# echoTouch
echoTouch demonstrates using the Voice Processing I/O audio unit for handling audio input and output. The application tests local audio playback and simulated "far-talker" audio playback allowing you to record and listen back to the results. It also lets you to turn on/off the VPIO comparing the recorded results.
The Voice Processor I/O audio unit was discussed in the WWDC Session "Fundamentals of Digital Audio for Mac OS X and iPhone OS" which can be found here: < >
## Main Files
- Source for the main sample implementation.
- Header for main controller class.
- Utility functions for setting up the I/O unit, AVAudioSession and loading data for the simulated input audio.
- Headear for echoTouchHelper.cpp
- Standard App delegate files.
MeteringViews Folder
- Classes implementing the VU meters.
PublicUtility Folder
- AUOutputBuffer class
- CAStreamBasicDescription class
Audio Folder
- fx.caf : Sound Effects audio file.
- sampleVoiceXXXkHz.wav : Simulated far-talker audio files at various sample rates.
## Version History
Version 1.0 - Initial release.
## Requirements
### Build
Xcode 8.0, iOS 10 SDK
### Runtime
macOS 10.11.6 or greater
iOS 9.3 or greater
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.