
 Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 TPart of CoreAudio Utility Classes.
#ifndef __CAXException_h__
#define __CAXException_h__
    #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
    #include <ConditionalMacros.h>
    #include <CoreFoundation.h>
#include "CADebugMacros.h"
#include <ctype.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
class CAX4CCString {
    CAX4CCString(OSStatus error) {
        // see if it appears to be a 4-char-code
        UInt32 beErr = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(error);
        char *str = mStr;
        memcpy(str + 1, &beErr, 4);
        if (isprint(str[1]) && isprint(str[2]) && isprint(str[3]) && isprint(str[4])) {
            str[0] = str[5] = '\'';
            str[6] = '\0';
        } else if (error > -200000 && error < 200000)
            // no, format it as an integer
            snprintf(str, sizeof(mStr), "%d", (int)error);
            snprintf(str, sizeof(mStr), "0x%x", (int)error);
    const char *get() const { return mStr; }
    operator const char *() const { return mStr; }
    char mStr[16];
class CAX4CCStringNoQuote {
    CAX4CCStringNoQuote(OSStatus error) {
        // see if it appears to be a 4-char-code
        UInt32 beErr = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(error);
        char *str = mStr;
        memcpy(str, &beErr, 4);
        if (isprint(str[0]) && isprint(str[1]) && isprint(str[2]) && isprint(str[3])) {
            str[4] = '\0';
        } else if (error > -200000 && error < 200000)
            // no, format it as an integer
            snprintf(str, sizeof(mStr), "%d", (int)error);
            snprintf(str, sizeof(mStr), "0x%x", (int)error);
    const char *get() const { return mStr; }
    operator const char *() const { return mStr; }
    char mStr[16];
// An extended exception class that includes the name of the failed operation
class CAXException {
    CAXException(const char *operation, OSStatus err) :
            if (operation == NULL)
                mOperation[0] = '\0';
            else if (strlen(operation) >= sizeof(mOperation)) {
                memcpy(mOperation, operation, sizeof(mOperation) - 1);
                mOperation[sizeof(mOperation) - 1] = '\0';
            } else
            strlcpy(mOperation, operation, sizeof(mOperation));
    char *FormatError(char *str, size_t strsize) const
        return FormatError(str, strsize, mError);
    char                mOperation[256];
    const OSStatus      mError;
    // -------------------------------------------------
    typedef void (*WarningHandler)(const char *msg, OSStatus err);
    static char *FormatError(char *str, size_t strsize, OSStatus error)
        strlcpy(str, CAX4CCString(error), strsize);
        return str;
    static void Warning(const char *s, OSStatus error)
        if (sWarningHandler)
            (*sWarningHandler)(s, error);
    static void SetWarningHandler(WarningHandler f) { sWarningHandler = f; }
    static WarningHandler   sWarningHandler;
#if DEBUG || CoreAudio_Debug
    #define XThrowIfError(error, operation)                                     \
        do {                                                                    \
            OSStatus __err = error;                                             \
            if (__err) {                                                        \
                DebugMessageN4("%s:%d: about to throw %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CAX4CCString(__err).get(), operation);\
                __THROW_STOP;                                                           \
                throw CAXException(operation, __err);                           \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XThrowIf(condition, error, operation)                               \
        do {                                                                    \
            if (condition) {                                                    \
                OSStatus __err = error;                                         \
                DebugMessageN4("%s:%d: about to throw %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CAX4CCString(__err).get(), operation);\
                __THROW_STOP;                                                           \
                throw CAXException(operation, __err);                           \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XRequireNoError(error, label)                                       \
        do {                                                                    \
            OSStatus __err = error;                                             \
            if (__err) {                                                        \
                DebugMessageN4("%s:%d: about to throw %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CAX4CCString(__err).get(), #error);\
                STOP;                                                           \
                goto label;                                                     \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XAssert(assertion)                                                  \
        do {                                                                    \
            if (!(assertion)) {                                                 \
                DebugMessageN3("%s:%d: error: failed assertion: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, #assertion);       \
                __ASSERT_STOP;                                                          \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XAssertNoError(error)                                               \
        do {                                                                    \
            OSStatus __err = error;                                             \
            if (__err) {                                                        \
                DebugMessageN4("%s:%d: error %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, CAX4CCString(__err).get(), #error);\
                STOP;                                                           \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define ca_require_noerr(errorCode, exceptionLabel)                         \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            int evalOnceErrorCode = (errorCode);                                \
            if ( __builtin_expect(0 != evalOnceErrorCode, 0) )                  \
            {                                                                   \
                DebugMessageN5("ca_require_noerr: [%s, %d] (goto %s;) %s:%d",   \
                    #errorCode, evalOnceErrorCode,                              \
                    #exceptionLabel,                                            \
                    __FILE__,                                                   \
                    __LINE__);                                                  \
                goto exceptionLabel;                                            \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_verify_noerr(errorCode)                                          \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            int evalOnceErrorCode = (errorCode);                                \
            if ( __builtin_expect(0 != evalOnceErrorCode, 0) )                  \
            {                                                                   \
                DebugMessageN4("ca_verify_noerr: [%s, %d] %s:%d",               \
                    #errorCode, evalOnceErrorCode,                              \
                    __FILE__,                                                   \
                    __LINE__);                                                  \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_debug_string(message)                                            \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            DebugMessageN3("ca_debug_string: %s %s:%d",                         \
                message,                                                        \
                __FILE__,                                                       \
                __LINE__);                                                      \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_verify(assertion)                                                \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( __builtin_expect(!(assertion), 0) )                            \
            {                                                                   \
                DebugMessageN3("ca_verify: %s %s:%d",                           \
                    #assertion,                                                 \
                    __FILE__,                                                   \
                    __LINE__);                                                  \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_require(assertion, exceptionLabel)                               \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( __builtin_expect(!(assertion), 0) )                            \
            {                                                                   \
                DebugMessageN4("ca_require: %s %s %s:%d",                       \
                    #assertion,                                                 \
                    #exceptionLabel,                                            \
                    __FILE__,                                                   \
                    __LINE__);                                                  \
                goto exceptionLabel;                                            \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
   #define ca_check(assertion)                                                  \
      do                                                                        \
      {                                                                         \
          if ( __builtin_expect(!(assertion), 0) )                              \
          {                                                                     \
              DebugMessageN3("ca_check: %s %s:%d",                          \
                  #assertion,                                                   \
                  __FILE__,                                                     \
                  __LINE__);                                                    \
          }                                                                     \
      } while ( 0 )
    #define XThrowIfError(error, operation)                                     \
        do {                                                                    \
            OSStatus __err = error;                                             \
            if (__err) {                                                        \
                throw CAXException(operation, __err);                           \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XThrowIf(condition, error, operation)                               \
        do {                                                                    \
            if (condition) {                                                    \
                OSStatus __err = error;                                         \
                throw CAXException(operation, __err);                           \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XRequireNoError(error, label)                                       \
        do {                                                                    \
            OSStatus __err = error;                                             \
            if (__err) {                                                        \
                goto label;                                                     \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XAssert(assertion)                                                  \
        do {                                                                    \
            if (!(assertion)) {                                                 \
            }                                                                   \
        } while (0)
    #define XAssertNoError(error)                                               \
        do {                                                                    \
            /*OSStatus __err =*/ error;                                         \
        } while (0)
    #define ca_require_noerr(errorCode, exceptionLabel)                         \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( __builtin_expect(0 != (errorCode), 0) )                        \
            {                                                                   \
                goto exceptionLabel;                                            \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_verify_noerr(errorCode)                                          \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( 0 != (errorCode) )                                             \
            {                                                                   \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_debug_string(message)
    #define ca_verify(assertion)                                                \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( !(assertion) )                                                 \
            {                                                                   \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
    #define ca_require(assertion, exceptionLabel)                               \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( __builtin_expect(!(assertion), 0) )                            \
            {                                                                   \
                goto exceptionLabel;                                            \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
   #define ca_check(assertion)                                                  \
        do                                                                      \
        {                                                                       \
            if ( !(assertion) )                                                 \
            {                                                                   \
            }                                                                   \
        } while ( 0 )
#define XThrow(error, operation) XThrowIf(true, error, operation)
#define XThrowIfErr(error) XThrowIfError(error, #error)
#endif // __CAXException_h__