
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Parses command-line arguments and invokes the appropriate command
import CoreMedia
import AVFoundation
// Use enums to enforce uniqueness of option labels.
enum LongLabel: String {
    case FileType           = "filetype"
    case PresetName         = "preset"
    case DeleteExistingFile = "replace"
    case LogEverything      = "verbose"
    case TrimStartTime      = "trim-start-time"
    case TrimEndTime        = "trim-end-time"
    case FilterMetadata     = "filter-metadata"
    case InjectMetadata     = "inject-metadata"
enum ShortLabel: String {
    case FileType           = "f"
    case PresetName         = "p"
    case DeleteExistingFile = "r"
    case LogEverything      = "v"
let executableName = NSString(string: Process.arguments.first!).pathComponents.last!
func usage() {
    print("\t\(executableName) <source path> <dest path> [options]")
    print("\t\(executableName) list-presets [<source path>]")
    print("") // newline
    print("In the first form, \(executableName) performs an export of the file at <source path>, writing the result to a file at <dest path>.  If no options are given, a passthrough export to a QuickTime Movie file is performed.")
    print("In the second form, \(executableName) lists the available parameters to the -preset option.  If <source path> is specified, only the presets compatible with the file at <source path> will be listed.")
    print("Options for first form:")
    print("\t-f, -filetype <UTI>")
    print("\t\tThe file type (e.g. com.apple.m4v-video) for the output file")
    print("\t-p, -preset <preset>")
    print("\t\tThe preset name; use commmand list-presets to see available preset names")
    print("\t-r, -replace YES")
    print("\t\tIf there is a pre-existing file at the destination location, remove it before exporting")
    print("\t-v, -verbose YES")
    print("\t\tPrint more information about the execution")
    print("\t-trim-start-time <seconds>")
    print("\t\tWhen specified, all media before the start time will be trimmed out")
    print("\t-trim-end-time <seconds>")
    print("\t\tWhen specified, all media after the end time will be trimmed out")
    print("\t-filter-metadata YES")
    print("\t\tFilter out privacy-sensitive metadata")
    print("\t-inject-metadata YES")
    print("\t\tAdd simple metadata during export")
// Errors that can occur during argument parsing.
enum CommandLineError: ErrorType, CustomStringConvertible {
    case TooManyArguments
    case TooFewArguments(descriptionOfRequiredArguments: String)
    case InvalidArgument(reason: String)
    var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .TooManyArguments:
                return "Too many arguments"
            case .TooFewArguments(let descriptionOfRequiredArguments):
                return "Missing argument(s).  Must specify \(descriptionOfRequiredArguments)."
            case .InvalidArgument(let reason):
                return "Invalid argument. \(reason)."
/// A set of convenience methods to use with our specific command line arguments.
extension NSUserDefaults {
    func stringForLongLabel(longLabel: LongLabel) -> String? {
        return stringForKey(longLabel.rawValue)
    func stringForShortLabel(shortLabel: ShortLabel) -> String? {
        return stringForKey(shortLabel.rawValue)
    func boolForLongLabel(longLabel: LongLabel) -> Bool {
        return boolForKey(longLabel.rawValue)
    func boolForShortLabel(shortLabel: ShortLabel) -> Bool {
        return boolForKey(shortLabel.rawValue)
    func timeForLongLabel(longLabel: LongLabel) throws -> CMTime? {
        if let timeAsString = stringForLongLabel(longLabel) {
            guard let timeAsSeconds = Float64(timeAsString) else {
                throw CommandLineError.InvalidArgument(reason: "Non-numeric time \"\(timeAsString)\".")
            return CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(timeAsSeconds, 600)
        return nil
    func timeForShortLabel(shortLabel: ShortLabel) throws -> CMTime? {
        if let timeAsString = stringForShortLabel(shortLabel) {
            guard let timeAsSeconds = Float64(timeAsString) else {
                throw CommandLineError.InvalidArgument(reason: "Non-numeric time \"\(timeAsString)\".")
            return CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(timeAsSeconds, 600)
        return nil
// Lists all presets, or the presets compatible with the file at the given path
func listPresets(sourcePath: String? = nil) {
    let presets: [String]
    switch sourcePath {
        case let sourcePath?:
            print("Presets compatible with \(sourcePath):.")
            let sourceURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: sourcePath)
            let asset = AVAsset(URL: sourceURL)
            presets = AVAssetExportSession.exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset(asset)
        case nil:
            print("Available presets:")
            presets = AVAssetExportSession.allExportPresets()
    let presetsDescription = presets.joinWithSeparator("\n\t")
/// The main function that handles all of the command line argument parsing.
func actOnCommandLineArguments() {
    let arguments = Process.arguments
    let firstArgumentAfterExecutablePath: String? = (arguments.count >= 2) ? arguments[1] : nil
    if arguments.contains("-help") || arguments.contains("-h") {
    do {
        switch firstArgumentAfterExecutablePath {
            case nil, "help"?:
            case "list-presets"?:
                if arguments.count == 3 {
                else if arguments.count > 3 {
                    throw CommandLineError.TooManyArguments
                else {
                guard arguments.count >= 3 else {
                    throw CommandLineError.TooFewArguments(descriptionOfRequiredArguments: "source and dest paths")
                let sourceURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: arguments[1])
                let destinationURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: arguments[2])
                var exporter = Exporter(sourceURL: sourceURL, destinationURL: destinationURL)
                let options = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
                if let fileType = options.stringForLongLabel(.FileType) ?? options.stringForShortLabel(.FileType) {
                    exporter.destinationFileType = fileType
                if let presetName = options.stringForLongLabel(.PresetName) ?? options.stringForShortLabel(.PresetName) {
                    exporter.presetName = presetName
                exporter.deleteExistingFile = options.boolForLongLabel(.DeleteExistingFile) || options.boolForShortLabel(.DeleteExistingFile)
                exporter.isVerbose = options.boolForLongLabel(.LogEverything) || options.boolForShortLabel(.LogEverything)
                let trimStartTime = try options.timeForLongLabel(.TrimStartTime)
                let trimEndTime = try options.timeForLongLabel(.TrimEndTime)
                switch (trimStartTime, trimEndTime) {
                    case (nil, nil):
                        exporter.timeRange = nil
                    case (let realStartTime?, nil):
                        exporter.timeRange = CMTimeRange(start: realStartTime, duration: kCMTimePositiveInfinity)
                    case (nil, let realEndTime?):
                        exporter.timeRange = CMTimeRangeFromTimeToTime(kCMTimeZero, realEndTime)
                    case (let realStartTime?, let realEndTime?):
                        exporter.timeRange = CMTimeRangeFromTimeToTime(realStartTime, realEndTime)
                exporter.filterMetadata = options.boolForLongLabel(.FilterMetadata)
                exporter.injectMetadata = options.boolForLongLabel(.InjectMetadata)
                try exporter.export()
    catch let error as CommandLineError {
        print("error parsing arguments: \(error).")
        print("") // newline
    catch let error as NSError {
        let highLevelFailure = error.localizedDescription
        var errorOutput = highLevelFailure
        if let detailedFailure = error.localizedRecoverySuggestion ?? error.localizedFailureReason {
            errorOutput += ": \(detailedFailure)"
        print("error: \(errorOutput).")