
//  File:       AIFFWriter.c
//  Contains:   Header for dispatching a sound hardware output ('sdev') component.
//  Written by: Mark Cookson, Apple Developer Technical Support
//              Based on code by Kip Olson.
//  Revised by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1993-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <2>      03/05/99    rtm     further work to bring into line with existing component sample code
//     <1>      02/25/99    rtm     first inherited file; changed some compiler conditionals
//                                  to support Windows compiles
//  You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
//  restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
//  responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are
//  not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "Apple Sample
//  Code" after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the
//  source, we require that you make it clear in the source that the code
//  was descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#ifndef __AIFFWRITER__
#define __AIFFWRITER__
// header files
#ifndef __COMPONENTS__
#include <Components.h>
#ifndef __MACMEMORY__
#include <MacMemory.h>
#ifndef __MACERRORS__
#include <MacErrors.h>
#ifndef __SOUND__
#include <Sound.h>
#ifndef __TIMER__
#include <Timer.h>
#ifndef __FIXMATH__
#include <FixMath.h>
#ifndef __SCRIPT__
#include <Script.h>
// compiler flags
#define FakeInterrupts                  1
// constants
#define kSoundComponentVersion          0x00010000              // version for this component
#define kSndFileName                    "\pAIFF Writer output"  // name for sound file data is written to
#define kAIFFWriterName                 "\pAIFF Writer"
#define kSecondsInIOBuffer              1                       // number of seconds of audio data in each I/O buffer
#define kAIFFWriterSifterID             128
#define kAIFFWriterPanelID              130
#define kAIFFWriterSubType              'hack'                  // OS Type for component
#define kAIFFCreator                    FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD')
#define kAIFFFileType                   FOUR_CHAR_CODE('AIFF')
enum {
    kHardwareVolumeSteps                = 16,                           // levels of volume adjustments
    kHardwareSampleCount                = 1024,                         // number of samples in hardware buffer
    kHardwareByteSize                   = kHardwareSampleCount * 2 * 2  // enough for 16 bit stereo
// data types
    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)
typedef struct myTMTask myTMTask;
typedef struct myTMTask *myTMTaskPtr;
typedef struct SoundOutputGlobals SoundOutputGlobals;
typedef struct SoundOutputGlobals *SoundOutputGlobalsPtr;
// a Time Manager task record that includes space for my globals at the end
struct myTMTask {
    TMTask                          task;
    SoundOutputGlobalsPtr           globals;
// i/o buffer structure
typedef struct IOBuffer {
    ParamBlockRec                   iopb;                       // i/o parameter block
    long                            byteCount;                  // no. bytes in buffer
    Ptr                             buffer;                     // buffer for data
} IOBuffer, *IOBufferPtr;
typedef struct HardwarePreferences {
    long                            size;                       // size of current preferences
    Fixed                           version;                    // 16.16 value for version
    unsigned long                   volume;                     // current hardware volume
    UnsignedFixed                   sampleRate;                 // current sample rate
    short                           sampleSize;                 // current sample size
    short                           numChannels;                // current num channels
    short                           muteState;                  // current hardware mute state
    short                           sampleCount;                // size of interrupt buffer in samples
} HardwarePreferences, *HardwarePrefsPtr, **HardwarePrefsHandle;
struct SoundOutputGlobals {
    // component stuff
    ComponentInstance               sourceComponent;            // component to call when hardware needs more data
    SoundComponentDataPtr           sourceDataPtr;              // pointer to source data structure
    SoundComponentData              outputData;
    ComponentInstance               self;                       // our component's instance
    // fields specific to this component implementation
    HardwarePrefsHandle             prefs;                      // user's preferences
    Boolean                         prefsChanged;               // true if prefs need to be saved to disk
    Boolean                         hardwareOn;                 // true if hardware is on, false if it is off
    Boolean                         inAppHeap;                  // true if loaded into an app's heap
    Boolean                         padding1;                   // padding to align struct
    unsigned long                   ioBufferSize;               // size of i/o buffer in bytes
    long                            interruptInterval;          // time in microseconds between interrupts
    myTMTask                        tmTask;                     // time manager task record used to trigger interrupt
    long                            headerLen;                  // length of AIFF header written to beginning of file
    short                           fRefNum;                    // fref of file to save data into
    short                           currentIndex;               // current buffer to save data into
    IOBuffer                        ioBuffers[2];               // buffer descriptions
#ifdef FakeInterrupts
    unsigned long                   nextTime;                   // next time to interrupt
    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()
// function prototypes
OSErr                   SetupHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
void                    ReleaseHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
void                    StartHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
void                    StopHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
void                    ResumeHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
void                    CopySamplesToHardware (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr siftPtr);
void                    OutputToFile (SoundComponentDataPtr siftPtr, void *dest, long sampleCount);
Boolean                 FakeInterrupt (void);
void                    InterruptRoutine (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
SoundComponentDataPtr   GetMoreSource (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr                   SetupOutputFile (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr                   CloseOutputFile (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr                   GetPreferences (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
OSErr                   InitFromPreferences (SoundOutputGlobalsPtr globals);
//#if TARGET_CPU_68K
//void                  TMInterrupt (myTMTaskPtr taskPtr:__a1);
void                    TMInterrupt (myTMTaskPtr taskPtr);
unsigned long           MicroSeconds (void) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA193);
extern Ptr              GetRegisterA1 (void) ONEWORDINLINE(0x2009); // MOVE.L   A1,D0
// failure handling macros
    Some macros used to check for errors and also to allow for
    handling them by using a goto statement.  This makes the source
    code easier to read.  It will break into the debugger with a
    message showing the condition that caused the failure.  In some
    of the macros the debug message is removed but goto remains.  In
    other macros all of it is removed when doing a non-debug build.
    Note that these macros use the "\p" construct for creating
    Pascal strings at compile time.  Most non-Mac compilers do
    not recognize this, give a warning, and put 'p' as the first
    character of the string.  You can ignore the warning because
    the non-Mac version of DebugStr deals with this just fine.
    For Microsoft's Visual C++, we suppress the warning below.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__)
    // Visual C++ from Microsoft
    #pragma warning(disable:4129)                           // unrecognized character escape sequence
// This checks for the exception, and if true then goto handler
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FailIf(cond, handler)                               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        DebugStr((ConstStr255Param)"\p"#cond " goto " #handler);    \
        goto handler;                                       \
    } else 0
#define FailIf(cond, handler)                               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        goto handler;                                       \
    } else 0
// This checks for the exception, and if true do the action and goto handler
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FailWithAction(cond, action, handler)               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        DebugStr((ConstStr255Param)"\p"#cond " goto " #handler);    \
        { action; }                                         \
        goto handler;                                       \
    } else 0
#define FailWithAction(cond, action, handler)               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        { action; }                                         \
        goto handler;                                       \
    } else 0
// This will insert debugging code in the application to check conditions
// and displays the condition in the debugger if true.  This code is
// completely removed in non-debug builds.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FailMessage(cond)                                   \
    if (cond)                                               \
        DebugStr((ConstStr255Param)"\p"#cond);              \
    else 0
#define FailMessage(cond)
// This allows you to test for the result of a condition (i.e. CloseComponent)
// and break if it returns a non zero result, otherwise it ignores the result.
// When a non-debug build is done, the result is ignored.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ErrorMessage(cond)                                  \
    if (cond)                                               \
        DebugStr((ConstStr255Param)"\p"#cond);              \
    else 0
#define ErrorMessage(cond)      cond
// This will display a given message in the debugger; this code is completely
// removed in non-debug builds.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DebugMessage(s)         DebugString((ConstStr255Param)s)
#define DebugMessage(s)
#endif // __AIFFWRITER__