
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Primary view controller for what is displayed by the application. In this class we configure an MKMapView to display a floorplan, recieve location updates to determine floor number, as well as provide a few helpful debugging annotations.
                We will also show how to highlight a region that you have defined in PDF coordinates but not Latitude  Longitude.
@import UIKit;
    Primary view controller for what is displayed by the application.
    In this class we configure an \c MKMapView to display a floorplan, recieve
    location updates to determine floor number, as well as provide a few helpful
    debugging annotations.
    We will also show how to highlight a region that you have defined in PDF
    coordinates but not Latitude & Longitude.
@interface AAPLViewController : UIViewController