Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* Partial MPI library based on Sockets in Linux, |
using TCP/IP protocol. |
No local buffering of messages is implemented, so that all messages |
must be received in the order sent, and receives with wildcard |
sources are not supported. the following subroutines are implemented: |
MPI_Init, MPI_Finalize, MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, MPI_Isend, MPI_Irecv |
MPI_Test, MPI_Wait, MPI_Sendrecv, MPI_Ssend, MPI_Issend, MPI_Waitall |
MPI_Waitany, MPI_Get_count, MPI_Initialized, MPI_Comm_size |
MPI_Comm_rank, MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_split, MPI_Comm_free |
MPI_Cart_create, MPI_Cart_coords, MPI_Cart_get, MPI_Cart_shift |
MPI_Cart_rank, MPI_Cart_sub, MPI_Dims_create |
MPI_Bcast, MPI_Barrier, MPI_Reduce, MPI_Scan |
MPI_Allreduce, MPI_Gather, MPI_Allgather, MPI_Scatter, MPI_Alltoall |
MPI_Gatherv, MPI_Allgatherv, MPI_Scatterv, MPI_Alltoallv |
MPI_Reduce_scatter, MPI_Abort, MPI_Wtime, MPI_Wtick, MPI_Type_extent |
MPI_Request_free, MPI_Get_processor_name |
Sockets are described in Unix: Network Programming, vol. 1, by |
W. Richards Stevens [Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998]. |
The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is described in the reference, |
M. Snir, S. Otto, S. Huss-Lederman, D. Walker, and J. Dongarra, |
MPI: The Complete Reference [MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,1996]. |
The file MPIerrs is used throughout for error messages |
written by viktor k. decyk, ucla |
copyright 2002, regents of the university of california. |
all rights reserved. |
no warranty for proper operation of this software is given or implied. |
software or information may be copied, distributed, and used at own |
risk; it may not be distributed without this notice included verbatim |
with each file. |
update: january 26, 2004 */ |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include "mpi.h" |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <sys/errno.h> |
#include <sys/socket.h> |
#include <netinet/in.h> |
#include <netinet/tcp.h> |
#include <arpa/inet.h> |
#include <sys/utsname.h> |
#include <sys/fcntl.h> |
#include <sys/ioctl.h> |
#include <sys/uio.h> |
#include <net/if.h> |
#include <netdb.h> |
#include <unistd.h> |
#include <signal.h> |
/* MAXS = maximum number of nodes connected */ |
#define MAXS 64 |
/* MAXM = maximum number of outstanding messages on a node */ |
#define MAXM (2*MAXS) |
/* MAXC = maximum number of communicators */ |
#define MAXC 10 |
/* MAXD = maximum number of topology dimensions */ |
#define MAXD 6 |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
epref = array of socket endpoints for each participating node |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function |
stime = first time stamp if MPI_Init successful |
mapcomm = communicator map |
maxfds = maximum descriptor value |
fdsset = fd_set reprsenting all endpoints |
sset = signal mask */ |
static int nproc = -1, idproc; |
static int epref[MAXS+2]; |
static int ioc[MAXS+2][4], mapcomm[MAXC][MAXS+MAXD+3]; |
static struct timeval stime; |
static int maxfds; |
static fd_set fdsset; |
static sigset_t sset; |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
header = message envelope |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
trash = trash bin for unwanted data |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
struct RWRec { |
int ref; |
int ioflag; |
void *buf; |
size_t nbytes; |
int flags; |
void *sbuf; |
int sln; |
int len; |
struct timeval ts[2]; |
int nextm; |
int nfatal; |
}; |
struct ipdata { |
struct iovec iov[2]; |
int hdata[4]; |
}; |
static int monitor = 1, curreq[MAXM][5], mqueue[MAXS+2][2]; |
static struct ipdata header[MAXM]; |
static struct RWRec rwrec[MAXM]; |
static unsigned char trash[1024]; |
static FILE *unit2; |
/* prototypes for internal procedures */ |
static void alarmf(int signo); |
static void notifier(int signo); |
long otpinit(int np, struct sockaddr_in *addrn, int alen); |
long etmsec(struct timeval *ptime); |
long sbtusec(struct timeval *pstime, struct timeval *crtime); |
int ioresult(int *pblock); |
int checkesc(long stk); |
void sndmsgf(MPI_Request request, int dest); |
void rcvmsgf(MPI_Request request, int source); |
static int imax(int val1, int val2); |
static int imin(int val1, int val2); |
static float flmax(float val1, float val2); |
static float flmin(float val1, float val2); |
static double dmax(double val1, double val2); |
static double dmin(double val1, double val2); |
static void iredux(int *recvbuf, int *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op); |
static void fredux(float *recvbuf, float *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op); |
static void dredux(double *recvbuf, double *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op); |
void writerrs(char *source, int ierror); |
void rwstat(int request, FILE *unit); |
void wqueue(FILE *unit); |
void messwin(int nvp); |
void logmess(int idp, int lstat, int lsize, int mticks, int tag); |
void showmess(int idp, int istat, int istyle); |
void showdism(int ibin, int nbin, int mbin, int lmax, int istyle); |
void shospeed(float atime, float ctime, float arate, float crate); |
void Logname(char *name); |
void Set_Mon(int monval); |
int Get_Mon(); |
void delmess(); |
/* function definitions */ |
int MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv) { |
/* initialize the MPI execution environment |
input: argc, argv, output: none |
local data */ |
int ierror, nerr, nv, i, alen; |
int portnum = 0, pshift = 0, pnumid[3], epnum[8]; |
long oss, response; |
char *cnerr = 0; |
struct utsname uinfo; |
struct hostent *info; |
struct in_addr address, oldadd; |
char ename[36], myself[36], location[18]; |
struct sockaddr_in addrn, addrb, addrl; |
struct timeval ptime; |
struct sigaction act; |
MPI_Status stat; |
FILE *unit3; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
epref = array of socket endpoints for each participating node |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function |
ioc[i][0] = endpoint reference for notifier for endpoint i |
ioc[i][1] = processor id for listener for endpoint i |
ioc[i][2] = handle for current receive from endpoint i |
ioc[i][3] = handle for current send to endpoint i |
stime = first time stamp if MPI_Init successful |
maxfds = maximum descriptor value |
fdsset = fd_set reprsenting all endpoints |
sset = signal mask |
mapcomm = communicator map |
mapcomm[i][0:nproc-1] = actual proc id for given rank in communicator i |
mapcomm[i][nproc:MAXS-1] = MPI_UNDEFINED |
mapcomm[i][MAXS] = number of processes in comm i |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = rank for this node in comm i |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+2] = ndims = number of dimensions in topology in comm i |
mapcomm[i][iMAXS+3:MAXS+2+ndims] = size of dimension in comm i, |
negative if non-periodic |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+3+ndims:MAXS+2+MAXD] = 0 */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters, see rwstat |
header = message envelope |
hdata[i][0] = communicator, hdata[i][1] = tag, hdata[i][2] = datatype |
hdata[i][3] = length of data (in bytes) for message handle i |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages, see rwstat |
mqueue = message request queue |
mqueue[i][0] = end of message queue for receives from endpoint i |
mqueue[i][1] = end of message queue for sends to endpoint i */ |
/* internal common block for adsp |
epref0 = endpoint reference used by tcp and adsp providers */ |
/* Initialize common block data */ |
for (i = 0; i < MAXS+2; i++) { |
epref[i] = 0; |
for (nv = 0; nv < 2; nv++) |
mqueue[i][nv] = 0; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < MAXC; i++) { |
for (nv = 0; nv < MAXS+MAXD+3; nv++) |
mapcomm[i][nv] = 0; |
} |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
for (nv = 0; nv < 5; nv++) |
curreq[i][nv] = 0; |
} |
/* Set MPI_COMM_WORLD and MPI_COMM_SELF mapping */ |
for (i = 0; i < MAXS; i++) { |
mapcomm[0][i] = i; |
mapcomm[1][i] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
/* Zero out descriptor array */ |
FD_ZERO(&fdsset); |
/* Open error file */ |
unit2 = fopen("MPIerrs","w"); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Init started\n"); |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&stime,NULL); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Gettimeofday Error = %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
} |
/* Obtain information about the Internet environment */ |
oss = uname(&uinfo); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Uname Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
return ierror; |
} |
strcpy(myself,uinfo.nodename); |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
fprintf(unit2,"local host name=%s\n",myself); |
} |
info = gethostbyname(uinfo.nodename); |
if (info==NULL) { |
oss = h_errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Gethostbyname Error = %ld for %s\n",oss,myself); |
fprintf(unit2,"%s, Trying INADDR_ANY\n",hstrerror(oss)); |
address.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; |
} |
else |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
i = 1; |
cnerr = ((info->h_addr_list)[i]); |
while (cnerr) { |
address.s_addr = *(in_addr_t *) cnerr; |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(address); |
strcpy(myself,cnerr); |
fprintf(unit2,"other local addresses=%d,%s\n",i,myself); |
i =+ 1; |
cnerr = ((info->h_addr_list)[i]); |
} |
} |
address.s_addr = *(in_addr_t *) ((info->h_addr_list)[0]); |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(address); |
strcpy(myself,cnerr); |
fprintf(unit2,"local address=%s\n",myself); |
} |
oldadd = address; |
/* |
Everyone opens a port |
*/ |
/* Open file containing portnum (and possibly participating nodes) |
first line in nodelist file on all nodes contains common portnum |
if the file is missing or empty, a default number of 5013 is used */ |
unit3 = fopen("nodelist_ip","r"); |
if (!unit3) |
unit3 = fopen("nodelist","r"); |
if (unit3) { |
cnerr = fgets(location,11,unit3); |
if (!cnerr) |
strcpy(location,"5013"); |
/* Replace trailing newlines with nulls */ |
cnerr = strchr(location,'\n'); |
if (cnerr) |
cnerr[0] = '\0'; |
if (location[0]=='\0') |
strcpy(location,"5013"); |
} |
else |
strcpy(location,"5013"); |
/* Convert string to integer */ |
nerr = sscanf(location,"%d",&portnum); |
if ((!nerr) || (portnum < 5000) || (portnum > 49152)) |
portnum = 5013; |
/* Construct sockaddr_in of listener */ |
addrn.sin_family = AF_INET; |
addrn.sin_port = portnum; |
addrn.sin_addr = address; |
alen = sizeof(addrn); |
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
addrn.sin_zero[i] = '\0'; |
strcpy(ename,myself); |
/* Save copy of portnum */ |
pnumid[0] = portnum; |
nproc = 0; |
/* Initialize synchronous listener endpoint provider */ |
oss = otpinit(MAXS+1,&addrn,alen); |
if (oss) { |
ierror = oss; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set struct sockaddr_in for address which is returned */ |
nerr = alen; |
oss = getsockname(epref[MAXS+1],(struct sockaddr *)&addrb,&nerr); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Getsockname Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Pass processor id to listener notifier */ |
ioc[MAXS+1][1] = nproc + 1; |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"listener=%s,port=%d,socket=%d\n",myself,portnum, |
epref[MAXS+1]); |
/* |
Determine if node is master (idproc=0) or slave (idproc>0). |
on the master node, the second and subsequent lines of nodelist file |
contain IP addresses of the nodes participating, in dotted-decimal |
format (for example, ""). |
if this list of nodes is missing, then the node is a slave. |
every node also makes a connection to itself. |
*/ |
if (unit3) { |
cnerr = fgets(location,17,unit3); |
} |
/* Must be slave */ |
if (!unit3 || !cnerr) |
idproc = 1; |
else { |
/* Replace trailing newlines with nulls */ |
cnerr = strchr(location,'\n'); |
if (cnerr) |
cnerr[0] = '\0'; |
/* Must be slave */ |
if (location[0]=='\0') |
idproc = 1; |
/* Must be master */ |
else |
idproc = 0; |
} |
/* |
* * * begin main iteration loop * * * |
Prepare to accept connection |
*/ |
/* Establish connection end */ |
/* Listen for an incoming connection request */ |
L10: oss = listen(epref[MAXS+1],1); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Listen Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Prepare alarm */ |
act.sa_handler = alarmf; |
sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); |
act.sa_flags = 0; |
oss = sigaction(SIGALRM,&act,NULL); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Sigaction SIGALRM Error = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* For connections to oneself, jump to connect */ |
if (idproc==nproc) { |
ioc[MAXS+1][1] = MAXS+2; |
goto L70; |
} |
/* Set alarm */ |
alarm(60); |
/* Accept an incoming connection request */ |
nerr = alen; |
epref[nproc] = accept(epref[MAXS+1],(struct sockaddr *)&addrl,&nerr); |
/* Clear alarm */ |
alarm(0); |
if (epref[nproc] < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
if (ierror==EINTR) |
ierror = ETIMEDOUT; |
fprintf(unit2,"Accept Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(addrl.sin_addr); |
fprintf(unit2,"socket=%d accepted connection with=%s,%d\n", |
epref[nproc],cnerr,addrl.sin_port); |
} |
ioc[MAXS+1][1] = 0; |
/* Receive portnum for verification and processor id from remote node */ |
nproc += 1; |
mapcomm[0][MAXS] = nproc; |
/* Reset iocompletion flag to notifier */ |
ioc[MAXS+1][1] = nproc + 1; |
ierror = MPI_Recv(epnum,3,MPI_INT,nproc-1,3,0,&stat); |
/* Extract processor id on first connection */ |
if (nproc==1) { |
idproc = epnum[1]; |
pshift = portnum - epnum[2]; |
portnum = epnum[2]; |
mapcomm[0][MAXS+1] = idproc; |
} |
/* Check if remote portnum agrees with local portnum */ |
nerr = pnumid[0] - epnum[0]; |
/* Send reject flag to remote node */ |
ierror = MPI_Send(&nerr,1,MPI_INT,nproc-1,4,0); |
/* Reject if portnums disagree */ |
if (nerr) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Session rejected, idproc = %d\n",idproc); |
fprintf(unit2,"Portnums do not agree\n"); |
ierror = 5; |
fprintf(unit2,"remote portnum = %d\n",epnum[0]); |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Check for processor number overflow */ |
if (nproc > MAXS) { |
fprintf(unit2,"processor number overflow, nproc = %d\n",nproc); |
ierror = 6; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"connection accepted with idproc=%d\n",nproc-1); |
/* Accept more connections */ |
if (idproc >= nproc) |
goto L10; |
/* |
Master prepares to start connection |
*/ |
/* Find internet address of requested node */ |
/* Convert a character string into an address */ |
L40: oss = inet_aton(location,&address); |
if (!oss) { |
fprintf(unit2,"inet_aton failed, location = %s\n",location); |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid nodelist file possibly being used\n"); |
ierror = oss; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Second cpu on a node uses incremented port number */ |
if (address.s_addr==oldadd.s_addr) |
pshift = pshift + 1; |
else { |
pshift = 0; |
oldadd = address; |
} |
pnumid[0] = portnum + pshift; |
addrn.sin_family = AF_INET; |
addrn.sin_port = pnumid[0]; |
/* addrn.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; */ |
addrn.sin_addr = address; |
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
addrn.sin_zero[i] = '\0'; |
/* Convert an address into a character string */ |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(address); |
strcpy(ename,cnerr); |
/* Establish connection end */ |
/* Create a new socket for this endpoint */ |
L70: addrb.sin_port = 0; |
/* Initialize synchronous endpoint provider */ |
oss = otpinit(nproc,&addrb,alen); |
if (oss) { |
ierror = oss; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"socket=%d requesting connection with=%s,%d\n", |
epref[nproc],ename,pnumid[0]); |
/* Pause to let OS get some time */ |
if (checkesc(1)) { |
ierror = -9; |
writerrs("MPI_Init: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&ptime,NULL); |
/* Set alarm */ |
alarm(60); |
/* Request a connection to a remote peer */ |
oss = connect(epref[nproc],(struct sockaddr *)&addrn,alen); |
/* Clear alarm */ |
alarm(0); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
if (ierror==EINTR) |
ierror = ETIMEDOUT; |
fprintf(unit2,"Connect Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Accept an incoming connection request to oneself */ |
if (idproc==nproc) { |
nerr = alen; |
epref[MAXS] = accept(epref[MAXS+1],(struct sockaddr *)&addrl,&nerr); |
if (epref[MAXS] < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Accept Error = %d, %s\n",ierror,strerror(ierror)); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(addrl.sin_addr); |
fprintf(unit2,"self socket=%d accepted connection with=%s,%d\n", |
epref[MAXS],cnerr,addrl.sin_port); |
} |
} |
ioc[nproc][1] = 0; |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
nerr = alen; |
oss = getpeername(epref[nproc],(struct sockaddr *)&addrl,&nerr); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Getpeername Error = %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
addrl.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; |
} |
cnerr = inet_ntoa(addrl.sin_addr); |
fprintf(unit2,"tentative connection started with=%s,%d\n",cnerr, |
addrl.sin_port); |
} |
/* Send portnum for verification and processor id to remote node */ |
nerr = nproc; |
nproc += 1; |
mapcomm[0][MAXS] = nproc; |
if (nerr > idproc) { |
/* Set processor id */ |
pnumid[1] = nerr; |
pnumid[2] = portnum; |
ierror = MPI_Send(pnumid,3,MPI_INT,nproc-1,3,0); |
/* Read and check reject flag */ |
ierror = MPI_Recv(&nerr,1,MPI_INT,nproc-1,4,0,&stat); |
if (nerr) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Connection rejected, reject info = %d\n",nerr); |
fprintf(unit2,"Portnums do not agree, idproc = %d\n",nproc-1); |
ierror = 12; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
} |
/* Check for processor number overflow */ |
if (nproc > MAXS) { |
fprintf(unit2,"processor number overflow, nproc = %d\n",nproc); |
ierror = 6; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"connection confirmed with idproc=%d\n",nproc-1); |
/* Pass current location to next node */ |
if (nproc > (idproc+2)) |
nerr = MPI_Send(location,4,MPI_INT,idproc+1,1,0); |
/* Read location of next node from file */ |
if (idproc==0) { |
if ((nproc >= 2) || (!strcmp(location,"self")) || (!strcmp(location,myself))) { |
if (!unit3) |
goto L90; |
cnerr = fgets(location,17,unit3); |
if (!cnerr) |
goto L90; |
/* Replace trailing newlines with nulls */ |
cnerr = strchr(location,'\n'); |
if (cnerr) |
cnerr[0] = '\0'; |
if (location[0]=='\0') |
goto L90; |
} |
} |
/* Receive location of next node from another processor */ |
else { |
nerr = MPI_Recv(location,4,MPI_INT,idproc-1,1,0,&stat); |
/* End of file marker received */ |
if (stat.len==0) |
goto L90; |
} |
/* Start another connection */ |
goto L40; |
/* |
* * * end main iteration loop * * * |
*/ |
/* All expected nodes activated */ |
L90: nv = nproc - 1; |
/* debug */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"all nodes activated, idproc, nproc=%d,%d\n", |
idproc,nproc); |
/* Send null record to next processor */ |
if (idproc < nv) |
nerr = MPI_Send(location,0,MPI_INT,idproc+1,1,0); |
if (unit3) |
fclose(unit3); |
/* Check number of processors */ |
if (idproc==nv) { |
for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { |
nerr = MPI_Send(&nproc,1,MPI_INT,nv-i,2,0); |
} |
} |
else { |
nerr = MPI_Recv(&response,1,MPI_INT,nv,2,0,&stat); |
/* Local processor does not agree with last processor on total number */ |
if (response != nproc) { |
fprintf(unit2,"processor number error, local/remote nproc = %d,%ld\n", |
nproc,response); |
ierror = 7; |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
} |
/* Clear unused MPI_COMM_WORLD mapping */ |
for (i = nproc; i < MAXS; i++) { |
mapcomm[0][i] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
mapcomm[0][MAXS+2] = 0; |
/* Set MPI_COMM_SELF */ |
mapcomm[1][0] = idproc; |
mapcomm[1][MAXS] = 1; |
mapcomm[1][MAXS+1] = 0; |
mapcomm[1][MAXS+2] = 0; |
/* Set descriptor array for notifier */ |
maxfds = -1; |
for (i = 0; i < MAXS+1; i++) { |
if (epref[i]) { |
maxfds = imax(epref[i],maxfds); |
FD_SET(epref[i],&fdsset); |
} |
} |
maxfds = maxfds + 1; |
/* Prepare signal mask */ |
oss = sigemptyset(&sset); |
oss = sigaddset(&sset,SIGIO); |
/* Prepare signal action */ |
act.sa_handler = notifier; |
sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); |
act.sa_flags = 0; |
oss = sigaction(SIGIO,&act,NULL); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Sigaction SIGIO Error = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
nerr = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set providers to asynchronous mode */ |
nv = 1; |
nerr = getpid(); |
for (i = 0; i < MAXS+1; i++) { |
if (epref[i]) { |
oss = fcntl(epref[i],F_SETOWN,nerr); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"F_SETOWN fcntl Error, oss = %ld, %s\n",oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
oss = ioctl(epref[i],FIOASYNC,&nv); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"FIOASYNC ioctl Error, oss = %ld, %s\n",oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
oss = ioctl(epref[i],FIONBIO,&nv); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"FIONBIO ioctl Error, oss = %ld, %s\n",oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Create window for showing MPI message status */ |
if (monitor > 0) { |
messwin(nproc); |
checkesc(1); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Init complete\n\n"); |
} |
/* Set error code to success */ |
ierror = 0; |
return ierror; |
} |
static void alarmf(int signo) { |
/* callback function to handle connect/accept alarms */ |
return; |
} |
static void notifier(int signo) { |
/* notifier function for asynchronous and completion events |
local data */ |
int i, j, l, n, m; |
long num, oss; |
struct timeval timeout = {0,0}; |
fd_set lfdsset; |
/* internal mpi common block |
epref = array of endpoint references for each participating node |
maxfds = maximum descriptor value |
fdsset = fd_set reprsenting all endpoints */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
trash = trash bin for unwanted data |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
/* Check if any descriptors are ready for reading */ |
lfdsset = fdsset; |
num = select(maxfds,&lfdsset,NULL,NULL,&timeout); |
/* Check for error in select */ |
if (num <= 0) { |
num = 0; |
goto L20; |
} |
l = 0; |
/* Find which descriptor has a read event */ |
for (i = 0; i < nproc; i++) { |
if (FD_ISSET(epref[i],&lfdsset)) { |
/* Get reference to endpoint */ |
n = ioc[i][0]; |
/* Read pointer to current read record */ |
m = ioc[i][2] - 1; |
/* Read data sent from a remote peer */ |
if ((m >= 0) && (m < MAXM)) { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&rwrec[m].ts[1],NULL); |
L10: oss = recv(rwrec[m].ref,rwrec[m].buf,rwrec[m].nbytes, |
rwrec[m].flags); |
if (oss < 0) |
oss = errno - 1024; |
/* Process data which arrived */ |
if (oss > 0) { |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[m].nfatal = 0; |
/* Set actual length received */ |
rwrec[m].len += oss; |
/* Check if all the data has arrived */ |
if (rwrec[m].len < header[m].hdata[3]) { |
/* Incomplete message */ |
if (rwrec[m].nbytes > oss) { |
/* Readjust buffer pointer */ |
rwrec[m].buf = (void *)(((unsigned char *)rwrec[m].buf) + oss); |
rwrec[m].nbytes -= oss; |
if (rwrec[m].len >= 0) |
rwrec[m].ioflag += 1; |
} |
/* Header is received, readjust parameters to receive data */ |
else if (rwrec[m].ioflag==1) { |
rwrec[m].buf = rwrec[m].sbuf; |
rwrec[m].nbytes = imin(header[m].hdata[3],rwrec[m].sln); |
rwrec[m].ioflag = 2; |
} |
/* Data is received and buffer is full */ |
else { |
rwrec[m].buf = &trash; |
rwrec[m].nbytes = 1024; |
} |
goto L10; |
} |
/* Message complete */ |
else { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&rwrec[m].ts[1],NULL); |
/* Set iocompletion flag */ |
rwrec[m].ioflag = 0; |
/* Get next message if messages are queued */ |
if (rwrec[m].nextm > 0) { |
m = rwrec[m].nextm; |
if (m==mqueue[n][0]) |
mqueue[n][0] = 0; |
ioc[i][2] = m; |
m -= 1; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* Clear pointer to current send record */ |
else |
ioc[i][2] = 0; |
} |
} |
/* Check for errors */ |
else { |
/* Check for EOF */ |
if (oss==0) |
oss = -1; |
/* Quit if no data is available */ |
if ((oss+1024) != EWOULDBLOCK) { |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
rwrec[m].ioflag = oss; |
ioc[i][2] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
/* All receive events processed */ |
l += 1; |
if (l==num) |
goto L20; |
} |
} |
/* Check if any descriptors are ready for writing */ |
L20: lfdsset = fdsset; |
oss = select(maxfds,NULL,&lfdsset,NULL,&timeout); |
if (oss > 0) |
num += oss; |
/* Check for error in select */ |
if (oss <= 0) |
return; |
/* Find which descriptor has a write event */ |
for (j = 0; j < nproc+1; j++) { |
i = j; |
if (j==nproc) |
i = MAXS; |
if (FD_ISSET(epref[i],&lfdsset)) { |
/* Get reference to endpoint */ |
n = ioc[i][0]; |
/* Read pointer to current send record */ |
m = ioc[i][3] - 1; |
/* Send data to a remote peer */ |
if ((m >= 0) && (m < MAXM)) { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&rwrec[m].ts[1],NULL); |
L30: if (rwrec[m].ioflag==1) |
oss = writev(rwrec[m].ref,rwrec[m].buf,rwrec[m].nbytes); |
else |
oss = send(rwrec[m].ref,rwrec[m].buf,rwrec[m].nbytes, |
rwrec[m].flags); |
if (oss < 0) |
oss = errno - 1024; |
/* Process data which has been sent */ |
if (oss > 0) { |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[m].nfatal = 0; |
/* Set actual length sent */ |
rwrec[m].len += oss; |
/* Check for incomplete header */ |
if (rwrec[m].len < 0) { |
header[m].iov[0].iov_base = |
(void *)(((unsigned char *)header[m].iov[0].iov_base) + oss); |
header[m].iov[0].iov_len -= oss; |
goto L30; |
} |
/* Check for incomplete data */ |
else if (rwrec[m].sln > rwrec[m].len) { |
/* Header is sent, readjust parameters to send data */ |
if (rwrec[m].ioflag==1) { |
rwrec[m].buf = rwrec[m].sbuf; |
rwrec[m].nbytes = rwrec[m].sln; |
oss -= header[m].iov[0].iov_len; |
} |
/* Readjust buffer pointer */ |
rwrec[m].buf = (void *)(((unsigned char *)rwrec[m].buf) + oss); |
rwrec[m].nbytes -= oss; |
rwrec[m].ioflag += 1; |
goto L30; |
} |
/* Data is sent */ |
else { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&rwrec[m].ts[1],NULL); |
/* Set iocompletion flag */ |
rwrec[m].ioflag = 0; |
/* Get next message if messages are queued */ |
if (rwrec[m].nextm > 0) { |
m = rwrec[m].nextm; |
if (m==mqueue[n][1]) |
mqueue[n][1] = 0; |
ioc[i][3] = m; |
m -= 1; |
goto L30; |
} |
/* Clear pointer to current send record */ |
else |
ioc[i][3] = 0; |
} |
} |
/* Check for errors */ |
else { |
/* Check for EOF */ |
if (oss==0) |
oss = -1; |
/* Quit if no data can be sent */ |
if ((oss+1024) != EWOULDBLOCK) { |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
rwrec[m].ioflag = oss; |
ioc[i][3] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
/* All send events processed */ |
l += 1; |
if (l==num) |
return; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
long otpinit(int np, struct sockaddr_in *addrn, int alen) { |
/* this subroutine initializes a Socket provider for |
index np, using address specified in addrn. |
provider is left in asynchronous, blocking mode |
np = index to endpoint reference array |
addrn = address to which endpoint is to be bound |
alen = length of addrn structure |
returns error indicator |
input: np, addrn, alen |
local data */ |
long oss, value; |
/* internal mpi common block |
epref = array of endpoint references for each participating node |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function */ |
oss = 0; |
/* Create a synchronous endpoint provider */ |
epref[np] = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); |
if (epref[np] < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Socket Error = %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Set TCP_NODELAY option */ |
value = 1; |
oss = setsockopt(epref[np],IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,&value,4); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"TCP_NODELAY setsockopt Error %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Set SO_RCVBUF option */ |
value = 65536; |
/* oss = setsockopt(epref[np],SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,&value,4); */ |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"SO_RCVBUF setsockopt Error %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Set SO_SNDBUF option */ |
value = 65536; |
/* oss = setsockopt(epref[np],SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,&value,4); */ |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"SO_SNDBUF setsockopt Error %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Set SO_DEBUG option for trpt program */ |
value = 1; |
/* oss = setsockopt(epref[np],SOL_SOCKET,SO_DEBUG,&value,4); */ |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"SO_DEBUG setsockopt Error %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Assign an address to an endpoint */ |
oss = bind(epref[np],(struct sockaddr *)addrn,alen); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Bind Error = %ld, %s\n",oss,strerror(oss)); |
return oss; |
} |
/* Pass processor epref index and iocompletion to notifier */ |
ioc[np][0] = np; |
ioc[np][1] = 1; |
/* Clear read and send record pointers */ |
ioc[np][2] = 0; |
ioc[np][3] = 0; |
return oss; |
} |
long etmsec(struct timeval *ptime) { |
/* returns elapsed time since in milliseconds since ptime */ |
const long tscale=1000; |
long oss, msec; |
struct timeval pstime, crtime; |
/* calculate time elapsed in microseconds */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&crtime,NULL); |
if (oss < 0) |
return -1; |
pstime = *ptime; |
msec = (crtime.tv_usec - pstime.tv_usec)/tscale; |
msec = msec + (crtime.tv_sec - pstime.tv_sec)*tscale; |
return msec; |
} |
long sbtusec(struct timeval *pstime, struct timeval *crtime) { |
/* returns difference time in microseconds between crtime and pstime */ |
const long tscale=1000000; |
long usec; |
usec = (crtime->tv_usec - pstime->tv_usec); |
usec = usec + (crtime->tv_sec - pstime->tv_sec)*tscale; |
return usec; |
} |
int ioresult(int *pblock) { |
/* this function returns ioResult for asynchronous procedures |
input: pblock */ |
return pblock[1]; |
} |
int checkesc(long stk) { |
/* this procedure allows user to abort a procedure by checking for |
escape, Cmd-. or Ctrl-C keystrokes. Calling EventAvail also |
permits an idle procedure to time-share and checks for Quit Events |
returns true if an escape event occurred. |
recent keyboard events not processed are not removed from event queue |
stk = maximum number of sleepTicks (sixtieths of a second) that |
application agrees to relinquish the processor if no events are |
pending for it. |
input: stk */ |
return 0; |
} |
int MPI_Finalize(void) { |
/* terminate MPI execution environment |
local data */ |
int ierror, i; |
long oss, state; |
struct sigaction act; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
epref = array of endpoint references for each participating node |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* MPI already finalized */ |
if (nproc < 0) { |
ierror = 1; |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Finalize started\n"); |
/* Close providers */ |
for (i = 0; i <= MAXS+1; i++) { |
if (epref[i]) { |
/* Close a provider of any type */ |
oss = close(epref[i]); |
if (oss < 0) { |
oss = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"Close Error, i, oss = %d, %ld, %s\n",i,oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
ierror = oss; |
} |
} |
} |
/* Revert signal action to default */ |
act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; |
sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); |
act.sa_flags = 0; |
oss = sigaction(SIGIO,&act,NULL); |
/* Close window for showing MPI message status */ |
if (monitor > 0) { |
logmess(0,0,-1,0,0); |
delmess(); |
} |
/* Nullify nproc */ |
nproc = -1; |
/* Nullify communicator mappings */ |
for (i = 0; i < MAXC; i++) { |
mapcomm[i][MAXS] = 0; |
} |
/* Nullify endpoint references */ |
for (i = 0; i <= MAXS+1; i++) { |
epref[i] = 0; |
} |
/* check if any messages remain outstanding */ |
state = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
if (curreq[i][0]) |
state += 1; |
} |
if (state > 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"%ld message(s) never cleared\n",state); |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
if (curreq[i][0]) { |
if (curreq[i][0]==(-1)) |
fprintf(unit2," transmission mode = send\n"); |
else if (curreq[i][0]==1) |
fprintf(unit2," transmission mode = receive\n"); |
fprintf(unit2," destination/source = %d\n",curreq[i][1]); |
fprintf(unit2," communicator = %d\n",curreq[i][2]); |
fprintf(unit2," tag = %d\n",curreq[i][3]); |
fprintf(unit2," datatype = %d\n",curreq[i][4]); |
fprintf(unit2,"\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Finalize complete\n"); |
/* Delete file if empty */ |
if (!fseek(unit2,0,SEEK_END)) { |
i = ftell(unit2); |
fclose(unit2); |
if (!i) |
remove("MPIerrs"); |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Send(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* blocking standard mode send |
buf = initial address of send buffer |
count = number of entries to send |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
dest = rank of destination |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
input: buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
MPI_Request request; |
MPI_Status status; |
ierror = MPI_Isend(buf,count,datatype,dest,tag,comm,&request); |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&request,&status); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Recv(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) { |
/* blocking receive |
buf = initial address of receive buffer |
count = maximum number of entries to receive |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
source = rank of source |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
status = return status |
input: count, datatype, source, tag, comm |
output: buf, status |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
MPI_Request request; |
ierror = MPI_Irecv(buf,count,datatype,source,tag,comm,&request); |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&request,status); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Isend(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request) { |
/* start a non-blocking send |
buf = initial address of send buffer |
count = number of entries to send |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
dest = rank of destination |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
request = request handle |
input: buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm |
output: request |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, longw, i; |
long response; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
epref = array of endpoint references for each participating node |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function |
sset = signal mask |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
header = message envelope |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
ierror = 0; |
if (dest==MPI_PROC_NULL) { |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Find space for record */ |
i = -1; |
L10: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXM) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many sends waiting, dest, tag = %d,%d,\n", |
dest,tag); |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; |
ierror = 14; |
writerrs("MPI_Isend: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (curreq[i][0]) |
goto L10; |
/* Check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* Invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* Invalid count */ |
else if (count < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* Invalid destination */ |
else if ((dest < 0) || (dest >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"destination = %d\n",dest); |
ierror = 4; |
} |
/* Invalid tag */ |
else if (tag < (-1)) |
ierror = 6; |
/* Communicator errors */ |
else { |
longw = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
np = mapcomm[comm][dest]; |
/* Communicator not mapped */ |
if ((longw <= 0) || (longw > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* Invalid destination */ |
else if ((dest < 0) || (dest >= longw)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"destination = %d\n",dest); |
ierror = 4; |
} |
/* Invalid mapping */ |
else if ((np < 0) || (np >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, destination, node = %d,%d\n",dest,np); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
} |
/* Handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Isend: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Create header */ |
/* Iovec structure for header */ |
header[i].iov[0].iov_base = (void *)&header[i].hdata[0]; |
header[i].iov[0].iov_len = 16; |
/* Save communicator */ |
header[i].hdata[0] = comm; |
/* Save tag */ |
header[i].hdata[1] = tag; |
/* Save datatype */ |
header[i].hdata[2] = datatype; |
/* Set destination id for selfsends */ |
if (idproc==np) |
np = MAXS; |
/* Set endpoint reference pointer */ |
rwrec[i].ref = epref[np]; |
/* Reset iocompletion flag */ |
rwrec[i].ioflag = 1; |
/* Set pointer to header */ |
rwrec[i].buf = (void *)&header[i].iov; |
/* Set buffer length for header */ |
rwrec[i].nbytes = 2; |
/* Find buffer length for data */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
longw = 4*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
longw = 8*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_BYTE) |
longw = count; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT)) |
longw = 8*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) |
longw = 16*count; |
/* Invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
writerrs("MPI_Isend: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set pointer to data buffer */ |
rwrec[i].sbuf = buf; |
/* Set buffer lengths for data */ |
rwrec[i].sln = longw; |
rwrec[i].len = -header[i].iov[0].iov_len; |
/* Clear more flag */ |
rwrec[i].flags = 0; |
/* Clear next message flag */ |
rwrec[i].nextm = 0; |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[i].nfatal = 0; |
/* OTData structure for data */; |
header[i].iov[1].iov_base = rwrec[i].sbuf; |
header[i].iov[1].iov_len = longw; |
/* Save length */ |
header[i].hdata[3] = longw; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[0],NULL); |
/* Limit notifications that can be sent to notifier */ |
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
/* Append this message to send queue if necessary */ |
if (ioc[np][3] > 0) { |
if (mqueue[np][1] > 0) |
rwrec[mqueue[np][1]-1].nextm = i + 1; |
else |
rwrec[ioc[np][3]-1].nextm = i + 1; |
mqueue[np][1] = i + 1; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
goto L30; |
} |
/* First send 4 word header, then data */ |
sndmsgf(i,np); |
response = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
/* Set pointer to current send record */ |
if (response > 0) |
ioc[np][3] = i + 1; |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
else if (response < 0) |
ierror = response + 1024; |
/* Allow Open Transport to resume sending events */ |
L30: sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
/* Handle read and write errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
/* Write out readwrite record */ |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
wqueue(unit2); |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
if (curreq[i][0] != 0) |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
} |
writerrs("MPI_Send: ",ierror); |
} |
/* Find actual destination */ |
if (np==MAXS) |
np = idproc; |
/* Log MPI message state change and display status */ |
if (monitor > 0) |
logmess(np,1,rwrec[i].sln,0,tag); |
/* Save transmission mode as send */ |
curreq[i][0] = -1; |
/* Save destination/source id */ |
curreq[i][1] = np; |
/* Save communicator */ |
curreq[i][2] = comm; |
/* Save tag */ |
curreq[i][3] = tag; |
/* Save datatype */ |
curreq[i][4] = datatype; |
/* Assign request handle */ |
*request = i; |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Irecv(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request) { |
/* begin a non-blocking receive |
buf = initial address of receive buffer |
count = maximum number of entries to receive |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
source = rank of source |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
request = request handle |
input: count, datatype, source, tag, comm |
output: buf, request |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, longw, i; |
long response; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
epref = array of endpoint references for each participating node |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function |
sset = signal mask |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
header = message envelope |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
ierror = 0; |
if (source==MPI_PROC_NULL) { |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Find space for record */ |
i = -1; |
L10: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXM) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many receives waiting, source, tag = %d,%d,\n", |
source,tag); |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;; |
ierror = 15; |
writerrs("MPI_Irecv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (curreq[i][0]) |
goto L10; |
/* Check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* Invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* Invalid count */ |
else if (count < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* Invalid source */ |
else if ((source < 0) || (source >= nproc)) { |
if (source==MPI_ANY_SOURCE) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_ANY_SOURCE not supported\n"); |
else |
fprintf(unit2,"source = %d\n",source); |
ierror = 5; |
} |
/* Invalid tag */ |
else if (tag < (-1)) |
ierror = 6; |
/* Communicator errors */ |
else { |
longw = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
np = mapcomm[comm][source]; |
/* Communicator not mapped */ |
if ((longw <= 0) || (longw > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* Invalid source */ |
else if ((source < 0) || (source >= longw)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"source = %d\n",source); |
ierror = 4; |
} |
/* Invalid mapping */ |
else if ((np < 0) || (np >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, source, node = %d,%d\n",source,np); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
} |
/* Handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Irecv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set header to undefined state */ |
header[i].hdata[0] = -1; |
header[i].hdata[1] = -1; |
header[i].hdata[2] = -1; |
/* Set endpoint reference pointer */ |
rwrec[i].ref = epref[np]; |
/* Reset iocompletion flag for receive */ |
rwrec[i].ioflag = 1; |
/* Set pointer to header */ |
rwrec[i].buf = (void *)&header[i].hdata[0]; |
/* Set buffer length for header */ |
rwrec[i].nbytes = 16; |
/* Set buffer length for data */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
longw = 4*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
longw = 8*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_BYTE) |
longw = count; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT)) |
longw = 8*count; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) |
longw = 16*count; |
/* Invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
writerrs("MPI_Irecv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set pointer to data buffer */ |
rwrec[i].sbuf = buf; |
/* Set buffer lengths */ |
rwrec[i].sln = longw; |
rwrec[i].len = -rwrec[i].nbytes; |
/* Clear more flag */ |
rwrec[i].flags = 0; |
/* Clear next message flag */ |
rwrec[i].nextm = 0; |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[i].nfatal = 0; |
/* Clear length */ |
header[i].hdata[3] = 0; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[0],NULL); |
/* Limit notifications that can be sent to notifier */ |
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
/* Append this message to receive queue if necessary */ |
if (ioc[np][2] > 0) { |
if (mqueue[np][0] > 0) |
rwrec[mqueue[np][0]-1].nextm = i + 1; |
else |
rwrec[ioc[np][2]-1].nextm = i + 1; |
mqueue[np][0] = i + 1; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
goto L40; |
} |
/* First receive 4 word header, then data */ |
rcvmsgf(i,np); |
response = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
/* Set pointer to current receive record */ |
if (response > 0) |
ioc[np][2] = i + 1; |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
else if (response < 0) |
ierror = response + 1024; |
/* Allow Open Transport to resume sending events */ |
L40: sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
/* Handle read and write errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
/* Write out readwrite record */ |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
wqueue(unit2); |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
if (curreq[i][0] != 0) |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
} |
writerrs("MPI_Recv: ",ierror); |
} |
/* Log MPI message state change and display status */ |
if (monitor > 0) |
logmess(np,2,rwrec[i].sln,0,tag); |
/* Save transmission mode as receive */ |
curreq[i][0] = 1; |
/* Save destination/source id */ |
curreq[i][1] = np; |
/* Save communicator */ |
curreq[i][2] = comm; |
/* Save tag */ |
curreq[i][3] = tag; |
/* Save datatype */ |
curreq[i][4] = datatype; |
/* Assign request handle */ |
*request = i; |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Test(MPI_Request *request, int *flag, MPI_Status *status) { |
/* check to see if a nonblocking send or receive operation has completed |
request = request handle |
flag = true if operation completed |
status = status object |
input: request |
output: request, flag, status |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, dest, source, slen, tag, rlen, rtag, nerr; |
/* int j; */ |
float ts; |
MPI_Comm comm, rcomm; |
MPI_Datatype datatype, rdatat; |
/* mstime = maximum time (msec) to wait for message to start arriving |
mptime = maximum time (msec) to wait for next part of message */ |
static int mstime = 300000, mptime = 10000; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function |
sset = signal mask */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
header = message envelope |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* Check for error conditions */ |
i = *request; |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* Null request */ |
else if (*request < 0) { |
*flag = 1; |
return 0; |
} |
/* Invalid request handle */ |
else if (i >= MAXM) |
ierror = 16; |
else if (curreq[i][0]==0) |
ierror = 16; |
/* Handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
status->error = ierror; |
writerrs("MPI_Test: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Set status to empty */ |
status->source = -1; |
status->tag = -1; |
status->error = ierror; |
status->len = 0; |
status->type = 0; |
*flag = 0; |
/* Check if data read or write has completed */ |
if (ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]) > 0) { |
if (checkesc(0)) { |
if (curreq[i][0] < 0) |
fprintf(unit2,"Send killed,dest,tag=%d,%d\n", |
curreq[i][1],curreq[i][3]); |
else |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive killed,source,tag=%d,%d\n", |
curreq[i][1],curreq[i][3]); |
ierror = -9; |
writerrs("MPI_Test: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Check Timeout */ |
else { |
/* Limit notifications that can be sent to notifier */ |
sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
/* Calculate time elapsed in milliseconds */ |
nerr = etmsec(&rwrec[i].ts[1]); |
/* Retry Send or Receive */ |
if (nerr < mptime) { |
/* Allow Open Transport to resume sending events */ |
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Check if message arrived during checkesc */ |
nerr = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
if (nerr <= 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Info: message arrived during checkesc\n"); |
*flag = 1; |
goto L20; |
} |
/* Try to determine cause of Timeout in Send */ |
if (curreq[i][0] < 0) { |
dest = curreq[i][1]; |
ts = .001*(float) etmsec(&rwrec[i].ts[0]); |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Timeout, %f sec, Retrying...\n",ts); |
/* Debug information */ |
fprintf(unit2,"destination=%d,size=%d,tag=%d\n", |
dest,rwrec[i].sln,curreq[i][3]); |
if (idproc==dest) |
dest = MAXS; |
/* Attempt to send next block of data */ |
sndmsgf(i,dest); |
nerr = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
/* Non-fatal errors */ |
if (rwrec[i].nfatal) { |
if ((rwrec[i].nfatal+1024)==EWOULDBLOCK) |
fprintf(unit2,"Flow Control prevents sending data\n"); |
/* Do not wait more than 5 minutes for message to start sending */ |
if (etmsec(&rwrec[i].ts[0]) >= mstime) { |
nerr = rwrec[i].nfatal; |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Retry failed\n"); |
ierror = nerr; |
ioc[dest][3] = 0; |
*flag = 1; |
} |
} |
/* Fatal errors */ |
else if (nerr < 0) { |
ierror = nerr + 1024; |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Error, oss = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
ierror = nerr; |
*flag = 1; |
} |
/* Data successfully sent */ |
else { |
/* Debug information */ |
fprintf(unit2,"data block sent, current total = %d\n", |
rwrec[i].len); |
if (!nerr) |
*flag = 1; |
} |
} |
/* Try to determine cause of Timeout in Receive */ |
else { |
source = curreq[i][1]; |
ts = .001*(float) etmsec(&rwrec[i].ts[0]); |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Timeout, %f sec, Retrying...\n",ts); |
/* Debug information */ |
fprintf(unit2,"source=%d,size=%d,tag=%d\n", |
source,rwrec[i].sln,curreq[i][3]); |
/* Attempt to send next block of data */ |
rcvmsgf(i,source); |
nerr = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
/* Non-fatal errors */ |
if (rwrec[i].nfatal) { |
if ((rwrec[i].nfatal+1024)==EWOULDBLOCK) |
fprintf(unit2,"Flow Control prevents accepting data\n"); |
/* Do not wait more than 5 minutes for message to start sending */ |
if (etmsec(&rwrec[i].ts[0]) >= mstime) { |
nerr = rwrec[i].nfatal; |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Retry failed\n"); |
ierror = nerr; |
ioc[source][2] = 0; |
*flag = 1; |
} |
} |
/* Fatal errors */ |
else if (nerr < 0) { |
ierror = nerr + 1024; |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Error, oss = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
ierror = nerr; |
*flag = 1; |
} |
/* Data successfully received */ |
else { |
/* Debug information */ |
fprintf(unit2,"data block received, current total = %d\n", |
rwrec[i].len); |
if (!nerr) |
*flag = 1; |
} |
} |
/* Allow Open Transport to resume sending events */ |
L20: sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL); |
if (!(*flag)) |
return ierror; |
} |
} |
/* Data read or write has completed */ |
else { |
nerr = ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]); |
*flag = 1; |
} |
/* Get requested length */ |
slen = rwrec[i].sln; |
/* Get actual length */ |
rlen = rwrec[i].len; |
/* Read current request record */ |
tag = curreq[i][3]; |
/* Define length for MPI_Get_count */ |
status->len = rlen; |
/* Check for send errors */ |
if (curreq[i][0] < 0) { |
dest = curreq[i][1]; |
/* Define type for MPI_Get_count */ |
status->type = curreq[i][4]; |
/* Check for write errors */ |
if (nerr < 0) { |
if (!ierror) { |
ierror = nerr + 1024; |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Error, oss = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
fprintf(unit2,"dest, tag = %d,%d\n",dest,tag); |
ierror = nerr; |
} |
} |
else if (rlen != slen) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Length Error,dest,tag,requested/actual length=%d,%d,%d,%d\n", |
dest,tag,slen,rlen); |
ierror = 8; |
} |
/* Log MPI message state change and display status */ |
if (monitor > 0) { |
if (checkesc(0)) { |
ierror = -9; |
writerrs("MPI_Test: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (!ierror) { |
/* Convert difference between time steps into microseconds */ |
nerr = sbtusec(&rwrec[i].ts[0],&rwrec[i].ts[1]); |
logmess(dest,-1,rlen,nerr,tag); |
} |
} |
goto L30; |
} |
/* Read current request record */ |
source = curreq[i][1]; |
comm = curreq[i][2]; |
datatype = curreq[i][4]; |
/* Read header */ |
/* Get received tag from header */ |
rtag = header[i].hdata[1]; |
/* Get received comm from header */ |
rcomm = header[i].hdata[0]; |
/* Get received datatype from header */ |
rdatat = header[i].hdata[2]; |
/* Define source, tag and type for MPI_Get_count */ |
status->source = source; |
status->tag = rtag; |
status->type = rdatat; |
/* Check for receive errors */ |
if (nerr < 0) { |
if (!ierror) { |
ierror = nerr + 1024; |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Error, oss = %d, %s\n",ierror, |
strerror(ierror)); |
fprintf(unit2,"source, tag = %d,%d\n",source,tag); |
ierror = nerr; |
} |
} |
/* Length error */ |
else if (rlen > slen) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Read Length Error, source, tag, requested/actual = %d,%d,%d,%d\n", |
source,tag,slen,rlen); |
fprintf(unit2,"Possibly attempting to receive data out of order\n"); |
ierror = 13; |
} |
/* Check for incomplete message, this should never be able to happen */ |
else if (rlen < header[i].hdata[3]) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Incomplete Read, source, tag, requested/actual = %d,%d,%d,%d\n", |
source,tag,header[i].hdata[3],rlen); |
ierror = 12; |
} |
/* Comm error */ |
else if (rcomm != comm) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Read Comm Error, source, tag, expected/received comm = %d,%d,%d,%d\n", |
source,tag,comm,rcomm); |
ierror = 9; |
} |
/* Tag error */ |
else if ((tag >= 0) && (rtag != tag)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Read Tag Error, source, expected/received tag = %d,%d,%d\n", |
source,tag,rtag); |
fprintf(unit2,"Possibly attempting to receive data out of order\n"); |
ierror = 10; |
} |
/* Type error */ |
else if (rdatat != datatype) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Read Type Error, source, tag, expected/received type = %d,%d,%d,%d\n", |
source,tag,datatype,rdatat); |
ierror = 11; |
} |
/* Log MPI message state change and display status */ |
if (monitor > 0) { |
if (checkesc(0)) { |
ierror = -9; |
writerrs("MPI_Test: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (!ierror) { |
/* Convert difference between time steps into microseconds */ |
nerr = sbtusec(&rwrec[i].ts[0],&rwrec[i].ts[1]); |
logmess(source,-2,rlen,nerr,tag); |
} |
} |
/* Store error code */ |
L30: status->error = ierror; |
/* Nullify transmission mode */ |
curreq[i][0] = 0; |
/* Nullify request handle */ |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;; |
/* Handle read and write errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
/* Write out readwrite record */ |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
wqueue(unit2); |
for (i = 0; i < MAXM; i++) { |
if (curreq[i][0] != 0) |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
} |
writerrs("MPI_Test: ",ierror); |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
void sndmsgf(MPI_Request request, int dest) { |
/* send a message fragment |
request = request handle |
dest = rank of destination |
local data */ |
int i, np, nps; |
long response, oss; |
/* internal mpi common block |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
i = request; |
np = dest; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
/* Send data to a remote peer */ |
L10: if (rwrec[i].ioflag==1) |
response = writev(rwrec[i].ref,rwrec[i].buf,rwrec[i].nbytes); |
else |
response = send(rwrec[i].ref,rwrec[i].buf,rwrec[i].nbytes, |
rwrec[i].flags); |
if (response < 0) |
response = errno - 1024; |
/* Process data which has been sent */ |
if (response > 0) { |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[i].nfatal = 0; |
/* Set actual length sent */ |
rwrec[i].len += response; |
/* Check for incomplete header */ |
if (rwrec[i].len < 0) { |
header[i].iov[0].iov_base = |
(void *)(((unsigned char *)header[i].iov[0].iov_base) + response); |
header[i].iov[0].iov_len -= response; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* Check for incomplete data */ |
else if (rwrec[i].sln > rwrec[i].len) { |
/* Header is sent, readjust parameters to send data */ |
if (rwrec[i].ioflag==1) { |
rwrec[i].buf = rwrec[i].sbuf; |
rwrec[i].nbytes = rwrec[i].sln; |
response -= header[i].iov[0].iov_len; |
} |
/* Readjust buffer pointer */ |
rwrec[i].buf = (void *)(((unsigned char *)rwrec[i].buf) + response); |
rwrec[i].nbytes -= response; |
rwrec[i].ioflag += 1; |
} |
/* Data is sent */ |
else { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
rwrec[i].ioflag = 0; |
/* Get next message if messages are queued */ |
if (rwrec[i].nextm > 0) { |
i = rwrec[i].nextm; |
if (i==mqueue[np][1]) |
mqueue[np][1] = 0; |
ioc[np][3] = i; |
i -= 1; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* Clear pointer to current send record */ |
else |
ioc[np][3] = 0; |
} |
} |
/* Check for errors */ |
else { |
/* Check for EOF */ |
if (response==0) |
response = -1; |
oss = response + 1024; |
/* Process non-fatal errors */ |
if (oss==EWOULDBLOCK) |
rwrec[i].nfatal = response; |
/* Process fatal errors */ |
else { |
/* Find actual destination */ |
nps = np; |
if (nps==MAXS) |
nps = idproc; |
if (response==(-1)) |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Error, oss = %ld, EOF\n",response); |
else |
fprintf(unit2,"Send Error, oss = %ld, %s\n",oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
fprintf(unit2,"dest, tag = %d,%d\n",nps,header[i].hdata[1]); |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
rwrec[i].ioflag = response; |
/* Clear pointer to current send record */ |
ioc[np][3] = 0; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
void rcvmsgf(MPI_Request request, int source) { |
/* receive a message fragment |
request = request handle |
source = rank of source |
local data */ |
int i, np; |
/* int j; */ |
long response, oss; |
/* internal mpi common block |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages |
trash = trash bin for unwanted data |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
i = request; |
np = source; |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
/* Read data sent from a remote peer */ |
L10: response = recv(rwrec[i].ref,rwrec[i].buf,rwrec[i].nbytes, |
rwrec[i].flags); |
if (response < 0) |
response = errno - 1024; |
/* Process data which has arrived */ |
if (response > 0) { |
/* Clear non-fatal error code */ |
rwrec[i].nfatal = 0; |
/* Set actual length received */ |
rwrec[i].len += response; |
/* Check if all the data has arrived */ |
if (rwrec[i].len < header[i].hdata[3]) { |
/* Incomplete data */ |
if (rwrec[i].nbytes > response) { |
/* Readjust buffer pointer */ |
rwrec[i].buf = (void *)(((unsigned char *)rwrec[i].buf) + response); |
rwrec[i].nbytes -= response; |
if (rwrec[i].len >= 0) |
rwrec[i].ioflag += 1; |
} |
/* Header is received, readjust parameters to receive data */ |
else if (rwrec[i].ioflag==1) { |
rwrec[i].buf = rwrec[i].sbuf; |
rwrec[i].nbytes = imin(header[i].hdata[3],rwrec[i].sln); |
rwrec[i].ioflag = 2; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* Data is received and buffer is full */ |
else { |
rwrec[i].buf = &trash; |
rwrec[i].nbytes = 1024; |
goto L10; |
} |
} |
/* Data is received */ |
else { |
/* Obtain the current time stamp */ |
response = gettimeofday(&rwrec[i].ts[1],NULL); |
rwrec[i].ioflag = 0; |
/* Get next message if messages are queued */ |
if (rwrec[i].nextm > 0) { |
i = rwrec[i].nextm; |
if (i==mqueue[np][0]) |
mqueue[np][0] = 0; |
ioc[np][2] = i; |
} |
/* Clear pointer to current read record */ |
else |
ioc[np][2] = 0; |
} |
} |
/* Check for errors */ |
else { |
/* Check for EOF */ |
if (response==0) |
response = -1; |
oss = response + 1024; |
/* Process non-fatal errors */ |
if (oss==EWOULDBLOCK) |
rwrec[i].nfatal = response; |
/* Process fatal errors */ |
else { |
if (response==(-1)) |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Error, oss = %ld, EOF\n",response); |
else |
fprintf(unit2,"Receive Error, oss = %ld, %s\n",oss, |
strerror(oss)); |
fprintf(unit2,"source, tag = %d,%d\n",np,header[i].hdata[1]); |
/* Set iocompletion flag to error */ |
rwrec[i].ioflag = response; |
/* Clear pointer to current receive record */ |
ioc[np][2] = 0; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
int MPI_Wait(MPI_Request *request, MPI_Status *status) { |
/* wait for an MPI send or receive to complete |
request = request handle |
status = status object |
input: request |
output: request, status |
local data */ |
int ierror, flag; |
L10: ierror = MPI_Test(request,&flag,status); |
if (!flag) goto L10; |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Request_free(MPI_Request *request) { |
/* free a communication request object |
request = request handle |
input: request |
output: request |
local data */ |
int ierror, i; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
curreq = request record for transmission parameters |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
i = *request; |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* null request */ |
else if (*request < 0) { |
return 0; |
} |
/* invalid request handle */ |
else if (i >= MAXM) |
ierror = 16; |
else if (curreq[i][0]==0) |
ierror = 16; |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Request_free ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* Check if data read or write has completed */ |
if (ioresult((int *)&rwrec[i]) <= 0) { |
/* Nullify transmission mode */ |
curreq[i][0] = 0; |
/* Nullify request handle */ |
*request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; |
} |
else { |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Request_free: Message not Completed\n"); |
/* Write out readwrite record */ |
rwstat(i,unit2); |
ierror = 32; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Sendrecv(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, |
int dest, int sendtag, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, |
MPI_Datatype recvtype, int source, int recvtag, |
MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status) { |
/* blocking send and receive operation |
sendbuf = initial address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of entries to send |
sendtype = type of entries in send buffer |
dest = rank of destination |
sendtag = send tag |
recvbuf = initial address of receive buffer |
recvcount = max number of entries to receive |
recvtype = type of entries in receive buffer |
source = rank of source |
recvtag = receive tag |
comm = communicator |
status = return status |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dest, sendtag, recvbuf, recvcount |
recvtype, source, recvtag, comm |
output: recvbuf, status |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
MPI_Request recvreq, sendreq; |
/* post non-blocking receive and send */ |
ierror = MPI_Irecv(recvbuf,recvcount,recvtype,source,recvtag,comm,&recvreq); |
ierror = MPI_Isend(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype,dest,sendtag,comm,&sendreq); |
/* wait for send and receive */ |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&sendreq,status); |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&recvreq,status); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Ssend(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* blocking synchronous mode send |
buf = initial address of send buffer |
count = number of entries to send |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
dest = rank of destination |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
input: buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm |
comment: this is just a temporary stub |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
ierror = MPI_Send(buf,count,datatype,dest,tag,comm); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Issend(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, |
int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *request) { |
/* start a non-blocking synchronous mode send |
buf = initial address of send buffer |
count = number of entries to send |
datatype = datatype of each entry |
dest = rank of destination |
tag = message tag |
comm = communicator |
request = request handle |
input: buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm |
output: request |
comment: this is just a temporary stub |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
ierror = MPI_Isend(buf,count,datatype,dest,tag,comm,request); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Waitall(int count, MPI_Request *array_of_requests, |
MPI_Status *array_of_statuses) { |
/* wait for a collection of specified MPI sends or receives to complete |
count = list length |
array_of_requests = array of request handles |
array_of_statuses = array of status objects |
input: count, array_of_requests |
output: array_of_requests, array_of_statuses |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, ierr; |
/* invalid count */ |
if (count < 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid list length = %d\n",count); |
ierror = 17; |
writerrs("MPI_Waitall: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
ierror = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
ierr = MPI_Wait(&array_of_requests[i],&array_of_statuses[i]); |
if (ierr) |
ierror = MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Waitany(int count, MPI_Request *array_of_requests, |
int *index, MPI_Status *status) { |
/* wait for any specified MPI send or receive to complete |
count = list length |
array_of_requests = array of request handles |
index = index of request handle that completed |
status = status object |
input: count, array_of_requests |
output: array_of_requests, index, status |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, k, flag; |
/* invalid count */ |
if (count < 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid list length = %d\n",count); |
ierror = 17; |
writerrs("MPI_Waitany: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* find number of requests already completed */ |
k = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) |
if (array_of_requests[i] < 0) |
k = k + 1; |
if (k==count) { |
*index = -1; |
ierror = 0; |
return ierror; |
} |
i = 0; |
L20: flag = 0; |
if (array_of_requests[i] >= 0) |
ierror = MPI_Test(&array_of_requests[i],&flag,status); |
if (flag) |
*index = i; |
else { |
i += 1; |
if (i >= count) |
i = 0; |
goto L20; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Get_count(MPI_Status *status, MPI_Datatype datatype, |
int *count) { |
/* get the number of "top level" elements |
status = return status of receive operation |
datatype = datatype of each receive buffer entry |
count = number of received entries |
input: status, datatype |
output: count |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained */ |
ierror = 0; |
*count = 0; |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* mismatched datatype */ |
else if (datatype != status->type) |
ierror = 18; |
/* calculate count */ |
else if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) { |
*count = status->len/4; |
if (4*(*count) != status->len) |
*count = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) { |
*count = status->len/8; |
if (8*(*count) != status->len) |
*count = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
else if (datatype==MPI_BYTE) |
*count = status->len; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT)) { |
*count = status->len/8; |
if (8*(*count) != status->len) |
*count = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) { |
*count = status->len/16; |
if (16*(*count) != status->len) |
*count = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
} |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else |
ierror = 7; |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) |
writerrs("MPI_Get_count: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Initialized(int *flag) { |
/* indicate whether MPI_Init has been called |
flag = true if MPI_Init has been called, false otherwise |
output: flag |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained */ |
if (nproc > 0) |
*flag = 1; |
else |
*flag = 0; |
ierror = 0; |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int *size) { |
/* determine the size of the group associated with a communicator |
comm = communicator (this is ignored) |
size = number of processors in the group of comm |
input: comm |
output: size |
local data */ |
int ierror, np; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get size */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
if ((np > 0) && (np <= nproc)) |
*size = np; |
else |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_size: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank) { |
/* determine the rank of the calling process in the communicator |
comm = communicator (this is ignored) |
rank = rank of the calling process in group of comm |
input: comm |
output: rank |
local data */ |
int ierror, np; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
if ((np > 0) && (np <= nproc)) { |
*rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((*rank >= 0) && (*rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][*rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_rank: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *newcomm) { |
/* duplicate existing communicator with all its cached information |
comm = communicator |
newcomm = new communicator |
input: comm |
output: newcomm |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, i, j, k; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
*newcomm = MPI_COMM_NULL; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_dup: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Comm_dup started\n"); |
/* find space for communication record */ |
i = 1; |
L10: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXC) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many communicators\n"); |
ierror = 25; |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_dup: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS] > 0) |
goto L10; |
/* check if all nodes agree on new communicator */ |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&j,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&k,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,comm); |
if (j != k) { |
/* try to find another communicator */ |
i = k - 1; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* duplicate mapping */ |
for (j = 0; j < MAXS+MAXD+3; j++) |
mapcomm[i][j]= mapcomm[comm][j]; |
/* assign communicator */ |
*newcomm = i; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Comm_dup complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Comm_split(MPI_Comm comm, int color, int key, MPI_Comm *newcomm) { |
/* create a new communicator based on color and key |
comm = communicator |
color = control of subset assignment |
key = control of rank assignment |
newcomm = new communicator |
input: comm, color, key |
output: newcomm |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, i, mp, j, k, l, kmin; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
*newcomm = MPI_COMM_NULL; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid color */ |
else if (color < (-1)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid color = %d\n",color); |
ierror = 23; |
} |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_split: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Comm_split started\n"); |
/* find space for communication record */ |
i = 1; |
L10: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXC) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many communicators, color = %d\n",color); |
ierror = 25; |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_split: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS] > 0) |
goto L10; |
/* check if all nodes agree on new communicator */ |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&j,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&k,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,comm); |
if (j != k) { |
/* try to find another communicator */ |
i = k - 1; |
goto L10; |
} |
/* gather all the colors */ |
ierror = MPI_Allgather(&color,1,MPI_INT,&mapcomm[i][0],1,MPI_INT,comm); |
/* this node does not participate */ |
if (color==MPI_UNDEFINED) { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Comm_split complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* find other processors with same color */ |
mp = -1; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = -1; |
for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { |
if (mapcomm[i][j]==color) { |
mp += 1; |
k = mapcomm[comm][j]; |
if ((k >= 0) || (k < np)) { |
mapcomm[i][mp] = k; |
if (k==idproc) |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = mp; |
} |
else |
ierror = 2; |
} |
} |
mp += 1; |
/* no nodes with found with color */ |
if (!mp) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Self color not found\n"); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* no nodes found with idproc */ |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] < 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Self rank not found\n"); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_split: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* finish mapping */ |
for (j = mp; j < MAXS; j++) |
mapcomm[i][j] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS] = mp; |
/* assign communicator */ |
*newcomm = i; |
/* gather all the keys into MPI_COMM_SELF mapping */ |
ierror = MPI_Allgather(&key,1,MPI_INT,&mapcomm[1][0],1,MPI_INT,*newcomm); |
k = 0; |
/* find lowest remaining key */ |
L40: kmin = mapcomm[1][k]; |
for (j = k+1; j < mp; j++) { |
if (mapcomm[1][j] < kmin) |
kmin = mapcomm[1][j]; |
} |
/* order all nodes with lowest remaining key */ |
for (j = k; j < mp; j++) { |
if (mapcomm[1][j]==kmin) { |
k += 1; |
/* right shift node and key order, if necessary */ |
if (j >= k) { |
np = mapcomm[i][j]; |
for (l = 0; l < j-k+1; l++) { |
mapcomm[i][j-l] = mapcomm[i][j-l-1]; |
mapcomm[1][j-l] = mapcomm[1][j-l-1]; |
} |
mapcomm[i][k-1] = np; |
} |
} |
} |
if (k < mp) |
goto L40; |
/* find self rank */ |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = -1; |
for (j = 0; j < mp; j++) { |
k = mapcomm[i][j]; |
if (k==idproc) |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = j; |
} |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+2] = 0; |
/* restore MPI_COMM_SELF map */ |
mapcomm[1][0] = idproc; |
for (j = 1; j < mp; j++) |
mapcomm[1][j] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Comm_split complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Comm_free(MPI_Comm *comm) { |
/* mark the communicator object for deallocation |
comm = communicator |
input: comm |
output: comm |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, i; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((*comm < 0) || (*comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* release communicator */ |
else if (*comm > 1) { |
np = mapcomm[*comm][MAXS]; |
if ((np > 0) && (np <= nproc)) { |
/* clear mapping */ |
for (i = 0; i < MAXS; i++) { |
mapcomm[*comm][i] = 0; |
mapcomm[*comm][MAXS] = 0; |
mapcomm[*comm][MAXS+1] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
mapcomm[*comm][MAXS+2] = 0; |
*comm = MPI_COMM_NULL; |
} |
} |
else |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) |
writerrs("MPI_Comm_free: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_create(MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, int *dims, int *periods, |
int reorder, MPI_Comm *comm_cart) { |
/* make new communicator to which topology information has been attached |
comm_old = input communicator |
ndims = number of dimensions of Cartesian grid |
dims = array specifying the number of processes in each dimension |
periods = array specifying whether grid is periodic or not |
reorder = specifies whether ranks may be reordered or not (ignored) |
comm_cart = communicator with new Carteisan topology |
input: comm_old, ndims, dims, periods, reorder |
output: comm_cart |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, mp, i, j, k; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
*comm_cart = MPI_COMM_NULL; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm_old < 0) || (comm_old >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 0) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm_old][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* check topology length */ |
else { |
mp = 1; |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) |
mp = mp*dims[i]; |
if (!ndims) |
mp = 0; |
if ((mp < 0) || (mp > np)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid Cartesian topology size = %d\n",mp); |
ierror = 27; |
} |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_create: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (!mp) |
return ierror; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Cart_create started\n"); |
/* find space for communication record */ |
i = 1; |
L20: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXC) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many communicators\n"); |
ierror = 25; |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_create: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS] > 0) |
goto L20; |
/* check if all nodes agree on new communicator */ |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&j,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,comm_old); |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&k,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,comm_old); |
if (j != k) { |
/* try to find another communicator */ |
i = k - 1; |
goto L20; |
} |
/* quit if processor is beyond range of topology */ |
if (mapcomm[comm_old][MAXS+1] >= mp) { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Cart_create complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* create mapping */ |
for (j = 0; j < mp; j++) |
mapcomm[i][j] = mapcomm[comm_old][j]; |
for (j = mp; j < MAXS; j++) |
mapcomm[i][j]= MPI_UNDEFINED; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS] = mp; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = mapcomm[comm_old][MAXS+1]; |
/* store topology */ |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+2] = ndims; |
for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) |
if (periods[j]) |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+3+j] = dims[j]; |
else |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+3+j] = -dims[j]; |
/* assign communicator */ |
*comm_cart = i; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Cart_create complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_coords(MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int maxdims, int *coords) { |
/* determine process coords in Cartesian topology, given rank in group |
comm = communicator with Cartesian structure |
rank = rank of a process within group of comm |
maxdims = length of vector coords in the calling program |
coords = array containing Cartesian coordinates of specified process |
input: comm, rank, maxdims |
output: coords |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, ndims, i, j; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ndims = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+2]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 1) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* invalid vector length */ |
else if (maxdims < ndims) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Vector length too small = %d\n",maxdims); |
ierror = 28; |
} |
/* invalid rank */ |
else { |
if ((rank < 0) || (rank >= np)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid rank = %d\n",rank); |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_coords: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* calculate cartesian coordinates */ |
j = rank; |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
np = np/abs(mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]); |
coords[i] = j/np; |
j -= coords[i]*np; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_get(MPI_Comm comm, int maxdims, int *dims, int *periods, |
int *coords) { |
/* retrieve cartesian topology information associated with communicator |
comm = communicator with Cartesian structure |
maxdims = length of vectors dims, periods and coords |
dims = number of processes for each Cartesian dimension |
periods = periodicity (true/false) for each Cartesian dimension |
coords = array containing Cartesian coordinates of specified process |
input: comm, maxdims |
output: dims, periods, coords |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, ndims, rank, i, j, k; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ndims = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+2]; |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 1) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* invalid vector length */ |
else if (maxdims < ndims) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Vector length too small = %d\n",maxdims); |
ierror = 28; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_get: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* calculate dimension, periodicity, and cartesian coordinates */ |
j = rank; |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
k = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]; |
if (k > 0) |
periods[i] = 1; |
else { |
periods[i] = 0; |
k = -k; |
} |
dims[i] = k; |
np = np/k; |
coords[i] = j/np; |
j -= coords[i]*np; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_shift(MPI_Comm comm, int direction, int disp, int *rank_source, |
int *rank_dest) { |
/* return shifted source and destination ranks given shift direction and |
amount |
comm = communicator with Cartesian structure |
direction = coordinate dimension shift |
disp = displacement (> 0: upwards shift, < 0: downwards shift) |
rank_source = rank of source process |
rank_dest = rank of destination process |
input: comm, direction, disp |
output: rank_source, rank_dest |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, ndims, rank, i, j, k, l, shift; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ndims = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+2]; |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 1) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* invalid direction */ |
else if ((direction < 0) || (direction >= ndims)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid direction = %d\n",direction); |
ierror = 31; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_shift: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* check if shift amount is zero */ |
if (!disp) { |
*rank_source = rank; |
*rank_dest = rank; |
return ierror; |
} |
/* find coordinate for selected direction */ |
j = rank; |
shift = np; |
for (i = 0; i < direction+1; i++) { |
shift = shift/abs(mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]); |
k = j/shift; |
j -= k*shift; |
} |
/* calculate size of shift */ |
shift = 1; |
for (i = direction+1; i < ndims; i++) |
shift = shift*abs(mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]); |
/* size of selected direction */ |
l = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+direction]; |
/* calculate new coordinate */ |
/* periodic boundary conditions */ |
if (l > 0) { |
/* make disp also periodic */ |
i = abs(disp)%l; |
if (disp < 0) |
i = -i; |
/* right neighbor */ |
j = k + i; |
if (j < 0) |
j += l; |
else if (j >= l) |
j -= l; |
*rank_dest = rank + (j - k)*shift; |
/* left neighbor */ |
j = k - i; |
if (j < 0) |
j += l; |
else if (j >= l) |
j -= l; |
*rank_source = rank + (j - k)*shift; |
} |
/* non-periodic boundary conditions */ |
else if (l < 0) { |
/* right neighbor */ |
j = k + disp; |
if ((j < 0) || (j >= (-l))) |
*rank_dest = MPI_PROC_NULL; |
else |
*rank_dest = rank + (j - k)*shift; |
/* left neighbor */ |
j = k - disp; |
if ((j < 0) || (j >= (-l))) |
*rank_source = MPI_PROC_NULL; |
else |
*rank_source = rank + (j - k)*shift; |
} |
/* verify ranks */ |
if (*rank_source != MPI_PROC_NULL) { |
if ((*rank_source < 0) || (*rank_source >= np)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"rank_source = %d\n",*rank_source); |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
if (*rank_dest != MPI_PROC_NULL) { |
if ((*rank_dest < 0) || (*rank_dest >= np)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"rank_dest = %d\n",*rank_dest); |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* process errors */ |
if (ierror) |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_shift: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *coords, int *rank) { |
/* determine process rank in communicator, given Cartesian location |
comm = communicator with Cartesian structure |
coords = array specifying Cartesian coordinates of a process |
rank = rank of specified process |
input: comm, coords |
output: rank |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, ndims, i, j, k, l; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ndims = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+2]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 1) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* invalid coords */ |
else { |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
j = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]; |
if (j < 0) { |
if ((coords[i] < 0) || (coords[i] >= (-j))) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid ith coord = %d,%d\n",i,coords[i]); |
ierror = 30; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_rank: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* calculate rank, wrap periodic coordinates */ |
l = 0; |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
j = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+i]; |
k = coords[i]; |
if (j > 0) { |
if (k < 0) |
k += j; |
else if (k >= j) |
k -= j; |
} |
else |
j = -j; |
l = k + j*l; |
} |
/* verify rank */ |
if ((l < 0) || (l >= np)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid coords, resulting rank = %d\n",l); |
ierror = 30; |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_rank: ",ierror); |
} |
else |
*rank = l; |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Cart_sub(MPI_Comm comm, int *remain_dims, MPI_Comm *newcomm) { |
/* partition communicator into subgroups that form lower-dimensional |
Cartesian subgrids |
comm = communicator with Cartesian structure |
remain_dims = each entry of remain_dims specifies whether dimension is |
kept in the subgrid or not |
newcomm = communicator containing the subgrid |
input: comm, remain_dims |
output: newcomm |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, ndims, rank, i, j, k, l, m, mp, color, key; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
*newcomm = MPI_COMM_NULL; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ndims = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+2]; |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid topology */ |
else if ((ndims < 1) || (ndims > MAXD)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension = %d\n",ndims); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_sub: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* find dimension of new topology */ |
k = 0; |
for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) { |
if (remain_dims[j]) |
k += 1; |
} |
/* empty topology */ |
if (!k) |
return ierror; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Cart_sub started\n"); |
/* find space for communication record */ |
i = 1; |
L20: i += 1; |
if (i >= MAXC) { |
fprintf(unit2,"too many communicators\n"); |
ierror = 25; |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_sub: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS] > 0) |
goto L20; |
/* check if all nodes agree on new communicator */ |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&j,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Allreduce(&i,&k,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,comm); |
if (j != k) { |
/* try to find another communicator */ |
i = k - 1; |
goto L20; |
} |
/* find color for missing dimension */ |
j = rank; |
color = 0; |
key = 0; |
mp = np; |
for (l = 0; l < ndims; l++) { |
m = abs(mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+l]); |
mp = mp/m; |
k = j/mp; |
j -= k*mp; |
if (remain_dims[l]) |
key = k + key*m; |
else |
color = k + color*m; |
} |
/* gather all the colors */ |
ierror = MPI_Allgather(&color,1,MPI_INT,&mapcomm[i][0],1,MPI_INT,comm); |
/* find other processors with same color */ |
mp = -1; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = -1; |
for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { |
if (mapcomm[i][j]==color) { |
mp += 1; |
k = mapcomm[comm][j]; |
if ((k >= 0) || (k < np)) { |
mapcomm[i][mp] = k; |
if (k==idproc) |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] = mp; |
} |
else |
ierror = 2; |
} |
} |
mp += 1; |
/* no nodes with found with color */ |
if (!mp) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Self color not found\n"); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* no nodes found with idproc */ |
else if (mapcomm[i][MAXS+1] < 0) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Self rank not found\n"); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Cart_sub: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* finish mapping */ |
for (j = mp; j < MAXS; j++) |
mapcomm[i][j] = MPI_UNDEFINED; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS] = mp; |
/* assign communicator */ |
*newcomm = i; |
/* create new topology */ |
k = 0; |
for (j = 0; j < ndims; j++) { |
if (remain_dims[j]) { |
k += 1; |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+2+k] = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+3+j]; |
} |
} |
mapcomm[i][MAXS+2] = k; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Cart_sub complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Dims_create(int nnodes, int ndims, int *dims) { |
/* create a division of processes in a Cartesian grid |
nnodes = number of nodes in a grid |
ndims = number of Cartesian dimensions |
dims = array specifying number of nodes in each dimension |
input: nnodes, ndims, dims |
output: dims |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, j, nd, mp, md; |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for errors */ |
nd = 0; |
mp = 1; |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
if (dims[i]==0) |
nd += 1; |
else if (dims[i] > 0) |
mp = mp*dims[i]; |
else if (dims[i] < 0) |
ierror = 26; |
} |
if (!nd) |
return ierror; |
if (ierror) |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid topology dimension\n"); |
else if ((nnodes < 1) || (nnodes > MAXS)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid number of nodes = %d\n",nnodes); |
ierror = 24; |
} |
else { |
md = nnodes/mp; |
if ((md*mp) != nnodes) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Topology dimension, node number inconsistent\n"); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Dims_create: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* look for nd factors of md */ |
for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { |
if (!dims[i]) { |
mp = (int) (exp(log((float) md/(float) nd)) + .0001); |
if (((int) (pow(mp,nd) + .0001)) < md) |
mp += 1; |
L20: j = md/mp; |
if ((j*mp)==md) { |
dims[i] = mp; |
md = j; |
nd -= 1; |
} |
else { |
mp += 1; |
if (mp <= md) |
goto L20; |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Dims_create: factor not found\n"); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
} |
} |
/* sanity check */ |
if ((md != 1) || (nd != 0)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Dims_create: missing factors\n"); |
ierror = 26; |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Bcast(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, |
int root, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* broadcast a message from root to all processes in comm |
buffer = starting address of buffer |
count = number of entries in buffer |
datatype = datatype of buffer |
root = rank of broadcast root |
comm = communicator |
input: buffer, count, datatype, root, comm |
output: buffer |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, np, id, rank; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Bcast: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Bcast started\n"); |
/* start broadcast */ |
if (rank==root) { |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if (i != root) |
ierror = MPI_Send(buffer,count,datatype,i,0,comm); |
} |
} |
else |
ierror = MPI_Recv(buffer,count,datatype,root,0,comm,&status); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Bcast complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Barrier(MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* blocks each process in comm until all processes have called it. |
comm = communicator |
input: comm |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, rank, ntasks, isync, irync, i; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Barrier: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Barrier started\n"); |
/* begin synchronization */ |
ntasks = np - 1; |
isync = -1; |
if (rank==0) { |
/* processor 0 receives a message from everyone else */ |
for (i=1; i <= ntasks; i++) { |
ierror = MPI_Recv(&irync,1,MPI_INT,i,0,comm,&status); |
if (irync != isync) |
fprintf(unit2,"sync error from proc %d\n",i); |
} |
/* then sends an acknowledgment back */ |
isync = 1; |
ierror = MPI_Bcast(&isync,1,MPI_INT,0,comm); |
} |
else { |
/* remaining processors send a message to processor 0 */ |
ierror = MPI_Send(&isync,1,MPI_INT,0,0,comm); |
/* then receive an acknowledgement back */ |
isync = 1; |
ierror = MPI_Bcast(&irync,1,MPI_INT,0,comm); |
if (irync != isync) |
fprintf(unit2,"rsync error at proc %d\n",rank); |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Barrier complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Reduce(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, |
MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, int root, |
MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* applies a reduction operation to the vector sendbuf over the set of |
processes specified by comm and places the result in recvbuf on root |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
datatype = datatype of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
root = rank of root process |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, count, datatype, op, root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, j, np, rank, id, ltmp, loct, nl, lcnt, lsize; |
void *tmpbuf; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid op */ |
else if ((op < 0) || (op > 5) || (op==3)) |
ierror = 20; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* determine size of temporary buffer */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 4; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 16; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
loct = 0; |
if (rank==root) { |
/* initialize by copying from send to receive buffer */ |
if (datatype==MPI_INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
dredux((double *)recvbuf,(double *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_2INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
} |
ltmp = lsize*count; |
/* allocate a nonrelocatable block of memory */ |
tmpbuf = malloc(ltmp); |
/* memory not available */ |
if (!tmpbuf) { |
ierror = 21; |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Reduce started\n"); |
ltmp = ltmp/lsize; |
/* send messages in groups of ltmp */ |
nl = (count - 1)/ltmp + 1; |
lcnt = ltmp; |
lsize = lsize*ltmp/4; |
for (j = 0; j < nl; j++) { |
/* better check to see if this is OK */ |
if (j==(nl-1)) |
lcnt = count - ltmp*(nl - 1); |
if (rank==root) { |
/* root receives data from everyone else */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if (i != root) { |
ierror = MPI_Recv(tmpbuf,lcnt,datatype,i,j+1,comm,&status); |
/* reduce data */ |
if (datatype==MPI_INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
dredux((double *)recvbuf,(double *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_2INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
} |
} |
loct = loct + ltmp; |
} |
else { |
/* remaining processors send data to root */ |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[loct],lcnt,datatype,root,j+1,comm); |
loct = loct + lsize; |
} |
} |
/* release nonrelocatable memory block */ |
free(tmpbuf); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Reduce complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Scan(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, |
MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* performs a parallel prefix reduction on data distributed across a |
group |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
datatype = datatype of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, count, datatype, op, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, i, j, np, rank, id, root = 0, ltmp, loct, nl, lcnt, lsize; |
void *tmpbuf; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid op */ |
else if ((op < 0) || (op > 5) || (op==3)) |
ierror = 20; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Scan: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* determine size of temporary buffer */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 4; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 16; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
writerrs("MPI_Scan: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
loct = 0; |
if (rank==root) { |
/* initialize by copying from send to receive buffer */ |
if (datatype==MPI_INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
dredux((double *)recvbuf,(double *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_2INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
} |
ltmp = lsize*count; |
/* allocate a nonrelocatable block of memory */ |
tmpbuf = malloc(ltmp); |
/* memory not available */ |
if (!tmpbuf) { |
ierror = 21; |
writerrs("MPI_Scan: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scan started\n"); |
ltmp = ltmp/lsize; |
/* send messages in groups of ltmp */ |
nl = (count - 1)/ltmp + 1; |
lcnt = ltmp; |
lsize = lsize*ltmp/4; |
for (j = 0; j < nl; j++) { |
/* better check to see if this is OK */ |
if (j==(nl-1)) |
lcnt = count - ltmp*(nl - 1); |
if (rank==root) { |
/* root receives data from everyone else */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if (i != root) { |
ierror = MPI_Recv(tmpbuf,lcnt,datatype,i,j+1,comm,&status); |
/* reduce data */ |
if (datatype==MPI_INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
dredux((double *)recvbuf,(double *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_2INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)tmpbuf,loct,lcnt,op); |
/* send partial result data to processor i */ |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],lcnt,datatype,i, |
j+nproc+1,comm); |
} |
} |
loct = loct + ltmp; |
} |
else { |
/* remaining processors send data to root */ |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[loct],lcnt,datatype,root,j+1,comm); |
/* receive partial result data from root */ |
ierror = MPI_Recv(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],lcnt,datatype,root,j+nproc+1, |
comm,&status); |
loct = loct + lsize; |
} |
} |
if (rank==root) { |
loct = 0; |
/* initialize by copying from send to receive buffer */ |
if (datatype==MPI_INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
dredux((double *)recvbuf,(double *)sendbuf,loct,count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_2INT) |
iredux((int *)recvbuf,(int *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
else if (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) |
fredux((float *)recvbuf,(float *)sendbuf,loct,2*count,-1); |
} |
/* release nonrelocatable memory block */ |
free(tmpbuf); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scan complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
static int imax(int val1, int val2) { |
return (val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static int imin(int val1, int val2) { |
return (val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static float flmax(float val1, float val2) { |
return (val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static float flmin(float val1, float val2) { |
return (val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static double dmax(double val1, double val2) { |
return (val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static double dmin(double val1, double val2) { |
return (val1 < val2 ? val1 : val2); |
} |
static void iredux(int *recvbuf, int *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op) { |
/* perform reduction operation for int types |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
offset = starting location in receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
input: recvbuf, sendbuf, offset, count, op |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int i, j, k; |
/* perform reduction */ |
if (op==MPI_MAX) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = imax(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MIN) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = imin(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_SUM) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = recvbuf[i+offset] + sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
/* perform reduction and location */ |
else if (op==MPI_MAXLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j < k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
recvbuf[2*i+offset+1] = sendbuf[2*i+1]; |
} |
else if (j==k) |
recvbuf[2*i+offset+1] = imin(recvbuf[2*i+offset+1],sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MINLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j > k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
recvbuf[2*i+offset+1] = sendbuf[2*i+1]; |
} |
else if (j==k) |
recvbuf[2*i+offset+1] = imax(recvbuf[2*i+offset+1],sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
} |
/* copy initial data */ |
else if (op==(-1)) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
static void fredux(float *recvbuf, float *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op) { |
/* perform reduction operation for float types |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
offset = starting location in receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
input: recvbuf, sendbuf, offset, count, op |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int i; |
float j, k; |
/* perform reduction */ |
if (op==MPI_MAX) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = flmax(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MIN) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = flmin(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_SUM) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = recvbuf[i+offset] + sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
/* perform reduction and location */ |
else if (op==MPI_MAXLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j < k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = *((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
else if (j==k) |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = imin( |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]),*((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1])); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MINLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j > k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = *((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
else if (j==k) |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = imax( |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]),*((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1])); |
} |
} |
/* copy initial data */ |
else if (op==(-1)) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
static void dredux(double *recvbuf, double *sendbuf, int offset, int count, MPI_Op op) { |
/* perform reduction operation for double types |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
offset = starting location in receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
input: recvbuf, sendbuf, offset, count, op |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int i; |
double j, k; |
/* perform reduction */ |
if (op==MPI_MAX) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = dmax(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MIN) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = dmin(recvbuf[i+offset],sendbuf[i]); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_SUM) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = recvbuf[i+offset] + sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
/* perform reduction and location */ |
else if (op==MPI_MAXLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j < k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = *((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
else if (j==k) |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = imin( |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]),*((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1])); |
} |
} |
else if (op==MPI_MINLOC) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
j = recvbuf[2*i+offset]; |
k = sendbuf[2*i]; |
if (j > k) { |
recvbuf[2*i+offset] = sendbuf[2*i]; |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = *((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1]); |
} |
else if (j==k) |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]) = imax( |
*((int *)&recvbuf[2*i+offset+1]),*((int *)&sendbuf[2*i+1])); |
} |
} |
/* copy initial data */ |
else if (op==(-1)) { |
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
recvbuf[i+offset] = sendbuf[i]; |
} |
} |
return; |
} |
int MPI_Allreduce(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int count, |
MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* applies a reduction operation to the vector sendbuf over the set of |
processes specified by comm and places result in recvbuf on all nodes |
sendbuf = address of send buffer |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
count = number of elements in send buffer |
datatype = datatype of elements in send buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, count, datatype, op, root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, root = 0, ierr; |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allreduce started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Reduce(sendbuf,recvbuf,count,datatype,op,root,comm); |
ierr = MPI_Bcast(recvbuf,count,datatype,root,comm); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allreduce complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Gather(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, |
void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, |
int root, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* collect individual messages from each process in comm at root |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcount = number of elements for any single receive |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
root = rank of receiving process |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, loct, lsize, id, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid count */ |
else if (sendcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Gather: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* root receives data */ |
if (rank==root) { |
/* invalid count */ |
if (recvcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
loct = sendcount; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
loct = 2*sendcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
loct = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = recvcount; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2*recvcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
lsize = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
if (loct != lsize) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal message length, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
loct,lsize); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Gather: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gather started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
loct = lsize*i; |
/* root copies its own data directly */ |
if (i==root) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j+loct] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j]; |
} |
/* otherwise, root receives data from other processors */ |
else |
ierror = MPI_Recv(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],recvcount,recvtype,i,1,comm, |
&status); |
} |
} |
/* processors other than root send data to root */ |
else { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gather started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Send(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype,root,1,comm); |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gather complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Allgather(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, |
MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, |
MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* gather individual messages from each process in comm and distribute |
the resulting message to each process. |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcount = number of elements for any process |
recvtype = datatype of receive buffer elements |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, root = 0, ierr; |
/* internal mpi common block |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allgather started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Gather(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype,recvbuf,recvcount,recvtype, |
root,comm); |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
ierr = MPI_Bcast(recvbuf,np*recvcount,recvtype,root,comm); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allgather complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Scatter(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, |
void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, |
int root, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* distribute individual messages from root to each process in comm |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcount = number of elements for any single receive |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
root = rank of sending process |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, lsize, loct, id, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid count */ |
else if (recvcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* root sends data */ |
if (rank==root) { |
/* invalid counts */ |
if (sendcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = sendcount; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2*sendcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
lsize = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
loct = recvcount; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
loct = 2*recvcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
loct = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
if (loct != lsize) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal message length, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
lsize,loct); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatter started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
loct = lsize*i; |
/* root copies its own data directly */ |
if (i==root) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j+loct]; |
} |
/* otherwise, root sends data to other processors */ |
else |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[loct],sendcount,sendtype,i,1,comm); |
} |
} |
/* processors other than root receive data from root */ |
else { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatter started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Recv(recvbuf,recvcount,recvtype,root,1,comm,&status); |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatter complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Alltoall(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, |
void* recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, |
MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* send a distinct message from each process to every process |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcount = number of elements for any single receive |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, loct, lsize, id, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Request request; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid counts */ |
else if ((sendcount < 0) || (recvcount < 0)) |
ierror = 3; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Alltoall: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
loct = sendcount; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
loct = 2*sendcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
loct = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = recvcount; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2*recvcount; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
lsize = 0; |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
if (loct != lsize) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal message length, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
loct,lsize); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Alltoall: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Alltoall started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
id = i - rank; |
if (id < 0) |
id += np; |
loct = lsize*id; |
/* each node copies its own data directly */ |
if (rank==id) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j+loct] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j+loct]; |
} |
/* otherwise, each node receives data from other nodes */ |
else { |
ierror = MPI_Irecv(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],recvcount,recvtype,id,i+1,comm, |
&request) ; |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[loct],sendcount,sendtype,id,i+1,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&request,&status); |
} |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Alltoall complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Gatherv(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, |
void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *displs, |
MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* collect individual messages from each process in comm at root |
messages can have different sizes and displacements |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcounts = integer array |
displs = integer array of displacements |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
root = rank of receiving process |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcounts, displs, recvtype |
input: root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, loct, lsize, id, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid count */ |
else if (sendcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Gatherv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* root receives data */ |
if (rank==root) { |
/* invalid counts */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if (recvcounts[i] < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
loct = 1; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
loct = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 1; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
id = lsize*recvcounts[rank]; |
if ((!ierror) && (loct*sendcount != id)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal self message, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
loct*sendcount,id); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Gatherv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gatherv started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
loct = lsize*displs[i]; |
/* root copies its own data directly */ |
if (i==root) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize*recvcounts[i]; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j+loct] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j]; |
} |
/* otherwise, root receives data from other processors */ |
else { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gatherv started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Recv(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],recvcounts[i],recvtype, |
i,1,comm,&status); |
} |
} |
} |
/* processors other than root send data to root */ |
else |
ierror = MPI_Send(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype,root,1,comm); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Gatherv complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Allgatherv(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, |
MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, |
int *displs, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* gather individual messages from each process in comm and distribute |
the resulting message to each process. |
messages can have different sizes and displacements |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcount = number of elements in send buffer |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcounts = integer array |
displs = integer array of displacements |
recvtype = datatype of receive buffer elements |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcounts, displs, recvtype |
input: comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, i, ierr; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* communicator errors */ |
if ((comm >= 0) && (comm < MAXC)) { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
} |
else |
ierror = 2; |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Allgatherv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allgatherv started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
ierr = MPI_Gatherv(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype,recvbuf,recvcounts,displs, |
recvtype,i,comm); |
if (ierr) |
ierror = ierr; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Allgatherv complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Scatterv(void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *displs, |
MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int recvcount, |
MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* distribute individual messages from root to each process in comm |
messages can have different sizes and displacements |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcounts = integer array |
displs = integer array of displacements |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcount = number of elements for any single receive |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
root = rank of sending process |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype |
input: root, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, lsize, loct, id, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= nproc)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid counts */ |
else if (recvcount < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
id = mapcomm[comm][root]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* invalid root */ |
else if ((root < 0) || (root >= np)) |
ierror = 19; |
/* invalid mapping */ |
else if ((id < 0) || (id >= nproc)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Invalid mapping, root, node = %d,%d\n",root,id); |
ierror = 2; |
} |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Scatterv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* root sends data */ |
if (rank==root) { |
/* invalid counts */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if (sendcounts[i] < 0) |
ierror = 3; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 1; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
loct = 1; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
loct = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
id = lsize*sendcounts[rank]; |
if ((!ierror) && (loct*recvcount != id)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal self message, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
id,loct*recvcount); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Scatterv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatterv started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
loct = lsize*displs[i]; |
/* root copies its own data directly */ |
if (i==root) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize*sendcounts[i]; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j+loct]; |
} |
/* otherwise, root sends data to other processors */ |
else |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[loct],sendcounts[i],sendtype, |
i,1,comm); |
} |
} |
/* processors other than root receive data from root */ |
else { |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatterv started\n"); |
ierror = MPI_Recv(recvbuf,recvcount,recvtype,root,1,comm,&status); |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Scatterv complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Alltoallv(void* sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *sdispls, |
MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, |
int *rdispls, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* send a distinct message from each process to every process |
messages can have different sizes and displacements |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
sendcounts = integer array |
sdispls = integer array of send displacements |
sendtype = datatype of send buffer elements |
recvbuf = address of receive buffer |
recvcounts = integer array |
rdispls = integer array of receive displacements |
recvtype = datatype of recv buffer elements |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvcount, recvtype, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, locs, msize, loct, lsize, id, ld, rank, i, j; |
MPI_Request request; |
MPI_Status status; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* check for error conditions */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* invalid comm */ |
else if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* invalid counts */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
if ((sendcounts[i] < 0) || (recvcounts[i] < 0)) |
ierror = 3; |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Alltoallv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be sent */ |
if ((sendtype==MPI_INT) || (sendtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
msize = 1; |
else if (sendtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
msize = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* determine size of data to be received */ |
if ((recvtype==MPI_INT) || (recvtype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 1; |
else if (recvtype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 2; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
} |
/* unequal message length error */ |
id = msize*sendcounts[rank]; |
ld = lsize*recvcounts[rank]; |
if ((!ierror) && (id != ld)) { |
fprintf(unit2,"Unequal self message length, send/receive bytes = %d,%d\n", |
id,ld); |
ierror = 22; |
} |
/* handle count, datatype and length errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Alltoallv: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Alltoallv started\n"); |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
id = i - rank; |
if (id < 0) |
id += np; |
locs = msize*sdispls[id]; |
loct = lsize*rdispls[id]; |
/* each node copies its own data directly */ |
if (rank==id) { |
for (j = 0; j < lsize*recvcounts[id]; j++) |
((int *)recvbuf)[j+loct] = ((int *)sendbuf)[j+locs]; |
} |
/* otherwise, each node receives data from other nodes */ |
else { |
ierror = MPI_Irecv(&((int *)recvbuf)[loct],recvcounts[id],recvtype,id, |
i+1,comm,&request) ; |
ierror = MPI_Send(&((int *)sendbuf)[locs],sendcounts[id],sendtype,id, |
i+1,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Wait(&request,&status); |
} |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Alltoallv complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Reduce_scatter(void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int *recvcounts, |
MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) { |
/* applies a reduction operation to the vector sendbuf over the set of |
processes specified by comm and scatters the result according to the |
values in recvcounts |
sendbuf = starting address of send buffer |
recvbuf = starting address of receive buffer |
recvcounts = integer array |
datatype = datatype of elements in input buffer |
op = reduce operation (only max, min and sum currently supported) |
comm = communicator |
input: sendbuf, recvcounts, datatype, op, comm |
output: recvbuf |
local data */ |
int ierror, np, rank, root = 0, count, lsize, ltmp, i; |
int *displs; |
void *tmpbuf; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
mapcomm = communicator map */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* invalid comm */ |
if ((comm < 0) || (comm >= MAXC)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* communicator errors */ |
else { |
np = mapcomm[comm][MAXS]; |
/* communicator not mapped */ |
if ((np <= 0) || (np > nproc)) |
ierror = 2; |
/* get rank */ |
else { |
rank = mapcomm[comm][MAXS+1]; |
if ((rank >= 0) && (rank < np)) { |
if (mapcomm[comm][rank] != idproc) |
ierror = 29; |
} |
else |
ierror = 29; |
} |
} |
/* handle errors */ |
if (ierror) { |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce_scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
ltmp = 4*np; |
/* allocate a nonrelocatable block of memory */ |
displs = (int *)malloc(ltmp); |
/* memory not available */ |
if (!displs) { |
ierror = 21; |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce_scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
count = 0; |
/* determines overall count and displacements */ |
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { |
displs[i] = count; |
count = count + recvcounts[i]; |
} |
/* determine size of temporary buffer */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
lsize = 4; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 8; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) && ((op==MPI_MAXLOC) || (op==MPI_MINLOC))) |
lsize = 16; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce_scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Reduce_scatter started\n"); |
ltmp = lsize*count; |
/* allocate a nonrelocatable block of memory */ |
tmpbuf = malloc(ltmp); |
/* memory not available */ |
if (!tmpbuf) { |
ierror = 21; |
writerrs("MPI_Reduce_scatter: ",ierror); |
return ierror; |
} |
ierror = MPI_Reduce(sendbuf,tmpbuf,count,datatype,op,root,comm); |
ierror = MPI_Scatterv(tmpbuf,recvcounts,displs,datatype,recvbuf, |
recvcounts[rank],datatype,root,comm); |
/* release nonrelocatable memory block */ |
free(tmpbuf); |
/* release nonrelocatable memory block */ |
free(displs); |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Reduce_scatter complete\n"); |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Abort(MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode) { |
/* force all tasks on an MPI environment to terminate |
comm = communicator |
errorcode = error code to return to invoking environment |
input: comm, errorcode |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained */ |
/* MPI not initialized */ |
if (nproc <= 0) |
ierror = 1; |
/* this is just a temporary patch, have not yet notified everyone else */ |
else |
ierror = MPI_Finalize(); |
return ierror; |
} |
double MPI_Wtime(void) { |
/* return an elapsed time on the calling processor in seconds */ |
long oss, usec; |
const double tick=1.0/1000000.0; |
double time; |
struct timeval ptime; |
/* internal mpi common block |
stime = first time stamp if MPI_Init successful */ |
/* calculate time elapsed in microseconds */ |
oss = gettimeofday(&ptime,NULL); |
if (oss < 0) |
return 0.; |
usec = ptime.tv_usec - stime.tv_usec; |
time = (ptime.tv_sec - stime.tv_sec) + usec*tick; |
return time; |
} |
double MPI_Wtick(void) { |
/* return the resolution of MPI_Wtime in seconds */ |
const double tick=1.0/1000000.0; |
return tick; |
} |
int MPI_Type_extent(MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *extent) { |
/* returns the size of a datatype |
datatype = datatype |
extent = datatype extent |
input: dataype |
output: extent |
local data */ |
int ierror; |
ierror = 0; |
/* find size of datatype */ |
if ((datatype==MPI_INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT)) |
*extent = 4; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE) |
*extent = 8; |
else if (datatype==MPI_BYTE) |
*extent = 1; |
else if ((datatype==MPI_2INT) || (datatype==MPI_FLOAT_INT)) |
*extent = 8; |
else if (datatype==MPI_DOUBLE_INT) |
*extent = 16; |
/* invalid datatype */ |
else { |
ierror = 7; |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Type_extent: Invalid datatype\n"); |
} |
return ierror; |
} |
int MPI_Get_processor_name(char *name,int *resultlen) { |
/* returns the name of the processor on which it was called |
name = a unique specifier for the current physical node |
resultlen = length of the result returned in name |
input: none |
output: name, resultlen |
local data */ |
int ierror, nv; |
struct utsname uinfo; |
struct hostent *info; |
struct in_addr address; |
long oss; |
char myself[36], ename[8]; |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
idproc = processor id */ |
ierror = 0; |
/* Convert processor id to printable integer */ |
sprintf(ename,"%d",idproc); |
/* Obtain information about the Internet environment */ |
oss = uname(&uinfo); |
if (oss < 0) { |
ierror = errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Get_processor_name: Uname Error"); |
return ierror; |
} |
info = gethostbyname(uinfo.nodename); |
if (info==NULL) { |
ierror = h_errno; |
fprintf(unit2,"MPI_Get_processor_name: Gethostbyname Error"); |
} |
address.s_addr = *(in_addr_t *) ((info->h_addr_list)[0]); |
strcpy(myself,inet_ntoa(address)); |
strcat(myself,":"); |
strcat(myself,ename); |
nv = imin(strlen(myself),MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME); |
strncpy(name,myself,nv+1); |
*resultlen = nv; |
return ierror; |
} |
void writerrs(char *source, int ierror) { |
/* this subroutine writes out error descriptions from error codes |
source = source subroutine of error message |
ierror = error indicator |
input: source, ierror |
local data */ |
int ierr, fatal=1; |
/* check error code and print corresponding message */ |
if (ierror==1) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s MPI not initialized\n",source); |
else if (ierror==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid Communicator\n",source); |
else if (ierror==3) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid count\n",source); |
else if (ierror==4) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid destination\n",source); |
else if (ierror==5) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid source\n",source); |
else if (ierror==6) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid tag\n",source); |
else if (ierror==7) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid datatype\n",source); |
else if (ierror==12) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Incomplete read\n",source); |
else if (ierror==16) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid request handle\n",source); |
else if (ierror==18) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Mismatched dataype\n",source); |
else if (ierror==19) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid root\n",source); |
else if (ierror==20) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid operation\n",source); |
else if (ierror==21) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Unable to allocate memory\n",source); |
else if (ierror==29) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Invalid rank or communicator\n",source); |
else if (ierror==(-1)) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Orderly disconnect request received\n",source); |
else if (ierror==(-2)) |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Disorderly disconnect request received\n",source); |
/* unlisted error code */ |
else |
fprintf(unit2,"%s Error code = %d\n",source,ierror); |
/* abort if error is fatal */ |
if (fatal) { |
fflush(unit2); |
ierr = MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierror); |
exit(0); |
} |
} |
void rwstat(int request, FILE *unit) { |
/* this subroutine writes out the status of a read-write record |
request = request handle |
unit = output file pointer |
input: request, unit */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
rwrec = read/write record for asynchronous messages */ |
/* invalid request handle */ |
if ((request < 0) || (request >= MAXM)) |
return; |
fprintf(unit,"\n"); |
if (curreq[request][0]==(-1)) |
fprintf(unit," transmission mode = send\n"); |
else if (curreq[request][0]==1) |
fprintf(unit," transmission mode = receive\n"); |
fprintf(unit," destination/source = %d\n",curreq[request][1]); |
fprintf(unit," communicator = %d\n",curreq[request][2]); |
fprintf(unit," tag = %d\n",curreq[request][3]); |
fprintf(unit," datatype = %d\n",curreq[request][4]); |
fprintf(unit," request handle = %d\n",request); |
fprintf(unit," Endpoint reference pointer = %p\n",(void*) rwrec[request].ref); |
fprintf(unit," iocompletion flag = %d\n",rwrec[request].ioflag); |
fprintf(unit," current buffer pointer = %p\n",rwrec[request].buf); |
fprintf(unit," current buffer length = %ld\n",rwrec[request].nbytes); |
fprintf(unit," T_MORE flag = %d\n",rwrec[request].flags); |
fprintf(unit," data pointer = %p\n",rwrec[request].sbuf); |
fprintf(unit," data length = %d\n",rwrec[request].sln); |
fprintf(unit," actual length sent/received = %d\n",rwrec[request].len); |
fprintf(unit," first time stamp = %d,%d\n",rwrec[request].ts[0].tv_sec, |
rwrec[request].ts[0].tv_usec); |
fprintf(unit," second time stamp = %d,%d\n",rwrec[request].ts[1].tv_sec, |
rwrec[request].ts[1].tv_usec); |
fprintf(unit," next message pointer = %d\n",rwrec[request].nextm); |
fprintf(unit," non-fatal error code = %d\n",rwrec[request].nfatal); |
fprintf(unit," comm in header = %d\n",header[request].hdata[0]); |
fprintf(unit," tag in header = %d\n",header[request].hdata[1]); |
fprintf(unit," type in header = %d\n",header[request].hdata[2]); |
fprintf(unit," length in header = %d\n",header[request].hdata[3]); |
fprintf(unit,"\n"); |
return; |
} |
void wqueue(FILE *unit) { |
/* this subroutine writes queue of pending messages |
unit = output file pointer |
input: iunit |
local data */ |
int i, is = 0; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id |
ioc = array of context pointers for notifier function */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
mqueue = message request queue */ |
for (i = 0; i < nproc; i++) { |
if (ioc[i][2]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Incomplete receive: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
i,ioc[i][2]); |
is += 1; |
} |
if (mqueue[i][0]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Non-empty receive queue end: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
i,mqueue[i][0]); |
is += 1; |
} |
if (ioc[i][3]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Incomplete send: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
i,ioc[i][3]); |
is += 1; |
} |
if (mqueue[i][1]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Non-empty send queue end: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
i,mqueue[i][1]); |
is += 1; |
} |
} |
i = MAXS; |
if (ioc[i][3]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Incomplete selfsend: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
idproc,ioc[i][3]); |
is += 1; |
} |
if (mqueue[i][1]) { |
fprintf(unit,"Non-empty selfsend queue end: node, handle =%d,%d\n", |
idproc,mqueue[i][1]); |
is += 1; |
} |
if (is > 0) |
fprintf(unit,"\n"); |
return; |
} |
void messwin(int nvp) { |
/* this subroutine creates a window for showing MPI message status |
nvp = number of real or virtual processors |
input argument: nvp */ |
/* display status */ |
logmess(0,0,0,0,0); |
return; |
} |
void logmess(int idp, int lstat, int lsize, int mticks, int tag) { |
/* this subroutine logs MPI message state change and displays status |
idp = remote processor id |
lstat = (-1,1,-2,2) = (clear send,add send,clear receive,add receive) |
lstat = 0 means display current status for all processors |
lsize = size of message (in bytes) |
lsize = -1 means print out message size distribution function |
mticks = wait time in microseconds |
tag = message tag |
input argument: idp, lstat, lsize, mticks, tag |
local data */ |
#define NDSIZE 24 |
int istat, istyle, i, i1, i2; |
float ar, cr, at, ct; |
double dt; |
/* mstat = number of outstanding sends and receives for each node |
msize = message size distribution function |
nmax = maximum number of messages in display |
lmax = log2 of nmax |
ssize/times = total bytes/time sent |
rsize/timer = total bytes/time received |
ptime = time since last short term average */ |
static int mstat[MAXS][2] = {{0,0}}, msize[2*NDSIZE] = {0}; |
static int lmax = 8, nmax = 256, nums = 0, numr = 0; |
static double ssize[2] = {0.0,0.0}, times[2] = {0.0,0.0}; |
static double rsize[2] = {0.0,0.0}, timer[2] = {0.0,0.0}; |
static double ptime = 0.0; |
/* internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained |
idproc = processor id */ |
/* internal common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
/* check for errors */ |
if ((idp < 0) || (idp >= nproc)) |
return; |
/* print out message size distribution function */ |
if (lsize < 0) { |
fprintf(unit2," Message Size Distribution Function\n"); |
i1 = 1; |
for (i = 0; i < NDSIZE; i++) { |
i2 = i + NDSIZE; |
fprintf(unit2," Size(bytes) = %d Sends = %d Receives = %d\n", |
i1,msize[i2],msize[i]-msize[i2]); |
i1 = 2*i1; |
} |
dt = 1.0/MPI_Wtime(); |
i1 = 100.0*(float) (times[0]*dt) + .5; |
ar = (float) (ssize[0]/times[0]); |
fprintf(unit2," Sending Time = %d %% Speed = %f MB/s\n",i1,ar); |
i1 = 100.0*(float) (timer[0]*dt) + .5; |
ar = (float) (rsize[0]/timer[0]); |
fprintf(unit2," Receiving Time = %d %% Speed = %f MB/s\n",i1,ar); |
return; |
} |
/* process message size and time data */ |
else if ((lstat < 0) && (lsize > 0)) { |
/* accumulate sending data */ |
if (lstat==(-1)) { |
dt = 1.0e-6*(double) lsize; |
ssize[0] += dt; |
ssize[1] += dt; |
dt = 1.0e-6*(double) mticks; |
times[0] += dt; |
times[1] += dt; |
/* calculate short term average */ |
nums += 1; |
if (nums==4) { |
nums = 0; |
ssize[1] = 0.0; |
times[1] = 0.0; |
} |
} |
/* accumulate receiving data */ |
else if (lstat==(-2)) { |
dt = 1.0e-6*(double) lsize; |
rsize[0] += dt; |
rsize[1] += dt; |
dt = 1.0e-6*(double) mticks; |
timer[0] += dt; |
timer[1] += dt; |
/* calculate short term average */ |
numr += 1; |
if (numr==4) { |
dt = MPI_Wtime(); |
ct = (float) ((int) (100.0*(float) ((times[0]+timer[0])/dt) + .5)); |
dt = dt - ptime; |
at = (float) ((int) (100.0*(float) ((times[1]+timer[1])/dt) + .5)); |
ptime = MPI_Wtime(); |
cr = (float) (rsize[0]/timer[0]); |
ar = (float) (rsize[1]/timer[1]); |
shospeed(at,ct,ar,cr); |
numr = 0; |
rsize[1] = 0.0; |
timer[1] = 0.0; |
} |
} |
/* increment message size distribution function */ |
i1 = imin((int) (log((float) (lsize))/log(2.) + .5),NDSIZE-1); |
msize[i1] += 1; |
/* increment message size distribution function for sends */ |
i2 = i1 + NDSIZE; |
if (lstat==(-1)) |
msize[i2] += 1; |
if (msize[i1] > nmax) { |
/* erase display of distribution function */ |
showdism(0,nmax,0,lmax,0); |
lmax += 1; |
nmax += nmax; |
/* redisplay distribution function */ |
for (i = 0; i < NDSIZE; i++) { |
showdism(i,msize[i],msize[i+NDSIZE],lmax,1); |
} |
} |
/* display distribution function */ |
else |
showdism(i1,msize[i1],msize[i2],lmax,1); |
} |
i1 = idp; |
/* calculate all current statuses */ |
if (lstat==0) { |
for (i = 0; i < nproc; i++) { |
istat = 0; |
if (mstat[i][0] >= 1) |
istat += 1; |
if (mstat[i][1] >= 1) |
istat += 2; |
/* differentiate single from multiple sends/receives */ |
/* if ((mstat[i][0] > 1) || (mstat[i][1] > 1)) |
istat += 3; */ |
/* display status, outline local node */ |
if (i==idproc) |
istyle = 1; |
else |
istyle = 0; |
showmess(i,istat,istyle); |
} |
/* display scale */ |
showdism(0,msize[0],msize[NDSIZE],lmax,0); |
/* display current distribution function */ |
for (i = 0; i < NDSIZE; i++) { |
showdism(i,msize[i],msize[i+NDSIZE],lmax,1); |
} |
return; |
} |
/* add state change to log */ |
else if (lstat==1) { |
mstat[i1][0] += 1; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"send posted: destination= %d size= %d tag= %d\n", |
idp,lsize,tag); |
} |
else if (lstat==(-1)) { |
mstat[i1][0] -= 1; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"sent: destination= %d size= %d time= %d tag= %d\n", |
idp,lsize,mticks,tag); |
} |
else if (lstat==2) { |
mstat[i1][1] += 1; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"receive posted: source= %d size= %d tag= %d\n", |
idp,lsize,tag); |
} |
else if (lstat==(-2)) { |
mstat[i1][1] -= 1; |
if (monitor==2) |
fprintf(unit2,"received: source= %d size= %d time= %d tag= %d\n", |
idp,lsize,mticks,tag); |
} |
/* calculate current status */ |
istat = 0; |
if (mstat[i1][0] >= 1) |
istat += 1; |
if (mstat[i1][1] >= 1) |
istat += 2; |
/* differentiate single from multiple sends/receives */ |
/* if ((mstat[i1][0] > 1) || (mstat[i1][1] > 1)) |
istat += 3; */ |
/* display status, outline local node */ |
if (idp==idproc) |
istyle = 1; |
else |
istyle = 0; |
showmess(idp,istat,istyle); |
return; |
#undef NDSIZE |
} |
void showmess(int idp, int istat, int istyle) { |
/* this subroutine shows MPI message status |
idp = remote processor id |
istat = message status = (0,1,2,3) = (none,sending,receiving,both) |
istyle = (0,1) = (no,yes) outline rectangle |
input argument: idp, istat, istyle */ |
return; |
} |
void showdism(int ibin,int nbin,int mbin,int lmax,int istyle) { |
/* this subroutine shows distribution of MPI messages |
ibin = bin number for distribution function |
nbin = number of total messages in ibin |
mbin = number of send messages in ibin |
lmax = log2 of maximum number of messages in display |
istyle = (0,1) = (erase and rescale,draw) display |
input argument: ibin, nbin, nmax */ |
return; |
} |
void shospeed(float atime,float ctime,float arate,float crate) { |
/* this subroutine shows communication rates for MPI messages |
atime = short term average communication time (% of total) |
ctime = long term average communication time (% of total) |
arate = short term average reception rate (MB/sec) |
crate = long term average reception rate (MB/sec) |
input argument: atime, ctime, arate, crate */ |
return; |
} |
void Logname(char* name) { |
/* this subroutine records and displays user-defined label |
name = label to display */ |
if (monitor==2) { |
fprintf(unit2,"%s",name); |
fprintf(unit2,"\n"); |
} |
return; |
} |
void Set_Mon(int monval) { |
/* this subroutine sets new monitor value and corresponding window |
monval = new monitor value */ |
/* declare internal mpi common block |
nproc = number of real or virtual processors obtained */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
/* create or destroy window if MPI has been initialized */ |
if (nproc > 0) { |
/* open window */ |
if ((monitor==0) && (monval > 0)) |
messwin(nproc); |
/* close window */ |
if ((monitor > 0) && (monval < 1)) |
delmess(); |
} |
/* reset monitor value */ |
if (monval > 1) |
monitor = 2; |
else if (monval < 1) |
monitor = 0; |
else |
monitor = 1; |
return; |
} |
int Get_Mon() { |
/* this function gets current monitor value */ |
/* declare common block for non-blocking messages |
monitor = (0,1,2) = (suppress,display,display & log) monitor messages */ |
return monitor; |
} |
void delmess() { |
/* this subroutine closes a window for showing MPI message status */ |
/* internal common block for message window |
cpptr = pointer to window structure */ |
return; |
} |
Copyright © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2004-08-23