
//  File:       AIFFWriter.c
//  Contains:   Code for dispatching a sound hardware output ('sdev') component.
//  Written by: Mark Cookson, Apple Developer Technical Support
//              Based on code by Kip Olson.
//  Revised by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1993-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <2>      03/05/99    rtm     further work to bring into line with existing component sample code
//     <1>      02/25/99    rtm     first inherited file; changes to support Windows compiles
//  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
//  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
//  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are
//  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "Apple Sample
//  Code" after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the
//  source, we require that you make it clear in the source that the code
//  was descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
// header files
#include "AIFFWriter.h"
// Component dispatch helper defines
#define SOUNDCOMPONENT_BASENAME()       __SoundOutput
#define SOUNDCOMPONENT_GLOBALS()        SoundOutputGlobalsPtr storage
#define COMPONENT_UPP_SELECT_ROOT()     SoundComponent
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE         "SoundOutputDispatch.h"
#define GET_DELEGATE_COMPONENT()        (storage->sourceComponent)
#include "Components.k.h"
#include "Sound.k.h"
#include "ComponentDispatchHelper.c"
// It is possible to debug this component using an application. To do this, you cannot call the Time
// Manager to generate interrupts, since source level debuggers are not re-entrant. This means you must call
// the FakeInterrupt routine described below during main event loop time and define the gGlobals variable.
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
SoundOutputGlobalsPtr                   gGlobals;
// Required component calls
/*  SoundOutputOpen
    This routine is called when the Component Manager creates an instance of this
    component. The routine should allocate global variables in the appropriate heap
    and call SetComponentInstanceStorage() so the Component Manager can remember
    the globals and pass them to all the method calls.
    Determining the heap to use can be tricky. The Component Manager will normally
    load the component code into the system heap, which is good, since many applications
    will be sharing this component to play sound. In this case, the component's global
    variable storage should also be created in the system heap.
    However, if system heap memory is tight, the Component Manager will load
    the component into the application heap of the first application that plays sound.
    When this happens, the component should create global storage in the application heap
    instead. The Sound Manager will make sure that other applications will not try
    to play sound while the component is in this application heap.
    To determine the proper heap to use, call GetComponentInstanceA5(). If the value
    returned is 0, then the component was loaded into the system heap, and all storage
    should be allocated there. If the value returned is non-zero, the component is in
    the application heap specified by returned A5 value, and all storage should be
    allocated in this application heap.
    NOTE: If the component is loaded into the application heap, the value returned by
    GetComponentRefCon() will be 0.
    NOTE: Do not attempt to initialize or access hardware in this call, since the
    Component Manager will call SoundOutputOpen() BEFORE calling RegisterComponent().
    Instead, initialize the hardware during InitOutputDevice(), described below.
    NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputOpen (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self)
    OSErr       result;
    // get space for globals in appropriate heap
    globals = (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr)NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(SoundOutputGlobals));
    FailWithAction(globals == nil, result = MemError(), Failure);
    // If a component is loaded into an application's heap, then it gets an A5 value.
    // This also means that the component's refCon is 0. All of this means we need
    // to go and get the preferences just like we're being registered for the first time.
    if (GetComponentInstanceA5(self) != 0)
        globals->inAppHeap = true;
        result = GetPreferences(globals);
        FailIf(result != noErr, NoPrefs);
    globals->self = self;
    globals->prefs = (HardwarePrefsHandle)GetComponentRefcon((Component)self);
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
    gGlobals = globals;
    SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle) globals);    // save pointer to our globals
    return (noErr);
    return (result);
/*  SoundOutputClose
    This routine is called when the Component Manager is closing the instance of
    this component. The routine should make sure all remaining data is written
    to the hardware and that the hardware is completely turned off. It should
    delete all global storage and close any other components that were opened.
    NOTE: Be sure to check that the globals pointer passed in to this routine is
    not set to NIL. If the SoundOutputOpen() routine fails for any reason, the Component
    Manager will call this routine passing in a NIL for the globals.
    NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputClose (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self)
    if (globals != nil)                                         // we have some globals
        ReleaseHardware(globals);                               // make sure the hardware is off and release it
        if (globals->sourceComponent)
            CloseMixerSoundComponent(globals->sourceComponent); // close mixer
        if (globals->prefsChanged)
            ErrorMessage(SetSoundPreference(kAIFFWriterSubType, kAIFFWriterName, (Handle)globals->prefs));
        if (globals->inAppHeap)
        if (globals->ioBuffers[0].buffer != nil)
            DisposePtr(globals->ioBuffers[0].buffer);           // dispose of buffers
        if (globals->ioBuffers[1].buffer != nil)
            DisposePtr(globals->ioBuffers[1].buffer);           // dispose of buffers
        DisposePtr((Ptr)globals);                               // torch our storage
    return (noErr);
/*  SoundOutputRegister
    This routine is called once, usually at boot time, when the Component Manager
    is first registering this component. This routine should check to see if the proper
    hardware is installed and return 0 if it is. If the hardware is not installed,
    the routine should return 1 and this component will not be registered. This is
    also an opportunity to do one-time initializations and perhaps register this
    component again if more than one hardware device is available. Global state information
    can also be saved in the component refcon by calling SetComponentRefCon();
    NOTE: The cmpWantsRegisterMessage bit must be set in the component flags of the
    component in order for this routine to be called.
    NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputRegister (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    NumVersion          installedVersion;
    ComponentResult     result;
    OSErr               err;
    // we can only run if version 3.0 or greater of the Sound Manager is running;
    // we can check the entire long because the format of NumVersion is BCD data
    installedVersion = SndSoundManagerVersion();
    if (installedVersion.majorRev < 3)
        result = 1;                                 // component doesn't want to be registered
        result = 0;                                 // component wants to be registered
        err = GetPreferences(globals);
        FailWithAction(err != noErr, result = 1, Exit);
    return result;
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputVersion (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals)
    globals; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    return (kSoundComponentVersion);
// Sound component functions
/*  InitOutputDevice
    This routine is called once when the Sound Manager first opens this component.
    The routine should initialize the hardware to default values, allocate the
    appropriate mixer component and create any other memory that is required.
    NOTE: This routine is never called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputInitOutputDevice (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, long actions)
    ComponentResult     result;
    actions;            // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    result = SetupHardware(globals);
    FailIf(result != noErr, Failure);
    // if any of the preferences are needed during the interrupts,
    // then locked the preferences handle now
    // first create a mixer and tell it the type of data it should output. The
    // description includes sample format, sample rate, sample size, number of channels
    // and the size of your optimal interrupt buffer. If a mixer cannot be found that
    // will output this type of data, an error will be returned.
    result = OpenMixerSoundComponent(&globals->outputData, 0, &globals->sourceComponent);
    FailIf(result != noErr, Failure);
    return (noErr);
    return (result);
/*  SoundOutputGetInfo
    This routine returns information about this component to the Sound Manager. A
    4-byte OSType selector is used to determine the type and size of the information
    to return. If the component does not support a selector, it should delegate this
    call on up the component chain.
    NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time. However, selectors that return
    a handle will not be called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputGetInfo (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
    SoundInfoListPtr    listPtr;
    UnsignedFixed       *lp;
    Handle              infoHandle;
    ComponentResult     result;
    short               *sp;
    result = noErr;
    switch (selector)
        case siSampleSize:                              // return current sample size
            *((short *) infoPtr) = (**globals->prefs).sampleSize;
        case siSampleSizeAvailable:                     // return samples sizes available
            infoHandle = NewHandle(sizeof(short) * 2);  // space for sample sizes
            FailWithAction(infoHandle == nil, result = MemError(), Exit);
            listPtr = (SoundInfoListPtr)infoPtr;
            listPtr->count = 2;                         // no. sample sizes in handle
            listPtr->infoHandle = infoHandle;           // handle to be returned
            sp = (short *) *infoHandle;                 // store sample sizes in handle
            *sp++ = 8;
            *sp++ = 16;
        case siSampleRate:                              // return current sample rate
            *((Fixed *) infoPtr) = (**globals->prefs).sampleRate;
        case siSampleRateAvailable:                     // return sample rates available
            infoHandle = NewHandle(sizeof(UnsignedFixed) * 5);  // space for sample rates
            FailWithAction(infoHandle == nil, result = MemError(), Exit);
            listPtr = (SoundInfoListPtr)infoPtr;
            listPtr->count = 5;                         // no. sample rates in handle
            listPtr->infoHandle = infoHandle;           // handle to be returned
            // If the hardware supports a limited set of sample rates, then the list count
            // should be set to the number of sample rates and this list of rates should be
            // stored in the handle.
            lp = (UnsignedFixed *) *infoHandle;
            *lp++ = rate48khz;
            *lp++ = rate44khz;
            *lp++ = rate22050hz;
            *lp++ = rate11025hz;
            *lp++ = 0x1F400000;                         // 8kHz sample rate not defined
        case siNumberChannels:                          // return current no. channels
            *((short *) infoPtr) = (**globals->prefs).numChannels;
        case siChannelAvailable:                        // return channels available
            infoHandle = NewHandle(sizeof(short) * 2);  // space for channels
            FailWithAction(infoHandle == nil, result = MemError(), Exit);
            listPtr = (SoundInfoListPtr)infoPtr;
            listPtr->count = 2;                         // no. channels in handle
            listPtr->infoHandle = infoHandle;           // handle to be returned
            sp = (short *) *infoHandle;                 // store channels in handle
            *sp++ = 1;                                  // mono
            *sp++ = 2;                                  // stereo
        case siHardwareVolume:
            *((long *)infoPtr) = (**globals->prefs).volume;
        case siHardwareVolumeSteps:
            *((short *) infoPtr) = kHardwareVolumeSteps;
        case siHardwareMute:
            *((short *) infoPtr) = (**globals->prefs).muteState;
        case siHardwareBusy:
            *((short *)infoPtr) = globals->hardwareOn;
        // if you do not handle this selector, then delegate it up the chain
            result = SoundComponentGetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
    return (result);
/*  SoundOutputSetInfo
    This routine sets information about this component. A 4-byte OSType selector is
    used to determine the type and size of the information to apply. If the component
    does not support a selector, it should delegate this call on up the component chain.
    NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputSetInfo (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
    ComponentResult         result;
    result = noErr;
    switch (selector)
        case siSampleSize:                              // set sample size
            switch ((short)infoPtr)
                case 8:                                 // valid sample sizes
                    (**globals->prefs).sampleSize = (short)infoPtr;
                    globals->outputData.format = k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat;
                    globals->prefsChanged = true;
                case 16:
                    (**globals->prefs).sampleSize = (short)infoPtr;
                    globals->outputData.format = k16BitBigEndianFormat;
                    globals->prefsChanged = true;
                    result = siInvalidSampleSize;
        case siSampleRate:                              // set sample rate
            switch ((UnsignedFixed)infoPtr)
                case rate48khz:                         // valid sample rates
                case rate44khz:
                case rate22050hz:
                case rate11025hz:
                case 0x1F400000:
                    (**globals->prefs).sampleRate = (UnsignedFixed)infoPtr;
                    globals->prefsChanged = true;
                    result = siInvalidSampleRate;
        case siNumberChannels:                          // set no. channels
            if ( ((short)infoPtr == 1) || ((short)infoPtr == 2) )
                (**globals->prefs).numChannels = (short)infoPtr;
                globals->prefsChanged = true;
                result = notEnoughHardware;
        case siHardwareVolume:
            // the volume is two 16 bit values combined into a long
            // the range is 0x0000 - 0x0100, where 0x0100 is the max volume level
            (**globals->prefs).volume = (long)infoPtr;
            globals->prefsChanged = true;
        case siHardwareMute:
            (**globals->prefs).muteState = (short)infoPtr;
            globals->prefsChanged = true;
        // if you do not handle this selector, then call up the chain
            result = SoundComponentSetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
    return (result);
/*  StartSource
    This routine is used to start sounds playing that are currently paused. It should
    first delegate this call up the component chain so the rest of the chain can prepare
    to play this sound. Then, if the hardware is not already started it should be
    turned on.
    NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputStartSource (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, short count, SoundSource *sources)
    ComponentResult     result;
    // tell the mixer to start these sources
    result = SoundComponentStartSource(globals->sourceComponent, count, sources);
    FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
    // make sure hardware interrupts are running
    return (result);
/*  PlaySourceBuffer
    This routine is used to specify a new sound to play and conditionally start
    the hardware playing that sound. It should first delegate this call up the component
    chain so the rest of the chain can prepare to play this sound. Then, if the
    hardware is not already started it should be turned on.
    NOTE: This can be called at interrupt time.  */
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult __SoundOutputPlaySourceBuffer (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, SoundParamBlockPtr pb, long actions)
    ComponentResult     result;
    // tell mixer to we'll start playing this new buffer
    result = SoundComponentPlaySourceBuffer(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, pb, actions);
    FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
    // if the kSourcePaused bit is set, then do not turn on your hardware just yet
    // (the assumption is that StartSource() will later be used to start this sound playing).
    // If this bit is not set, turn your hardware interrupts on.
    if ( !(actions & kSourcePaused) )
    return (result);