
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioQueue.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#include "MeterTable.h"
#define kPeakFalloffPerSec  .7
#define kLevelFalloffPerSec .8
#define kMinDBvalue -80.0
// A LevelMeter subclass which is used specifically for AVAudioPlayer objects
@interface AVLevelMeter : UIView {
    AVAudioPlayer               *_player;
    NSArray                     *_channelNumbers;
    NSArray                     *_subLevelMeters;
    MeterTable                  *_meterTable;
    NSTimer                     *_updateTimer;
    CGFloat                     _refreshHz;
    BOOL                        _showsPeaks;
    BOOL                        _vertical;
    BOOL                        _useGL;
    CFAbsoluteTime              _peakFalloffLastFire;
    UIColor*                    color;
- (void)setPlayer:(AVAudioPlayer*)v;
@property (readonly)    AVAudioPlayer*  player; // The AVAudioPlayer object
@property               CGFloat         refreshHz; // How many times per second to redraw
@property (retain)      NSArray*        channelNumbers; // Array of NSNumber objects: The indices of the channels to display in this meter
@property (retain)      UIColor*        color;
@property               BOOL            showsPeaks; // Whether or not we show peak levels
@property               BOOL            vertical; // Whether the view is oriented V or H
@property               BOOL            useGL; // Whether or not to use OpenGL for drawing