |
} else { |
// SHGetFileInfo not successful, so find the basename ourselves |
short myLength = 0; |
short myIndex; |
// get the length of the pathname |
myLength = strlen(thePathName); |
// find the position of the rightmost path separator in thePathName |
if (strchr(thePathName, kWinFilePathSeparator) != NULL) { |
myIndex = myLength - 1; |
while (thePathName[myIndex] != kWinFilePathSeparator) |
myIndex--; |
// calculate the length of the basename |
myLength = myLength - myIndex - 1; |
} else { |
// there is no rightmost path separator in thePathName; |
// set myIndex so that myIndex + 1 == 0, for the call to BlockMove below |
myIndex = -1; |
} |
// copy into theDispName the substring of thePathName from myIndex + 1 to the end |
BlockMove(&thePathName[myIndex + 1], theDispName, myLength); |
theDispName[myLength] = '\0'; |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_ShowAboutBox |
// Display and manage the About dialog box. |
// |
////////// |
void QTFrame_ShowAboutBox (void) |
{ |
DialogBox(ghInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUT), ghWnd, (DLGPROC)QTFrame_DialogProcedure); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_ShowCautionAlert |
// Display and manage a caution alert. |
// |
// Based on ShowUserMessage by Stephen Chernicoff, in his WiniEdit application |
// (as described in the book "From Mac to Windows" on CodeWarrior reference CD). |
// |
////////// |
int QTFrame_ShowCautionAlert (HWND theWnd, UINT theID, UINT theIconStyle, UINT theButtonStyle, LPSTR theTitle, LPSTR theArgument) |
{ |
char myTemplate[kAlertMessageMaxLength]; |
char myText[kAlertMessageMaxLength]; |
UINT myStyle; |
int myItem; |
// beep, to get the user's attention (just like CautionAlert on MacOS) |
QTFrame_Beep(); |
// load the message text template from a resource |
LoadString(ghInst, theID, myTemplate, sizeof(myTemplate)); |
// insert argument into the message text template, to get the message text |
wsprintf(myText, myTemplate, theArgument); |
// set the dialog box style |
myStyle = theIconStyle | theButtonStyle | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND; |
// display the dialog box |
myItem = MessageBox(theWnd, myText, theTitle, myStyle); |
return(myItem); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_DialogProcedure |
// Dialog callback procedure. |
// |
////////// |
static UINT APIENTRY QTFrame_DialogProcedure (HWND theDialog, UINT theMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
{ |
BOOL isHandled = false; |
switch (theMessage) { |
Point myPoint; |
long myWidth; |
long myHeight; |
RECT myRect; |
RECT myDeskRect; |
HWND myWindow; |
myWindow = theDialog; |
// check whether theDialog is the Open File common dialog box |
// we need to do this because, for the Open File dialog box, theDialog isn't |
// the actual visible dialog box, but an invisible child of the visible dialog box; |
// for WM_INITDIALOG, lParam is the address of the structure passed to GetOpenFileName, |
// so we can just look for the value we previously put into the lCustData field |
// to make sure that we've got the correct dialog. |
if (myOFNPtr != NULL) |
if (myOFNPtr->lCustData == kOpenDialogCustomData) |
myWindow = GetParent(theDialog); |
// center the dialog window on the screen |
GetWindowRect(myWindow, &myRect); |
myWidth = myRect.right - myRect.left; |
myHeight = myRect.bottom -; |
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &myDeskRect); |
myPoint.h = (short)((myDeskRect.right + myDeskRect.left)/2 - myWidth/2); |
myPoint.v = (short)(( + myDeskRect.bottom)/3 - myHeight/3); |
SetWindowPos(myWindow, 0, myPoint.h, myPoint.v, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE); |
// let Windows set the input focus |
isHandled = true; |
break; |
} |
case WM_CLOSE: |
EndDialog(theDialog, IDOK); |
isHandled = true; |
break; |
case WM_COMMAND: |
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { |
case IDOK: |
EndDialog(theDialog, IDOK); |
isHandled = true; |
break; |
default: |
isHandled = false; |
break; |
} |
break; |
default: |
isHandled = false; |
break; |
} |
return(isHandled); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTFrame_CalcWindowMinMaxInfo |
// Get minimum and maximum possible size of this window. |
// |
////////// |
static void QTFrame_CalcWindowMinMaxInfo (HWND theWnd, LPMINMAXINFO lpMinMax) |
{ |
WindowObject myWindowObject = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
GraphicsImportComponent myImporter = NULL; |
Rect myRect; |
ComponentResult myErr = noErr; |
myWindowObject = QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow(theWnd); |
if (myWindowObject != NULL) { |
myMC = (**myWindowObject).fController; |
myMovie = (**myWindowObject).fMovie; |
myImporter = (**myWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter; |
} |
// we're expecting a window with either an image or a movie |
if ((myImporter == NULL) && (myMovie == NULL)) |
return; |
if (myImporter != NULL) { |
// this window contains an image; we currently don't allow images to be resized, |
// so we return both min and max rectangles set to the current image size, plus |
// the appropriate window frame and caption sizes |
myErr = GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(myImporter, &myRect); |
if (myErr == noErr) { |
lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x = myRect.right + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)); |
lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y = myRect.bottom + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); // caption height |
lpMinMax->ptMaxTrackSize.x = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxTrackSize.y = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxSize.x = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxSize.y = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y; |
} |
} |
if (myMovie != NULL) { |
// this window contains a movie; we currently don't allow movies to be resized |
// except using the grow box in the movie controller bar; so set the min and max |
// tracking rectangles to be the current size of the movie window |
GetMovieBox(myMovie, &myRect); |
if (myMC != NULL) |
if (MCGetVisible(myMC)) |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(myMC, &myRect); |
lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x = myRect.right + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)); |
lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y = myRect.bottom + (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) - 1; // caption height |
lpMinMax->ptMaxTrackSize.x = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxTrackSize.y = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxSize.x = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.x; |
lpMinMax->ptMaxSize.y = lpMinMax->ptMinTrackSize.y; |
} |
} |
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