
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 TPart of CoreAudio Utility Classes.
#if !defined(__CADebugMacros_h__)
#define __CADebugMacros_h__
//  Includes
    #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include "CoreAudioTypes.h"
//  CADebugMacros
//#define   CoreAudio_StopOnFailure         1
//#define   CoreAudio_TimeStampMessages     1
//#define   CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages   1
//#define   CoreAudio_FlushDebugMessages    1
    #define CA4CCToCString(the4CC)                  { ((char*)&the4CC)[0], ((char*)&the4CC)[1], ((char*)&the4CC)[2], ((char*)&the4CC)[3], 0 }
    #define CACopy4CCToCString(theCString, the4CC)  { theCString[0] = ((char*)&the4CC)[0]; theCString[1] = ((char*)&the4CC)[1]; theCString[2] = ((char*)&the4CC)[2]; theCString[3] = ((char*)&the4CC)[3]; theCString[4] = 0; }
    #define CA4CCToCString(the4CC)                  { ((char*)&the4CC)[3], ((char*)&the4CC)[2], ((char*)&the4CC)[1], ((char*)&the4CC)[0], 0 }
    #define CACopy4CCToCString(theCString, the4CC)  { theCString[0] = ((char*)&the4CC)[3]; theCString[1] = ((char*)&the4CC)[2]; theCString[2] = ((char*)&the4CC)[1]; theCString[3] = ((char*)&the4CC)[0]; theCString[4] = 0; }
//  This is a macro that does a sizeof and casts the result to a UInt32. This is useful for all the
//  places where -wshorten64-32 catches assigning a sizeof expression to a UInt32.
//  For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here.
#define SizeOf32(X) ((UInt32)sizeof(X))
//  This is a macro that does a offsetof and casts the result to a UInt32. This is useful for all the
//  places where -wshorten64-32 catches assigning an offsetof expression to a UInt32.
//  For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here.
#define OffsetOf32(X, Y)    ((UInt32)offsetof(X, Y))
//  This macro casts the expression to a UInt32. It is called out specially to allow us to track casts
//  that have been added purely to avert -wshorten64-32 warnings on 64 bit platforms.
//  For want of a better place to park this, we'll park it here.
#define ToUInt32(X) ((UInt32)(X))
#define ToSInt32(X) ((SInt32)(X))
#pragma mark    Basic Definitions
#if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug
    // can be used to break into debugger immediately, also see CADebugger
    #define BusError()      { long* p=NULL; *p=0; }
    //  basic debugging print routines
        extern void DebugStr(const unsigned char* debuggerMsg);
        #define DebugMessage(msg)   DebugStr("\p"msg)
        #define DebugMessageN1(msg, N1)
        #define DebugMessageN2(msg, N1, N2)
        #define DebugMessageN3(msg, N1, N2, N3)
        #include "CADebugPrintf.h"
        #if (CoreAudio_FlushDebugMessages && !CoreAudio_UseSysLog) || defined(CoreAudio_UseSideFile)
            #define FlushRtn    ,fflush(DebugPrintfFile)
            #define FlushRtn
        #if     CoreAudio_ThreadStampMessages
            #include <pthread.h>
            #include "CAHostTimeBase.h"
            #if TARGET_RT_64_BIT
                #define DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat   "%16p"
                #define DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat   "%8p"
            #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf("%17qd: " DebugPrintfThreadIDFormat " " inFormat, CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(), pthread_self(), ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn
        #elif   CoreAudio_TimeStampMessages
            #include "CAHostTimeBase.h"
            #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf("%17qd: " inFormat, CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos(), ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn
            #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...) DebugPrintf(inFormat, ## __VA_ARGS__) FlushRtn
    void    DebugPrint(const char *fmt, ...);   // can be used like printf
    #ifndef DEBUGPRINT
        #define DEBUGPRINT(msg) DebugPrint msg      // have to double-parenthesize arglist (see Debugging.h)
    #if VERBOSE
        #define vprint(msg) DEBUGPRINT(msg)
        #define vprint(msg)
    // Original macro keeps its function of turning on and off use of CADebuggerStop() for both asserts and throws.
    // For backwards compat, it overrides any setting of the two sub-macros.
    #if CoreAudio_StopOnFailure
        #include "CADebugger.h"
        #undef CoreAudio_StopOnAssert
        #define CoreAudio_StopOnAssert 1
        #undef CoreAudio_StopOnThrow
        #define CoreAudio_StopOnThrow 1
        #define STOP    CADebuggerStop()
        #define STOP
    #if CoreAudio_StopOnAssert
        #if !CoreAudio_StopOnFailure
            #include "CADebugger.h"
            #define STOP
        #define __ASSERT_STOP CADebuggerStop()
        #define __ASSERT_STOP
    #if CoreAudio_StopOnThrow
        #if !CoreAudio_StopOnFailure
            #include "CADebugger.h"
            #define STOP
        #define __THROW_STOP CADebuggerStop()
        #define __THROW_STOP
    #define DebugMsg(inFormat, ...)
    #ifndef DEBUGPRINT
        #define DEBUGPRINT(msg)
    #define vprint(msg)
    #define STOP
    #define __ASSERT_STOP
    #define __THROW_STOP
//  Old-style numbered DebugMessage calls are implemented in terms of DebugMsg() now
#define DebugMessage(msg)                                       DebugMsg(msg)
#define DebugMessageN1(msg, N1)                                 DebugMsg(msg, N1)
#define DebugMessageN2(msg, N1, N2)                             DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2)
#define DebugMessageN3(msg, N1, N2, N3)                         DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3)
#define DebugMessageN4(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4)                     DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4)
#define DebugMessageN5(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5)                 DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5)
#define DebugMessageN6(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6)             DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6)
#define DebugMessageN7(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7)         DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7)
#define DebugMessageN8(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8)     DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8)
#define DebugMessageN9(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9) DebugMsg(msg, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9)
void    LogError(const char *fmt, ...);         // writes to syslog (and stderr if debugging)
void    LogWarning(const char *fmt, ...);       // writes to syslog (and stderr if debugging)
#define NO_ACTION   (void)0
#if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug
#pragma mark    Debug Macros
#define Assert(inCondition, inMessage)                                                  \
            if(!(inCondition))                                                          \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                __ASSERT_STOP;                                                                  \
#define AssertFileLine(inCondition, inMessage)                                          \
            if(!(inCondition))                                                          \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessageN3("%s, line %d: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, inMessage);       \
                __ASSERT_STOP;                                                          \
#define AssertNoError(inError, inMessage)                                               \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err);                              \
                    DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %d (%s)", (int)__Err, __4CC);        \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define AssertNoKernelError(inError, inMessage)                                         \
            {                                                                           \
                unsigned int __Err = (unsigned int)(inError);                           \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err);                   \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define AssertNotNULL(inPtr, inMessage)                                                 \
            {                                                                           \
                if((inPtr) == NULL)                                                     \
                {                                                                       \
                    DebugMessage(inMessage);                                            \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIf(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage)                                       \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailWithAction(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                     \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfNULL(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                           \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfKernelError(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                \
            {                                                                           \
                unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError);                                   \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err);                   \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIfError(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                            \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err);                              \
                    DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %ld (%s)", (long int)__Err, __4CC);  \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIfNoMessage(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage)                              \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailWithActionNoMessage(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)            \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfNULLNoMessage(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                  \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfKernelErrorNoMessage(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)       \
            {                                                                           \
                unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError);                                   \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIfErrorNoMessage(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                   \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define Throw(inException)  __THROW_STOP; throw (inException)
#define ThrowIf(inCondition, inException, inMessage)                                    \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#define ThrowIfNULL(inPointer, inException, inMessage)                                  \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMessage);                                                \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#define ThrowIfKernelError(inKernelError, inException, inMessage)                       \
            {                                                                           \
                int __Err = (inKernelError);                                            \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    DebugMessageN1(inMessage ", Error: 0x%X", __Err);                   \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define ThrowIfError(inError, inException, inMessage)                                   \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    char __4CC[5] = CA4CCToCString(__Err);                              \
                    DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Error: %d (%s)", (int)__Err, __4CC);    \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define ThrowIfWinError(inError, inException, inMessage)                                \
            {                                                                           \
                HRESULT __Err = (inError);                                              \
                if(FAILED(__Err))                                                       \
                {                                                                       \
                    DebugMessageN2(inMessage ", Code: %d, Facility: 0x%X", HRESULT_CODE(__Err), HRESULT_FACILITY(__Err));           \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define SubclassResponsibility(inMethodName, inException)                               \
            {                                                                           \
                DebugMessage(inMethodName": Subclasses must implement this method");    \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#endif  //  defined(__cplusplus)
#pragma mark    Release Macros
#define Assert(inCondition, inMessage)                                                  \
            if(!(inCondition))                                                          \
            {                                                                           \
                __ASSERT_STOP;                                                          \
#define AssertFileLine(inCondition, inMessage) Assert(inCondition, inMessage)
#define AssertNoError(inError, inMessage)                                               \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define AssertNoKernelError(inError, inMessage)                                         \
            {                                                                           \
                unsigned int __Err = (unsigned int)(inError);                           \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define AssertNotNULL(inPtr, inMessage)                                                 \
            {                                                                           \
                if((inPtr) == NULL)                                                     \
                {                                                                       \
                    __ASSERT_STOP;                                                      \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIf(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage)                                       \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailWithAction(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                     \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfNULL(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                           \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfKernelError(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                \
            if((inKernelError) != 0)                                                    \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfError(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                            \
            if((inError) != 0)                                                          \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfNoMessage(inCondition, inHandler, inMessage)                              \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailWithActionNoMessage(inCondition, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)            \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfNULLNoMessage(inPointer, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                  \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                STOP;                                                                   \
                { inAction; }                                                           \
                goto inHandler;                                                         \
#define FailIfKernelErrorNoMessage(inKernelError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)       \
            {                                                                           \
                unsigned int __Err = (inKernelError);                                   \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#define FailIfErrorNoMessage(inError, inAction, inHandler, inMessage)                   \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    STOP;                                                               \
                    { inAction; }                                                       \
                    goto inHandler;                                                     \
                }                                                                       \
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define Throw(inException)  __THROW_STOP; throw (inException)
#define ThrowIf(inCondition, inException, inMessage)                                    \
            if(inCondition)                                                             \
            {                                                                           \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#define ThrowIfNULL(inPointer, inException, inMessage)                                  \
            if((inPointer) == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                           \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#define ThrowIfKernelError(inKernelError, inException, inMessage)                       \
            {                                                                           \
                int __Err = (inKernelError);                                            \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define ThrowIfError(inError, inException, inMessage)                                   \
            {                                                                           \
                SInt32 __Err = (inError);                                               \
                if(__Err != 0)                                                          \
                {                                                                       \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define ThrowIfWinError(inError, inException, inMessage)                                \
            {                                                                           \
                HRESULT __Err = (inError);                                              \
                if(FAILED(__Err))                                                       \
                {                                                                       \
                    Throw(inException);                                                 \
                }                                                                       \
#define SubclassResponsibility(inMethodName, inException)                               \
            {                                                                           \
                Throw(inException);                                                     \
#endif  //  defined(__cplusplus)
#endif  //  DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug