
#pragma once
#include "FixGraf.h"
#include "CoreAssertion.h"
#include "GrafUtils.h"
#include "GWorldUtils.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#define kBaseID 128
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef enum {
    kNumDirections = 32,
    max_obstacle = 8,
    max_tank = 2,
    max_shot = 2,
    kNumShotFrames = 16,
    kMaxExp = 20,
    kMaxExpFrames = 6
} max_enums;
typedef enum {
    kWaitingForRequest, kWaitingForAccept, kGameInSetup, kGameInProgress
} stateFlags;
typedef enum {
    kLeftSide = 1, kRightSide = 2, kBottomMargin = 24
} sideFlags;
typedef  struct {
    stateFlags          gameState;                  // state of the game
    short               localTankIndex;                 // indicates left or right side of map
    short               remoteTankIndex;
    GWorldPtr           backdrop;                   // background image
    GWorldPtr           tween;
    Str255              playerName;                 // name of this player
    Str255              oppName;                    // name of opponent
    ulong               gameID;                     // transactionID
    AEAddressDesc       oppAddr;                    // address of remote mac
    WindowPtr           gameWind;                   // the main game window
    Rect                gameArea;                   // area where game takes place
    Rect                statusArea;                 // status area of map
    CTabHandle          gameCTab;
    short               gameCTSeed;
} gameRec, *gamePtr;
/*---- function prototypes --------*/
OSErr NewGame(void);
gamePtr MakeGameRecord(void);
OSErr SetUpPlayer(gamePtr game);
 // keyboard constants
    kUpArrowKey = 0x7E,
    kLeftArrowKey = 0x7B,
    kRightArrowKey = 0x7C,
    kSpaceBarKey = 0x31,
    kEscapeKey = 0x35
#define KeyMapLoMem ((unsigned char *)0x174)
#define KeyIsDown(key) ((KeyMapLoMem[key >> 3] >> (key & 7)) & 1)
extern spritePtr    gDebugSprite;
extern gamePtr      gGame;
extern Boolean gDead;
extern long gDeadTime;