
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#define LEVELMETER_CLAMP(min,x,max) (x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x))
// The LevelMeterColorThreshold struct is used to define the colors for the LevelMeter, 
// and at what values each of those colors begins.
typedef struct LevelMeterColorThreshold {
    CGFloat         maxValue; // A value from 0 - 1. The maximum value shown in this color
    UIColor         *color; // A UIColor to be used for this value range
} LevelMeterColorThreshold;
@interface LevelMeter : UIView {
    NSUInteger                  _numLights;
    CGFloat                     _level, _peakLevel;
    LevelMeterColorThreshold    *_colorThresholds;
    NSUInteger                  _numColorThresholds;
    BOOL                        _vertical;
    BOOL                        _variableLightIntensity;
    UIColor                     *_bgColor, *_borderColor;
    CGFloat                     _scaleFactor;
// The current level, from 0 - 1
@property                       CGFloat level;
// Optional peak level, will be drawn if > 0
@property                       CGFloat peakLevel;
// The number of lights to show, or 0 to show a continuous bar
@property                       NSUInteger numLights;
// Whether the view is oriented V or H. This is initially automatically set based on the 
// aspect ratio of the view.
@property(getter=isVertical)    BOOL vertical;
// Whether to use variable intensity lights. Has no effect if numLights == 0.
@property                       BOOL variableLightIntensity;
// The background color of the lights
@property(retain)               UIColor *bgColor;
// The border color of the lights
@property(retain)               UIColor *borderColor;
// Returns a pointer to the first LevelMeterColorThreshold struct. The number of color 
// thresholds is returned in count
- (LevelMeterColorThreshold *)colorThresholds:(NSUInteger *)count;
// Load <count> elements from <thresholds> and use these as our color threshold values.
- (void)setColorThresholds:(LevelMeterColorThreshold *)thresholds count:(NSUInteger)count;