Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
dru_progress.c |
Part of the Disc Recording Utility sources for command-line tools. This |
code provides utility functions for handling progress bars. |
*/ |
#include <DiscRecording/DiscRecording.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <sys/ioctl.h> |
#include <sys/fcntl.h> |
#include <sys/ttycom.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include "dru_progress.h" |
void druTestProgressBar(); |
void druWinch(int signal); |
typedef struct druProgress druProgress; |
struct druProgress |
{ |
char lastStage[100]; /* last stage that we were in */ |
char lineBuffer[MAX_PROGRESS_WIDTH]; /* the active line */ |
int lastPercent; /* last percentage we processed */ |
int newlineWhenStageCompletes; /* setting: print a newline when the stage completes? */ |
}; |
int druInstalledWinch = 0; |
int druReceivedWinch = 0; |
int druScreenWidth = 0; |
int druTTY = -1; |
#pragma mark - |
/* |
druTestProgressBar |
Runs a test for the progress bar. |
*/ |
void druTestProgressBar() |
{ |
dru_progress_t bar = druProgressBarCreate(); |
int nlosc = 1; |
float percent; |
druProgressBarSetNewLineForEachStage(bar,nlosc); |
for (percent = 0.0; percent <= 1.0; percent += 0.001) |
{ |
druProgressBarUpdate(bar,"Preparing...",percent); |
usleep(10000); |
} |
for (percent = 0.0; percent <= 1.0; percent += 0.001) |
{ |
druProgressBarUpdate(bar,"Writing...",percent); |
usleep(10000); |
} |
for (percent = 0.0; percent <= 1.0; percent += 0.001) |
{ |
druProgressBarUpdate(bar,"Closing...",percent); |
usleep(1000); |
} |
druProgressBarUpdate(bar,"Finishing up...",0); |
druProgressBarDispose(bar,1); |
printf("Test complete.\n"); |
} |
#pragma mark - |
/* |
druProgressBarCreate |
Creates a new, empty progress bar. |
*/ |
dru_progress_t |
druProgressBarCreate() |
{ |
dru_progress_t bar = (dru_progress_t)calloc(sizeof(struct druProgress),1); |
struct winsize size; |
/* Install SIGWINCH handler so that we correctly handle window resizes. */ |
if (!druInstalledWinch) |
{ |
druInstalledWinch = 1; |
signal(SIGWINCH,druWinch); |
} |
/* Get the width of the screen. */ |
if (druTTY == -1) |
druTTY = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY, 0); |
if (ioctl(druTTY,TIOCGWINSZ,&size) == 0) |
druScreenWidth = size.ws_col; |
/* Set a few variables. */ |
druReceivedWinch = 0; |
/* Return the progress bar. */ |
return bar; |
} |
/* |
druProgressBarSetNewLineForEachStage |
*/ |
void |
druProgressBarSetNewLineForEachStage(dru_progress_t progress, int nl) |
{ |
progress->newlineWhenStageCompletes = nl; |
} |
/* |
druProgressBarGetNewLineForEachStage |
*/ |
int |
druProgressBarGetNewLineForEachStage(dru_progress_t progress) |
{ |
return progress->newlineWhenStageCompletes; |
} |
/* |
druProgressBarUpdate |
*/ |
void |
druProgressBarUpdate(dru_progress_t progress, const char *stage, float percentage) |
{ |
int availableWidth = druScreenWidth; |
char newLineBuffer[MAX_PROGRESS_WIDTH]; |
int stageLen = strlen(stage); |
int percent = (int)(percentage * 100); |
/* Handle stage changes. */ |
if (strcmp(stage,progress->lastStage)) |
{ |
if (progress->lastStage[0] == 0 && progress->lineBuffer[0] == 0) |
{ |
/* This is the first stage. We don't need to do anything special for this. */ |
} |
else |
{ |
/* We just changed stages. Mark the previous stage as finished. */ |
druProgressBarUpdate(progress,progress->lastStage,1.0); |
druProgressBarUpdate(progress,progress->lastStage,INFINITY); |
/* If we've been told to generate a new line for each stage, do so. */ |
if (progress->newlineWhenStageCompletes) |
{ |
printf("\n"); |
progress->lineBuffer[0] = 0; |
} |
} |
/* Remember the new stage. */ |
strncpy(progress->lastStage,stage,sizeof(progress->lastStage)); |
progress->lastStage[sizeof(progress->lastStage)-1] = 0; |
} |
/* If we received a SIGWINCH, erase the current progress bar. */ |
if (druReceivedWinch) |
{ |
struct winsize size; |
druReceivedWinch = 0; |
if (ioctl(druTTY,TIOCGWINSZ,&size) == 0) |
druScreenWidth = size.ws_col; |
printf("\r%*s\r", (int)strlen(progress->lineBuffer), ""); |
progress->lineBuffer[0] = 0; |
fflush(stdout); |
} |
/* Figure out how much space is available now. */ |
if (availableWidth > MAX_PROGRESS_WIDTH) |
availableWidth = MAX_PROGRESS_WIDTH; |
/* Build a new line buffer. The first thing in it is the stage. */ |
strncpy(newLineBuffer,stage,availableWidth); |
newLineBuffer[availableWidth-1] = 0; |
/* Next, if we're exactly done, say so. We check for either the |
special INFINITY param, or for a percentage that jumps from 0 to 100%. */ |
if (percentage > 10000 || (percent == 100 && progress->lastPercent == 0)) |
{ |
snprintf(&newLineBuffer[stageLen],availableWidth - stageLen," done."); |
} |
/* Otherwise add the progress bar and percentage. We only need to draw a |
progress bar if the percentage is greater than zero. We treat negative |
or zero progress as indeterminate. */ |
else if (percent > 0) |
{ |
/* How much space is available? */ |
if (availableWidth - stageLen < 5) |
{ |
/* No space for anything. */ |
} |
else if (availableWidth - stageLen < 15) |
{ |
/* Only enough space for a percentage. */ |
snprintf(&newLineBuffer[stageLen],availableWidth - stageLen," %d%% ", percent); |
} |
else |
{ |
/* There's enough room for a progress bar and a percentage. */ |
int barTotalWidth = availableWidth - stageLen - 10; |
int barFullWidth = (int)(barTotalWidth * percentage); |
if (barFullWidth < 0) barFullWidth = 0; |
if (barFullWidth > barTotalWidth) barFullWidth = barTotalWidth; |
/* First fill in an empty progress bar. */ |
snprintf(&newLineBuffer[stageLen],availableWidth - stageLen," [%*s] %d%% ", |
barTotalWidth, "", percent); |
/* It's full of stars! */ |
while (barFullWidth > 0) |
newLineBuffer[stageLen + 2 + --barFullWidth] = '*'; |
} |
} |
/* We've got our new line buffer. Now let's print out enough characters to |
update it. To reduce flicker, we don't erase and redraw the entire line |
every time; we just redraw what changed. */ |
if (strcmp(progress->lineBuffer,newLineBuffer)) |
{ |
unsigned int i,j; |
/* Find the first changed character. */ |
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(newLineBuffer); ++i) |
if (progress->lineBuffer[i] != newLineBuffer[i]) |
break; |
/* Back up that many characters. */ |
j = strlen(progress->lineBuffer) - i; |
while (j-- > 0) |
printf("\b \b"); |
/* Print the rest of the line. */ |
printf("%s",&newLineBuffer[i]); |
/* Remember the line as it now stands. */ |
strncpy(progress->lineBuffer,newLineBuffer,sizeof(progress->lineBuffer)); |
progress->lineBuffer[sizeof(progress->lineBuffer)-1] = 0; |
/* Last but not least, flush the display. */ |
fflush(stdout); |
/* If we just hit 100%, sleep for a half a second so that the user |
sees it and feels a sense of closure, before we jump to the "done" state. */ |
if (percent == 100) |
usleep(500000); |
} |
/* Remember the last percentage. */ |
progress->lastPercent = (percent > 0) ? percent:0; |
} |
/* |
druProgressBarDispose |
Disposes a progress bar, with an indicator of whether the progress bar is being |
terminated with successfuls status or not. (Unsuccessful status means that |
we leave the bar visible the the user.) |
*/ |
void druProgressBarDispose(dru_progress_t progress, int success) |
{ |
/* Close the current stage, if any. */ |
if (progress->lastStage[0] != 0 && success) |
{ |
druProgressBarUpdate(progress,progress->lastStage,1.0); |
druProgressBarUpdate(progress,progress->lastStage,INFINITY); |
} |
/* If we're doing a newline on stage changes, print a newline. Otherwise, |
this counts as a stage change, so erase the progress if we're successful. */ |
if (progress->newlineWhenStageCompletes || !success) |
printf("\n"); |
else if (!progress->newlineWhenStageCompletes && success) |
{ |
printf("\r%*s\r", (int)strlen(progress->lineBuffer), ""); |
progress->lineBuffer[0] = 0; |
fflush(stdout); |
} |
/* That's it - free our buffer and we're done. */ |
free(progress); |
} |
#pragma mark - |
/* |
druWinch |
Signal handler, simply sets druReceivedWinch to true. The progress callback |
will notice next time it draws. |
*/ |
void |
druWinch(int signal) |
{ |
#pragma unused(signal) |
druReceivedWinch = 1; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14