
The Asian elephant is found in India, Ceylon, southeast Asia, Sumatra, and Borneo.
It lives in forsted areas and subsists on a vegetarian diet of grass, shrubs, 
trees, bark, and fruits and vegetables of all kinds. They consume up to 300 
Kilograms of food per day and drink from 100 to 300 liters per day.
The Asian (sometimes called Indian) elephant has one prehensile finger at the end of
its trunk. Large males may stand up to 10 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh 6 tons.
Only the males have tusks which grow about 5 feet long and weigh 35 pounds each.
Elephants rear a single young calf weighing 75 to 150 kilograms after 21 month 
pregnancy. They typically give birth every fourth or fifth year. Elephants reach 
maturity after about 10 years and can live 60-80 years. 
There are roughly 50,000 Asian elephants left in the world (about 20% live in 
captivity in zoos and special breeding programs).