
    File:       uLawDecompressor.c
    Contains    µLaw 2:1 Decompression Sound Component
    Written by: Jim Reekes
    Copyright:  © 1991-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__) 
#pragma warning(disable:4229)       // ignore anachronism used: modifiers on data are ignored
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <MacErrors.h>
#include <Endian.h>
#include <MacMemory.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Components.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <MoviesFormat.h>
#include "QTML.h"
#include "uLawCodec.h"
//          Constants
#define kInputFormat        kCodecFormat                /* required input format */
#define kOutputFormat       k16BitNativeEndianFormat    /* decompressors must output native samples */
enum {
    kOutputSampleSize       = 16,                           /* size of output samples */
    kOutputBufferBytes      = (kMaxOutputSamples * (kOutputSampleSize/8) * 2)       /* room for 16-bit stereo data */
//          types
    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)
// Keep your data long word aligned for best performance
typedef struct {
    ComponentInstance   sourceComponent;    /* who to call for more source data */
    SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr;    /* pointer to source data descriptor */
    SoundComponentData  outputData;         /* local data descriptor record */
    SoundSource         sourceID;
    long                maxFrames;          /* max frames we can output, considering stereo */
    long                outputBufferSamples; /* no. samples in output buffer */
    CompressionInfo     compInfo;           /* info about compressor */
    Handle              ulawTableHandle;    /* resource handle to ulaw table */
    short               *ulawTable;         /* pointer to ulaw table */
    Byte                buffer[kOutputBufferBytes]; /* buffer space */
    QTMLMutex           interruptMutex;     /* prevent (if necessary) the app and interrupt killing eachother */
} ULawDecompGlobals, *ULawDecompGlobalsPtr;
typedef struct {
    AudioFormatAtom     formatData;
    AudioEndianAtom     endianData;
    AudioTerminatorAtom terminatorData;
} AudioDecompressionAtom, *AudioDecompressionAtomPtr, **AudioDecompressionAtomHandle;
    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()
//          prototypes
static OSErr                GetDecompressionParams(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, AudioDecompressionAtomHandle *params);
static OSErr                SetDecompressionParams(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, UserDataAtom *atom);
static ComponentResult      PrimeSource(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals);
static unsigned long        SamplesToBytes(unsigned long sampleCount,  CompressionInfoPtr compInfo);
static unsigned long        BytesToSamples(unsigned long byteCount,  CompressionInfoPtr compInfo);
static unsigned long        SamplesToFrames(unsigned long sampleCount,  CompressionInfoPtr compInfo);
static unsigned long        FramesToSamples(unsigned long framesCount,  CompressionInfoPtr compInfo);
static void                 InitializeCompressionInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals);
static OSErr                DecompressorGetInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, OSType selector, void *infoPtr);
static OSErr                DecompressorSetInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, OSType selector, void *infoPtr);
static OSErr                SetCompressorInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, CompressionInfoPtr cp);
static void                 ExpandULaw(Byte *inbuf, short *outbuf, short *ulawTable, long framesToConvert, short numChannels, short whichChannel, short sampleSize);
//          Component Dispatcher
#define CALLCOMPONENT_BASENAME()        __uLawDecomp
#define CALLCOMPONENT_GLOBALS()         ULawDecompGlobalsPtr storage
#define COMPONENT_UPP_SELECT_ROOT()     SoundComponent
#define COMPONENT_DISPATCH_FILE         "uLawCodecDispatch.h"
#define GET_DELEGATE_COMPONENT()        (storage->sourceComponent)
#include "Components.k.h"
#include "Sound.k.h"
#include "ComponentDispatchHelper.c"
//          Component Routines
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompOpen(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self)
    OSErr                       result;
    globals = (ULawDecompGlobalsPtr)NewPtrSysClear(sizeof(ULawDecompGlobals));
    FailWithAction(globals == nil, result = MemError(), Failure);
    result = GetComponentResource((Component)self, k16BitTableResType, kSoundDecompressorResID, &globals->ulawTableHandle);
    FailIf(result != noErr, NoResource);
    globals->ulawTable = (short *)StripAddress(*globals->ulawTableHandle);
    // The ulawTable values are stored in the resource fork as 16-bit big-endian data
    // (Rez assumes any integers in a .r file are big-endian, for compatibility).
    // Make them little-endian, so we can do math with them on this little-endian machine.
    // There are ways to get the Resource Manager to do this for you by registering
    // a callback for the resource type, but that's beyond the scope of this example.
        long numElements = GetHandleSize(globals->ulawTableHandle) / 2;
        long i;
        for (i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
            globals->ulawTable[i] = EndianU16_BtoN(globals->ulawTable[i]);
    globals->outputData.format = kOutputFormat;         // output format
    globals->outputData.sampleSize = kOutputSampleSize; // output sample size
    globals->outputBufferSamples = kMaxOutputSamples;   // will be set to requested->sampleCount later
    // set our storage pointer to our globals
    SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle) globals);
    globals->interruptMutex = QTMLCreateMutex();
    FailWithAction(globals->interruptMutex == nil, result = memFullErr, NoMutex);
    return (noErr);
    return (result);
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompClose(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, ComponentInstance self)
    ComponentResult     result;
    self; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    if (globals != nil)                                         // we have some globals
        if (globals->sourceComponent)
            result = CloseComponent(globals->sourceComponent);  // torch source component
            FailMessage(result != noErr);
        globals->outputData.sampleCount = 0;                    // nothing in our buffer now
        if (globals->interruptMutex != nil) 
            globals->interruptMutex = nil;
        if (globals->ulawTableHandle != nil)
        DisposePtr((Ptr)globals);                               // torch them
    return (noErr);
pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompVersion(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals)
    globals; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    return (kSoundDecompressorVersion);
// Sound Component Methods
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompSetSource(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, ComponentInstance source)
    SoundComponentDataPtr   sourceData;
    globals->sourceID = sourceID;
    globals->sourceComponent = source;                  // our food source
    globals->sourceDataPtr = nil;                       // nothing read from source yet
    // make sure we can get the source we need
    return (SoundComponentSetOutput(source, &globals->outputData, &sourceData));
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompSetOutput(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr requested, SoundComponentDataPtr *actual)
    globals->outputBufferSamples = requested->sampleCount;              // no. samples to output
    if (globals->outputBufferSamples > kMaxOutputSamples)               // too much for our buffer
        globals->outputBufferSamples = kMaxOutputSamples;
    // must be one of the output formats we support
    FailIf((requested->sampleSize == 8) && (requested->format != k8BitOffsetBinaryFormat), Failure);
    // decompressors output to native endian by definition
    FailIf((requested->sampleSize == 16) && (requested->format != k16BitNativeEndianFormat), Failure);
    globals->outputData = *requested;
    return (noErr);
    // here's what we can do
    *actual = &globals->outputData;
    return (paramErr);
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompGetInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
    ComponentResult     result;
    result = noErr;
    switch (selector)
        case siCompressionFactor:
            *(CompressionInfoPtr)infoPtr = globals->compInfo;
        case siDecompressionParams:
            result = GetDecompressionParams(globals, (AudioDecompressionAtomHandle *)infoPtr);
            if (globals->sourceComponent == nil)
                result = siUnknownInfoType;
                result = SoundComponentGetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
    return (result);
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompSetInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, OSType selector, void *infoPtr)
    ComponentResult     result;
    result = noErr;
    switch (selector)
        case siDecompressionParams:
            result = SetDecompressionParams(globals, (UserDataAtom *)infoPtr);
            if (globals->sourceComponent == nil)
                result = siUnknownInfoType;
                result = SoundComponentSetInfo(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, selector, infoPtr);
    return (result);
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompPlaySourceBuffer(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundSource sourceID, SoundParamBlockPtr pb, long actions)
    globals->sourceDataPtr = nil;                       // no source yet
    globals->outputData.sampleCount = 0;                // our buffer is empty
    return (SoundComponentPlaySourceBuffer(globals->sourceComponent, sourceID, pb, actions));
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompStopSource(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, short count, SoundSource *sources)
    globals->sourceDataPtr = nil;                       // assume our source is gone
    return (SoundComponentStopSource(globals->sourceComponent, count, sources));
static pascal ComponentResult __uLawDecompGetSourceData(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, SoundComponentDataPtr *resultData)
    SoundComponentDataPtr sourceDataPtr;
    long                samplesConverted;
    long                framesToConvert;
    ComponentResult     result = noErr;
    Byte                *inputBuffer;
    if (globals->sourceDataPtr == nil)                      // no source pointer so...
        result = PrimeSource(globals);                      // get data from our source
        FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
    sourceDataPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;                 // get pointer to source sound component
    if (sourceDataPtr->sampleCount == 0)                    // source is out of bytes
    {                                                       // get some more source
        result = SoundComponentGetSourceData(globals->sourceComponent, &globals->sourceDataPtr);
        FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
        sourceDataPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;             // get pointer to source sound component
    if ((sourceDataPtr->format == globals->outputData.format) ||    // input and output are same
        (sourceDataPtr->buffer == nil) ||                           // or no source buffer
        (sourceDataPtr->sampleCount == 0))                          // or no source buffer
        globals->sourceDataPtr = nil;                       // get new source next time
        *resultData = sourceDataPtr;                        // pass source on down
        framesToConvert = SamplesToFrames(sourceDataPtr->sampleCount, &globals->compInfo);
        if (framesToConvert)                                // source has some data for us
            if (framesToConvert > globals->maxFrames)
                framesToConvert = globals->maxFrames;       // limited to size of output
            samplesConverted = FramesToSamples(framesToConvert, &globals->compInfo);
            inputBuffer = sourceDataPtr->buffer;            // point at input buffer
            sourceDataPtr->buffer += SamplesToBytes(samplesConverted, &globals->compInfo);  // update input buffer
            sourceDataPtr->sampleCount -= samplesConverted;
            if (sourceDataPtr->numChannels == 1)
                ExpandULaw(inputBuffer, (short *) globals->buffer, globals->ulawTable,
                            framesToConvert, 1, 1, globals->outputData.sampleSize);
                // do the left samples
                ExpandULaw(inputBuffer, (short *) globals->buffer, globals->ulawTable,
                            framesToConvert, 2, 1, globals->outputData.sampleSize);
                // do the right samples
                ExpandULaw(inputBuffer, (short *) globals->buffer, globals->ulawTable,
                            framesToConvert, 2, 2, globals->outputData.sampleSize);
            samplesConverted = 0;
        globals->outputData.buffer = globals->buffer;       // data in this buffer
        globals->outputData.sampleCount = samplesConverted; // return num. samples converted
        *resultData = &globals->outputData;                     // tell them what we made
    return (result);
//      sub routines    _
//                    _|_
//      o       _____|   |_____
//        o o  +______________/
static OSErr GetDecompressionParams(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, AudioDecompressionAtomHandle *params)
    AudioDecompressionAtomHandle    atom;
    AudioDecompressionAtomPtr       atomPtr;
    OSErr                           result;
    globals; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    result = noErr;
    atom = (AudioDecompressionAtomHandle)NewHandle(sizeof(AudioDecompressionAtom));
    FailWithAction(atom == nil, result = MemError(), Exit);
    atomPtr = *atom;
    atomPtr->formatData.size = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(AudioFormatAtom));
    atomPtr->formatData.atomType = EndianU32_NtoB(kAudioFormatAtomType);
    atomPtr->formatData.format = EndianU32_NtoB(kInputFormat);
    atomPtr->endianData.size = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(AudioEndianAtom));
    atomPtr->endianData.atomType = EndianU32_NtoB(kAudioEndianAtomType);
    atomPtr->endianData.littleEndian = EndianU16_NtoB(false);       // µlaw is not little endian
    atomPtr->terminatorData.size = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(AudioTerminatorAtom));
    atomPtr->terminatorData.atomType = EndianU32_NtoB(kAudioTerminatorAtomType);
    *params = atom;
    return (result);
static OSErr SetDecompressionParams(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals, UserDataAtom *atom)
    OSErr           result;
    short           littleEndian;
    Boolean         moreAtoms;
    globals; // suppress "unused variable" warning for all compilers
    result = noErr;
    moreAtoms = true;
    littleEndian = false;
        long atomSize = EndianS32_BtoN(atom->size);
        FailWithAction(atomSize < 8, result = invalidAtomErr, Exit);
        switch (EndianU32_BtoN(atom->atomType))
            case kAudioFormatAtomType:
                FailWithAction(((AudioFormatAtom *)atom)->format != EndianU32_NtoB(kInputFormat), result = badFormat, Exit);
            case kAudioEndianAtomType:
                // Don't do this during an interrupt
                littleEndian = EndianU16_BtoN(((AudioEndianAtom *)atom)->littleEndian);
            case kAudioTerminatorAtomType:
                moreAtoms = false;
            default:    // unknown atom type
        atom = (UserDataAtom *)((long)atom + atomSize);
    } while (moreAtoms);
    if (littleEndian)
        result = paramErr;                      // we do not do little endian
    return (result);
static ComponentResult PrimeSource(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals)
    ComponentResult         result = noErr;
    SoundComponentDataPtr   sourceDataPtr;
    result = SoundComponentGetSourceData(globals->sourceComponent, &globals->sourceDataPtr);
    FailIf(result != noErr, Exit);
    FailWithAction(globals->sourceDataPtr == nil, result = paramErr, Exit);
    sourceDataPtr = globals->sourceDataPtr;
    globals->outputData.flags = sourceDataPtr->flags;               // copy flags unchanged
    globals->outputData.sampleRate = sourceDataPtr->sampleRate;     // copy sample rate unchanged
    globals->outputData.numChannels = sourceDataPtr->numChannels;   // copy numchannels unchanged
    // update bytesPerFrame according to number of channels
    globals->compInfo.bytesPerFrame = globals->compInfo.bytesPerPacket * sourceDataPtr->numChannels;
    globals->maxFrames = SamplesToFrames(globals->outputBufferSamples, &globals->compInfo);
    return (result);
static unsigned long SamplesToBytes(unsigned long sampleCount, CompressionInfoPtr compInfo)
    return ((sampleCount / compInfo->samplesPerPacket) * compInfo->bytesPerFrame);
static unsigned long BytesToSamples(unsigned long byteCount, CompressionInfoPtr compInfo)
    return ((byteCount / compInfo->bytesPerFrame) * compInfo->samplesPerPacket);
static unsigned long SamplesToFrames(unsigned long sampleCount, CompressionInfoPtr compInfo)
    return (sampleCount / compInfo->samplesPerPacket);
static unsigned long FramesToSamples(unsigned long frameCount, CompressionInfoPtr compInfo)
    return (frameCount * compInfo->samplesPerPacket);
static void InitializeCompressionInfo(ULawDecompGlobalsPtr globals)
    globals->compInfo.recordSize = sizeof(CompressionInfo);
    globals->compInfo.format = kInputFormat;
    globals->compInfo.compressionID = fixedCompression;
    globals->compInfo.samplesPerPacket = kULawBlockSamples;
    globals->compInfo.bytesPerPacket = kULawBlockBytes;
    globals->compInfo.bytesPerSample = kULawBytesPerSample;
    globals->compInfo.bytesPerFrame = kULawBlockBytes;
    globals->compInfo.futureUse1 = 0;
//          µLaw 2:1 Decompression
    #define GetEndianHighByte(p) (*(Byte *)(&p))
    #define GetEndianHighByte(p) (*((Byte *)(&p)+1))
void ExpandULaw(Byte *inbuf, short *outbuf, short *ulawTable, 
                long framesToConvert, short numChannels, short whichChannel, short sampleSize)
    short       i;
    whichChannel -= 1;
    inbuf += whichChannel;
    if (sampleSize == 8)
        Byte    *outbuf8 = (Byte *) outbuf;
        Byte    b, toggle = 0x80;
        if (numChannels == 1)
            for (i = framesToConvert - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                b = GetEndianHighByte(ulawTable[*inbuf++]);
                b ^= toggle;
                *outbuf8++ = b;
            outbuf8 += whichChannel;
            for (i = framesToConvert - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                b = GetEndianHighByte(ulawTable[*inbuf]);
                b ^= toggle;
                *outbuf8 = b;
                inbuf += 2;
                outbuf8 += 2;
        if (numChannels == 1)
            for (i = framesToConvert - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                *outbuf++ = ulawTable[*inbuf++];
            outbuf += whichChannel;
            for (i = framesToConvert - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                *outbuf = ulawTable[*inbuf];
                inbuf += 2;
                outbuf += 2;